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Cognition and Mood in Parkinson’s Disease

in Subthalamic Nucleus versus Globus

Pallidus Interna Deep Brain Stimulation:
Michael S. Okun, MD, Hubert H. Fernandez, MD, Samuel S. Wu, PhD, Lindsey Kirsch-Darrow, MS,
Dawn Bowers, PhD, Frank Bova, PhD, Michele Suelter, BS, Charles E. Jacobson IV, BS, Xinping Wang, PhD,
Clifford W. Gordon, Jr., BS, Pam Zeilman, ARNP, Janet Romrell, PA-C, Pam Martin, RN,
Herbert Ward, MD, Ramon L. Rodriguez, MD, and Kelly D. Foote, MD

Objective: Our aim was to compare in a prospective blinded study the cognitive and mood effects of subthalamic nucleus (STN)
vs. globus pallidus interna (GPi) deep brain stimulation (DBS) in Parkinson disease.
Methods: Fifty-two subjects were randomized to unilateral STN or GPi DBS. The co-primary outcome measures were the
Visual Analog Mood Scale, and verbal fluency (semantic and letter) at 7 months post-DBS in the optimal setting compared to
pre-DBS. At 7 months post-DBS, subjects were tested in four randomized/counterbalanced conditions (optimal, ventral, dorsal,
and off DBS).
Results: Forty-five subjects (23 GPi, 22 STN) completed the protocol. The study revealed no difference between STN and
GPi DBS in the change of co-primary mood and cognitive outcomes pre- to post-DBS in the optimal setting (Hotelling’s T2
test: p ⫽ 0.16 and 0.08 respectively). Subjects in both targets were less “happy”, less “energetic” and more “confused” when
stimulated ventrally. Comparison of the other 3 DBS conditions to pre-DBS showed a larger deterioration of letter verbal
fluency in STN, especially when off DBS. There was no difference in UPDRS motor improvement between targets.
Interpretation: There were no significant differences in the co-primary outcome measures (mood and cognition) between
STN and GPi in the optimal DBS state. Adverse mood effects occurred ventrally in both targets. A worsening of letter verbal
fluency was seen in STN. The persistence of deterioration in verbal fluency in the off STN DBS state was suggestive of a
surgical rather than a stimulation-induced effect. Similar motor improvement were observed with both STN and GPi DBS.
Ann Neurol 2009;65:586 –595

There is a paucity of level one evidence comparing sub- pression Inventory, and mild cognitive decline, partic-
thalamic nucleus (STN) and globus pallidus interna ularly in verbal fluency tasks.9 –15
(GPi) deep brain stimulation (DBS) for advanced cases The goals of this study were to characterize and com-
of Parkinson’s disease (PD).1,2 Most available compar- pare mood and cognitive changes associated with unilat-
ative data are nonrandomized,3,4 have small sample siz- eral STN or GPi DBS. We had two major hypotheses.
es,5,6 and primarily focus on motor improvement1 First, based on pilot data,16 we believed it likely that
without careful assessment of the effects of DBS on both brain targets would be associated with changes in
nonmotor function. PD is associated with relatively mood and cognition, and we hypothesized this was due
high rates of mood and cognitive dysfunction.7,8 DBS to the spread of current to nonmotor areas within these
of STN and GPi have each been associated with mild nuclei, as well as because of the spread of current to
improvements in mood, as measured by the Beck De- adjacent pathways mediating nonmotor functions.16 –18

From the Movement Disorders Center, University of Florida, McK- Received Sep 2, 2008, and in revised form Oct 31. Accepted for
night Brain Institute, College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL. publication Oct 31, 2008.
Address correspondence to Dr Okun, 100 South Newell Drive,
Room L3-101, Department of Neurology, Gainesville, FL 32611.
E-mail: Published in Wiley InterScience (
DOI: 10.1002/ana.21596
Potential conflict of interest: This study was industry independent
and completely supported by the NIH. M.S.O serves as a consultant
to the National Parkinson Foundation (National Medical Director),
and K.D.F. and M.S.O. receive honoraria for DBS fellows and for Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online ver-
physician teaching from the Medtronic company. sion of this article.

586 © 2009 American Neurological Association

Second, we hypothesized that stimulation within specific
regions of the STN or GPi would have different effects
based on the known neuroanatomy of limbic and asso-
ciative basal ganglia. The four contacts on each im-
planted DBS lead provided us an experimental paradigm
to test the effects of regional stimulation, especially in
locations dorsal and ventral to the region of optimal mo-
tor benefit. We chose the Visual Analogue Mood Scale
(VAMS) because it was a validated scale that was ideal
for our study design and had been utilized in our pre-
vious pilot study.16 Verbal fluency was chosen because at
the time of study inception it was the most frequently
reported cognitive deficit after DBS.19 Finally, the uni-
lateral nature of the surgical protocol allowed us to ex-
amine the relative effects of hemispheric laterality on
mood and cognition for each target.
The study was a National Institutes of Health
(NIH)–sponsored, single-center, prospective, random-
ized, patient- and rater-blind, parallel-group trial that
aimed to compare the effects of unilateral STN and
unilateral GPi DBS on mood and cognitive function in
patients with advanced PD. Motor outcome measures
were included as a secondary aim. This articles aims to
present the results of only primary mood and cognitive
outcome measures, as well as results of motor mea-

Patients and Methods

Patient Population
Subjects were required to meet UK PD Brain Bank Crite-
ria,20 –22 be 30 to 75 years old, have an adequate response to
levodopa (ie, an improvement of ⬎30% on the Unified Par-
Fig. (A) Flow chart for the study. (B) Pictorial representation
kinson’s Disease Rating Scale [UPDRS] motor subscale in
of the deep brain stimulation (DBS) testing procedures in the
the “on” compared with the “off” medication state), be right-
four blinded conditions examined in the General Clinical Re-
handed, and have disabling motor fluctuations or dyskine-
search Center. Four examples of field modeling of DBS during
sias. Sixty-two patients were recruited, and 10 patients did
the four acute simulation conditions are shown. The subtha-
not pass initial screening. Fifty-two patients were randomized
lamic nucleus (STN) is shown in green, the contacts on the
to STN or GPi DBS. Forty-five patients completed the
DBS lead in purple, and the field model in red. (B, top left)
study, whereas seven patients (four from the STN group and
Example of dorsal stimulation, or stimulation one contact su-
three from the GPi group) terminated prematurely (Fig).
perior to the optimal contact used for DBS. (B, top right)
Example of the stimulation field when moving the contact to
a more ventral setting. (B, bottom left) DBS lead when the
Study Protocol and Randomization voltage is turned off. (B, bottom right) Example of stimulation
Fifty-two patients consented according to university and fed- at the optimal DBS contact. This figure presents the types of
eral guidelines. The sample size was determined such that, changes that were made in each patient’s DBS during the
when the change of VAMS mood scores within each group course of the study. Field models were generated using the
had a 12-point standard deviation and there was a difference Stim-Explorer software package and were provided by the
of 10 points between the 2 stimulation sites (STN and McIntyre laboratory (Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH).
DBS), the overall power equalled 83% at the type I error GPi ⫽ globus pallidus interna.
level 0.025 for a 2-sample t test.
Before surgery, baseline neuropsychological and psychiat-
ric evaluations, as well as “on” versus “off” medication func- than the motor testing. Patients were then enrolled and ran-
tion, were performed. Patients were “off” medications over- domized to receive either unilateral STN or GPi DBS to
night (⬎12 hours) for all preoperative mood and motor address the side of the body with the most bothersome
testing, and also for all follow-up testing at 7 months after symptoms (see Fig). All surgeries were performed by a single
DBS. Preoperative neuropsychological testing (performed in neurosurgeon (K.D.F.)/neurologist (M.S.O.) team with mul-
the “on” medication state) was performed on a different day tipass microelectrode mapping.23–26 The DBS devices were

Okun et al: The COMPARE Trial 587

activated 1 month after intracranial lead implantation. After mantic cues (ie, animals). The significance level for the
initial DBS activation, repeated follow-up evaluations were coprimary outcome variables was set at p less than 0.025
performed, as needed, until the optimal chronic stimulation for each measure. Other secondary outcome measures, ex-
parameters and adjunctive PD medication regimen were de- cept for the motor symptom severity (UPDRS motor sub-
termined. The average time to achieve optimization of DBS scale) and the four experimental DBS settings at 7 months,
therapy was 134.4 (standard deviation, ⫾25.2) days and did will be reported in detail in a separate article but are listed
not vary significantly between the two target groups. All pa- in Supplementary Table 1. All testing was administered by
tients were kept stable on their optimized DBS setting and
the same individual (ie, neuropsychology graduate student)
medication regimen for a minimum of 30 days (mean ⫾
who was blinded to the DBS condition and target. Alter-
standard deviation, 75.7 ⫾ 28.3 days) before repeat mood,
cognitive, or motor evaluation was performed. nate versions of the tests were given for verbal fluency. Al-
though the sequence of the four stimulation settings over 2
days were randomized and counterbalanced, all primary
POST–DEEP BRAIN STIMULATION BASELINE AND EVALUA- and secondary outcome measures under each setting were
SAL, AND “OFF”). Approximately 7 months after DBS sur-
gery (210.1 ⫾ 37.8 days), patients were admitted to the
General Clinical Research Center to participate in a 2-day Procedure to Localize Deep Brain Stimulation
standardized testing protocol to examine the mood, cogni- Lead Location
tive, and motor effects of DBS. For each testing day, do- Precise localization of implanted leads was performed as
paminergic medications were withheld beginning at 10 PM follows: a high-resolution computed tomographic scan was
the night prior (ie, 12-hour washout period). Although still acquired 1 month after lead implantation to allow complete
in the “off” medication state, testing began on the first day resolution of procedure-related brain shift and pneumo-
with an initial baseline evaluation in which patients re- cephalus. This postoperative computed tomographic scan
mained “on” stimulation at their empirically derived optimal was then carefully fused to the preoperatively acquired,
DBS setting to assess baseline effects of chronic DBS ther- high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging, and an or-
apy on mood scales and the motor section of the UPDRS. thogonal Cartesian coordinate system was set up with its
This was followed by testing across four randomized con- origin at the midcommissural point. The lead location was
ditions (see Fig): stimulation at the contact associated with
ascertained using the midcommissural point–based (x, y, z)
the optimal clinical effect (optimal), stimulation at contact
coordinate of the center of the ventral aspect of the deepest
points deep and superficial adjacent to the optimal site
(ventral and dorsal), and DBS stimulation turned off (“off”). contact. With appropriate windowing, this point is readily
Testing in these four conditions (optimal, ventral, dorsal, identified on a computed tomographic scan with greater
and “off”) were randomized and counterbalanced across precision than is possible on postoperative magnetic reso-
STN and GPi groups, and took place over 2 days, with one nance imaging. Using this point, along with the measured
stimulation condition tested per half day. The change in linear trajectory of the ventral aspect of the lead and the
the DBS condition from baseline to the experimental set- fixed lead geometry, vector calculations produced the mid-
ting (ventral, dorsal, optimal, or “off”) was performed by a commissural point–based (x, y, z) coordinates of the center
DBS programmer who was blinded to target location (GPi, of each of the four contacts. The optimal contact for stim-
STN). The programmer slowly increased the voltage in 0.1- ulation was determined through an algorithm-based, sys-
to 0.2-volt aliquots to a maximum that did not exceed the tematic programming technique that did not take into ac-
optimal voltage condition. The frequency and pulse width count the measured contact locations. The optimal contact
were held steady and matched the chronic clinic settings. was chosen based on the best motor response obtained in the
For the optimal DBS condition, the voltage was slowly in- clinic. The dorsal or ventral contacts during follow-up testing
creased to match the chronic clinic setting. For the dorsal
were located 3mm superior or inferior to the optimal contact,
and ventral settings, the voltage was increased to optimal
respectively. The center of the active contact (cathode) was used
levels unless a side effect was encountered. Transient side
effects (ie, ⬍30 seconds) were considered acceptable; how- for localization. A Meditronic 3387 lead was used for this study.
ever, if the side effect was persistent, the DBS device was
programmed to a voltage just below the side-effect thresh-
old. Once programmed, the setting was maintained for 10 Statistical Analyses
minutes before any testing ensued. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the baseline char-
acteristics of the two groups. Analysis was performed using
TEST MEASURES AND OUTCOME VARIABLES. Descrip- Hotelling’s T2 test to compare STN and GPi DBS on
tions of the primary and secondary outcome measures are change scores (post-DBS at optimal contact testing minus
shown in Supplementary Table 1. The coprimary outcome pre-DBS). This test was conducted for both coprimary out-
variables were the eight subscales of the VAMS, a measure come measures at a type I error level of 0.025 (Bonferroni
of acute emotional state, and the two versions of Verbal adjustment), followed by t tests for individual subscales. We
Fluency (semantic and letter), a cognitive measure involv- also tested whether there were significant changes over the
ing speeded word retrieval with letter cues (ie, “f”) or se- period when the two groups were combined.

588 Annals of Neurology Vol 65 No 5 May 2009

In our secondary analyses, to compare the four DBS set- MOOD CHANGES.
tings (ventral, dorsal, optimal, and “off”), a repeated-measures Comparison of globus pallidus interna versus subthalamic
analysis using a mixed model was used. The dependent vari- nucleus subgroups on mood. There was no significant
ables were the measures at the four conditions for each mood
difference between STN and GPi DBS in changes in
and cognitive outcome, whereas the independent variables
included the DBS target (STN, GPi), side of stimulation
the eight mood items in the VAMS from pre- to post-
(right, left), stimulation setting (ventral, dorsal, optimal, DBS performance at 7 months in the optimal setting
“off”), testing sequence (first to fourth), and timing of ob- (Hotelling’s T2 test, p ⫽ 0.16). However, an explor-
servation (immediate vs delayed for mood outcomes only). atory analysis using t tests demonstrated the mean
Patient age and sex were included as covariates. To compare change in the VAMS “angry” item for the STN group
the pre-DBS state with the three other DBS settings (ventral, to be larger than for the GPi group ( p ⫽ 0.027, see
dorsal, and “off”) at 7 months, we used paired t test. All sta- Table 3).
tistical analyses other than the Hotelling’s T2 test for the two
coprimary outcomes were secondary; thus, no further correc-
tion for multiple comparison was applied. Overall influence of deep brain stimulation surgery on
mood (combined subthalamic nucleus and globus pallidus
Role of the Funding Source interna groups). There was a significant reduction in
The NIH had an independent panel of experts review the “tiredness” ratings on the VAMS ( p ⫽ 0.013), as well
grant before funding and make suggestions as to study design as a trend ( p ⬍ 0.10) toward greater scores in the fol-
and procedures. We modified the study design and proce- lowing subscales: “happy,” “tense,” “angry,” and “con-
dures before the onset of the trial based on the comments of fused.” These results suggested that patients tended to
the expert review panel. Appropriate revision and resubmis- be happier and less tense after DBS surgery but also
sion of protocols is a standard operating procedure for NIH more angry/irritable and more confused.
funding of a clinical trial.
This trial was registered with NIH Clinical
(Registration No. NCT00360009). COGNITIVE CHANGES.
Comparison of globus pallidus interna versus subtha-
Results lamic nucleus subgroups on cognitive tasks. There was
General Patient Characteristics no significant difference between STN and GPi DBS
There were no significant differences between the STN in changes of the combined letter and semantic verbal
and GPi groups in the general characteristics, mean fluency from pre- to post-DBS performance at 7
UPDRS motor subscale scores, or on the preoperative months in the optimal setting (Hotelling’s T2 test, p ⫽
mood and cognitive states. However, more patients in 0.08). However, the STN subgroup did exhibit a
the STN group had a Hoehn and Yahr stage of four or greater decline on the letter verbal fluency task than the
higher in the “off” state (Table 1). GPi subgroup ( p ⫽ 0.03), but this did not reach the
Table 2 lists the mean chronic optimized DBS pa- predefined p ⬍ 0.025 level of significance. On average,
rameters and lead locations for the active contacts in the STN subgroup produced 5.6 ⫾ 6.7 fewer words
the STN and GPi groups. As shown, the two groups after DBS than before, and this contrasted with mini-
did not differ in surgical characteristics. Forty-three of mal changes in letter fluency for the GPi subgroup
the 45 leads were programmed in a single-contact mo- (0.4 ⫾ 10.7). Both groups exhibited no changes on the
nopolar setting, whereas 2 (in the STN group) required semantic verbal fluency task ( p ⫽ 0.57).
bipolar settings. A higher voltage was required in the
GPi target.
Overall influence of deep brain stimulation surgery on
cognition (subthalamic nucleus and globus pallidus in-
Pre– versus Post–Deep Brain Stimulation Changes in terna groups combined). Although a trend toward re-
Mood and Cognition duction in letter fluency ( p ⫽ 0.07) after DBS surgery
To examine the influence of DBS surgery per se, we was noted, further analyses demonstrated no significant
compared the pre- with post-DBS performance at 7 changes after DBS in semantic (category) fluency ( p ⫽
months when patients were on their optimal stimula- 0.36).
tion setting, but “off” medication. In the following
subsections and in statistics presented in Table 3, we
describe mood and cognitive changes for the DBS Pre– to Post–Deep Brain Stimulation Changes in
group as a whole followed by the differential findings Motor Symptoms
for the STN versus GPi subgroups. The dependent We compared the changes on the motor subscale of the
variables in all analyses were difference scores (ie, UPDRS before and after DBS. Patients were “off” med-
post-DBS optimal stimulation condition ⫺ pre-DBS ication during both testing periods but “on” optimal
condition). DBS setting during post-DBS testing.

Okun et al: The COMPARE Trial 589

Table 1. Comparison of Preoperative Characteristics between the Subthalamic Nucleus and Globus Pallidus
Interna Groups
Variable Overall STN GPi p
(N ⴝ 45) (n ⴝ 22) (n ⴝ 23)

Mean age (SD), yr 60.0 (8.2) 59.8 (10.0) 60.2 (6.2) 0.8729
Male sex, % 67.3 69.2 65.4 0.7675
White race, % 94.2 96.2 92.3 0.5520
Mean disease duration (SD), yr 12.9 (3.8) 13.3 (4.0) 12.5 (3.6) 0.5437
Mean LED before surgery (SD) 1,054.9 (517.1) 935.9 (373.9) 1,168.3 (611.8) 0.1527
Mean LED at 6-month visit (SD) 1,088.1 (668.8) 916.6 (426.5) 1,259.5 (820.0) 0.0892
Hoehn and Yahr “off” stage, % 0.0082
2 16.3 8.3 24.0 —
2.5 18.4 29.2 8.0 —
3 51.0 37.5 64.0 —
4 12.2 25.0 0.0 —
5 2.0 0.0 4.0 —
Preoperative “off” UPDRS III score (SD) 42.9 (11.3) 45.2 (12.6) 40.6 (9.5) 0.1475
Preoperative “on” UPDRS III score (SD) 21.6 (7.6) 22.5 (8.2) 20.7 (7.1) 0.4014
Mini-Mental State Examination score (SD) 28.3 (1.6) 28.0 (1.8) 28.5 (1.3) 0.2764
Dementia Rating Scale score (raw) (SD) 137.6 (5.9) 136.5 (7.0) 138.8 (4.4) 0.1782
Beck Depression Inventory (SD) 11.2 (6.1) 10.4 (5.9) 11.9 (6.3) 0.3937
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
State Anxiety (raw) 37.4 (10.8) 37.2 (10.9) 37.5 (11.0) 0.9236
Trait Anxiety (raw) 35.5 (11.0) 35.9 (10.6) 35.1 (11.6) 0.8075
Mean VAMS score (T-score)
Afraid 55.9 (16.1) 56.3 (17.8) 55.5 (14.8) 0.8573
Angry 47.7 (8.2) 48.4 (10.0) 47.5 (6.4) 0.8588
Confused 50.2 (9.8) 51.1 (11.7) 49.4 (7.9) 0.5559
Energetic 39.6 (11.6) 40.4 (11.1) 38.8 (12.2) 0.6290
Happy 42.0 (12.0) 42.6 (13.2) 41.4 (10.9) 0.7359
Sad 53.8 (14.6) 54.9 (17.8) 52.7 (11.2) 0.6105
Tense 63.9 (16.3) 61.7 (16.8) 66.6 (16.0) 0.3697
Tired 57.0 (11.0) 58.5 (11.0) 55.6 (11.1) 0.3501
Verbal fluency task scores
Letter Fluency (raw) 38.0 (13.1) 38.1 (11.7) 37.8 (14.5) 0.9254
Animal fluency (raw) 18.3 (5.1) 18.3 (4.7) 18.4 (5.5) 0.9226
Analysis of the baseline characteristics was also performed on all 52 patients, and no significant differences between groups were
STN ⫽ subthalamic nucleus; GPi ⫽ globus pallidus interna; SD ⫽ standard deviation; UPDRS ⫽ Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating
Scale; VAMS ⫽ Visual Analogue Mood Scale; FD ⫽ levodopa equivalent dose.

COMPARISON OF GLOBUS PALLIDUS INTERNA VERSUS SUB- the GPi subgroup. For specific motor domains, there
THALAMIC NUCLEUS SUBGROUPS ON CHANGES IN MO- were no group differences for improvements in brady-
TOR SYMPTOMS. No difference was noted between the kinesia or tremor. However, the STN subgroup exhib-
STN and GPi subgroups on the UPDRS motor sub- ited a greater improvement in rigidity compared with
scale improvement ( p ⫽ 0.64), with a mean percentage the GPi group (⫺5.6 ⫾ 2.8 vs ⫺2.9 ⫾ 3.1; p ⫽
improvement of 29.9% for the STN and 26.6% for 0.01).

590 Annals of Neurology Vol 65 No 5 May 2009

Table 2. Summary of Stimulation Parameters, Days in Optimized Deep Brain Stimulation State, Measured Lead
Locations, and Microelectrode Passes between the Subthalamic Nucleus and Globus Pallidus Interna Groups
Variables Overall STN GPi p
(N ⴝ 45) (n ⴝ 22) (n ⴝ 23)

Stimulation: left side, % 57.77 63.63 52.17 0.4364

Mean days spent optimizing stimulation parameters (SD) 134.4 (25.2) 130.3 (18.7) 138.3 (30.2) 0.2950
Mean days maintained in optimized state (SD) 75.7 (28.3) 73.5 (30.4) 77.9 (26.7) 0.6043
Mean number of microelectrode passes (SD) 4.0 (1.2) 4.1 (1.4) 4.0 (1.1) 0.8129
Mean number of macroelectrode passes (SD) 1.6 (1.0) 1.5 (1.3) 1.7 (0.8) 0.6528
Lateral location of the active DBS contact (SD) 16.7 (5.7) 11.5 (2.8) 21.7 (1.7) —
Anteroposterior location of the active DBS contact (SD) 1.7 (3.5) ⫺0.1 (3.8) 3.6 (1.7) —
Axial location of the active DBS contact (SD) ⫺0.5 (2.5) ⫺1.1(3.0) 0.0 (1.7) —
Mean voltage of stimulation (SD) 2.7 (0.5) 2.4 (0.6) 2.9 (0.4) 0.0053
Mean frequency of stimulation (SD) 146.4 (17.2) 141.1 (13.1) 151.5 (19.3) 0.0424
Mean pulse width of stimulation (SD) 89.3 (17.5) 94.0 (19.1) 84.7 (14.7) 0.0741
Data summarizes the side of stimulation, the days spent in an optimized state before testing (to assure changes did not occur as a result
of changing programming parameters), the number of microelectrode/macroelectrode passes, the measured lead locations by computed
tomography/magnetic resonance imaging fusion, and the mean chronic deep brain stimulation (DBS) parameters used in all patients.
STN ⫽ subthalamic nucleus; GPi ⫽ globus pallidus interna; SD ⫽ standard deviation.

OVERALL INFLUENCE OF DEEP BRAIN STIMULATION SUR- noted between preoperative and postoperative testing
GERY ON CHANGES IN MOTOR SYMPTOMS. In both tar- ( p ⬍ 0.01). Significant improvements occurred across
gets, the DBS patients showed a significant improve- each of the following motor domains: rigidity (⫺4.2 ⫾
ment in motor symptoms. An average of 11.8 ⫾ 9.9- 3.2 points; p ⬍ 0.01), bradykinesia (⫺3.0 ⫾ 5.1 points;
point reduction on the UPDRS motor subscale was p ⬍ 0.01), and tremor (⫺2.6 ⫾ 2.9 points; p ⬍ 0.01).

Table 3. Changes in Mood and Cognition

Variable Overall STN GPi p
(N ⴝ 45)1 (n ⴝ 22) (n ⴝ 23)

VAMS, T-score (SD)

Afraid ⫺0.5 (14.9) 1.3 (16.9) ⫺2.2 (13.0) 0.4325
Angry 2.4 (8.4) 5.3 (10.2) ⫺0.1 (5.3) 0.0270
Confused 3.4 (13.3) 5.7 (15.4) 1.3 (11.0) 0.2745
Energetic 0.4 (15.9) ⫺1.4 (12.3) 2.0 (18.7) 0.4708
Happy 4.0 (15.4) 2.9 (17.2) 5.0 (13.8) 0.6511
Sad ⫺1.7 (15.3) ⫺2.4 (17.8) ⫺1.(13.0) 0.7543
Tense ⫺5.4 (18.9) ⫺2.0 (17.5) ⫺8.5 (20.0) 0.2591
Tired ⫺5.1 (13.1) ⫺8.5 (12.0) ⫺2. (13.5) 0.0999
Beck Depression Inventory (raw) ⫺3.7 (5.9) ⫺2.8 (6.3) ⫺4.6 (5.4) 0.3043
State-Trait Anxiety (STAI)
State Anxiety (raw) ⫺1.4 (13.4) ⫺3.3 (13.4) 0.3 (13.6) 0.3778
Trait Anxiety (raw) 0.4 (11.4) ⫺0.2 (11.3) 1.1 (11.7) 0.6864
Verbal fluency tasks
Category Fluency (raw) 0.7 (5.5) 0.2 (4.7) 1.2 (6.3) 0.5664
Letter Fluency (raw) ⫺2.6 (9.3) ⫺5.6 (6.7) 0.3 (10.7) 0.0322
STN ⫽ subthalamic nucleus; GPi ⫽ globus pallidus interna; VAMS ⫽ Visual Analogue Mood Scale; SD ⫽ standard deviation.

Okun et al: The COMPARE Trial 591

Mood and Cognitive Measures during Optimal, eral postsurgical adverse events was greater in the STN
Ventral, Dorsal, and “Off” Deep Brain Stimulation group (95 vs 67). Overall, serious adverse events in-
Testing Conditions cluded pneumonia/death (STN: n ⫽ 1), symptomatic
To examine the regional effects of DBS activation hemorrhage (STN: n ⫽ 1; GPi: n ⫽ 1), delayed ve-
within the STN versus GPi groups, we compared the nous hemorrhage with full resolution (GPi: n ⫽ 2),
four DBS testing conditions across mood and cognitive and asymptomatic hemorrhage (STN: n ⫽ 2). The
measures. The “optimal condition” was used as the ref- complete adverse events tables (see Supplementary Ta-
erence condition. In addition, we compared the three bles 2– 4) are available as Web-based supplements.
other DBS settings (ventral, dorsal, and “off”) at 7
months with the pre-DBS state. We report all these as Discussion
secondary outcomes. The data from this prospective, double-blinded, ran-
domized study demonstrated no significant difference
MOOD MEASURES. For both the STN and GPi groups, in the primary mood and cognitive outcomes between
patients rated themselves as more “confused” ( p ⫽ STN and GPi DBS. However, exploratory secondary
0.04), less “energetic” ( p ⬍ 0.01), less “happy” ( p ⫽ investigation of the eight VAMS mood subscales sug-
0.03), and more “sad” ( p ⫽ 0.05) on the VAMS items gested that there was increased “anger” with STN DBS
when stimulation was delivered ventral to the optimal only. The potential for increased anger seen in the
stimulation site. In addition, patients were less “ener- STN target was consistent with previously reported
getic” at dorsal DBS ( p ⫽ 0.02) and “off” DBS ( p ⬍ cases of STN DBS-induced anger, aggressiveness,27,28
0.01) when compared with the optimal DBS setting. and impulsivity.29 When both groups were combined,
In addition, patients who received stimulation on the the VAMS “tired” scores significantly improved after
left side were significantly less “tired” than those who DBS. In our secondary analyses, when comparing all
received stimulation on the right ( p ⫽ 0.01). However, four DBS stimulation settings (ventral, dorsal, optimal,
no unique differences between the GPi and STN sub- and “off”) at 7 months, the ventral stimulation settings
groups were found. often worsened many VAMS mood items across both
targets (more confused, less energetic, less happy, and
COGNITIVE MEASURES. Unlike the mood items, there more sad).
was no significant difference in cognitive measures The primary cognitive outcome comparing the pre-
within the four stimulation settings at 7 months in DBS state with the optimal DBS setting at 7 months
each of the targets. However, when comparing the showed a trend for worsening letter verbal fluency in
three DBS stimulation settings (ventral, dorsal and STN, but not with GPi DBS ( p ⬍ 0.03), because we
“off”) with the pre-DBS state, the mean letter verbal set the level of our p value to be significant at less than
fluency scores in the STN group decreased more than 0.025. Furthermore, in our secondary analyses, when
the GPi group: ⫺5.8 ⫾ 10.0, ⫺3.6 ⫾ 14.9, and comparing the pre-DBS state with the three other DBS
⫺6.6 ⫾ 10.3 words, respectively, in STN group, com- stimulation setting at 7 months (ventral, dorsal, and
pared with changes of ⫺3.1 ⫾ 7.6, ⫺1.1 ⫾ 12.7, and “off”), this impairment in letter verbal fluency in the
0.6 ⫾ 9.2 words in the GPi group ( p ⬍ 0.05). That is, STN group remained constant. The persistence of this
letter verbal fluency worsened regardless of stimulation finding, including the “off” stimulation setting at 7
setting in the STN group. months, collectively suggests an insertion or lesion ef-
fect as a possible underlying mechanism.
Adverse Events There was no difference between the two targets in
The adverse events are summarized in Supplementary motor function improvement, similar to the findings of
Table 2 (randomized stimulation setting-specific ad- a previous smaller comparative study.5 Mood, cogni-
verse events), Supplementary Table 3 (postsurgical tive, and general surgical adverse events occurred at a
mood and cognitive adverse events), and Supplemen- greater frequency in the STN target. This information
tary Table 4 (general postsurgical adverse events). The may be useful in understanding differences between
number of adverse events during randomized testing of surgical targets for PD.
the four stimulation settings was similar between tar- Before randomization we hypothesized, based on our
gets (199 STN to 201 GPi), and were mostly mild and pilot work,16 that both brain targets would be associ-
transient. However, the number of postsurgical mood ated with changes in mood and cognition, and that
and cognitive adverse events was greater in the STN these changes would likely result from spread of cur-
group when compared with the GPi group (75 vs 45). rent into nonmotor portions of the nuclei, as well as
More patients in the STN group experienced anxiety, from spread into adjacent pathways mediating nonmo-
confusion, irritability, aggressiveness, obsessive–com- tor functions.16 –18 Indeed, many investigators have re-
pulsive symptoms, manic symptoms, and decreased ported changes in mood and cognition with either
confidence/motivation. Moreover, the number of gen- target,9 –11,13,15,19,27,30 –35 and we believed before in-

592 Annals of Neurology Vol 65 No 5 May 2009

ception of the study that, although fewer numbers of in the lesion literature had been suggested to play a
GPi DBS had been performed worldwide, this target role in both mood and cognition. Right hemispheric
could provide a safer architectural environment to pro- lesions had been reported to be associated with eupho-
tect against mood and cognitive issues (because of the ria, and left-sided lesions with depression.37– 40 Our
significantly larger volume of the structure). The STN data did not demonstrate any laterality effect with the
(approximately 158mm3) is a smaller nucleus than the exception of decreased tiredness with left-sided stimu-
GPi (approximately 478mm3),17,18 and its motor, as- lation. One potential shortcoming of our study was
sociative, and limbic circuits contain multiple fiber that ethically we did not have the equipoise to ran-
pathways within a compact area. Rothlind and col- domize right versus left stimulation, which would have
leagues36 also recently reported declines in verbal flu- greatly strengthened the study design.
ency with only unilateral STN and GPi DBS, although This study provides level one evidence supporting no
they did not perform “on”/”off” DBS blinded testing general difference among the mood, cognitive, and
to directly compare the targets. Although this architec- motor effects of unilateral STN versus GPi DBS. Many
ture could provide an ideal single locus for neuro- previous studies, although not randomized, demon-
modulation, the region of interest is located in such a strated positive benefits, mainly in motor function,
tiny neuronal complex that its disruption may more with less clear data on mood and cognitive changes.
easily lend itself to increasing the risk for postoperative Our data demonstrated that unilateral STN and uni-
cognitive and behavioral issues. The verbal fluency lateral GPi DBS when taken together may have mild
findings from the secondary outcome data in this trial mood-elevating effects, and trended toward verbal flu-
suggest that the structural damage from insertion of ency issues. Our secondary analyses showed STN had a
the DBS lead likely had a large role in the cognitive worsened verbal fluency on the letter task, and overall
dysfunction after DBS in the smaller STN target. All also had an increased amount of mood/cognitive/surgi-
of the factors, however, that may potentially lead to cal adverse events. The strengths of this study included
verbal fluency decline in unilateral or bilateral DBS re- the single surgical team performing all procedures,
main to be better and more completely characterized. blinding, and randomization, as well as the use of uni-
The design of the study made it ideal to attempt to lateral stimulation to assess laterality effects. An addi-
delineate regions associated with mood and cognitive tional strength was the complete and prospective re-
changes resulting from STN or GPi DBS (particularly cording of adverse events that were not insignificant for
dorsal or ventral to the active optimal DBS contact). this study and highlight risks of DBS surgery. The
The territories of STN have been anatomically divided findings, however, were limited by a number of impor-
into a dorsolateral sensorimotor region, a ventromedial tant factors. The power analysis was based on only one
associative region, and a medially located limbic re- of the coprimary outcome variables; therefore, lack of
gion.17,18 Similarly, the nonmotor regions of GPi have difference might have reflected a power issue. In clin-
been described as being located anterior and medial, ical practice, more centers perform DBS in a bilateral
with a rich plexus of neurotransmitters situated in a simultaneous fashion than the unilateral staged ap-
more ventral position. We hypothesized that ventral proach. In addition, medication reduction that trended
and medial stimulation would preferentially affect non- in favor of STN DBS (see Table 1) in our study has
motor circuits within the STN. Similarly, we supposed been previously shown to be robust for bilateral STN
that anterior and medial stimulation would lead to DBS.4,14 Our experiment focused on a small number
more adverse issues with GPi DBS. The data were re- of relevant outcomes to limit the effects of fatigue and
vealing in that ventral stimulation was worse for STN, testing order. In addition, it is important to note the
but it also demonstrated similar worsening for the GPi confound of testing “off” medication, which may show
group. The study was less effective in the evaluation of the effects of stimulation only. The aggregate “DBS”
the mediolateral issues as the careful microelectrode effects reported were, therefore, the cumulative impact
mapping resulted in mean lead locations well within of being “off” medications and “on” DBS. Notably, 3
the sensorimotor and not limbic/cognitive regions (see of 52 (approximately 5%) patients could not complete
Table 2). the protocol because of death or hemorrhage, which is
Finally, we aimed to assess the relative effects of a greater percentage than in other reported studies. Fi-
right versus left DBS. Unilateral DBS rather than the nally, there might have been other differences missed as
more common bilateral simultaneous implantation was a result of the sharp focus of our testing (eg, dyskine-
chosen because the unilateral staged approach has been sia, dystonia, quality of life, and so forth), and we have
standard at our center, and also because a unilateral yet to report the numerous secondary outcome vari-
approach offered a cleaner method for examination of ables.
the effects of laterality. The sample size for this analysis Based on our findings, and other available data in
was reasonably adequate, and there was a roughly equal the literature, there is emerging evidence that the DBS
distribution of right- versus left-sided leads. Laterality target choice may be tailored to individual patient

Okun et al: The COMPARE Trial 593

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