Northeast Print House Media Plans Book

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APRIL 2020

Uniquely Created to be Unquely yours

Prepared by: Creative Minds Co.

Sophie Brown, Macara Dahl, Rebecca Dewar,
Morghan Guynn, and Kayla Topp
Table of contents
Executive Summary
Agency Philosophy
Situation Analysis
Target Audience
Creative Strategy
Media Plan/IMC Tools
Creative Executions
Executive SUmmary
NorthEast Print House is a fun, unique business that strives to give their
customers good, quality products. However, print shops in Grand Rapids are a
dime-a-dozen, so we have devised the upcoming strategy on how NorthEast
Print House can market their growing company so that they become the print
shop to be. Their business is bright and bold; the store really lets customers be
a part of the printing process with the lack of walls generally seen to keep retail
space and printing space separate. Starting from a situation analysis to
narrowing down the target audience, then objectives and creative executions,
this plans book will outline our vision for NorthEast Print House. Beginning with
how we can turn current problems into promising opportunities, for example
increasing their current walk-in traffic which will in turn boost retail sales.

After diving into the creative strategy

and drawing out some illustrations and
examples of advertisements, we will
discuss the budget and evaluation
techniques. A budget was given but we
will explain how we used the budget,
then we plan to share techniques to use
so the shop can determine the
effectiveness of the strategy.
Agency Philosophy

Creative Minds Co. strives to

produce quality guidance that
demonstrates the ideals and
values of the companies we
are representing; while
effectively reaching our set
objectives and goals.
Situation Analysis
It is important to remember that the NorthEast Print House would primarily
like to be known by their image of unique, funky, and fresh. Their whole
brand personality is based around these qualities and experiences. The
competitors in relative areas are Underground Printing, Screen Print Dep.
Inc., and Cerva Screen Printing. Further research shows that Underground
Printing and Cerva Screen Printing are print shops that hold similar
services to the NorthEast Print House, such as creating retail clothing and
other items, along with printing content customers may bring in. Screen
Print Dep. Inc. shows to be more of a sports retail and manufacture print
shop yet can cater to regular print shop services.

These print shops all market to the same demographics and target
audience, yet with our new plans in mind, NEPH will offer services that
stand out against the other competitors. Advertising for the NorthEast
Print House in such a way that allows more customers to com in-stores
than other competitors would be ideal.
Target Audience
Finding The target audience for NorthEast Printhouse Is Important
to acknowledge because It will help the company develop effective
communication strategies. The target audience we think would
have the highest potential of buying products and services from
NorthEast Print house are millennials 18-24 years of age located in
Grand Rapids and the West side of Michigan. There are several
reasons why millenials are the most Ideal:
Graphic t-shirts are trending and appealing most to this
Many popular stores that millennials shop at sell overpriced
that this generation loves. NorthEast Printhouse will be a
cheaper option
This age group Is very Involved with social groups (clubs,
fraternities, college groups, church groups, esc.) that are
looking for merchandise to advertise their groups/clubs
This group of people enjoy expressing their unique selves.
This Is a great way to express their music tastes, people
they Idolize, or activities they are passionate about
They enjoy personal engagement with brands
Based off of the clients desires,
Creative Minds Co. has
determined a set of objectives.

Increase their social media following on Instagram

by 38% (to reach 1,000 followers from 724
currently) by the end of summer 2020 (the busy
live-event season)
Increase walk-in traffic to the store front by 20%
by December 2020
Increase overall awareness of business by our
target audience 10% by 2021
Increase overall sales by 10% by 2021
Creative Strategy
Brand Story

NorthEast Print House came to be when its founders decided they wanted to add
something a little different to the print house industry. Tired of the boring, run-
of-the-mill print house, they decided to open a shop that was fun, bright, and
anything but ordinary. They desired to make printing exciting, and to invite
customers into an experience before anything else, and so, NorthEast Print
House was born. With bright colors and an inviting storefront, NEPH allowed
customers to take part in the printing experience, and to feel as though they are
actually a part of the creation of their designs.

Brand Promise

To provide a positive environment and engaging experience for

customers in combination with quality products and services.
Creative Strategy
The NorthEast Print House creative
strategy to bring more foot traffic into the
"Uniquely created
store is to incorporate activities/events,
and in-store experiences into their
to be Uniquely
everyday part of business. More specifically
these ideas would include hosting
community events inside

the store while incorporating their printing services into the experience.
Redesigning or improving the physical shop can also be a part of creating a
positive experience. This could be additions such as a coffee center, interactive
paintings on a wall, etc. This strategy will set NEPH apart from their competitors,
as they will stand out with their dual services that can attract people into the
store for more reasons than wanting a t-shirt printed or purchased. It shows
that NEPH is more than just a print shop. redesigning the inside of the store to
create experiences such as a coffee center or interactive paintings on the walls.
Our target audience will become interested in what NEPH has to offer by the
engagement the brand will show on social media and the efforts NEPH makes to
show that their customers are treated like family and ensure they will have a
positive and engaging experience.
Media Strategy
Paid Media

TV Commercial
TV commericals are a reliable advertising tactic for several reasons. It Is
Important to target the audience that we want, so we need to air on channels
that millennials are the majority audience. According to statistics reporting
which television channels are watched the most by millennials are NBC, FOX,
CBS, ABC, and ESPN. It's also Important to ONLY in certain locations near Grand
Rapids. A commercial about 30 seconds that sends a message about the
companies' services in an intriguing way will spark Interest.

YouTube has become a very popular entertainment platform, thus has become
a very popular advertising technique. The biggest viewer group for YouTube Is
millennials (both for posting and watching). Because of this, buying an
advertisement before or during a YouTube video Is a great exposure technique.

A print advertisment that can be featured on the news paper and In
magazines for the Grand Rapids area would be a trusting way of
advertising. This Is always reliable because when people see that this is a
service they could use, they can physically have the advertisment that Is
not only on their phone.
Media Strategy
Social Media

Instagram & Facebook

NorthEast Printhouse needs to take advantage of these platforms and produce

Intriguing content that will bring In customers. Content should Include pictures and
videos that show off their retail and services while also showing off their unique and
colorful personality. It Is Important to make social media pages very fun and welcoming.


TikTok Is an app that has recently gained extreme popularity mostly In generation
Z, our target audience and has become a huge advertising platform. This app can
be used In many creative ways, but the Interesting thing about this app Is how easy
It Is for anyone to go "viral". In other words, the app Is generated where It allows
everyone to have a chance to get a lot of views and exposure. If used creatively and
Intriguing, NorthEast Printhouse can get a lot of exposure on this app by showing
off their service and products.


Twitter Is a reliable advertising platform to use. This app should be used to

Interact with customers and getting shared with a wider audience
Creative Executions
This Is an advertisement that
shows of the merchandise that Is
sold In the store. This grabs
attention by the bright colors. It
also attracts people because
they see that they can get a deal
by purchasing something.

Here we have a simple

advertisement for group orders, like
another downtown business where
we are offering unique designs to
really give them brand recognition
so that they will be remembered by
all of their customers. Can fit
Instagram or Facebook templates.
Creative Executions

As mentioned before, TikTok has become an extremely popular

app, and a great advertising method. What makes this app so
popular, is that there is usually a “trend” that goes around that
people like to partake in and several of those videos go viral. These
trends include: dances, comedy pranks, art, and more. Certain
dances are the most popular trends on the app. An idea of how
NorthEast can advertise on TikTok is learning a simple and popular
dance (there are many dances that do not require dancing skills),
while wearing their own merchandise. Another example would be
showing the process of printing designs on the shirt, but showing
what makes the company special.
Creative Executions
*Facebook or Instagram Ad*
"Is there anything better than a Great
Lakes t-shirt? We don't think so! To win
one of your own, first make sure you
like/follow our page. Next like, share, and
tag three of your friends on this picture!"

This will give the opportunity for

NEPH to host an in-store event
that features their amazing quality
shirts and gives cusotmers an
experience that envourages them
to come back and relates to them
and an inviting enviornment of
college fun and food!
Allotted Budget: For this project, we were given a
budget of $5,000. We have divided
$5,000 our budget allocation into two
phases: the social media exposure,
and the store-front initiative. Since the main objective of this campaign is to create
exposure for the NorthEast Print House storefront, we decided to do this by first
getting the word out about the store through social media, and using this platform
to bring people in. All this being said, we have decided to split our budget in half for
this campaign. This means that $2,500 will be designated to each initiative. Over the
course of 3 months (from May to July,) NEPH will run advertising on Tik Tok, Twitter,
Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. We will also run print ads, and television
commercials. As Tik Tok requires patrons to spend $500/campaign, 20% of our
social budget will go toward this. 19.2% of the budget will be put toward Instagram
advertising twice a week, and 27.6% will be used for Facebook advertising over the
allotted time. Hulu ads are priced at $20 per 1,000 views. 7.2% of the budget will be
put toward advertisements on Hulu. YouTube allows for patrons to pay a maximum
of $10 per day for advertising, with ads running at $.10 per click. Knowing this, we
will be running ads two days a week for three months, putting 13% of our budget
toward YouTube advertising. The last 13% of our budget will be put toward print ads
in the Grand Rapids Newspaper. These ads cost $91 a piece, and will run once a
month over the three month span. The last $2,500 of our budget will be put toward
in store promotions, for food and drinks for events, and for giveaway merchandise.
An evaluation is essential in order to assure we are on the
right path In gaining success, or If we need to make
changes to advertising strategies. There are several ways
to measure the success of our advertising tactics.

With a business type of profile on some social media

apps, It shows you how many Interactions and shares a
certain advertisement got. We need to measure the
numbers to see If they are Increasing.
Measure the number of sales and Increase of revenue.
When did those numbers Increase? What advertisement
made that Increase? What advertisements didn't make a
Every few months, we should review the objectives and
see If the company has reached those goals. If yes, what
made that happen? If not, how can we continue to strive
to those goals?
In summary, our overall goal is to increase more awareness for the
business and create more in-store traffic. This goal will be achieved by
creating unique experiences and increasing the in-store activities that
will be hosted by NEPH. We will advertise for these events and
experiences using primarily Facebook and Instagram, as well as paper
advertisements such as billboards, flyers etc. to also reach other
subcategories of our target audience. This strategy meets the objectives
of the client because it remains true to their brand personality of unique,
fresh, and fun by providing in-store experiences and unique events that
competitors do not incorporate into their business. To increase
awareness of the business and their newly included events, there will be
a content calendar to be followed with purchased ads and non-paid
content to the target audience of NEPH content. This reaches the
objective of creating more awareness for the business by paid
promotional ads on social media sites that reach the largest
demographic of their target audiences to bring attention to their
business and services. Overall, these two main strategies help reach the
overall goal of the clients needs and allows them to fulfill those needs in
the most efficient way possible.

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