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English Curriculum Development

Presented by:

Adriana Berenice Rendón Portillo


Lucy Irina Serrano de Alfaro


Teacher in English.

Delivery date October 19, 2023

ACTIVITY 11: Steps to Composing

Read the paragraph. Then follow the directions in the 10 steps to edit the information and
composition of this paragraph. Write your revised paragraph on a separate piece of paper. Be
careful with capitalization and punctuation. Check your answers with the class.


Shinichi Suzuki

Shinichi Suzuki, a Japanese musician who lived from 1898 to 1998, wanted to find a way to teach
children how to play musical instruments that was easier, more natural, and more effective than
traditional methods. He observed how easily and naturally young children learned their first language
and wondered if children could learn to play musical instruments in the same way. This thinking led to
the development of the Suzuki Method, which Suzuki first called the Mother Tongue Method. Suzuki
thought that the earlier a child started to learn to play an instrument, the better. The Suzuki method
encourages parents to expose their children to music from birth and then start them in formal
instruction at age three or four. In the Suzuki Method, however, formal instruction does not involve
traditional methods which include studying music theory and learning to read music. In contrast,
students of the Suzuki Method first learn to play an instrument by experimenting on their own and
through trial and error, which is what they do when learning their first language.

ACTIVITY 12: Original Writing

On a separate sheet of paper, write a definition paragraph (at least six sentences). Explain what
the term means. Then give facts, details, and examples. Use at least one example of an
essential adjective clause and one example of a nonessential adjective clause.
Artificial Intelligence, which is often abbreviated as AI, refers to a branch of computer science
that aims to develop systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human
intelligence. Essential to its definition is the ability of AI, which is rapidly advancing, to learn
from data and adapt to new situations. This field, which has gained immense prominence in
recent years, involves the creation of algorithms that enable machines to process information,
reason, problem-solve, and even interact with humans in a human-like manner. One example of
AI's impact is in natural language processing, a technique that is used extensively in chatbots
and virtual assistants, allowing them to understand and respond to user queries effectively.
Another example is in autonomous vehicles, an area where AI plays a pivotal role, as it enables
cars to make decisions based on sensor data, improving safety and efficiency.
ACTIVITY 11: Steps to Composing

Read the paragraph. Then follow the directions in the 10 steps to edit the information and
composition of this paragraph. Write your revised paragraph on a separate sheet of paper. Be
careful with capitalization and punctuation. Check your answers with the class.



¹ Near Los Angeles, there is a small town alongside the Los Angeles River that most people call
Frogtown, even though that is not its official name. There are not many frogs there now, but it
is called Frogtown because at one time there were thousands and thousands of very small,
green frogs there. There were so many frogs there that at times all the streets and yards were
covered with them. This lasted until the 1970s when the frogs started to disappear from
Frogtown. The small frogs started disappearing because suddenly there were lots of large
American bullfrogs in the area, and American bullfrogs eat small frogs. Where did the American
bullfrogs come from? At that time, farmers were raising American bullfrogs to sell to
restaurants for their frog legs. However, eating frog legs went out of fashion, so the farmers
released their bullfrogs into the wilderness. Since American bullfrogs need to be near water,
they found their way to the Los Angeles river. Then the bullfrogs found the small green frogs in
Frogtown and they ate them until there were hardly any frogs left in Frogtown

ACTIVITY 10: Original Writing

On a separate sheet of paper, write a narrative paragraph (at least six sentences) about a topic
that interests you. Explain what it is and give facts, details, and/or examples. Use at least one
adverb clause and underline it; try to use two if possible.
I have always been fascinated by astronomy because of the sheer vastness of the universe and
the mysteries it holds. When I was a child, I used to spend hours gazing at the night sky,
wondering about the stars and planets. While I was in high school, I joined an astronomy club,
and that's when I had the opportunity to use a powerful telescope for the first time. It was a
truly transformative experience because I could see the intricate details of the moon's surface
up close. After that, I became even more passionate about space exploration and started
following missions to Mars, like the Perseverance rover's journey. Because of my interest in
astronomy, I decided to pursue a degree in astrophysics, and it has been an incredible journey
of discovery ever since.
ACTIVITY 10: Steps to Composing

Read the paragraph. Then follow the directions in the 10 steps to edit the information and
composition of this paragraph. Write your revised paragraph on a separate sheet of paper. Be
careful with capitalization and punctuation. Check your answers with the class.


Becoming an Everyday Environmentalist

People can take several simple steps to protect the environment. One of the easiest steps is
turning off the lights when leaving a room. This step saves electricity and lowers one’s electric
bill. Another step is to turn on a fan and raise the setting on the air conditioner. The fan will
make the people in the room feel cooler. In addition to conserving energy, people can also take
steps to conserve water. One way is to shut off the water while brushing their teeth. This
behavior saves water as well as money. Another way to save money is to drink tap water
instead of buying bottled water. Bottled water is more expensive than tap water, and plastic
bottles contribute to pollution. Finally, people can plant gardens. Growing vegetables at home
enriches the soil and provides organic produce at a much lower cost than purchasing produce at
a supermarket. There are numerous ways people can help save the environment, and these
first steps are both easy and rewarding.

ACTIVITY 12: Original Writing

On a separate sheet of paper, write a cause-effect paragraph (at least six sentences). Explain
either the causes or the effects of an action or event. Use indefinite and definite articles in your

The introduction of electric cars has revolutionized the automotive industry. One significant
cause behind this transformation is the growing concern for the environment and the need to
reduce carbon emissions. As a result, many car manufacturers have shifted their focus towards
developing electric vehicles. Another cause is the advancement in battery technology, which
has made electric cars more practical and efficient. Additionally, governments worldwide have
introduced incentives and regulations to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles. These
causes have led to a multitude of effects. One of the primary effects is the reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier planet. The effects also
include a decrease in the reliance on fossil fuels and a subsequent reduction in fuel costs for
consumers. Furthermore, electric cars have led to innovations in the transportation
infrastructure, such as the development of more charging stations, fostering a greater
convenience for electric car owners. The adoption of electric cars showcases the intricate
interplay between causes and effects, shaping a more sustainable and eco-friendly future for
the automotive industry and the world.
During these classes, I have had the opportunity to study very interesting grammar topics,
which initially seemed overwhelming to me but, as I progressed, I was able to understand them.
Among these topics, three of the most important ones that I have learned are adjective clauses,
adverbial clauses, and the use of articles.

Adjective clauses are essential for adding details and descriptions to nouns in sentences. I
learned that, instead of just saying "the book," I can be more specific and say "the book that I
read last summer." This makes language more precise and enriches communication.

Adverbial clauses, secondly, have expanded my understanding of how sentences can be

connected and how time, cause, condition or place can influence an action. By learning to use
adverbial clauses, I can express time and cause relationships more accurately.

Finally, the articles, small words but of great importance, have been a fundamental part of my
learning. Understanding the difference between "a," "an," and "the" has been crucial in
determining whether a noun is specific or general. Articles also influence the flow of
communication by helping listeners and readers understand when we are talking about
something known or unknown.

In summary, my experience with adjective clauses, adverbial clauses and articles in my learning
process has taught me that grammar is very interesting. As I delve deeper into these concepts, I
not only improve my ability to express myself in English, but I also gain a deeper appreciation
for the complexity and beauty of the language and I am excited to continue using and refining
them in the future.

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