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Public Health policy

Public health is ensuring people to stay healthy and protect them from threats to their
health. (GOV UK, 2015)
Smoking - 2010 to 2015 government policy
 Sale and promotion of tobacco – To stop tobacco advertisement that
appeal to the people, in the form of TV and press advertising.
 Tobacco taxes – To increase the prices of cigarettes which can reduce
people smoking.
 Anti-smoking campaigns - To promote public awareness of smoking and
educate the dangers that smoking can cause on health.
 E-cigarettes – Electronic or e-cigarettes as an alternative to smoking

Implicatons of the Public Health policy on Community Nurse


 Presentation of a Public Health Policy relevant to your chosen subject

 Discussion of implications of the Public Health Policy on Community

Nursing practice
Department of Health and Social Care (2015): Available at: Accessed 10/03/18
Department of Health and Social Care (2015) 2010 to 2015 government policy:
smoking. Available at:
Accessed 10/03/18

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