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Bag Full of Nothing

In this chapter, students in class are asked to bring something that represents them and talk
about it. Shay talks about her horse, Diamond, Jessica talks about her friendship with Shay, and
Oliver brings in a lightbulb, expressing his ambition to be a salesman like his father. Albert
drinks water and talks about the history of the Earth. Keisha shares a homemade cupcake with
a hidden message and Suki brings Japanese snacks. Peers react to foods, some with
enthusiasm and others with skepticism. Finally, Ally shares a 1943 steel penny from her father,
who is deployed in the military, and talks about the importance of it.

Promises, Promises . . .

In this chapter, Mr. Daniels introduces the concept of writing journals to the students. He
explains that they will write in these journals every day, with no grading or corrections. The
purpose is self-expression and communication. The students are excited about the freedom to
write about anything they want. However, Mr. Daniels does mention a couple of rules, one of
which is to put pencil to paper and do something.Ally, decides to draw a black cube in her
journal. The next day, Mr. Daniels addresses her drawing, asking what it means. Ally reveals
that it's a representation of a dark room where she could be invisible, as she feels it would be
easier. Mr. Daniels is understanding and assures Ally that the class values her presence and
that he's glad she's not invisible.

Scrambled Egg

In this chapter, the students find new seats in the classroom, and Ally ends up sitting next to
Keisha. She tries to initiate a conversation with Keisha but struggles with her words, ultimately
saying something unintentional. During lunch, Shay invites Ally to sit with her and her friends.
Ally reluctantly agrees, longing to fit in and be part of a group. Shay and her friends tease
Albert for cutting the backs of his sneakers, and Ally joins in to try to fit in, even though she
feels guilty. Albert responds with wit and isn't bothered by their comments. Ally later reflects
on her actions, realizing that she was unkind to Albert because she was lonely, and she learns
that being lonely may not be as bad as being mean.

What’s Your Problem, Albert?

In this chapter, Ally's mother checks on her after dinner and learns that Ally was involved in
unkind behavior at school. Ally confesses that she went along with some girls who were mean
to a student named Albert. Her mom offers support and emphasizes that Ally should make
amends.The following day at school, Ally is unsure how to make things right with Albert. She's
drawing in her sketchbook, and Keisha compliments her artistry. Ally becomes embarrassed for
some reason. Albert enters, looking upset, and Ally approaches him, apologizing for the
cafeteria incident. Surprisingly, Albert reveals that it didn't bother him and then introduces a
scientific puzzle about insects inside moving train cars, which has been occupying his
thoughts.Albert's problem engages Ally's imagination, and she envisions a dragonfly inside a
vintage train car. The story she creates within her mind is about a girl who wishes to be free
from societal constraints, much like the dragonfly's movements.
Trouble with Flowers

In this chapter, Ally is preparing for the holiday concert, excited about getting a new dress and
wearing shoes with a heel. She reflects on the shopping day with her mom and their visit to
A.C. Petersen's.During rehearsals, Ally reveals her dislike for her music teacher, Mrs. Muldoon,
who has a reputation for being unpredictable. Shay mocks Albert for his ill-fitting clothes, but
Keisha defends him against Shay's negativity, praising Albert for his intelligence.Before the
concert, the students are given beautiful bouquets of flowers to carry on stage. Jessica's
father, a florist, donated the flowers. Mrs. Muldoon distributes the bouquets, but when a
flower accidentally falls from Keisha's bouquet, Mrs. Muldoon scolds her and threatens to take
away her flowers.When Mrs. Muldoon humiliates Keisha by taking her flowers away, Ally
stands up for her friend. She decides to share her bouquet with Keisha to ensure that Keisha
isn't the only one without flowers.

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