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Armaan Ahuja 09/10/2023

Block: B

My academic achievement is my pre-calculus mark. In the summer of 2023, I attended Langley

secondary school to take pre-calculus 12 course. The course was a new experience as I had
never taken summer school in the past. It was a class with around 20 people including my self. I
always tend to sit in the front class as a habit.
I had taken pre-calculus to be able to take calculus in grade 12 and to be ahead in university. I
am going to major in an engineer course, and it requires a strong understanding math and
sciences. A hidden benefit of taking this class is I learned how to study properly. I used to get
distracted very easily while studying and ended up just cramming the night before a test. This
class taught me how to study throughout the week and proper note taking.
My note taking had improved and myself responsibility. I had learned a note taking method
called mapping method. I would put the hardest equation at the start of the sub box and take
different aspects of the equation to create easier version of the question allowing me to
understand each part of the question. This helped me grasp the entire type of question in all of
it aspects. This will help me in university and in meetings that will require me write down ideas
quickly. Another thing I had improved is my self responsibility. I had to learn at a faster pace as
the course is 2 months long only. So I had to make sure I understood everything fully. This
meant I had to either ask from help from the teacher or figure it out myself. I asked a lot more
questions in this class and it paid off. I had learned a lot more in a shorter time. If I couldn’t ask
for help, I had to make sure I figure it out at home. I downloaded apps like photo math and chat
gpt to help me understand equations. I had to make sure I understood the material before next
class so I wouldn’t fall behind. This well me to keep up to date in my future. In university and
life, I will have to keep up with the work because they will not slow down for me.
I had learned that I have an interest in math, and I am motivated by fear. Fear of deadlines, Fear
of falling behind, etc. I work well knowing I have something to lose. This was boosted by the
fast-paced course of summer school. Having 1 or 2 tests per week kept me on edge and forced
me to be proactive. Another thing that was reinforced from this class is my interest in math. I
always enjoyed math because it was easy. This class showed me that even if math gets hard, I
will enjoy It no matter what as it is something I’m passionate about.
This class has taught me several new things about myself that will help me in my future. The
class is currently helping me in my calculus class. I have a better understanding of the subject
because I took the extra time to study and ask for help. This will lead to a very strong a
foundation of math that will help through university and my future job. The self-responsibility
will help me in everyday life. I have learned that the only person that can help me is me. if I
don’t take the first step, no one will be able to help me. This will also help me in my future job.
Being an engineer is a hard job. It requires you to be up to date on new technologies and be
able to communicate problems and solutions. If I don’t take responsibility for these tasks, it will
be hard to work with others and will complicate the job more than needed. Fear of deadlines
will be helping me a lot as being an engineer requires working overtime to complete tight

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