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3 incredible routines in one book
T hr ee Routines 1 n One Book
This book has three very strong you open hand and she'll smile and leave
mental routines that will get you noticed with you!
whenever and for whomever you perform.
I know it must sound like an ad in
Want to be in total control ofyour audience?
the back of a comic book, but it's true. If
Then these routines are for you.
you're married, you can use this hypnotic
The Nostrum Newspaper Test control to get a fellow to buy you the
cocktail of your choice. You will end up
What sets this newspaper test apart from all with complete control of the subject.
others is its impromptu nature. ,./
Caged Love
Imagine an ef-
fect where a participant And last in the trio is an effect that
freely selects a page will literally get gasps from your audience.
from any newspaper, We often tried to create magickal
tears it into small slips, effects that will scramble the minds of
chooses a word from those who see them. This is one of those
one of the torn scraps effects. After performing this, you'll either
and you reveal the word have an adoring fan for life, or someone
without ever seeing, who will be disturbed every time she hears
touching or 'coming near the paper! your name. Not that there's anything offen-
You can perform this trick on stage sive in the routine, but it's just so damned
or on a train. Everything is borrowed. You strong!
don't haw anything to get ready because it's Through the power of thought,
Real Time Mcntalismt-'. And once you un- you're able to transform a small object into
dcrstuud the simple' psychology of the something of great importance to the spec-
method involved, you '11 laugh at how easy it tator. She'll be amazed when she finds her
is to do. Plus, there's the bonus that nothing personal item locked in a newspaper vend-
can go wrong, EVER! ing machine down the block! '
21'1 Century Svengali Everyone of these effects have 9 e t c u t e
The second effect is an excellent
been tested and performed before
ences. any one of them can make a reputa-
9 r I s
version or the Koran newspaper test per-
formed with a magazine. But this presenta-
tion for the mentalist. free d r i n k s
tion takes it out of the theater and puts it in and
[he real world.
With this new and startling
h i 9 h e r
suutugcrn, you will be able to predict a word fee s !
chosen by a spectator, but you will accom-
plish very much more. You will look at the

docc hilford
most beautiful woman at the table, extend

Doee Co. - P.O. Box 546022 Bal Harbour. FL 33154 -

docc hilford
What is Real Time Mentalism?
Mentalistic effects are only entertaining if they're shown
to someone. There are hundreds of fine effects designed for
stage, stand-up or close-up situations, but few that can be
performed without the necessity of any special props or set-ups.
Swami gimmicks, nail writers and peek wallets can be forgot-
ten on the dresser and our best pieces never get seen by anyone.
An unprepared performer cannot perform most of the effects
available, and so, often doesn't perform at all.
If an effect is Real Time, it doesn't require any gimmicks.
Of course, gimmicked methods may be slightly easier to use,
but Real Time Mentalism'?" provides alternate techniques. It is
Copyright© 2005 Docc Hilford left up to the performer whether he or she will use a special
gimmick he or she has ready, or entertain with nothing more
First printing Docctober, 2005
than borrowed items 'at hand. Real Time Mentalism is truly
100% impromptu. This is great for those who want to read
minds, influence thought or generally chill any audience at a
simple request.
This series of effects that I'm releasing as Real Time
Mentalismw include several tricks that can be preformed "on
the fly", that is, without special preparation or special gim-
micks. Some require more than one spectator or a few bor-
rowed items, but all are designed for use in everyday situations.
They're all tested in front of real people by myself as well as a
handful of professional mentalists before they're released to

No portion of this book or original illustrations can be reproduced in any As with all of the effects I publish, these are original and
manner without written permission of the copyright owner. strong. I hope you use these effects. That's what they're meant

Docc Co.
p.a.Box 546022 Bal Harbour, FL 33154 Docc Hilford

This book contains, not only one of the hottest Real Time
Mentalism" newspaper test around today, but also a two
bonus tricks, 21g Century Svengali and Caged Love where the
effect on the audience is rriany times greater than the tricks
themselves. Use with prudence.
Words are extremely magicaL Hundreds of millions of
people around the word believe that God spoke the universe
into existence. Others believe that words can change the path of
natural elements. Words can hurt or heaL It's only natural that
words should be at the control of the mentalist.
Years ago I believed that word tests were boring. Later,
that attitude grew to a belief that mentalism itself was inher-
ently boring. I quit performing mental shows and performed a
mix of magical mentalism such as my "Think-a-Drink" show.
For the past couple of years, with the help of some top enter-
tainers in the mental field such as my friends Jon Stetson and
Banachek, I have rediscovered the excitement of good mental-
ism. I now believe that word tests are a necessity to the modem
There are several types of word effects available to
performers of mentalism. The most popular are written word
tests, book tests and newspaper tests. All three types involve
common items and are easily understood by the audience.
Newspaper tests are almost ubiquitous. Their numbers,
legion. Newspapers offer the performer a variety of presenta-
tional options. One can use classified ads, display ads, person-
als, sports, weather, headlines or even obituaries. (See the
book, Band of the Hand for a chilling presentation utilizing the
obituary section.) There are a couple of directions one can take

The second effect, 21~ Century Svengali, is an excellent
when performing a standard newspaper test. A randomly se- version of the Koran newspaper test performed with a maga-
lected word either is revealed in an interesting manner, or has zine. However, this presentation takes it out of the theater and
been previously predicted. Chosen words or ads can be pre- puts it in the real world.
dicted during performance, or headlines of papers may be With this new and startling stratagem, you will be able to
predicted weeks in advance. predict a word chosen by a spectator, but you will accomplish
The Nostrum Newspaper Test is the title piece. It's a very much more. You will look at the most beautiful woman at
simple revelation. However, I didn't conceive another newspa- the table, extend you open hand and she'll smile and leave with
per test simply to add to the cornucopia; rather I had a need for you!
a specific effect. The Nostrum Newspaper Test is my Real 1 know it must sound like an ad in the back of a comic
Time Mentalism" version of the classic effect. It's the result book, but it's true. If you're married, you can use this hypnotic
of a dream I had after a night of studying David Berglas' control to get a fellow to buy you the cocktail of your choice.
Ultimate Newspaper Prediction. I love David's presentation, You will end up with complete control of the subject.
but I wanted a simple newspaper test that could be performed .
And last in the trio is Caged Love. We often try to create
on the fly; in real time, that is that it could be performed at any
magickal effects that will scramble the minds of those who see
time with any unprepared newspaper. I wanted a simple proce-
them. This is one of those effects. After performing this, you'll
dure wherein nothing was written and with a revelation that
either have an adoring fan for life, or someone who will be
was interesting. The method had to be clever enough to baffle
disturbed every time she hears your name. Not that there's
spectators under almost test conditions. This is not meant to be
anything offensive in the routine, but it's just so damned
a replacement for the Berglas test, or any other, but instead an
addition to your real time arsenal.
All three effects are strong, theatrical mentalism. I know
Imagine an effect where a participant freely selects a page
you'll be glad you acquired them.
from any newspaper, tears it into small slips, chooses a word
from one of the tom scraps and without ever seeing, touching or .
coming near the paper, you reveal the word. You can perform Enjoy.
this trick on stage or on a train. Everything is borrowed. You
don't have anything to get ready because it's Real Time Men-
talism™. Moreover, once you understand the simple psychol- Docc Hilford - Docctober, 2005
ogy of the method involved, you laugh at how easy it is to do.
Plus, there's the bonus that nothing can go wrong, EVER!
As in all of my published effects, I have used this
presentation repeatedly in my own performances. I use this
piece on a regular basis today. It kills in a booker's office or on
a picnic. I'm sharing it now with the hopes that you'll amaze
your friends, audiences and clients as much as I have.
one half. Following your further instructions, she folds the half
sheet in half, tears it in two and discards half. The quarter sheet
Nostrum is folded and tom in half with half being discarded. The
remaining eighth sheet is folded and tom in half, in halfagain
'and finally in half again. This creates eight equally sized pieces,
Newspaper Test i'
approximately 3"x3".
You explain that the pieces need to be folded once each
.,\ way so no one can see the contents of the slips of newspaper.
Imagine that you're at a friend's home and have had a
This is illustrated with one of the pieces. You unfold the slip
wonderful dinner. The host asks you to perform one of your
and suggest that the spectator also choose which side of the
amazing telepathic stunts. You don't have any secret gimmicks
pieces will be hidden in the inside. She is to be certain that the
on you, but there is the daily newspaper handy as well as a pen.
side with the most print is hidden, as it is with your illustrative
You can now shock the rest of the dinner guests with an
extraordinary demonstration of mind reading.
The eight folded pieces are put in a pile on a coffee table.
The following description is exactly what the audience The woman divides the eight folded slips into two groups of
sees. As in all good mentalism, many of the bits of business four. One group is discarded. She separates the remaining four
will not be remembered after your performance and other bits, slips into two pairs with a pair being discarded. One of the two
that didn't actually take place, will mysteriously be included in remaining folded slips is discarded and her chosen slip is kept
their memories.
out of your sight. Then, with a discarded slip, you illustrate how
a single word is to be chosen. A line is drawn from one corner
of the unfolded slip to the diagonal corner. This is repeated
Effeot with the opposite comers and the closest large word where the
You ask a woman to help you in your demonstration. lines intersect is circled. The slip you use to illustrate the
She's handed the newspaper and told to remove any double procedure is folded and torn to pieces, then thrown away.
sheet that has a lot of text. The classified section is always a While the participant chooses a word from her selected
good choice, but she's certainly not restricted to it. The woman slip, you take the discarded slips and tear them to tiny pieces,
is instructed to tear the sheet of newspaper in half and discard throwing them in the waste basket. When she's finished cir-
cling the chosen word, her slip is re-folded and held tightly in
her fist..
Now, with the randomly chosen word held safely out of
sight, you begin to work. From the full sized sheets of newspa-
per, you tear out letters from the headlines and lay them on the
table. You ask if the chosen word has seven letters. The woman

pant was allowed to keep the folded paper rather than tearing it
up. It could be done with an impression clipboard, as suggested
by Dr. Jaks in The Phoenix, but could it be done in real time?
Well, that's what this effect is; a real time version of
Annemann's test where the paper doesn't have to be torn.
The mind of a spectator is complicated, but predictable.
, After witnessing a great demonstration of mentalism, they will
'" intellectually seek the simplest explanation. In the case of The
Nostrum Newspaper Test, in it's not mind reading, then the
explanation must be one of two methods: either the word
admits that you're correct. You set the same number of letters forced or the mentalist saw it after it was chosen.
torn from the headlines on the table. In order to hide the correct explanation from the intellect
As you re-arrange the letters in order to form a word, you of the spectator, we use both methods. However, we reverse
come- very close to the chosen word, for example, you spell out them. That is, we're looking at the chosen word when he's
MINED. So close, but not entirely correct, you're forced to ask watching for a force and forcing the word when he watching for
the word. When the woman says, "MIXED", in a manner of us to peek.
defiance, you turn the "N" over to disclose the correct letter
"X" on the other side. Everyone is taken aback because you Part One
have accurately spelled out the chosen word with the tiny Every choice in Part One is free. The paper, which sheet,
scraps of paper! which half, all the way to where we have eight 3"x3" pieces on
the table are free choices.
Now, we peek at what will become the force word. When
Method you demonstrate how the papers are folded, you pick up one
Annemann published a fine newspaper test in the Jinx no. with a good sized (in word length, not font size) word in the
6 and later in Practical Mental Effects entitled Two Mindread- center and .fold the slip once each way. Explain that, "You'll
ing Publicity Effects. It was Real Time Mentalism" and was fold all of the slips exactly like this. Keeping the corners neatly
one of the seeds for this routine. The trick was simply to tear a together, so we can't see any of the words inside." As you
slip from a newspaper, let someone circle a word on it and fold speak, you illustrate the folding.
it up. The mentalist tore the paper, secretly performed the
"You'll also decide which side gets folded into the inside
center tear maneuver and read the circled word while the pieces
and which side stays on the outside. Try to put the sides with
were burned.
the most words on the inside."
This was, and remains, a great trick. Spectators are
Now unfold the slip and note what two or three words
always amazed. The only improvement might be if the partici-

two slip equivoque. Tell her to pick up a slip. If she picks up
with six or more letters, fall near the cross-folds in the center of the odd slip, take it from her and toss it aside with the others. If
the slip. Memorize these words, noting that one of them will lie she picks up the force slip, tell her to keep it out of your sight.
almost directly in the center of the slip. This is your primary
force word. Noting the surrounding words is just a precaution. Nate: You may think this strategy too bold to work. I
can tell you I've NEVER had anyone think they were being
Re-fold the slip putting a crimp on a comer, so it can be
forced to select a slip. Here's why. The participant has had so
identified from the other slips later. Set it aside and let the
many free choices in Part One and the emphasis is completely
participant fold the other slips. (I find it speeds things up and
on something else that it seems perfectly natural to do the
looks good to let anyone else near the table to help fold the
eliminating for her. She got to separate the slips in two, why
does she need to decide which half stays and which halfgoes.
You know what word will be "chosen". You're in com- SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT WE'RE DOING YETI
plete control, as you should always be. The audience has been This is not a trick about knowing which paper she would pick.
watching for any sneaky gambits concerning choice, but has All of this is incidental to the word revelation. She hasn't
seen everything is above board. They let their guard down. chosen a word yet. She's just getting a piece of paper to do so.
Remember the original Annemann effects discussed above? He
Part Two simply tore a slip out ofthe paper for the participant and no one
Orally emphasize the importance of keeping the words ever balked.
hidden from your sight. The audience's focus is on keeping you In addition, it all happens so quickly that later the specta-
from seeing the choice of words, NOT from controlling a tors remember that she merely picked up one of the eight pieces
choice. - pieces that SHE tore and folded herself.
Use a very simple equivocal force. The participant di- So don't waste a very good force by complicating it.
vides the eight slips into two sets. Don't ask which set of four
they want to use. JUST PUSH THE SET WITHOUT THE Pick up one of the discarded slips, open it and illustrate
FORCE SLIP ASIDE. Tell her to split the four slips into two your words with actions. Tell the participant to, "Take the pen
sets of. two papers and again you JUST PUSH THE SET and draw a straight line from comer to comer, making a big X
WITHOUT THE FORCE SLIP ASIDE. Now you simply do a on the slip. Then circle a word nearest the center of the X. But
pick a word that has more than five letters, if the X goes
through a smaller word. OK?"
You stress a six letter word because the center of the "X"
.~ can be off from your force word. By making it a large word you
narrow the selection.
Hand her the pen and tum away from the table. Tear the
paper you just used and the discarded slips into pieces. Tear

the chosen word. So make it interesting! Tear more letters than
them a couple times each you need. Discard some of them. Rearrange letters as if search-
while the papers are still ing for possible words. Ask if her word had five letters, or how
folded and toss them in the many the force word has, this way you'll know you're on the
waste basket or ashtray. Tear right track. Put the first letter of the word in front of you. Stare
as if you were doing a center at it and finally ask if her word starts with that letter. Still, you
tear. When she's finished with know she picked the force word.
her slip, she's to keep the
folded paper in her fist. During all the letter tearing, find a letter from the force
word that has another letter printed on the back. This is very
Nate: Here is a little bit easy to do. Place that letter so the chosen letter is down. Make
of human thinking that plays a word but misarrange the letters and have one letter wrong.
to our advantage. Although it The audience loves this, as long as the process is interesting, it
doesn't matter whether a four sided shape is divided horizon- can take several minutes. They think they're ahead of you. They
tally and vertically or whether it's divided diagonally the center see that you have almost all the letters and are hoping you can
lies at the same point. So, the fold finds the center as easily as arrange them in the correct order. This is really creating desire
drawing the lines from comer to comer. Of course, this is in your audience. But they see one wrong letter and know you
obvious to you, here, now, but to the participant, who doesn't can't be successful as long as you're trying to use it.
know you're looking for the center when you fold the slip, the Spell out the force word with the wrong letter.
fact is unnoticeable. (Sometimes you can find the right letters to make a different
word, like MINED and MIXED.) Even if it makes no sense as
Revelation a word, the audience sees that you would have been 100%
Revealing a chosen thought is what makes or breaks the correct if you had the right letter in that place. Ask for the word,
presentation of any mind reading demonstration. Too many act excited to have been so close, but a little disappointed, then
times have I read effects where the method is clever and the get a psychic flash of inspiration. Tum the wrong letter over
presentation is too light. It's not enough to " your fingers and the audience will burst into applause!
through your hair, sweat, shake and generally look as if you're
grasping at vaporous thoughts. Then reveal the word, letter by Special Handling
letter." You must have some showmanship in your revelations. ,.i I know what you're thinking. What if the spectator says
for mentalism to have much audience appeal. This is one of the that the number of letters is wrong? On the other hand, what if
many possible presentations in a newspaper word test. they say that the word doesn't start with your chosen letter? It
Use the full sized paper and tear out letters from head- means that she selected a word that was not in the center of the
lines. These are nice and big. Sometimes you may find a pair of intersection. This can be caused by a crooked line drawn on the
needed letters in a word. Tear them out. In any case, it's slip or even a badly tom slip. If this happens, you pump a little
interesting to see the process' of the mentalist trying to ascertain around the other large words you noted earlier. You're so far

ahead of the audience, there's no way they can figure your 21 at Century
method, even if it involves a little pumping.
But let's suppose that their word has none of the letters
you suggest. You're completely lost. Let's imagine that the
circled a word with four letters and you don't know it! You
simply recover by returning to the original Annemann newspa-
per test.
Just take the slip from the participant, tear it up like you
did all the others, drop the pieces in the waste basket and read
the center. The secret read is easy behind the full sheets of the
newspaper while you're tearing letters out for the revelation.
Keep in mind that the original test is still a great trick.
Used as an out, it's one of the ultimate outs, because the out is
almost as good as the trick you're aiming for.

A Prediction
This effect can also be a prediction. False write a predic-
tion on the back of a business card, fold it up and act as if You're working at a five star hotel with your blindfold
you're putting it in a cup (or under a book, or in your wallet, card reading act.* Relaxing in the cocktail lounge, a party of
etc.). Have a pre-folded card in your pocket ready for writing fun-loving guests recognizes you and ask you to join them.
with a small pencil stub. After you see the force word, between There are two couples and a single woman. The woman's
Part One and Part Two, pocket write the word on the card. You natural beauty makes concentration difficult, but you get fo-
have a lot of time to sneak the folded prediction into the cup. cused and perform a couple of Real Time Mentalism" effects
The time delay erases any memory of you touching the cup for the group. You learn everyone's names and prove your
before the word was chosen. powers of mentalism.
Having used this effect so often, I really feel that it is one Suggesting one more psychic test, you excuse yourself
of the most practical newspaper tests available. I admire David T temporarily to find a magazine. Having found one in the lobby,
Burglas' and Maurice Fogel's newspaper tests as well, but we you return ready to go. You say you'll look into the immediate
tend to love our own children just a little more. future of Bob, one of the men who helped you with an earlier
effect. A prediction is written on the back of one of your
business cards. You fold it in quarters and lay it on the table.
"First", you explain, "I'm going to try to hypnotize and


project a thought to one of you. You, Michelle, I think. Don't "Sorry, here, ten, eleven twelve. Take your piece and look at
worry, you won't even realize you've been hypnotized," indi- the other side. Find a big word; one that's large in print and
cating the single woman. "Don't listen to what I'm whispering number of letters. Do you have one? Fine.
to the others." You lean near the other four people and whisper, You take a position of confidence and address Bob, "I
"My thought is, 'Do you think the prediction I just wrote will believe you've done exactly as I predicted. At first, you looked
match Bob's future selection?'." Turning back to the woman at the smaller word, didn't you? But the larger word, the word
you say, "You're about to hypnotized. You won't feel any you chose is - BEAUTIFUL!" Bob admits you're correct.
different, but you'll know my thoughts and do as I wish. I have Everyoneis impressed with your mind reading abilities, but you
a question in mind. 1 want you to answer it. Unfold that card go further.
and read what I wrote. Don't say what's on the card, it's a
secret. Just answer me 'yes' or 'no'." Michelle looks at the "Remember that I wrote something on that card and you
writing on the card, looks at you and says 'yes'. put a freely chosen number on it, all before a page was even
chosen, let alone a part of a page," you say. "Michelle, will you
"I'll show you that you made the right decision. Look open the card and read what I wrote before we started?"
through this magazine." You hand the periodical to the group to
examine. The prediction is handed to Bob for him to secretly 'The attractive woman giggles when she reads what was
write a number from 1 to 16 on it. Bob complies and puts the written on the card. She reads, "Bob will choose the word
folded card back on the table with the number side down. You BEAUTIFUL."
take the magazine and flip through it with the request for Bob Everyone applauds having been bewildered by your
to say, "stop". A page is ran- demonstration, but the most powerful demonstration is yet to

domly selected and ripped .-------------....., come. You thank everyone, excuse yourself and extend your
from the magazine. The page hand toward Michelle. She takes your hand and without either
is torn into sixteen equally of you saying another word, you both walk away hand in hand.
sized pieces and held in a Obviously, the woman is still under your hypnotic spell.
"Bob, what number did
you choose?" Bob says The Force
twelve. You hand a torn piece This is a great magazine test that can be successfully performed
of magazine page to Bob and on its own, but with the combination of a simple billet switch,
count "One". This procedure it becomes a killer demonstration of mind control. A single
of counting pieces to Bob's man -- or woman for that matter -- will' discover the true
hand is repeated, "two, three, possibilities of this exciting routine. However, the demonstra-
four, five, six, seven, eight, tion is just as strong when performed by married mentalists. Of
nine... " A piece misses Bob's course, the procedure is altered slightly. Instead of a woman
hand and falls to the floor. walking away with you at the conclusion of the effect, another

18 19
man will order your favorite cocktail. In fact, the participant
you choose will do almost anything you wish, within reason. eliminated the formula by simply noting a specific corner 0 I' a
First, let's learn the magazine force. It's based on Al newspaper page and keeping it on the bottom of the stack while
Koran's newspaper force. Many mentalists have their own tearing.
approaches to' this classic force. Some use a lot of mental Instead of having the force segment positioned at the
calculations, while others use turning and tearing formulas to spectator's chosen number, he flipped the stack over just before
position the force segment. The basic advanced method in- the last piece was dealt. Each piece was dropped on the Ilcor
volves locating the 1ill square of a sixteen square imaginary and the author felt the action provided enough misdirection for
grid on the magazine page. This imaginary iz" square is often the final switch. I wanted to put the switch before the final deal.
difficult to estimate accurately. You can guess the approximate but I didn't want to have to mentally calculate anything. I also
content of the area, but for me, it was tricky to get details about wanted a little stronger misdirection.
what was in this square. Then, one had to mentally calculate the
number at which one wanted the force square to land and keep I discovered that third from the bottom is the ideal
track of one's actions by holding up specific fingers. Thus, one position for the force segment, for reasons I'll explain as we
was able to determine how to turn the stack either to the right or continue. I discovered a simple formula, based on a 'key'
left and place the torn pieces either on top or on the bottom of segment, that didn't require any mental calculations.
each other. And this was the easiest version I could find! The stronger misdirection came from E. Raymond
I loved the effect; so much that I spent years trying to Carlisle. He showed me a slightly different handing of the
simplify the method andimprove the presentation. Oddly, my pieces. They were dealt to the spectator's hand and only one
deliverance was in a back copy of Bascom Jones' Magick piece was dropped just before the switch. The misdirection it
magazine. The version I read was infinitely easier than the created was excellent.
formula I was using at the time. The author, Danton, had Here is the easy-to-follow force. Procure a magazine.
Riffle through it until you find a page with a nice, large word in
the upper right corner. This will be the force segment. It only

Il takes a second and can be done in front of the audience.

wheft, done.
Force the page by holding the magazine with the cover

facing you. Riffle the pages from the back to the front until you
see the force page. Here is a good place for casual patter about
I .~; the number of different words in the magazine. Your riming
_ 0
through the pages looks like a minor illustration of your point.
d,rfAtlk, W~ J'IIl,€/?
.~:' ....
Get a right little finger break at the force page. Hold your
right hand at the middle of the magazine's edge. Your fingers
are on the back page facing the spectator and your thumb is on
the cover facing you. Riffle the pages from back to the pinkie-
break. Ask a spectator to stop you while riffling and let the
pages slip by when he says, "stop". Open the magazine to the
force page and tear it out. This is a simple and standard page This works for any number except 1 and 2.
force. If 1 is chosen, you merely correct them by saying, "I'm
The force word is in the upper right hand comer, but .sorry, a number BETWEEN one and sixteen." You should sec
you'll keep your eye on the lower right hand comer; this will be him write the number, so you can make this correction before
your 'key'. the performance of the actual trick.
You'll tear the page in half four times; each time keeping If 2 are chosen, flip the packet of pieces BEFORE you
the bottom right corner 'key' on top of the pile. After the final begin counting and dealing. Deal two and hand him the NEXT
tear, the 'key' goes to the bottom. piece. If 3 are chosen, deal to the third piece.
Hold the page facing you. The force word is facing you in (The force piece is 14 from the top, so if 14 is chosen,
the upper right corner of the page; your 'key' is the lower right let the participant deal the pieces without any flipping.)
corner. Tear the page horizontally and place the half with the It's all pretty self-explanatory if you merely subtract 3
'key' corner on top of the other half. Tear the two pieces in two. from the chosen number.
This, of course, makes four pieces, two in each hand. Place the
two pieces with the 'key'
(usually your right hand ,- .. _\. Nate: A newspaper can be used instead of a magazine
pieces) on top of the other
two. Tear the four pieces into
eight. Place the halves with
the 'key' corner on top again.
'FORCE page. The handling is slightly different and the total number of
pieces can go up to 32. All ofthis needs to be worked out by the
performer if he (you) decided to learn how to perform this
routine with a newspaper as well as a magazine.
Make a final tear and place
the eight new pieces with the Although a newspaper works well, experience has shown
KEY that a magazine is preferred. The size of the page and the
'key' UNDER the stack. This
puts the force corner third weight of the paper make it easier to handle than newspaper.
piece from the bottom.
Ask the participant the number he wrote on the predic-
tion. Mentally subtract 3 from it. Deal that many pieces onto
The Billet Switch
the hand of the spectator, but when you come to the piece three The billet used switch is a standard, Annemann style. That is,
from his number, drop it past his hand so it falls to the floor. done in one hand. Finger palm a folded business card and pick
(This is Carlisle's idea.) When the audience's attention follows up another folded card with the same hand. Align both billets
the falling piece, flip the remaining pieces in your hand over. using your thumb. The first billet is still against your fingers,
Now deal the last three pieces onto his palm to bring the while the second billet is under your thumb. Push the second
number of dealt pieces up to the chosen number. billet forward, to the tips of your fingers and the switch is done.

It's really that simple. Because no one expects anything, no one
ever sees anything. (See Annemann's Practical Mental Effects
or Corinda's Thirteen Steps to Mentalism for full explanations
of billet switches.)

The Routine -~;

This is Real Time Mentalism" because you can to do it
on the fly. If you've noticed a magazine near where you're BEAU 'inu.
performing, that's all that's necessary.
Before the performance, you must write on the back of a
business card the following: When I'm done, will you have a
drink with me? ** Fold the card and keep it in your right pocket
won't even realize you've been hypnotized. Don't listen (0 what
where you can get at it easily along with some unfolded
I'm whispering to the others. "
business cards.
You've set up the woman by telling her she's going to
Approach the group where you see an attractive woman
experience something that the rest of the group won't.
(or a man you want to get to buy you a drink). Do a few
mentalistic effects, and then offer to perform one more. You lean near the other four people and whisper, "My
thought is, 'Do you think the prediction l just wrote will match
Reach into your right pocket, finger palm the folded billet
Bob's future selection? '. "
and grab an unfolded card. Write on the card's back: Rob will
choose the word REA UTIFUL. Fold the card and while doing Here we use the wonderful "duel reality" ploy wherein
so, switch it for the palmed card with the drink message. Put the rest of the group thinks one thing is about to happen and the
the billet on the table in front of the woman keeping the one woman believes another.
you just wrote hidden in your hand. Turning back to the woman you say, "You're about to
hypnotized. You won't feel any different, but you 'Il know 17~V
Note; You should have no difficulty keeping a folded billet thoughts and do as I wish. I have a question in mind. J 11'W7f you
hidden in your hand for long periods. If you're more comfort- to answer it. Unfold that card and read what J wrote. Don '( ,\'(IV
able ditching it and picking it up later, that's fine. You can put what's on the card. it's a secret. Just answer me ~ves' or 'no '. "
the pencil in your pocket and leave the billet there as well,
picking it back up when you retrieve the pencil in the future. It's very important to get her to answer 'Yes' or 'No'.
It's all about your comfort level. Michelle looks at the writing on the card...
Tell the party what you're going to do. She reads the request for a drink. She can answer 'Yes' if
you've sufficiently intrigued her and she wants to spend more
"First, I'm going to try to hypnotize and project a
time with you, or 'No' if she simply wants to remain with her
tho light to one ofyou. You, Michelle, I think. Don't worry; you

·..looks at you and says 'Yes'.
Force the segment of magazine as detailed above. When
Of course, she's answering what was asked on the card, he has it on his hand tum around. Instruct him to turn it over
but the audience thinks she's answering your mental question ,and look at the main idea on the segment. This is important for
and simply looking at the prediction on the card. a couple of reasons. First, the force segment is face-down on
"I'll show you that you made the right decision. " his palm due to you flipping the stack. Second, it appears as i f
This line confirms the fact that she'll leave with you after . everything has been kept from your eyes throughout the proce-
the trick.
If she answers 'No' you still have a shot. Here's what you You reveal the word. It's performed a little like mind
reading, but really you're revealing your prediction, not bob's
Let's say she ... looks at you and says 'No'.
"I believe you've done exactly as I predicted. At first,
Now give her a chance to change her mind later by you looked at the smaller word, didn't you? But the larger
saying: word, the word you chose is - BEA UTIFULf "
"I hope to change you mind injust a moment. " Slowly reveal the chosen word. If there is more than one
Later, she can decide that she does want to join you for a word on the comer, you'll need to pump a little. Notice how
drink. We'll have to see. Bob could have actually chosen the smaller word, but you
Reach over, pick up the folded card Michelle just read reveal " ...the larger word is..." not necessarily his word.
and switch it for the prediction. Hand the prediction to Bob. Immediately you tum it into his word by saying, " ... , the lV01'd
you chose is ... " This is fine because the prediction will clean
Pick up the magazine and hand it around for inspection. everything up at the conclusion. Reveal the word BEAUTI-
Arter it's returned to you, flip through it looking for a good FUL.
upper right comer; one with a single large-print word with a
couple of smaller words. Stick your pinkie in at the force page "Remember that I wrote something on that card and you
and force it, man! Tear out the force page and quickly tear it put a freely chosen number on it, all before a page was even
into sixteen segments. This is really easy because all you're chosen, let alone a part ofa page? Michelle, will you open the
doing is keeping the bottom right comer on top for all four card and read what I wrote before we started?"
tears. After the last tear, place the 'key' on the bottom. By grouping all the actions together, you imply that
Tell the spectator, Bob, to write a number between 1 and everything was done before you touched the billet. This state-
16 on the billet. After Bob writes his number on the folded ment makes the effect on the woman stronger.
card, have Bob push the card back over in front of Michelle. The attractive woman giggles when she reads what was
The woman will remember that there was no way for you to written on the card. She reads, "Bob will choose the word
switch cards because of the number on the outside of it. You BEA UTIFUL. "
can "go south" with the drink request card because it's not used Now, if she answered 'Yes' to your query, you simply
thank everyone, put out your open hand, take hers and walk
away. I can't describe the shock that hits the other participants 'No' response. No one will know what happened except you
when this comes off correctly. They're really stunned and it and the woman; and even then, she's not certain about what she
seems as if you actually have the woman under your control! . really read! You're safe to do this repeatedly.
However, if she answered 'No' earlier, you still have a
second shot. Ask her, "So, did I change your mind?" If she For The Boys
answers that you did change her mind, the audience thinks As stated earlier, you can also use this routine to get a
you're referring to the fact of the prediction matching the fellow to buy you a drink. In that case, he'll be absolutely
selection, but the woman is answering about having a drink knocked of his chair by the billet switch. After the trick, you
with you. You put out your hand and the routine ends the same merely ask if he has a desire to "do something". He'll most
way. often bring the wait-person over and order your drink. To
Alas, if she still wants to hang with her friends and says which you add, "My favorite."
that you didn't change her mind, everyone laughs. It's obvious In any case, it's all a lot of fun.
that your prediction did, in fact, match Bob's selection, so it
appears as if the woman is being playfully unreasonable. You Finally, keep this in mind. I know there will be critics
wink at her and excuse yourself still a cool as a cucumber. who don't think this sort of thing is good mentalism. Imagine
for a moment that you were going to do the Koran newspaper!
Afterthoughts magazine test. A page is tom up, one segment chosen and a
word revealed. Isn't that what you just did? But you have the
Again, I know what you're thinking. What if she tells potential to leave an absolutely awe-inspiring impression on the
everyone that what she read-on the first billet wasn't what was minds of the audience by controlling the will of one of them. So
on it later? Well, that's what you want to happen. You'll get go ahead and have some harmless fun.
credit for controlling her mind anyway. The group will believe
the hypnotic thought projection bit if you play it up.
Remember that this is simply a playful way of asking a
woman for a drink. Often times women are with their friends *It's a Lu Lu is a complete blindfold card reading act
and don't want to be asked away in front of them. They'll agree available from the author.
to join you secretly, so they'll answer 'yes', but refuse when ** To cause a man to buy you a drink, the message is
you put out your hand. In this case, just let her know you'll be altered thusly: lfI'm right will you buy me a single malt scotch?
at the bar, or some such place, where she can meet you once she
gets away from he friends.
I've never had this little effect fail me because I've
pre-qualified the participant before I do the routine. And also
because the routine is so strong. Don't be afraid of getting a

Caged Love to the nearby newspaper vending machine. "Perhaps," you say,
"ifthis is a comer from a newspaper, we might find more about
Effect your future on the page that matches this comer." Two-coins
You're out on a date with the woman you met on page . are slammed into the machine's slot and the front gate lifted to
27, Michelle. After strolling along the sidewalk cafes, you offer expose the folded papers. You grab one ofthe papers and open
to exhibit perhaps the most remarkable demonstration of your it to the same page indicated on the torn corner. Amazingly, the
talents. You explain that playing cards ~e an ancient method of same corner is tom from the page. Upon further examination,
divination. A single selected card can indicate a person's fate. it's found that the newspaper corner matches precisely the torn
A deck of cards you carry for such a reason is mixed and the spot on the paper.
woman takes a card. It's the Three of Hearts. You tell her that But when the paper is carefully unfolded, in the pages is
three times she will love someone. She has known two of these the card's tom comer; and it also matches the card precisely!
people already, but the third is very close. Three is also the
The woman is dizzy with amazement when you point out
number of change. The hearts indicate a positive influence, so
a little classified ad on the same page. It reads: To Michelle.
the coming change is good. The future seems much brighter
Change happens. Change for you as well as for the man with
that the past and she has much to look forward to.
you now. The Three of Hearts will be chosen this evening.
You stress that you can't tell a lot about her future with November ts", and is a cardfor new lovers - signed, Fate.
only a single card, but you can show her something truly
And you walk away arm in arm, deeply and madly in love
incredible with a piece of the card. You tear most of the index
- or something close to it.
corner away from the selected card, but let her finish tearing it
apart. She holds the card while you place the comer in your
cigarette case. The case is placed on the woman's palm and you
place your hand over it. Gazing deeply into her eyes, you take a Method
deep breath. She knows something must be happening by the I must make the claim to have only performed this for
look of approval on your face. "It's done," you explain. "I made entertainment. While some mentalists are making disclaimers
a change for you. The comer piece is still made of paper and about whether or not they have real psychic abilities, I'm
ink. It's still just a comer, but it's changed. Its purpose has making the claim that I have never seduced a woman by using
changed. Just like you." psychic trickery.
The woman opens the silver case and gasps at what's Let's take a moment to investigate the potential of such a
now inside. Daintily lying on the cigarettes where the card trick. Because of its complexity, it may fall through the cracks
corner was moments before, is a comer piece of a newspaper. of mentalism history, only to be discovered years from now by
It's torn in about the same shape and size as the card comer. a future reader. It may not appeal to mentalists because for
You're somewhat surprised as welL The change was them it seems too magical. It probably won't interest magicians
certain; you just didn't know what kind of a change would take because of the fortune telling aspects. And I won't personally
place. After a moment to gather your thoughts, you walk over bring this effect much recognition because I don't perform it
However, there will be someone who sees the huge
potential of this trick and will become famous for doing it. It
has all the magic of Card in the Cigarette and all the mentalism Preparation
of what has become known as A Cute Publicity Stunt from the Place an ad in the local paper's classified section. If you
Jinx. (Annemann admitted that the stunt was old when he know for certain you'll be out on a specific day, with a specific
published it.) So, in order to "pitch" this effect, let's put to rest .person, then place the ad only for that day and include the
some of the arguments against it. person's name as was done in the example above
We must calm any hostile feelings mentalists may have .If you're uncertain of the participant (or participants) or
about using playing cards. We won't go into how many profes- the actual date, leave out the name and date as written in the
sional mentalists have successfully used playing cards in their effect. Also place the ad for several days, then you're certain to
shows, or how many outstanding card effects are available to hit it. Or, if you're lucky, you may need to use this trick for
the contemporary mentalist. We won't discuss the audience's several days in a row. In that case, your ad will read like this:
lack of association of playing cards with magic tricks or that Change happens. Change for you as well as for the man with
they're common items with which everyone is familiar. We you now. The Three of Hearts is chosen as a card for 'WH'
.will simply point out that in this effect you are telling a woman lovers - signed, Fate.
her fortune with the card AND THAT IS ALL THE REASON
YOU NEED to use playing cards! Spend the next few days practicing the trick. And while
doingso, practice tearing the indices off cards so they all look
The idea that this piece is too magical can be rejected by alike. It's easy after a deck or two.
reading Uri Gellar's biography. He performed some of the most
magical effects with the audience believing in things like On the night of the date, have the deck with a duplicate
bi-location and transmogrification. Note how Koran performed 3H and your Himber wallet. Slip away from your date (or .i f
the linking finger rings - a magic trick that has become a doing this for publicity, have your secret accomplice set this up.
standard for mentalists - to a believing audience. Too magical? What? That's how those guys on TV do it? Oh well.) and open
I think the fault lies not in the trick, but in the performance. It's a newspaper machine. It's best to use the correct change and
either corny or believable. not just pry it open, because you want your date to be able to
operate it later.
Now, having gently sold you on the idea of performing
Take a paper out and turn to the page with your ad. or
. , it should now be made clear that this is, obviously,
this effect
NOT a Real Time Mentalism" piece. You must carry a deck course, you already checked it out that morning so you know
of cards, a duplicate Three of Hearts and method to switch the the ad's there and correct. Tear an index from one of the 3Hs
corner. Yau must also have a classified ad placed before the and tear the comer from the page where your ad is located.
trick. A small price to pay for such a stellar performance piece. Leave the card index on your ad. (If your accomplice is doing
this, he should use a tiny touch of post-it glue stick to hold the
The switching device can be anything from pure sleight card index on your ad. Otherwise, it's too much to carry
of hand to a double envelope. Although I don't smoke, I carry a around.) Put the paper on the bottom of the stack, close and
locking cigarette case that switches small items like a card case lock the newspaper machine. The prepared newspaper is at the
does. (The case is old, but I believe it's one made by Ken bottom in case anyone wants to buy a paper before you do your
Brcoke.) Any Himber wallet will work just as well. thing. This will protect you a little, but keep in mind, if you
perform this in the evening, many paper machines are empty or
down to their last paper or two. Set it up and perform it as soon s~rreal territory. If you've set everything up correctly, that is
as you can. like mentalism and NOT magic, she'll be stunned. .
Place the newspaper page comer on one side of your You must act as if this is all reality for you. Things
Himber wallet and the tom 3H in the lower half of the deck . change because of your thoughts every day! Suggest the ilews-
with the torn corner near you. Place the duplicate 3H on top and paper machine down the street. Get all her attention on the
you're ready. . things in her hands and the machine. You're clean and the real
magic is yet to happen. Make the most of it.
Presentation Put the coins in the machine and yank it open. Pull the
The rest is merely following the above outline. The only bottom paper out. (Often, they never notice because they're
move is a simple pass. Bring the conversation to fortune telling. busy studying the comer and the card.) Let her find the proper
OITer to do a quick card reading. Force the 3H. Tell her all page. When she sees the corner is missing and that the corner
about the three times she will be in love. Tear most of the card she holds matches precisely, she'll freak out, GUARANTEED!
index away, but let her finish. She'll remember that she tore the Let that set in. Then have her open the page to discover
card. Leave the torn three on top of the deck. the index. This is another mind blower.
While she holds the index, riffle your thumb up the inside 'She'll be catching her breath when you point out her
of the deck to the duplicate torn 3H. The torn corner acts like a name on the same page, and that the classified ad states that
short card. Tell her one more cold reading line about the three she'll choose the 3H. It should all be too much for her.
and pass the duplicate to the top of the deck. This is very
elementary for she's listening and not watching for any trick- If she doesn't fall for you, she might run away screaming.
ery, so don't make it a move. Just do a pass which switches the Good luck.
torn cards. Hand her the top card, it's tom and the three so
nothing is suspect. Box the remainder of the deck and put them Note:l've found a great time to set up the trick is immedi-
away. ately before dinner. When your name is on the list and you have
ten to fifteen minutes to wait for a table is ideal. You can
Make the use of a wallet seem impromptu, that is, that
excuse yourself, walk outside, set up, come back inside and
you're just looking for some place to secure the index. Put the
bring your date outside for the performance.
index in the wallet and let her hold both the wallet and the tom
3H. Extend your palm over the wallet. Talk about change. It's also a great factor that ANY newspaper machine will
Make the change happen. Open the wallet and show the news- work. So if you didn't know what restaurant the two of you
paper corner. Remove the newspaper comer, hand it to her and were going to eat at, and the effect still happened, it must prove
get rid of the wallet. that there could be no set up.
Point out that the paper comer almost fits the playing If you carry more than one duplicate Three of Hearts, then if
card. She doesn't know what to think at this point. You took set up at one place and miss your chance to perform, you can
her down a believable path with the reading, but now you're in do it again at another paper machine.

Other Books by Docc Hilford
: . The Richey Technique Revealed $20
2. Mephisto' s Journey $20
3. Ball & Tube $20
4. Band of the Hand $25
5. The Sign of Four $25
6. The Hermit of Dreams $20
7. The Lolita System $35
8. Fern Fatal $35
9. The Star Tradeshow Act $20
10. At the Mountains of Madness $30
II. The New Cinderella Act $40
12. The Dance of Shiva $45
13. Burn, Witch Burn $15
14. The $1,000 Secret Seance $40
15. The Dark Cloak. $35
16. It's a Lu Lu $20
17. E'Voque $25
18. Cellular Mitosis $25

Other Tricks by Docc Hilford

1. The Wizard's Manual $65
2. The Cassandra Deck $25
3. Cards of Cairo ; $20
4. Million Dollar Deck $10
5. Rasputin's Secret $20
6. Raven's Slates $175
7. Assassin Card Sword $350

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