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2 Assignment- Attitude Inventory

A positive attitude is important on the job. To determine if you possess a positive
attitude, complete the attitude inventory that follows.
In the blank to the left of each statement below, write the letter of what you
believe is the most accurate answer according the following scale:

A = always
S = sometimes
N = never

After you have answered all the questions, total your score. Then rate your
attitude according to the scale at the end of the activity.

_____ 1. Do you make new friends easily?

_____ 2. Do you try hard not to be a complainer?
_____ 3. Are you careful never to interrupt when another person is speaking?
_____ 4. Can you be optimistic when others around you are depressed?
_____ 5. Do you try not to boast or brag?
_____ 6. Do you control your temper?
_____ 7. Are you genuinely interested in the other person’s point of view?
_____ 8. Do you speak well of your teacher?
_____ 9. Do you keep the same friends for years?
_____ 10. Do you feel well most of the time?
_____ 11. Do you refrain from swearing?
_____ 12. Do you keep promises?
_____ 13. Are you at ease with the opposite sex?
_____ 14. Do you try to be helpful to others?
_____ 15. Do you organize your work and keep up with it?
_____ 16. Do you get along well with your parents?
_____ 17. Do you readily admit your mistakes?
_____ 18. Can you be a leader without being bossy?
_____ 19. Is it easy for you to like nearly everyone?
_____ 20. Can you stick to a tiresome task without being constantly urged along?
_____ 21. Do you realize your weaknesses and attempt to correct them?
_____ 22. Can you take being teased?
_____ 23. Do you avoid feeling sorry for yourself?
_____ 24. Are you courteous to your fellow classmates?
_____ 25. Are you usually well-groomed and neatly dressed?
_____ 26. Are you a good loser?
_____ 27. Do you enjoy a joke even when it is on you?
_____ 28. Do you like children?
_____ 29. Do you keep your own room in good order?
_____ 30. Are you aware of the rules of etiquette?
Attitude Inventory Continued
_____ 31. Are you tolerant of other people’s beliefs?
_____ 32. Do you respect the opinions of your parents?
_____ 33. Do you know how to make introduction easily and correctly?
_____ 34. Do you avoid sulking when things do not go as you would like?
_____ 35. Are you a good listener?
_____ 36. Do you like to attend parties?
_____ 37. Are you the kind of friend you expect others to be?
_____ 38. Do you accept compliments or gifts graciously?
_____ 39. Can you disagree without being disagreeable?
_____ 40. Do you like to give parties?
_____ 41. Can you speak before a group without feeling self-conscious?
_____ 42. Are you usually on time for social engagements?
_____ 43. Do you drive carefully?
_____ 44. Do you generally speak well of other people?
_____ 45. Do you smile easily?
_____ 46. Can you take criticism without being resentful or feeling hurt?
_____ 47. Are you careful to pay back all loans, however small?
_____ 48. Does your voice usually sound cheerful?
_____ 49. Can you work well with those you dislike?
_____ 50. Do you contribute to the conversation at the family dinner table?
_____ 51. Do you try as hard to get along well with your family as with friends?
_____ 52. Do you like people who are much older than you?
_____ 53. Are you pleasant to others even when you feel displeased about something?
_____ 54. Do you show enthusiasm for the interests of others?
_____ 55. Are you free from prejudices?

Rating Your Attitude

What was your score?

Always (A) _____ Sometimes (S) _____ Never (N) _____

1. What patterns do you see in your current attitude inventory?

2. We all can improve on our attitudes with working with other. List three steps you need to
take to improve your attitude?

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