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Green hydrogen is a form of hydrogen gas that is produced by using renewable electricity to split water into
hydrogen and oxygen. This process does not emit any greenhouse gases, unlike other methods of hydrogen
production that use fossil fuels. Green hydrogen can be used as a clean and versatile energy carrier for various
applications, such as transportation, power generation, and industrial processes .

Green hydrogen has the potential to play a key role in the global transition to sustainable energy and net zero
emissions economies. There is increasing interest and investment in green hydrogen around the world, as it can
help to decarbonize sectors that are hard to electrify, such as heavy industry, long haul freight, shipping, and
aviation. Green hydrogen can also enable the integration of high shares of variable renewable energy sources,
such as solar and wind, by providing storage and flexibility options .

However, green hydrogen also faces some challenges and barriers, such as high costs, low efficiency, limited
infrastructure, and regulatory uncertainty. To overcome these challenges and scale up green hydrogen, there is
a need for coordinated action and collaboration among governments, industry, academia, and civil society.
Some of the key actions include:

Developing and implementing supportive policies and regulations that create a level playing field for
green hydrogen and incentivize its production and use.
Increasing research and innovation to reduce the costs and improve the performance of green hydrogen
technologies, such as electrolyzers, fuel cells, and hydrogen-based fuels.
Building and expanding the infrastructure and networks for green hydrogen production, transportation,
distribution, and utilization, such as pipelines, refueling stations, and power-to-X facilities.
Enhancing public awareness and acceptance of green hydrogen and its benefits, as well as addressing
safety and environmental concerns.
Fostering international cooperation and partnerships to share best practices, harmonize standards, and
facilitate trade and investment in green hydrogen .

These are some of the main aspects of green hydrogen and its role in the energy transition. You can find more
information and details from the sources I have cited. I hope this helps. 😊

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