Health Promotion Strategies Through The Life Span 8th Edition Murray Test Bank

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Health Promotion Strategies Through

the Life Span 8th Edition Murray Test

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) Which statement is true regarding spirituality? 1)

A) Spirituality is a comfort but not a sustaining power.
B) The spiritual dimension is limited to certain beliefs.
C) Spirituality means religion.
D) In every human there seems to be a spiritual dimension.
Answer: D
Explanation: A) Spirituality especially comes into focus as a sustaining power when the person
faces emotional stress, physical illness, or death.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
B) The spiritual dimension permeates all of life and integrates values and beliefs.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
C) Religion is related to, but not synonymous with, spirituality.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
D) In every human there seems to be a spiritual dimension, a quality that goes beyond
religious affiliation, which strives for inspiration, reverence, awe, meaning, and
purpose even in those who do not believe in any god.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment

2) The primary role of the parish nurse is: 2)
A) Personal spiritual guide. B) Friend.
C) Integrator of faith and health. D) Home health nurse.
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Personal spiritual guide is not one of the primary roles of a parish nurse.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
B) While a parish nurse often functions as a friend, it is not the primary function of
the position.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
C) Although there are many functions of a parish nurse, integrator of faith and health
is one of the most basic.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
D) Parish nurses and home health nurses may work closely, but they do have different
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning

3) Religion is defined on various levels. Which option is not a correct definition of religion? 3)
A) A belief in a supernatural or divine force that has power over the universe and commands
worship and obedience to a supernatural force
B) Spirituality
C) A personal and institutional system of beliefs
D) A comprehensive code of ethics or philosophy
Answer: B
Explanation: A) The definition of religion includes a belief in a supernatural or divine force that
has power over the universe and commands worship and obedience to a
supernatural force.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
B) Religion is related to, but not synonymous with, spirituality.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
C) The definition of religion includes a personal and institutional system of beliefs.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
D) The definition of religion includes a comprehensive code of ethics or philosophy.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment

4) Why might a study of world religions pose semantic difficulties? 4)
A) Because most religions do not have an ethical code
B) Because an expression in one religion may have no equivalent in another language
C) Because most religions are focused on what happens at death
D) Because concepts in different religions are so very different
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Language in religion dictates what people think, how they act, and how their
religious beliefs are carried out, or their moral code.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
B) Studying world religions poses semantic difficulties. For example, an expression in
the Chinese-based religion of Confucianism may have no equivalent in the
English language.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
C) Each major religion has many characteristics including a world view; a basis of
authority or source(s) of power; a portion of scripture or sacred word; an ethical
code that defines right and wrong; a psychology and identity so that its adherents
fit into a group and the world is defined by the religion; aspirations or
expectations; and ideas about what follows death.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
D) Each major religion has many characteristics in common.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment

5) Which is the best example of how the ancient Chinese principle of yin-yang influences lifestyle and 5)
health status in Taoism and Confucianism?
A) Yin is positive or masculine dry, hot, active, moving, and light.
B) "If I am sick, I will get better."
C) Yang is feminine or negative wet, cold, passive, restful, and empty.
D) "If I am sick, I will probably not get better."
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Yang is positive or masculine dry, hot, active, moving, and light.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
B) "If I am sick, I will get better. Life is like going up and down a mountain;
sometimes I feel good and sometimes I feel bad. That's the way it is."
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
C) Yin is feminine or negative wet, cold, passive, restful, and empty.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
D) This statement is fatalistic in nature and is not an example of yin-yang.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment

6) "There is no God but Allah; Mohammad or Muhammad is His Prophet" provides the key to which 6)
major religion?
A) Buddhism B) Jainism C) Confucianism D) Islamic Muslim
Answer: D
Explanation: A) This statement is a summary of Buddhism.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
B) This statement is a summary of Jainism.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
C) This statement is a summary of Confucianism.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
D) This summarizes the Islamic religion. It is required that this is said once in life but
expected to be repeated by Muslims many times as an affirmation.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning

7) Your role as a health care provider dealing with people professing many different types of religion 7)
A) To never acknowledging a belief system that seems illogical to you.
B) That of astute client assessment, consultation with other professionals during intervention as
appropriate, and community educator.
C) To evangelize as needed.
D) That of confrontation about folk and scientific belief systems even if such a confrontation
might appear to be a rejection of the person.
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Acknowledge a belief system, even if it seems illogical to you. Related practices
may provide physical or emotional comfort.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
B) These actions represent correct and professional behaviors.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
C) Do not evangelize, overwhelm, or antagonize.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
D) Avoid confrontation about folk and scientific belief systems and apparent rejection
of the person.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning

8) According to actuarial predictions, what is the value of church attendance? 8)
A) Church attendance, if positive, has been reported to add 7 years to the Caucasian's lifespan
and 14 years to the life of African Americans.
B) There are no actuarial predictions.
C) Church attendance, if positive, has been reported to add 2 years to the Caucasian's lifespan
and 2 years to the life of African Americans.
D) Church attendance has been reported to take away 7 years from the Caucasian's lifespan and
14 years from the life of African Americans.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Church attendance, if positive, has been reported to add 7 years to the Caucasian's
lifespan and 14 years to the life of African Americans, per actuarial predictions.
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
B) Actuarial studies and predictions do exist.
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
C) This is a false statement. The correct figures are 7 years for Caucasians and 14 years
for African Americans.
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
D) This is a false statement. Research shows that church attendance adds years to
individuals' lives.
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment

9) What is neurotheology? 9)
A) The study of the proof of God
B) The study of the religions of the world
C) A subset of the study of biology
D) A field of research that examines the biological basis of spirituality
Answer: D
Explanation: A) Neurotheology is not the study of the proof of God.
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
B) Neurotheology is not the study of the religions of the world.
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
C) Neurotheology is not a subset of biology.
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
D) Neurotheology is a new field of research that examines the biological basis of
spirituality. Brain imaging techniques pinpoint brain activity when people
meditate, experience enlightenment, or have visions.
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment

10) What two major religions represent the beta group? 10)
A) Taoism and Shintoism B) Hinduism and Judaism
C) Christianity and Judaism D) Buddhism and Hinduism
Answer: D
Explanation: A) Taoism and Shintoism are in the gamma group.
Cognitive Level: Evaluation
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
B) Hinduism and Judaism are not in the same group. Hinduism is in the beta group,
and Judaism is in the alpha group. These two groups have many fundamental
Cognitive Level: Evaluation
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
C) Christianity and Judaism are in the alpha group.
Cognitive Level: Evaluation
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
D) The beta group includes Buddhism and Hinduism. These religions have their roots
in Indian soil.
Cognitive Level: Evaluation
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning

11) People of this major faith celebrate Christmas as Christ's birthday; Lent as a season of penitence 11)
and self-examination preceding Good Friday, Christ's crucifixion day; and Easter, His Resurrection
A) Buddhism B) Judaism C) Muslim D) Christianity
Answer: D
Explanation: A) Buddhists do not celebrate these Christian holidays.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
B) Jews do not celebrate these Christian holidays.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
C) Muslims do not celebrate these Christian holidays.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
D) These are the core celebrations of a Christian.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment

12) Confucius's teaching makes use of five important terms. Which is not a term from the teaching of 12)
A) Jains B) Te C) Jen D) Chun-sui
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Jains is a term referring to people of the Jainism religion.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
B) Te is a term of Confucius that means leading by virtuous character rather than by
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
C) Jen is a term of Confucius that means a striving for goodness within.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
D) Chun-sui is a term of Confucius that means establishing a gentlemanly or
womanly approach with others.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning

13) What behavior should be avoided as a health care provider? 13)
A) Deal with your own negative reactions.
B) Share personal experiences or beliefs freely.
C) Respect the client as a person with spiritual needs who may or may not want them addressed
D) Take time to prepare yourself for encounters with the spiritual dimension through literature,
media programs, peer discussions, and following a plan.
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Deal with your own negative reactions. Some religious practices may cause you
dismay because of your medical background.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
B) Be careful about sharing personal experiences or beliefs. It may be inappropriate.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
C) Respecting your client as a person with spiritual needs who may or may not want
them addressed specifically may be comforting. During illness or times of crisis, the
spiritual dimension may become a major focus, even if it is suppressed in daily life.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
D) Take time to prepare yourself for encounters with the spiritual dimension through
literature, media programs, peer discussions, and following a plan to clarify your
beliefs, either within or outside of a specific religious denomination.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning

14) What do Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have in common? 14)
A) Adherents are interested in "being" rather than "doing."
B) All have their roots in the Indian culture.
C) All look inside themselves for answers: common sense rather than commands from God
determines good.
D) All adhere to a Biblical revelation of a supernatural, monotheistic God.
Answer: D
Explanation: A) People in these religions are considered "doers."
Cognitive Level: Evaluation
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
B) These three faiths have their roots in three different cultures.
Cognitive Level: Evaluation
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
C) The philosophy of the beta group includes looking inside for answers: common
sense rather than commands from God determines good. These three faiths are
members of the alpha group.
Cognitive Level: Evaluation
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
D) As a part of the alpha group, these three faiths all adhere to a Biblical revelation of
a supernatural, monotheistic God.
Cognitive Level: Evaluation
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning

15) A client describes his religion in the following manner:"The most expressive and universal word of 15)
God is Om, or Aum, providing the most important auditory and visual symbol in Rama's religion.
Om, or Aum, God, and Brahman are synonymous and mean a Consciousness or awareness rather
than a personified being." What is his religion?
A) Gautama B) Confucianism C) Buddhism D) Hinduism
Answer: D
Explanation: A) Gautama became the Buddha in Buddhism.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
B) Confucianism is an incorrect response.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
C) Buddhism is an incorrect response.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
D) These ideas are the basis of Hinduism.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning

16) In research many themes indicate ways to foster spirituality. Which option does not? 16)
A) Gaining transcendence over the present situation
B) Affirming others with love and quality interpersonal nurse-client relationships
C) Enabling hope
D) Fostering separation from a concern for others
Answer: D
Explanation: A) Gaining transcendence over the present situation is a theme for fostering
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
B) Affirming others with love and quality interpersonal nurse-client relationships is a
theme for fostering spirituality.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
C) Enabling hope is a theme for fostering spirituality.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
D) Fostering connectedness, not a separation from others, is a theme for fostering
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment

17) The rabbi is the spiritual leader of this major religion. 17)
A) Catholicism B) Judaism C) Buddhism D) Christianity
Answer: B
Explanation: A) The priest is the spiritual leader in Catholicism.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
B) The rabbi is the spiritual leader of Judaism.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
C) The priest is the spiritual leader in Buddhism.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning
D) The pastor or preacher is the spiritual leader in the Christian faiths.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Planning

18) According to a qualitative descriptive study with well adults ages 18 to 24 years, which option does 18)
not indicate a strengthening spirituality?
A) Using personal resources to get through life
B) Reaching out to others even if others do not respond
C) Recognizing that God is everywhere
D) Avoiding responsibility for personal life
Answer: D
Explanation: A) The concept of "walking through" indicates a strengthening of spirituality, or using
personal resources to get through life.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
B) Connectedness is a strengthening of spirituality: relationships form with self,
others, nature, universe and a Higher Power. The person reaches out to others even
if others do not respond.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
C) Recognizing the concept of Divine Providence indicates a strengthening of
spirituality. It involves recognizing there is an ever-present and benevolent
guidance of a Higher Power; God is everywhere.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
D) Strengthening spirituality is demonstrated by having a deep commitment and the
beliefs that guide behavior, attitude, and existence; taking responsibility for
personal life.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment

19) The Spirituality and Self-Transcendence in People with HIV/AIDS study concluded all of the 19)
following except:
A) The person cannot be assumed to feel well when CD4 and viral loads are normal or
B) Health care providers need not assess patients who complain of fatigue, low energy, pain,
depression and the consequent effect on meeting spiritual needs since clinical indicators of
immune system function are accurate indictors of well-being and ability to participate in the
spiritual dimension of life.
C) Energy level, pain, and depression may be interactive.
D) Physiological needs must be met before the person can meet higher-level needs.
Answer: B
Explanation: A) This is a correct statement.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
B) Health care providers should assess patients who complain of fatigue, low energy,
pain, depression, and the consequent effect on meeting spiritual needs since
clinical indicators of immune system function are not accurate indictors of
well-being and ability to participate in the spiritual dimension of life.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
C) This is a correct statement.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
D) This is a correct statement.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment

20) In this major world religion, the people observe the law and believe that their historical role as 20)
God's chosen people brings hope for better days.
A) Eastern Orthodox Church B) Judaism
C) Roman Catholic D) Protestantism
Answer: B
Explanation: A) This statement does not describe the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
B) Through the Jews' observance of the law, belief of their historical role as God's
chosen people, and their hope for better days, they have survived seemingly
insurmountable persecution.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
C) This statement does not describe the Roman Catholic faith.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment
D) This statement does not describe the Protestantism movement.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Psychological Integrity
Nursing Process: Assessment

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

21) Discuss two of the meanings of healing. 21)

Answer: A correct response will both list and discuss two of the following:
· Some will demand that God provide a quick and miraculous recovery.
· Others will expect the process to occur through the work of the health team.
· Still others combine God's touch, the health providers' skills, and their own
emotional and physical cooperation.
· Some even consider death as the final form of healing.
Explanation: The health care provider must be sensitive to the different understandings
clients may have of the meaning of “healing”. A full understanding of the full
meaning of this key term will lead to better understanding the client. The health
care provider will be able to better administer care consistent with the client’s
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Nursing Process: Implementation

22) Using the acronym of HEALTH, describe the role of the parish nurse. 22)
Answer: H Health Counselor
E Educator of wholistic health
A Advocate/resource person
L Liaison to community services
T Teacher of volunteers/support groups
H Healer in body, mind, and spirit
Explanation: An acceptable response will relate each letter in the word "health" to a function
of the parish nurse.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Nursing Process: Implementation

23) Ideally, religion provides strength, an inner calm and faith with which to work through 23)
life's problems. Name and discuss two possible negative aspects of religion.
Answer: A correct response will both list and discuss two negative aspects. The responses
may come from the following:
· To some, religion seems to add guilt, depression, and confusion.
· Some may blame God for making them ill, for letting them suffer, or for not
healing them in a prescribed manner.
· One Protestant believed she had made a contract with God: if she lived the best
Christian life she could, God would keep her relatively well and free from tragedy.
When an incurable disease was diagnosed, she said. "What did I do to deserve this?"
· Another Protestant took the opposite view of her contract with God. She said, "I
wasn't living as well as I should, and God knocked me down to let me know I was
· Other clients view disease as "something that happens to people."
Explanation: A full understanding of all aspects of religion and faith will lead to a more
sensitive health care provider. Views of religion and faith are not always
considered to be positive by all clients.
Cognitive Level: Application
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Nursing Process: Implementation

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.

24) In the U.S., religion and spiritual involvement is as diverse as the cultures that make up the 24)
Answer: True False
Explanation: This is a true statement.
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Nursing Process: Planning

25) The practice of spiritualism's use of God or spirits as a form of help and healing is central to the 25)
African-American experience.
Answer: True False
Explanation: The practice of spiritualism's use of God or spirits as a form of help and healing is
central to the African-American experience. Spiritual powers are evident in the praying
to God or a Higher Power, the calling on of forces seen and unseen, the use of laying on
of hands, and all other acts of spiritual beliefs.
Cognitive Level: Evaluation
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Nursing Process: Evaluation

MATCHING. Choose the item in column 2 that best matches each item in column 1.

Match the following.

26) Voodoo A) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Answer: B Saints

27) Mormons B) A religious cult practice that dates back to

Answer: A pre-slavery days in West Africa

28) Atheistic C) Believe that God does not exist

Answer: C
D) Belief is pantheistic and does not dwell on
29) New Age sin or evil.
Answer: D
E) Turn wholly to spiritual means for healing
30) Cults
Answer: F F) Members are expected to relinquish all
financial assets and personal property to
the group.

G) The Society of Friends

Answer Key
Testname: C7

1) D
2) C
3) B
4) B
5) B
6) D
7) B
8) A
9) D
10) D
11) D
12) A
13) B
14) D
15) D
16) D
17) B
18) D
19) B
20) B
21) A correct response will both list and discuss two of the following:
· Some will demand that God provide a quick and miraculous recovery.
· Others will expect the process to occur through the work of the health team.
· Still others combine God's touch, the health providers' skills, and their own emotional and physical cooperation.
· Some even consider death as the final form of healing.
22) H Health Counselor
E Educator of wholistic health
A Advocate/resource person
L Liaison to community services
T Teacher of volunteers/support groups
H Healer in body, mind, and spirit
23) A correct response will both list and discuss two negative aspects. The responses may come from the following:
· To some, religion seems to add guilt, depression, and confusion.
· Some may blame God for making them ill, for letting them suffer, or for not healing them in a prescribed manner.
· One Protestant believed she had made a contract with God: if she lived the best Christian life she could, God
would keep her relatively well and free from tragedy. When an incurable disease was diagnosed, she said. "What did I
do to deserve this?"
· Another Protestant took the opposite view of her contract with God. She said, "I wasn't living as well as I should,
and God knocked me down to let me know I was backsliding."
· Other clients view disease as "something that happens to people."
24) TRUE
25) TRUE
26) B
27) A
28) C
29) D
30) F


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