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angel. h.s
by vanillasoy . & " Vote


( eighteen.
! 25.8K " 615 # 786
by vanillasoy

Pain. $

That's all there was, a throbbing headache and an aching feeling in

the back of my dry throat.

I stumbled out of bed groaning as the movement made my head

thump and I blinked several times as some sun rays shone under my
curtains and I sat back down on my bed as I searched for my phone.

Without any luck, I frowned and glanced around my room spotting

the bag I'd used last night on my bedside table and I reached out to
grab it, noticing the two paracetamols on the bare wood as well and I
smiled to myself at how smart I'd been. $

My smile faded when I realised I had missed my alarm and was due at
work in twenty five minutes and I pushed o! my bed and rushed into
the bathroom, trying to ignore all of my nausea as I shoved my The Easiest Way To Trim Your Toenails
tangled hair up into a bun and stepped into the shower.
by Taboola
+ $

"So much for gloating huh?"

I glared at Tessa as she appeared in the doorway to the café, I had YOU'LL ALSO LIKE
only been a manager for six days but I wished I had been the one with
a staggered starting time but alas I had been in the café at eight fi"y ! 32.7K 1.2K
harrys a witch and he hasnt really
two, only twenty two minutes later than I should have been. been around people in a long time
and then one day y/n stumbles upon
At least Kate had to start at nine thirty so I wasn't on my own his house and harry's pretty sure hes
su!ering too long, Tessa looked almost as bad as I did, Kate fucked
Late replies
----- this
☾ Mark
is one
! 1.4M 98.5K
somehow managed to look presentable and we were yet to see ☾ Idol au ☾ Social media/text au ☾
Rhiannon's state. "Yo what, how did you know
that?" "Mark...I'm literally
Considering it had been her first time out, we were expecting the your fan."
worst, although she hadn't called in 'sick' yet which was surprising. ! 86.2K 2.8K
[n.] in the act of loving one who loves
The café hadn't been quiet but it also hadn't been a rush either and you; a love in return full
judging by the looks on both Tessa and Kate's faces they wished it
was dead. chiaroscuro
! 53K 1.3K
I did too, I also felt like I was dead. $3
y/n needed a job, and niall was really
nice but this place is a little o! and
"So you and Harry huh?" Tessa spoke to me, drawing me out of my the owner is even stranger. ______
thoughts from where we were leaning against the counter watching this is one of my series from my
tumblr of
Queen Disaster | 𝑅𝑒𝑚𝑢𝑠 𝐿𝑢𝑝𝑖𝑛
the café whilst Kate was on her break in the o!ice. ! 609K 57.2K
Throughout her life, Diana
"What?" Greengrass was raised to hate all
Muggles and Muggleborns, fear half-
I looked at her with furrowed brows. I vaguely remembered seeing breeds such as werewolves, believe
that Divination
Alone Togetherwas
a useless class,
Harry last night, or at least I think it was him. It was dark and I was
! 16.9K
quite drunk but I had waved at him and he'd waved back, and I - Enemies to Lovers - Jock George +
New Kid Clay TW: Mental/Physical
figured that if it wasn't Harry, he wouldn't have. $
Abuse Mentions of Death Mentions of
Depression Small Mentions of Self
"You le" with him." Tessa told me as if I was stupid and I licked my
The Secret
lips, "Or rather he made you go home, said you were too drunk a"er 462K
! 28.5K
Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook is
you told us all about your best friend who hated you." Tessa laughed married.. but guess what they
and I paled. haven't seen each other in two
years.. they only met once in their
"Francesca." I muttered, rubbing my face. life.. that was on the on their weddi...

I hadn't been up to getting ready properly a"er my shower

considering I had been running incredibly late and I'd also been sick
which ended up with me only wearing some concealer and mascara
to work.

"When did you leave?" I asked, wondering what time I'd le" with

I didn't remember them tagging along.

"Like two hours a"er you." Tessa shrugged.

"What time did I go?" I asked wide eyed, my voice barely above a
whisper considering anything louder than that made my head throb,
although the paracetamol I eagerly swallowed this morning had been
a big help.

"Not a hundred percent but I think it was about two am." Tessa
informed me, that made why I was so tired explainable.

"So how do you know a member of the Di-" $


Tessa stopped talking just as Kate reappeared and a customer

approached the till and I stepped forward smiling politely before my
eyes rested on who was standing there and I felt a fresh wave of
nausea roll over me.

"H-Hi." I stuttered, my throat suddenly drying up as I looked the one

person I didn't want to see today, or ever really if I could help it.

Zayn's face held a lazy smirk as he flicked his brown eyes between
Tessa and I and I shi"ed awkwardly, I assumed he didn't know about
the last time Tommy bruised me with his love but then again I didn't
know what he and Tommy actually talked about. $

"I need you to give Tommy this." Zayn told me, holding up a plastic Strategic, tactical or
operational: which is your job
bag that was filled with a bunch of papers. $
"Don't even think about looking at any of it." Zayn warned and I Sponsored by ACCIONA

licked my lips, I wasn't going to anyway. Find some of the issues that we all
need to reflect on to drive the
"Why can't you give it to him?" I asked, risking the glare I was sure I'd transformation that today’s society
needs. People is a proposal to chang…
received but all Zayn did was shrug.
Read More
"Won't answer my texts." Funny that, he doesn't even text me. $

I chewed my lip as I took the bag from his outstretched hand and
watched him leave the café in silence, the bag feeling like it weighed
a tonne as I held it. $

"He's fucking fit." Tessa commented making me roll my eyes but I

didn't say anything as I headed into the o!ice and stu!ed the bag
into my own bag haphazardly before returning to the café just as
Rhiannon appeared. $

"A"ernoon." Kate smiled at the eighteen year old watching as her

eyes narrowed at the three of us and I immediately held my hands up
in surrender.

"I am never, ever, drinking again." Rhiannon muttered as she pulled

her apron out of her bag before slinging it into the o!ice and rejoining
us. I laughed quietly as I made her a cup of tea before making my own
co!ee. $

"How are you?" Rhiannon asked as she sipped her tea and I

"Head's been better." I admitted slowly, making her laugh.

"Ditto." She sighed, "I um, I just wanted to say that your friends were
really nice last night and that I'm sorry for judging them."


I frowned at Rhiannon as she chewed her bottom lip, her eyes moving
around the café before she took another sip. I wasn't aware I'd
introduced her to anyone? Let alone that she'd been hesitant about

"You know, your friends in the-" Her voice dropped to barely a

whisper, "Diamond Snakes." She whispered and I raised an eyebrow
at her.

"Francesca and Niall were really nice and so was Louis when his
tongue wasn't in Kate's throat." $

I crinkled my nose at the new found information of Louis and Kate

but didn't bother to comment on it, and as for Fran, well. Tessa had
mentioned I told everyone that she hated me but I wasn't a hundred
percent sure I could trust her memory considering she was as drunk
as me.

"I'm sorry about leaving." I smiled apologetically at Rhiannon who

just smile pleasantly back at me.

"Don't worry about it, your boyfriend was worried. It was

understandable." She shrugged and I frowned.

"Boyfriend?" Tommy hadn't been there, had he? I really hoped not
otherwise I would be in big trouble.

"Harry? He was really concerned that you'd been drinking and had
too much to drink so he took you home. It was actually really sweet
to watch but that might have been because I was drunk too." She
laughed lightly.

"Harry's not my boyfriend." I told her slowly, watching as Rhiannon's

smile faded and she chewed her lip again.

"Oh I'm sorry May. I just assumed because he was so caring and
sweet. I'm sorry." She stumbled over her words and I smiled so"ly at
her, letting her know it was okay.

"No harm."

I nodded before turning away to wipe down the counter as the time
ticked by and I tried not to think about Harry or the fact he'd been
acting like my boyfriend. But then again, Rhiannon was drunk. So
really, it didn't matter.

"I'm going on my break. I'll be in the o!ice if you need me." I told the
others just as the clock ticked one forty three and I pulled my apron
o! hanging it on the hook.

I clocked out of the till before heading o! into the o!ice with the
intentions of sleeping for the next thirty five minutes.

h. $

I frowned as I glanced around the café, there were only a few people
in line to be served before me but I couldn't see May behind the till or
on the co!ee machine or anywhere in the café. I didn't want to
acknowledge it but worry was bubbling in my gut.

"She's on her break."

I turned to find the blonde one from last night looking at me, Tessa,
was even worse looking in the a"ernoon light and I assumed it was
because she was hungover or it really was because blondes didn't do
it for me anymore. $

"She's in the o!ice if you want to see her." Tessa shrugged and I
nodded before she turned and le" me alone and I wiped my hands on
my jeans as I headed towards the o!ice door, only having been in
there a handful of times. $

My eyes landed on the slumped over body the moment I stepped

inside and carefully shut the door behind me, the click of the door
didn't disturb May and I frowned as I approached her.

May's hair was thrown up in a bun as it usually was but this time it
was curly and half of it was hanging out and I fought a smile at her
disheveled state. As I got closer to her, I realised she was asleep and I
frowned again.

What was I supposed to do now? Should I have knocked so she would

have known I was here? Or should I get closer and tap her?

I'd never had to think about something like this and I wasn't exactly
sure where I should be when she woke up, making me rub my jaw as I
thought about it before finding deciding just to do what I usually did
whenever Louis fell asleep on me. $4

I kicked her chair. $


I stifled a laugh as May shot up, one side of her face almost sagging
from where it was rested on the desk, and as I looked at her face on I
realised that her hair was even messier than I had first assumed with
strands of di!erent lengths hanging around her face.


May mumbled as she rubbed at her eye before she frowned and
looked at her hand and I glanced at the desk before pulling myself up
onto it, considering there was only one chair in the room and she
currently had her hungover body on it.

"How ya feeling sunshine?" I asked, a grin playing on my lips as she

stared at me, a small smile on her lips.

"Amazing actually."

"Really?" I asked surprised, she did not look great. $


"No, I threw up in the shower this morning." She muttered and I

couldn't help but laugh. It didn't surprise me, she was incredibly
drunk when I found her. $

"That's disgusting, I'm sorry, I don't know why I told you that." May
took a sip from her water bottle.

I shrugged, "It's good to be honest."

I had come in with a point but now that she was actually in front of
me, I couldn't really remember what it was.

"I woke up to find I'd le" paracetamol for myself this morning so it's
gotta count for something that drunk me is responsible." May
shrugged and I grinned, snorting the moment she'd finished
speaking. $

"Is that so?" I hummed, watching as she raised an eyebrow at me and

I laughed again as the action reminded me of her trying to do it in the
car last night.

"Well, I don't actually remember doing it." She shrugged and I shook
my head in amusement.

"I did that." I said easily watching as her eyes widened.

"What? Oh yeah, thank you for taking me home." She smiled slightly
and I shrugged this time.

"You were very drunk." I waved away her thanks, "I didn't have to
look very hard you had a packet on your desk and in your bag." I
explained the tablets.

"You were in my room?"

"Yes May, you were unable to climb the stairs by yourself." I told her
watching as her face turned red and I assumed she was wearing less
makeup than usual considering I never usually saw the colour

"I'm sorry. I hope I didn't ruin your night." She fiddled with her fingers
and I nudged her leg with my own.

"Don't apologise." I smiled, "It was pretty boring until I had to pull my
gun for you anyway." I shrugged nonchalantly, watching as her eyes

"You what?"

"You don't remember? You were dancing."

"So it was you I waved at." She mumbled making me smirk.

I knew she wouldn't remember anything in the morning.

"You pulled a gun? Why? Why did you even have a gun?" She asked,
her voice higher than usual.

"Some bloke wouldn't leave you alone and I saw you tell him no
several times." I explained as she nodded.

"I think I remember that, but why did you have a gun? Harry that's
illegal." She frowned and I grinned at her innocence.

"I always carry one, I don't think you quite realise the line of work I'm
in." I shrugged watching her as she watched me. $

"Anyway," I waved it away although I knew she had more questions,

"How much do you remember from last night?"

"Bit and pieces, the more people talk about it, the more I remember."
She confessed and I nodded, that was understandable; I was the
same way.

"You assured me over and over again that you would remember

"Well give me some time, it's not even been twenty four hours. Wait
you said you were in my room?" May asked her eyes widening again
and I nodded.

"Oh god." She groaned resting her head in her hands.

"What?" I asked.

"That's so embarrassing, my room is a mess and it's embarrassing

that you had to see me like that. I'm so sorry you felt responsible."
She cringed as she spoke and I frowned.

"I liked your room, it was very you." I told her simply. It was the truth.

"You said it was very green, I remember that."

"Yeh', and you told me it couldn't be green because it was yellow and
white." I hummed watching as it came back to her on her face.

It was interesting to see all her thoughts and feelings playing out
publicly, there was something strangely endearing about it.

"Well that's because it is yellow and white." May pointed out,

laughing and I laughed with her.

"You have a lot of plants, sunshine. Don't think I've ever seen so many
plants in one room." I told her, an amused smile playing on my lips as
she blushed and I hummed to myself. $

"I like plants." May shrugged, her teeth between her lips and I smiled
at her.

"Did you come here for a purpose?" She asked suddenly.

"Can't I just want a co!ee?"

"Obviously, but where is it?"

I laughed as she raised an eyebrow at me and I held my hands up in

surrender as she rolled her eyes and I found myself glad I'd taken the
time to get to know her, not that I knew her that well but better than I

For example two weeks ago she would not have rolled her eyes at me,
or let me call her Sunshine. Which was another thing I'd recently
worked out, May would do anything I asked as long as there was a pet
name attached. $

It was like she was putty in my hands the moment I called her
something other than her name and as sweet as it was I couldn't
deny that it worried me. She seemed to be so starved of a!ection that
the first sign of it she was malleable. $

I worried how easy it was to manipulate her, it was clear to see how
Scott got his own way so o"en. I really couldn't help but worry, she
really was like sunshine and I hated seeing someone try to deny her
of it.

"Okay you caught me," I said looking at her, and I rubbed my jaw,
suddenly aware of my lack of confidence. $

That was new.

"I'm going to see my sister tomorrow a"ernoon and I wanted to know

if you wanted to come and meet Gemma." I spoke again, watching as
her lip was sucked into her mouth and I could almost see the wheels
turning in her head. $

"You want me to come with you?" May asked slowly and I nodded
without hesitation.

"You told me you wanted to meet her. She'll love you." I told her
honestly, Gem was a friendly person just like May and I could see
them getting on like a house on fire.

It also didn't hurt that Gem would be a good convincing argument to

get May to leave Tommy. $

"When?" She asked quietly, "I mean, what time tomorrow?"

"I said lunch time but give or take a few, Gem won't mind." I smiled
easily as May nodded. "Cool, I'll drop by and pick you up yeh'?" $

May glanced at her phone before she nodded.

"Here." I held my own phone out for her, watching as she stared at it
before looking up at me in confusion.

"Give me your number so I can let you know when I'm on the way." $

I rubbed my jaw as May hesitated for a few moments before she

reached out and took my phone, her delicate fingers tapping around
on the screen for a few moments before she handed it back to me.

Not even a single protest that her boyfriend wouldn't like it. It was
working. $

"How'd you know I was free tomorrow?" May asked suddenly and I
shrugged, asked your boss. $

"Does it matter?" I glanced at my phone before pocketing it again,

looking up to see May chewing her lip and shrugging.

"How long have you got le" on your break?" I asked pleasantly.

"Uh," May glanced at her phone, the light flooding her face as she
squinted, "Fi"een minutes." I nodded.

"You want to go back to sleep?" I asked, I didn't really want to leave,

May somehow always brightened my mood but it was pretty clear
that she was still tired and very hungover.

"Not if you're staying." She shrugged and I watched as her eyes

widened and I smirked as she realised what she'd said.

"I mean, I shouldn't really be sleeping in here anyway."

"No it's fine, I'm gunna head home anyway." I told her, pushing o! the
desk, "I hope you remember more from last night."

I grinned as she looked up at me. I enjoyed the way her head tilted so
she could see me.

"I'm not sure if I want to remember. I'm a fool." She muttered making
me laugh. $

"Don't be so hard on yourself sunshine, I'll see you tomorrow." I

smiled, almost going in for a hug before I realised what I was doing
and the fact she was still sitting and that would be awkward so I
settled for a smile.

"Yeah, have a good a"ernoon Harry."

May smiled and I gave her a small wave before leaving the o!ice and I
heard her head thud back down on the desk and I smirked, knowing
it was going to be a long a"ernoon for her.


I answered my phone as I slid into my car, not bothering to check who

had been calling.

"A good a"ernoon to you too Harold." Louis' cheery voice greeted me
from the other end of the line and I rolled my eyes at as I lent back
against the headrest. $

"Did you want something?" I asked, as my eyes glanced around the

street. $

I didn't want to think about it but something May had said last night
kept bouncing around my head, in fact it was two things she'd said
last night that were bothering, the first being when she'd introduced
Francesca and told everyone that she hated her.

May also said she hated herself. $


I couldn't understand why she would, I know she was drunk but it
was still worrying to think about, May was a nice girl. There wasn't
anything glaringly obvious I could see that would cause her to hate
herself. $

And the second was that she hoped she'd die in an accident. $

That was just outright sickening, to know that she deliberately didn't
wear her seatbelt so if anything happened she'd be injured. It was
almost like she was suicidal. I supposed that had to tie in with her
hating herself. $

It almost made me want to cry knowing that she felt like that, but I
wasn't a crier. I also couldn't bring myself to talk to May about it. I'd
never disliked having my emotions buried until now, if I was a better
at all that shit then maybe I'd be able to talk to May properly.

"Harold are you even listening to me, you gigantic prick?" Louis

"I do have a gigantic dick, thanks for noticing." $


"Fucking hell you're impossible Harry." Louis groaned down the

phone and I rolled my eyes as I flicked my indicator on before pulling
out. $

"You need to relax," I muttered, shi"ing my phone to my shoulder.

"Where are you? I'm on my way to wherever you are." $

"Warehouse." Louis muttered and I hummed in acknowledgment.

"Alright, give me ten." I told Louis and hung up on him, throwing my

phone into the passenger seat. $

I glanced at it absentmindedly smiling as I remembered May telling

me the Range Rover was her favourite. I liked knowing her favourite
things. I supposed it was part of being her friend, knowing things
about her. $

Although all I really knew was that I had a lot more work to do if I was
going to get her away from Tommy Scott and hopefully, Gem was
going to be a big help tomorrow.

Anne Hegerty Won’t Apologize For

Her New Figure
Continue reading next part % After Noon Edition

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