Personal and Professional Goals

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Jessica J.


Personal and Professional Goals

 In December 2023, I will graduate from the University of South Florida College of Nursing with
o Strategies to obtain goal:
 Spend a minimum of 40 hours per week studying
 Turn-in all assignments prior to due date
 In February 2024, I will successfully pass the NCLEX.
o Strategies to obtain goal:
 Participate daily in Archer Review
 Study nursing school content for a minimum of ten hours per week
 Take three practice assessments prior to NCLEX test date
 In February 2025, I will successfully graduate from Moffitt Cancer Center’s residency program.
o Strategies to obtain goal:
 I will attend all monthly resident courses
 I will attend all work shifts
 I will be punctual and respectful while at work

 By my fifth year of nursing, I will assume the role of a preceptor for a nursing student.
o Strategies to obtain goal:
 Practice nursing skills weekly
 Involve myself with Moffitt’s educational department
 By my fifth year of nursing, I will advance my nursing degree.
o Strategies to obtain goal:
 Continue to actively practice nursing skills
 Research advanced nursing degrees
 Begin applying to various graduate nursing programs
 By 2027, my husband and I will purchase our first home.
o Strategies to obtain goal:
 Put a percentage of my bi-weekly check into a savings account
 Reach out to a realtor by late 2026 to begin the process of purchasing a home

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