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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at


Archive Warning:
Graphic Depictions Of Violence


Stray Kids (Band)

Stray Kids Ensemble/Everyone, Stray Kids Ensemble/Stray Kids

Bang Chan, Seo Changbin, Lee Felix (Stray Kids), Hwang Hyunjin, Lee
Minho | Lee Know, Han Jisung | Han, Kim Seungmin, Yang Jeongin | I.N

Additional Tags:
Poly SKZ, OT8, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Polyamorous Pack, Alpha Bang Chan,
Omega Lee Felix (Stray Kids), Omega Hwang Hyunjin, Alpha Seo
Changbin, Beta Lee Minho | Lee Know, Alpha Yang Jeongin | I.N, Beta
Kim Seungmin, Beta Han Jisung | Han, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Anal
Sex, Omegaverse, Breeding Kink, Subspace, Mating Bites, Dom/sub,
Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Group Sex, Nesting, Biting, Rimming,
Scratching, Blood, Blood Kink, Light Sadism, Light Masochism, Fluff
and Smut, Coming Untouched, Butt Plugs, Overstimulation, Rough Sex,
Anal Fingering, Pheromones, tummy bulge, Consensual Somnophilia,
primal play, Face-Fucking, Rough Oral Sex, Chasing, Hunter/Prey
Dynamic, Multiple Orgasms, Makeshift bridle, Gags, Dirty Talk, Head
held down while giving blowjob, Pain Kink, Emotional Hurt/Comfort,
Come as Lube, Competitive Behavior, Possessive Behavior, Possessive
Sex, Chains, Mis-gendering of secondary gender - alpha beta omega,
Bratting, Threesome - M/M/M, Mpreg, mentions of mpreg, Come Eating,
Anal Fisting, Double Penetration in One Hole


Published: 2021-05-04 Updated: 2023-09-24 Words: 42,031 Chapters:
by widerthanthepacific


The rest of the pack is affected when Chan, the pack alpha,
unexpectedly finds himself in a rut. (The sexy kind, not the ditch or
challenging pattern of behavior kind.)

An SKZ alpha/beta/omega fic in which consent is critical and betas

work differently.


I've had the idea for this kicking around in my head for weeks, and
finally just had to write something for it. This is short compared to my
other works; future chapters might be longer, but I just kind of wanted
to go ahead and lay the foundation.

And don't worry - I'm far from done with the Stress Management
series! ^-^

A note about consent in this series: I’ve always enjoyed reading

alpha/beta/omega universes, but I’m not a fan of the ‘dubious consent’
aspect that is generally built in to them. I know it’s fiction, and it’s
fiction with made-up biology to boot, but dubious consent isn’t
consent. So, in this universe, things are different. Firstly, there is a
strong, pervasive culture of consent in this universe. Secondly, even
when in heat or rut, someone is definitely able to resist their instincts,
even though they are strong. Even mid-act, if someone becomes
uncomfortable and wants to stop, they are able to communicate that,
and their partner is able to stop. So, although the urges presented by
heats and ruts are strong, they are by no means insurmountable. Also,
although heats and ruts may get the characters in this series into some
unfortunate circumstances, consent has always been secured, even if
not explicitly shown.
A few random notes: Betas work differently in this universe than in
other universes I’ve read, but that’ll be explained in this chapter. Male
pregnancy is going to be a thing in this universe, but it won't be
something I'll be exploring. So, assume they're all on birth control, I
guess? Hopefully I'll figure that out by the next chapter, haha. Lastly,
although I don't really go into it in this chapter, just know that they are
a polyamorous pack, but the polyamorous part isn't public knowledge.

With all that in mind, I hope you enjoy reading this! ^-^
See the end of the work for more notes
Now You'll Understand
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

As soon as he woke up every morning, Chan took his suppressant. It was

just the responsible thing to do, and Chan was nothing if not responsible.

He took his suppressant that morning. He knew he did. He’d checked it off
on his calendar and everything, and when he counted the pills later, the right
number was there. He’d been taking them for years; it was just routine.

Nevertheless, there he was, fucking into Felix like there was no tomorrow.

See, Chan was on suppressants for a reason. When he had first presented as
an alpha, all hell had broken loose. Jeongin had come home to find the
kitchen literally on fire while Chan pounded his massive alpha cock into
Hyunjin, whose heat had been triggered by Chan’s rut. They were oblivious
to the flames quietly licking up from the stove against the cabinets, both
lost in pleasure on the tiled floor.

Chan’s rut was so strong when he presented that it had triggered all the
other members who had already presented into heat, except for the only
other alpha, Changbin, who went into rut. They had all had a great time – a
truly phenomenal time, actually – but it had taken almost a week for them
all to get back to normal and get back to work. And Jeongin, the only
member who hadn’t presented yet, had had to make sure they all stayed
hydrated and fed. Chan had felt so guilty for setting them behind schedule,
and for Jeongin, who already complained about his hyungs fucking so
much, having to help them, that he had chosen to go on suppressants so he
wouldn’t go into rut as long as he stayed on them.

Now, Changbin stood in the doorway to Chan’s bedroom, mouth hung open
in shock. Chan was sitting on the wooden floor and was manhandling a
very pliant and happy-looking Felix up and down his cock, scenting and
nipping at the omega’s neck. Felix’s eyes were scrunched shut, but his
mouth hung open and he let out a deep groan that momentarily got louder
with each plunge.

Changbin glanced to the left, where a naked Hyunjin lay diagonally on

Chan’s bed, arms stretched out and a satiated, fucked-out expression on his
face. Changbin crossed over to him, covering his nose with the sleeve of his
hoodie, and shook his leg, causing the blonde to giggle. This close up,
Changbin could confirm that Chan had already been there; a generous
amount of cum had been seeping out of the omega and onto the bed. Behind
him, he could still hear Chan and Felix, and it sounded like they were both

“Jinnie, are you already in heat?” Changbin asked, still covering his nose.
He knew what the answer probably was, and he could just check, but he
didn’t want his own rut to be triggered. At least not yet.

Hyunjin giggled again and answered, “Yes. Alpha.” His dark eyes flashed
dangerously with seduction. Changbin stepped back before he could be
charmed; he was Hyunjin’s favorite target even when the omega wasn’t in

Chan suddenly growled and came into Felix, who arched his back and also
came, the hot sensation of being filled up so much for the second time
sending him over the edge. Chan laid down on his back, pulling Felix to lie
on his own back against his chest, holding him tight while still lazily
bucking his hips a little, doing his best to keep fucking Felix even though
his knot prevented him from doing it properly.

Chan cast his gaze over to Changbin, and panted for a moment before
gruffly saying, “Get out of here before your rut is triggered. Warn the
others.” He paused and inhaled sharply as Felix started trying to meet his
little movements. “And bring water.”

Changbin hurried out of the room and closed the door behind him, finding
himself face-to-face with Minho and Jisung, who had just gotten home.
They sniffed the air and immediately knew what was happening.
“No...” Minho said in disbelief. “I saw him take his pill this morning. How
did this happen?”

Changbin shook his head and shrugged. “I don’t know. But he already
triggered Hyunjin and Felix’s heats, and they’re in there with him.”

Jisung had been smirking slyly. He nudged Minho. “You should go in there
and get him to trigger your heat. Then hopefully my rut will be triggered,
and...” He waggled his eyebrows.

Minho and Jisung were both betas, meaning that they could go into either
heat or rut. In the absence of outside influences, Minho almost always
tended to go into ruts, and Jisung almost always tended to go into heats.
But, in the presence of an alpha in rut who had pheromones as crazy strong
as Chan’s, it was likely, based on precedent, that he’d trigger them both into
heat. When he presented, Chan had triggered all three betas – Minho,
Jisung, and Seungmin – into heat.

Minho returned Jisung’s smirk, and moved a sighing Changbin to the side
so he could enter Chan’s bedroom. Jisung helped Changbin gather up a
bunch of water bottles, snacks, and towels into a big plastic bin that they
pushed into the room, getting a glimpse of Chan and Minho making out
over Felix’s shoulder before closing the door.

Jisung settled on the couch to wait, palming himself through his jeans at the
prospect of getting to fuck his boyfriend when he was in heat. Changbin
busied himself preparing some sandwiches, knowing that the snacks they’d
delivered wouldn’t tide the others over for long.

A couple minutes later, Minho suddenly dashed out of the bedroom and
straddled Jisung’s lap, and it was immediately evident to both Changbin and
Jisung that he was in heat. Jisung wrapped his arms around him, breathing
him in and watching him grind against him, mystified. He had only
witnessed Minho in heat a few times before, and he smelled delicious.

“Not on the couch!” Changbin ordered, and the pair giggled as Jisung lifted
Minho to carry him to their own bedroom, both hoping that Minho being in
heat would be enough to trigger Jisung’s rut. Not that Jisung needed to be in
rut to satisfy Minho.

After making several sandwiches and putting them in the fridge for later,
the alpha settled on the couch and scrolled through the news on his phone,
expecting to see some article about a major scandal involving poor
manufacturing of rut suppressants. But there was nothing.

After half an hour, Seungmin and Jeongin returned home, shaking off their
umbrellas and placing them in the stand, which already had too many
umbrellas in it. Seungmin tugged at his collar and announced to Changbin,
who met them at the door, “I think I’m going into heat, hyung.”

Changbin laughed and said, “Join the club.” After explaining what had been
happening at home, the youngests’ eyes were wide with shock.

Seungmin took off his raincoat, carefully hanging it up, and, as composed
as ever, said, “Well, if I’m going into heat anyway, I might as well join
them so the omega hyungs can get a break.” Then he slipped into Chan’s

Changbin settled back on the couch, patting the cushion next to him. “Want
to finish that drama we were watching, Innie?” he asked, and Jeongin
plopped down next to him, holding his head.

“I don’t know, hyung. I’ve had this really bad headache all day.”

Just then, Minho and Jisung left their bedroom laughing, wearing only their
underwear as they headed to the bathroom to clean up, their bedroom not
having an adjoining bathroom like Chan’s did. While they were passing in
front of the couch, Minho stopped dead in his tracks, sniffing the air, and he
honed in on Jeongin, his pupils dilating.

“Innie is presenting,” he said flatly, grabbing Jisung by the wrist. “As an


“Oh shit,” Jeongin groaned, an unfamiliar feeling flooding his senses.

Because, suddenly, Minho looked and smelled incredible. Jisung narrowed
his eyes and hurriedly pulled Minho away with him to the bathroom.

Changbin grinned at Jeongin. “You feel the hunger, don’t you?” he asked,
hitting him playfully on the arm. “Now you’ll understand why your hyungs
fuck so much.”

Chapter End Notes

Please take a moment to leave me a comment ~ I'm so curious to know

what you think!

Thanks so much for reading! Take care! <3

Here's my twitter~ Come say hi if you're 18+! @wdrthnthpacific

and here's my curiouscat~ wdrthnthpacific

You're Going To Look So Pretty
Chapter Summary

Hyunjin needs Chan's knot. Again.

There's a lot of breeding kink in this one.

Chapter Notes

Enjoy! ^-^
See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chan’s muscular body was covered in a sheen of sweat, and his brown hair,
which was getting long enough to curl a little, was stuck to his forehead. He
stood up, leaving Felix on the floor after another round – Felix always had a
preference for Chan fucking him on the floor – and turned to look at
Hyunjin, who was still sprawled on the king-sized bed, right where he’d left

Even though Chan had already knotted the two omegas several times, he
still didn’t feel like he could take a break, especially if his still-hard cock
was any indication. He knew that his ruts were more intense than most
people’s, for whatever reason. Still, something tugged at his mind, and he
turned back to look at Felix, who still had tears wetting his face – he tended
to cry a little when he came really hard. “Lix? You good?” he gruffed out,
ready to fight past his instincts to provide care for the lean, petite blonde if
he wanted it.

Felix’s eyes fluttered open and he gave Chan the sweetest smile. “I’m good,
hyung. Go take care of Jinnie.”

Hyunjin needed a different type of care. He’d been waiting patiently for
Chan and Felix to finish up so that he could have another turn, his heat
twisting his stomach. Chan nodded and approached the bed, climbing on
top of Hyunjin.
“Hey Jinnie,” he half-whispered, dropping a kiss to his forehead. Hyunjin
giggled and wrapped his arms around his neck.

“You’re here,” Hyunjin said, relieved.

“Of course I’m here, babe,” Chan said, nuzzling into Hyunjin’s neck,
scenting him. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Hyunjin clutched him tightly, basking in the warm, safe feeling of having
Chan over him. After a moment, he whispered, “Please, Alpha.”

Chan pulled back and looked down at him sincerely, but he already knew
what Hyunjin wanted. Hyunjin always got like this after a few rounds.
“What do you need, Jinnie?” he asked sweetly.

Hyunjin bit his lip and looked up at him with big, dark eyes. “Need you to
breed me, Alpha.”

As many times as he’d heard it over the last couple years, the words always
did something to Chan’s head. And, in the throes of his rut, it clouded his
mind almost too much for him to be able to tease Hyunjin.


Chan smiled sweetly, just a hint of mischief touching his lips, as he leaned
in for a kiss, capturing Hyunjin’s plump lips with practiced ease. Hyunjin
responded eagerly, pulling him in closer and opening his mouth into the
kiss, keening when Chan’s tongue slid in. Hyunjin whimpered, wanting

Hyunjin was wet. Beyond wet, with slick and cum. So it was easy for Chan
to slide the fat head of his cock past his rim. Hyunjin gasped, but then
whined and kicked his legs in protest when Chan stopped, chuckling as he
teased his entrance, barely sliding back and forth.

“Alpha...” Hyunjin whined, “Pleeease!”

“You want more?” Chan asked teasingly.

“Yes!” Hyunjin exclaimed plaintively.

“How much more?”

Hyunjin pouted. Chan loved to see Hyunjin pout, loving the way it
crumpled his face. “All of it! Need you in me, Alpha, please!”

Chan nodded like he was giving in – as if he’d ever deny Hyunjin, or

anyone else in his pack. He let his mouth drop open, and Hyunjin’s
mirrored his, as he slid the rest of the way in, the blonde still remarkably

He set a slow pace, knowing that Hyunjin would get impatient. Sure
enough, it wasn’t long before Hyunjin asked, “Are you going to knot me,

Chan smirked and answered, “You don’t want me to just play with you?”

Hyunjin frowned, tears starting to pool in the corners of his eyes. Having
successfully gotten him where he wanted him, Chan pulled out all the way.
“Get on your knees,” he softly commanded.

Hyunjin scrambled to turn over and get up on his knees, leaning on his
forearms against a pillow. Chan ran his hands over Hyunjin’s ass, taking a
moment to admire the view before sheathing himself back into the omega,
who exhaled in relief. This time he didn’t tease, setting a respectable pace,
holding onto his hips to make him take the full force of each thrust.

“Mmm... I can feel my knot forming for you, Jinnie,” Chan said lowly,
squeezing Hyunjin’s hips. “You’re going to look so pretty all full of my

“Alpha...” Hyunjin moaned, and Chan knew that he’d slipped into his
subspace. He didn’t get to go into subspace often, it being a little difficult to
get him there; but Chan knew from experience that teasing paired with
Hyunjin’s intense breeding kink should do the trick, especially with him in
Chan kept pounding into Hyunjin, his massive alpha cock stretching him
open wide, his knot waiting at his base to stretch him open even wider.
Minutes passed, and Hyunjin felt like his heart was beating in time with
each thrust, the feeling of being filled up so well overwhelming his senses.
“I’m gonna knot you soon, Jinnie. You still want it?”

Hyunjin whined, “Yes Alpha, want it.”

Chan couldn’t help himself. “What do you want, Omega?”

The tears finally fell. “Want you to - breed me!” he gasped out, the
intensifying pounding making speech difficult, both physically and
mentally. “Make me full – of your pups – I promise – will take good – care
of them – for Alpha...”

Chan groaned lowly at the omega’s words. They both knew that the birth
control they were both on would prevent Hyunjin from actually getting
pregnant, but something about the concept pleased something deep in even
Chan’s brain, and he wasn’t the one with a breeding kink. At least, he didn’t
think he had one.

“Hmm... my good omega will take good care of my pups, won’t he?”

Hyunjin nodded rapidly and arched his back even more, trying to take Chan
in even deeper. Chan’s knot started to stretch Hyunjin’s rim even farther
with each thrust until it finally pushed past, and Hyunjin gasped, his brain
empty of everything except the overwhelming desire to be knotted by his
alpha. His mate. He came, entire body shuddering as his untouched cock
covered the sheets and as he released a special type of slick on Chan’s cock
that, if he were able to conceive, would aid that process.

Chan growled, the feeling of the slick on his cock making him cum, too,
pushing in as far as he could before pumping massive amounts of cum deep
inside of his mate, his knot keeping it from seeping out. They collapsed
sideways onto the bed, and Chan took the opportunity to renew his mating
mark, nuzzling the scarred-over mark on Hyunjin’s neck before slowly
sinking his teeth in, feeling Hyunjin’s body shudder again as pleasure
radiated out from the mark, coursing through his veins. “Alpha!” he cried
out weakly, clutching Chan’s hands to his chest.

When Chan removed his teeth, he licked over the bite, soothing it, and said
warmly, “My omega.”

After a moment of being trapped together, Chan nuzzling and licking at

Hyunjin’s neck, the door opened, admitting Minho. Chan glanced around
the room and saw that Seungmin had also entered at some point, and had
been tending to Felix, cleaning him up the best he could while kissing him

“Innie is presenting as an alpha,” Minho announced.

Suddenly, it all made sense to Seungmin. “Chan hyung, your suppressants

must not have been able to successfully suppress your rut with another
presenting alpha around,” he said. “And that must also be why my heat
came early, because I was around him all day.”

Chan nodded, the pieces clicking together. He feathered his fingers through
Hyunjin’s damp hair.

Then, Seungmin said, “Chan hyung, I need you next.” When he had entered
the room, he could feel his heat creeping on, but now his thighs were wet
with slick.

But Chan shook his head, saying, “Jeongin triggered your heat. You should
go to him.”

Seungmin nodded, pushing down the part of his animal brain that was
pained by the rejection from his pack alpha. He kissed Felix on the forehead
and left the room, following his nose to Jeongin.

Chapter End Notes

This was already half-written in my head, so it only took me an hour

and a half to write it! My attention span has been really short the last
week or so, so writing something this short was very refreshing. Let
me know what you think! <3
You Talk A Lot
Chapter Summary

Jeongin is presenting, and Seungmin helps him through his first rut.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Innie? How’re you doing?” Seungmin asked as he casually entered their

shared bedroom, where Changbin told him Jeongin was waiting while he
waited for the height of his rut to hit. As soon as he opened the door, a
heavy scent hit him immediately, one that reminded him of the way the air
smells when it snows – crisp and clean. No wonder no one had noticed
sooner that Jeongin was presenting – his scent was so subtle, but
unmistakable once recognized.

Jeongin was lying flat on his back, limbs outstretched on the bed, eyes
closed, taking deep breaths. “Did Chan hyung send you to me?”

“Yes,” Seungmin admitted, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Would you rather be with him right now?” Jeongin asked emotionlessly.

“Of course not, baby,” Seungmin reached out to touch Jeongin’s arm

Before he could, Jeongin’s eyes snapped open and he grabbed Seungmin’s

wrist. There was a dangerous look in his eyes. “Don’t lie to me. You told
me one time that his cock is your favorite.”

Seungmin frowned, and said earnestly, “But I want to be here with you
during your first rut.” He shrugged. “And your cock isn’t bad by any
Jeongin rolled his eyes. “Then sit on it.”

Seungmin chuckled and shook his head. “This will be the first time you’ve
had sex since you’ve presented. You’ll have a knot now, and –”

“I know, hyung,” Jeongin said, exasperated. “I know how a knot works.”

After all, he’d taken his fair share of knots.

Undaunted, Seungmin continued, “Well, it’s different when you’re the one
with the knot –”

Jeongin looked at him, annoyed. “You know I’ve had sex before, right
hyung? I’ve had sex with you.”

Seungmin nodded. Even in the throes of his heat, he persisted, “I know, but
it’s going to be a little different now, and I just –”

Jeongin cut him off with a growl, jumping off the bed and pushing
Seungmin down onto it, yanking the older’s pants and boxers off and letting
them fall to the floor. “You talk a lot for a bitch in heat,” he said
dangerously, dropping honorifics, while running his hands slowly up
Seungmin’s bare, wet thighs. Seungmin shuddered, eyes wide, not having
seen this side of the maknae before.

None of them had seen this side of the maknae before.

Jeongin had seen Seungmin with the other members. He knew that Chan
was the only one he really relinquished any control with.

That was about to change.

“Suck on your fingers,” Jeongin quietly commanded.

Seungmin scoffed and looked away, and was turning back to say something
bratty when Jeongin shoved three fingers into his open mouth. “I said,”
Jeongin said, inching his fingers farther back on Seungmin’s tongue,
“Suck.” Seungmin obeyed grudgingly, squinting at Jeongin in irritation.
Something Seungmin didn’t ever do, even with Chan, was get subby.
Jeongin had idly fantasized about getting Seungmin that way, but he’d
never had the energy to put forth the necessary effort. But now, with his
first rut hitting as he presented as an alpha, he felt like he had all the energy
in the world.

Jeongin roughly took Seungmin’s own hand and replaced his fingers with
his so that he could undress himself, also removing Seungmin's shirt in the
shuffle. When he climbed over him, Seungmin was surprised to see how
muscular his dongsaeng had gotten. He’d seen him without his shirt on
recently, but he hadn’t really paid attention. He started to take his fingers
out of his mouth to say something, but Jeongin snarled, and he kept them in.

Jeongin licked a stripe from right above Seungmin’s cock all the way up his
neck and under his chin, monitoring him for any reaction. He knew
Seungmin didn’t like to be dirty, but he didn’t react at all, just lying there
with his fingers in his mouth, smelling like clean cotton. His scent was so
strong to Jeongin, he just wanted to bury his nose in it. So he did, nuzzling
his nose into his hyung’s scent gland, on his neck.

He took the opportunity to whisper into Seungmin’s ear, without honorifics,

“You’re so wet for me... you’re going to take me so well, aren’t you?”

Much to both their surprise, Seungmin whimpered an affirmative,

“Mhmm,” around his fingers, making Jeongin’s lips curl up in a smile.

The feeling Seungmin was feeling was completely foreign to him. He was
used to being in control of himself, knowing exactly what was going to
happen next.

But now... he wasn’t sure.

Jeongin could feel the intensity of his rut increasing, but he wanted to take
his time with Seungmin. Take his time taking the beta apart.

Seungmin had kept his legs closed until this point, so Jeongin pushed them
apart, revealing exactly how wet Seungmin already was. He was clearly
nearing the high of his heat, having already produced enough slick to cover
his thighs. Jeongin leaned in and licked up one thigh, then the other, loving
the clean taste of the beta’s slick. He took his time cleaning up his thighs,
but really only making them dirtier and stickier. Seungmin laid there, trying
to be good and keep still, worried that if he tried to hurry Jeongin along,
he’d draw things out even more. Plus, he was actually enjoying this special

The alpha pushed the beta’s knees toward his chest so he could access the
undersides of his thighs, thoroughly licking up the slick. For some reason
this act felt particularly intimate, even in the context of what they were
about to be doing. And Seungmin didn’t usually do intimate. So Jeongin
was pleased that he was letting him spend time doing this.

As he was finishing up, he could feel Seungmin’s legs trembling. Once he

was finally satisfied, Jeongin pulled Seungmin’s fingers out of his mouth
and leaned in for a soft kiss, barely brushing their lips together. He could
feel the stress in Seungmin’s body – the need to be filled finally built up
enough to be a bother.

“You want me in you, Minnie?” Jeongin asked teasingly, nipping at

Seungmin’s ear.

Seungmin whispered, “You know I do. I’m in heat.”

Jeongin nipped Seungmin’s lip, barely enough to hurt. “Yes or no?”

“Yes. I want you in me,” Seungmin breathed.

“Alpha,” Jeongin said, emphasizing each syllable.

“Alpha...” Seungmin whined, very uncharacteristically, suddenly overcome

with a desire to obey.

“I want you to finger yourself open for me. Can you do that, Minnie?”

“Yes, Alpha,” Seungmin said, and reached down with his free hand, fingers
sliding through all the slick that he’d already produced. Since he was in
heat, it wouldn’t take long at all to stretch himself.
But Jeongin saw an opportunity. After just a moment, he growled and
snatched Seungmin’s hand away from between his legs, pinning it to the
bed. “Can’t even stretch yourself right, can you?”

At first, Seungmin looked offended, but then he felt two of Jeongin’s

fingers replace his, immediately aiming for his prostate, and he moaned,
back arching off the bed. “There,” Jeongin smiled deviously, “See? Alpha
knows how to make his pup feel so good. When he deserves it. And you do
deserve it, don’t you, pup? You’ve been so good for Alpha.”

Seungmin nodded and whined. Yes, he had in fact been good. And he was
determined to keep being good, even though the heat curling his insides
made him want to hurry things along.

Jeongin fingered him carefully, letting his legs fall to either side to let them
rest. Sweat already rolled down Seungmin’s forehead, and the scent of
fresh, clean cotton had intensified even further, intermingling nicely with
the crisp smell of falling snow. Finally, Jeongin pushed a fourth finger
easily past Seungmin’s rim, and he saw a fleeting look of confusion pass
across Seungmin’s face. Jeongin smiled, and reminded him, “I have a knot
you have to take now, too, pup.” Even four fingers wouldn’t be enough for
him to take the knot easily, but he’d open up more once Jeongin started
fucking him.

Speaking of fucking Seungmin, Jeongin was barely holding on at this point,

fighting the urge to just get on with things and knot someone to satiate the
animalistic desire fueled by his rut. He leaned over Seungmin once again,
their faces just an inch apart. “You ready to take Alpha’s first knot, pup?”

Seungmin whined and bared his neck to Jeongin as a sign of submission,

and said, “Please knot me, Alpha. Need it.”

“Don’t worry baby, I’ll give it to you.”

Seungmin was so invested in his role that being called “baby” by the
maknae didn’t even faze him as he felt Jeongin’s cock finally push inside
him, dimly thinking that he felt bigger than he remembered – maybe as big
as Chan, or close.
Jeongin felt the need to bite something, but he didn’t want to bite
Seungmin’s neck yet, so he opted for nipping at his earlobe and then
sucking on it. “Good pup,” he whispered in his ear, breathing deeply and
trying not to cum already, knowing Seungmin would never let him live it

Seungmin wasn’t faring much better, bodily shaking, just wanting the alpha
to move. He wrapped his legs around his back and whimpered, baring his
neck even more, hoping that the submissive position would be enough to
spur the alpha into action.

And it was.

With a growl, Jeongin began thrusting his massive cock in and out of
Seungmin, brushing past his prostate with every movement.

“Alpha!” Seungmin cried out, overwhelmed with pleasure. The wet sounds
filling the room were music to his ears, proof that he was being fucked to
anyone who could hear. He wished he could somehow submit even further,
let Jeongin do whatever he wanted to him. “I’m yours!” he pitifully
moaned, not feeling like he succeeded in communicating what he was

But those words rang in Jeongin’s ears. I’m yours. In response, he bit
sharply into Seungmin’s mating mark, the blood of his mate on his tongue
making him feel heady as he continued pounding into him, generously
aiming for his prostate. Seungmin gasped and his eyes squeezed shut as he
came, the intense pleasure radiating from his mating mark and his prostate
too much for him to handle.

Feeling the beta clench around his cock almost pushed Jeongin over the
edge, but he chose to slow down, sitting up and pulling Seungmin to the
edge of the bed so he could stand and fuck leisurely into the beta. Seungmin
was moaning sporadically, arm crossed over his eyes, trying to process the
pleasure. But he still needed the knot if he was going to find the relief he
And Jeongin wasn’t planning on giving it to him just yet, even though he,
too, felt an intense desire to knot the beta.

Slick had seeped onto the bed covers, undoubtedly making its way through
a couple layers. Jeongin added to the mess by pulling out of Seungmin
entirely, a mess of slick coming out after him. Seungmin looked at him,
horrified. “Alpha?” he asked desperately, and tears sprung to his eyes.

Jeongin wanted to break him down just a little more. “Show me how bad
you want my knot,” he demanded lowly, slick dripping off his cock and
onto the floor. The Seungmin he knew would just leave after a demand like
that, not one to be toyed with.

But, just as he suspected, he’d managed to shift something in the beta’s

mind. Seungmin whimpered and tried to hold his legs open again, but his
legs were too tired. So, under Jeongin’s watchful eyes, he rolled over and
centered himself on the bed. He put his elbows together and rested his head
in the crook, covering the back of his head with his forearms, and got up on
his knees, spreading them as far apart as he could stably manage and
pushing his ass into the air. It felt like the most submissive position he could
assume at that time, and he waited there, trembling, hoping he had pleased
the alpha.

He felt Jeongin get on the bed, and then felt him run his hands over his back
and ass. Finally, he felt him pulling his cheeks apart and his cock teasing at
his rim. “Please...” he whimpered, and he sounded so pitiful that Jeongin
actually felt a little guilty for making him work so hard.

So he pushed himself back in, eliciting a cry from the beta as he bottomed
out. The alpha fucked into the beta in earnest, watching his cock disappear
and reappear over and over again, his knot starting to work its way in, as

“Gonna knot you, pup,” he warned before giving one last good thrust to get
his knot inside, and then he felt it swelling as he came, filling the beta up.
Seungmin groaned beautifully, cumming again.

His mind a haze, Seungmin asked quietly, “Was I good for Alpha?”
Jeongin pulled him onto his side, stroking his hair, and said, “You were so
good for Alpha.” He hesitated, knowing that the next thing he wanted to say
was going to clash with the role he’d worked so hard to establish for
himself. “Thank you for taking my first knot, Minnie.”

Seungmin hummed, smiling. “It’s a good knot.”

They cuddled there for awhile until Jeongin’s knot went down, allowing
them to extricate themselves from each other. Seungmin perched on top of
Jeongin, grinning mischievously. “Again?”

Jeongin smirked before roughly flipping him over and smothering him in

Chapter End Notes

Hope you all liked that! This was my first time writing for Jeongin. ✌

I haven't proofed this yet either ✌

The next thing I post will likely be the next installment of the Stress
Management series! ^-^

Thanks for reading! <3

Look At Me
Chapter Summary

The group gathers in their nest.

Hyunjin tests out Jeongin's knot.

There's some breeding kink in this one.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

After having some alone time in their own room, and then discovering that
Jeongin was presenting, Minho and Jisung took it upon themselves to
prepare the group’s nest. It was a spare bedroom that had a lot of
specialized furniture and mattresses in it, perfect for constructing the perfect
place for a whole pack to gather in ultimate comfort. Jisung let Minho set to
work rearranging blankets and pillows, and himself went to the kitchen to
grab some water and food to stash around the room. Changbin was just
sitting on the couch, looking like he was meditating.

“You okay?” Jisung asked, passing him a water bottle.

Changbin immediately started downing it, not answering Jisung’s question

until the bottle was empty. “I’m fine.”

Jisung frowned and leaned over the back of the couch to sniff at Changbin’s
scent gland, only to be swatted away.

“I’m fine,” Changbin insisted.

Jisung plopped down in Changbin’s lap, straddling him, and started

nuzzling at his neck. The alpha didn’t move a muscle until Jisung started
rolling his hips, grinding his hardening cock against Changbin’s abdomen.
At that, Changbin grabbed his hips to hold them still. “You’re not even in
rut yet,” Changbin observed, squinting at him, knowing that the beta was
hoping to go into rut rather than heat this time around.

Pouting, Jisung said, “Doesn’t mean I’m not horny.”

Changbin scoffed and smirked. “Go fuck Minho again then.”

“He’s busy preparing the nest. Will you be joining us?”

Changbin groaned and closed his eyes. “As much as I’d love to, someone
needs to keep it together. Don’t need another alpha in rut, anyway.”

Jisung pouted. “We’ll all be fine even if we’re all in rut or heat. We were
fine last time this happened. We deserve a break.”

Shaking his head, Changbin said, “I guess it’s not much use if I’m the only
member standing...”

“Exactly!” Jisung bounced excitedly on Changbin’s lap.

Resignedly, Changbin said, “I guess I’ll let our manager know...”

“Yes, do that, and then come rail me.”

Changbin arched an eyebrow. “Thought you wanted to rail me.”

“Honestly, I don’t really care who does the railing at this point. Maybe we
can let Minho decide.”

Laughing, Changbin patted Jisung on the butt and prompted him to get off
of his lap, grabbing his phone.

Not too long later, everyone had gathered in the nest, all clothes discarded.
The pheromones filling the room were intoxicating.

Jeongin had entered the room carrying Seungmin over his shoulder. He had
deposited him in front of Chan, who had a clingy Hyunjin hanging around
his neck, smothering him in kisses. Chan pulled away to look at the two
youngest members, and was shocked at what he saw.

Jeongin crouched over Seungmin and tilted up his chin with his finger. “I
want you to be good and let Chan hyung have a turn with you, okay, pup?”

Seungmin nodded quickly and reached out to Chan, gripping his knee and
giving him a look saturated in desire.

Chan didn’t worry about having to push Hyunjin away because Jeongin was
already pressed against his back and pulling him off of Chan, dipping two
fingers down to swipe through his slick while whispering in his ear, “Hey
Jinnie, want to try out a new knot?”

Hyunjin turned around and plastered himself to Jeongin, pupils blown wide
as Jeongin offered him his slick-covered fingers. Hyunjin happily took them
into his mouth, cleaning them off before attaching his lips to Jeongin and
pushing him down onto one of the mattresses.

Chan crawled over Seungmin, who instantly wrapped his arms around his
neck. He smirked down at him. “Did Minnie get all subby for our new
alpha?” He crouched down close, nipping at the shell of Seungmin’s ear.
“Did he take good care of you, pup?”

Seungmin breathed shakily, “Yes, Alpha. Twice.”

“Twice?” Chan chuckled. “He must have a very nice knot.”

Seungmin nodded fervently.

“You probably don’t want my knot anymore, then,” Chan teased. He sensed
a wave of panic pass through Seungmin, who spread his legs to give Chan
better access.
“Want your knot, Alpha,” Seungmin whined. Caged between the pack
alpha’s arms, he was overwhelmed by Chan’s scent, which was reminiscent
of a forest after rain. Wild.

Across the room, Minho and Felix had wrapped around each other and were
making out, their abdomens and thighs a mess of their combined slick.
Changbin and Jisung sat nearby, slowly jerking themselves to the sight.

Felix smirked and looked away from Minho, who didn’t hesitate to start
sucking at Felix’s neck. “Look hyung, I think we’re triggering a couple ruts
right now.”

Minho pulled away and sniffed the air, easily picking up on Changbin’s
intensifying woodsmoke scent and Jisung’s intensifying cinnamon apple
scent. He smirked, too. “You’re right, Lixie.” He whispered conspiratorially
into Felix’s ear, intentionally loud enough for the other two to hear. “Which
one do you want?”

Felix giggled and whispered back, “I think I want Jisungie.”

“Good. Because I kind of really want to ride Binnie.” Minho fixed

Changbin with a devilish smile, and Changbin groaned, pumping himself a
little faster.

Back on the other side of the room, Hyunjin was rutting desperately against
Jeongin, who laid on his back and returned Hyunjin’s desperate kisses.
Hyunjin loved an alpha or beta in rut, and Jeongin’s scent was enveloping
him like a blizzard. Hyunjin’s skin was so hot, especially around his
abdomen, and Jeongin’s scent felt like it was cooling him down in a way, or
at least tricked his brain into thinking so.

Jeongin was entertained by how desperate Hyunjin was until Hyunjin

reached down and tried to guide Jeongin’s cock to his dripping hole, at
which Jeongin growled and slipped out from under him, pinning him front-
down against the mattress. “We do this on my terms, Omega,” he said
lowly, sending a shiver down Hyunjin’s spine.
Chan looked up briefly and smiled proudly, admiring the young alpha’s
display of dominance and knowing that he was going to take good care of

Jeongin bit lightly into the back of Hyunjin’s shoulder, drawing only little
pinpricks of blood before laving his tongue over the wounds. Hyunjin
whined and rutted into the mattress as Jeongin worked his way down,
leaving a trail of bite marks down his back and onto his ass. The whole
time, he could smell Hyunjin’s scent growing stronger, the floral scent
making it smell like the height of spring in a lush garden. Jeongin ran his
hand through the mess of slick between Hyunjin’s legs and used it to lube
up his cock, which was largely unnecessary given how much slick remained
in and around Hyunjin’s hole.

The omega whimpered and pushed his ass back pleadingly. Jeongin didn’t
take the bait, though, flipping Hyunjin over onto his back. Hyunjin arched
his neck prettily, chest heaving, afraid to say or do anything that might
anger the alpha looming over him. Although they’d fucked before, he
wasn’t yet familiar with what Jeongin would want from him now that he
was presenting as an alpha.

Jeongin smirked, noticing how still Hyunjin was, which was very
uncharacteristic of him. “Are you afraid of me, Omega? Afraid of what
Alpha might do to you?”

Hyunjin wasn’t truly afraid. He knew that even at the height of his rut,
Jeongin would never do anything he didn’t want, or actually hurt him. But
the edge he had to his voice was enough to make his body think that he was
a wild card, and he started trembling, closing his eyes to try to center

“Shh, shh,” Jeongin soothed, kissing Hyunjin’s cheek. “Alpha’s not gonna
hurt you, baby. Just want to fill you up.”

Hyunjin whined, but kept his eyes squeezed shut and stayed still, waiting
for Jeongin to make the next move.
Jeongin was well aware of Hyunjin’s breeding kink, but he’d never played
on it before. Even now he didn’t quite understand the appeal, but for the
first time he wanted to tease Hyunjin with it. Get him riled up.

He leaned over Hyunjin’s still slightly trembling frame, supporting himself

on one arm next to Hyunjin’s head while using his other hand to slowly
trace a light line from the omega’s jaw, down his neck, and onto his chest.
“Maybe I should fill Felix up instead,” he mused, and watched as Hyunjin’s
eyes snapped open. “I bet he’d love to carry my pups. He’s such a good
little omega...”

Hyunjin started shaking more, his eyes like saucers as he looked up at

Jeongin, wanting nothing more than to be good for him.

Jeongin doubled down and licked his lips. “Maybe I should go fuck my
pups into little Lixie right now...”


The young alpha looked up to see Chan fixing him with a stern gaze while
balls-deep into Seungmin, who was bent over and panting in front of him.
“He’s in his subspace. Don’t tease him anymore.”

Jeongin felt a pang of guilt and looked back down at Hyunjin, who looked
like he was about to break down and cry. He had had no idea Hyunjin was
in his subspace, knowing he had one, but never having experienced it with
him before. He immediately cupped his cheek in his hand and kissed him
deeply, but Hyunjin didn’t return the kiss at all, just opened his mouth

The young alpha pulled away and frowned. “I’m sorry, Jinnie. I was just
teasing you, but I took it too far.”

Hyunjin averted his eyes, not wanting to anger his alpha with direct eye

“Look at me,” Jeongin gently commanded, and Hyunjin did, his trembling
“You’re such a good omega, Jinnie. I'd be honored if you'd carry my pups
for me.”

Hyunjin started to still, and quietly asked, “You mean it?”

“Of course. Can Alpha breed you now?”

“Please, Alpha, breed Omega now,” Hyunjin whined pathetically, looking

like he was going to combust if Jeongin didn’t immediately start fucking

So, Jeongin slid his cock into Hyunjin’s hole, the excessive slick making it
easy even though the omega’s rim still clenched tightly around him. Jeongin
shuddered out a sigh, stilling once he bottomed out. Hyunjin was hotter and
wetter than Seungmin since he was an omega and not a beta, and Jeongin
needed a moment to adjust to the sensation.

Hyunjin hesitantly pressed a sweet kiss to Jeongin’s forehead, then his

cheek. “Alpha,” he said shyly, and Jeongin opened his eyes. Hyunjin was a
vision underneath him, plush lips parted just a little.

“You’re so pretty,” Jeongin said before slipping his tongue into Hyunjin’s
mouth and starting to rock his hips forward and back.

Hyunjin moaned and wrapped his arms and legs around Jeongin, hanging
on as Jeongin fucked him methodically, slick sounds just adding to others in
the room. But they were oblivious to the others, just wrapped up in each

Hyunjin sobbed at one point and Jeongin hesitated. “What’s wrong?”

The omega opened bleary eyes. “Why’d you stop?”

“Thought something was wrong,” Jeongin explained, still confused.

Tears spilled from Hyunjin’s eyes in frustration. “Just want you so bad,” he
sobbed, and Jeongin again covered his mouth with his own, swallowing his
moans and grunts as he started fucking back into him at a fast pace. Images
of Hyunjin’s swollen belly full of pups, Jeongin’s pups, started popping up
in Jeongin’s mind, and only spurred him on, much to his surprise.

They could both feel Jeongin’s knot swelling up and pushing against
Hyunjin’s rim. “Gonna fill you up,” Jeongin panted out before his knot
slipped in.

Hyunjin gasped and arched his back, and they came simultaneously,
Jeongin pumping so much cum into Hyunjin that the omega’s eyes rolled
back in ecstasy. Jeongin collapsed sideways, pulling Hyunjin with him. He
grabbed some pillows to shove behind Hyunjin’s back so he didn’t have to
support all of his weight on his side while being stuck on Jeongin’s cock.

Hyunjin happily nuzzled into Jeongin’s neck and whispered, where only
Jeongin could hear it, “Thank you, Alpha.”

Jeongin’s heart was still racing, and he kissed Hyunjin lazily. Maybe there
was something to Hyunjin's breeding kink, after all.

Chapter End Notes

The next few chapters will check in on the others, don't worry. ;)
I Could Eat You Up
Chapter Summary

Minho and Felix are too much for Changbin and Jisung to resist.

Not that they'd want to.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Across the room, Minho and Felix had wrapped around each other and
were making out, their abdomens and thighs a mess of their combined slick.
Changbin and Jisung sat nearby, slowly jerking themselves to the sight.

Felix smirked and looked away from Minho, who didn’t hesitate to start
sucking at Felix’s neck. “Look hyung, I think we’re triggering a couple ruts
right now.”

Minho pulled away and sniffed the air, easily picking up on Changbin’s
intensifying woodsmoke scent and and Jisung’s intensifying cinnamon apple
scent. He smirked, too. “You’re right, Lixie.” He whispered conspiratorially
into Felix’s ear, intentionally loud enough for the other two to hear. “Which
one do you want?”

Felix giggled and whispered back, “I think I want Jisungie.”

“Good. Because I kind of really want to ride Binnie.” Minho fixed

Changbin with a devilish smile, and Changbin groaned, pumping himself a
little faster.

“Stop,” Minho commanded, and both Changbin and Jisung’s hands froze,
still wrapped around their lengths. Minho chuckled. “They’re such good
boys, aren’t they, Lixie?”
Felix hummed and crawled out of Minho’s lap towards Jisung, who
swallowed nervously. Minho and Felix were a dangerous combo when they
worked together. Minho followed Felix, crawling on his hands and knees
towards Changbin. Jisung hoped that if he just stayed still and let them play
with him, they’d let him cum sometime soon. Felix climbed into his lap,
nipping at his neck and slowly rolling his hips against him.

Changbin wasn’t thinking so strategically. As soon as Minho got close

enough, he grabbed him and manhandled him onto his back, kneeling
between his legs and pinning him down by his shoulders.

Minho’s dark chuckle made him second-guess whether he really had the
upper hand. And within a matter of seconds, Minho had wrapped his
powerful thighs around Changbin’s waist and rolled him over onto his back,
sitting on his chest. Felix giggled, and Jisung took a moment of silence for
his fallen comrade.

Minho tsked, using his thumb to pull down Changbin’s lower lip. Changbin
let out a hair-raising snarl, but Minho wasn’t fazed. “Bad dogs don’t get
treats, Binnie,” he mused, slowly tracing his hand down Changbin’s chest
and onto his left pec. In the blink of an eye he had his claws out, poking
five small wounds into Changbin’s flesh. Changbin growled, rumbling deep
in his chest, and roughly grabbed Minho’s wrist.

Minho chuckled. “Don’t pretend you don’t like it, Alpha,” he purred, gently
pulling his wrist loose so he could scrape four of his blood-wet claws down
Changbin’s cheek, just light enough to create four vertical red lines of blood
under his left eye, before sucking the leftover blood off of his fingers

The fact was that Changbin did like it. No one else could satisfy his darker
desires like Minho could. Minho could be downright demonic when he
wanted to be.

“Sungieee,” Felix whined, bouncing in Jisung’s lap. Pay attention to me,”

Felix pouted. Jisung’s eyes had been trained on Minho and Changbin, but
he pulled them away to look at the adorable face in front of him. If Minho
was a demon, Felix was an angel. No wonder it was so disorienting when
they teamed up.

“I’m paying attention to you, baby. You’re so cute I could eat you up!” He
playfully rubbed his face against Felix’s neck, making him laugh in delight.

“That’s a good idea, Sungie,” Minho said. “Come over and lay down with
your head near Binnie’s.”

Jisung did as he was told, lying on his back with the top of his head just a
few inches away from the top of Changbin’s head. Minho repositioned
himself so he was straddling Changbin’s face, and he lowered himself down
so his wet hole was over Changbin’s mouth. “Come here, Lixie. Let
Jisungie eat you up.”

Felix excitedly mounted Jisung’s face, and Jisung slid his hands onto his
cheeks, pulling them apart so he could get better access.

Minho and Felix were facing each other, and Minho pulled Felix into a
messy kiss, one hand slipped into his hair to maneuver his head. Felix
melted into the kiss and moaned lowly as he felt Jisung’s tongue circling his
soaked rim.

Changbin, on the other hand, hadn’t done a thing. Minho ran out of patience
and stopped hovering, sitting down so he covered Changbin’s mouth and
nose completely. Suddenly Changbin’s hands were pushing him up and he
felt a sharp bite high up on his inner thigh, definitely enough to draw blood.
Minho chuckled again, speaking lowly into Felix’s mouth, “If Binnie does a
good job, I’ll let him watch while I ride him.”

There was no way Changbin was going to lose the privilege of watching
Minho ride him. Besides, Minho’s scent of dark chocolate and cardamom
was simply intoxicating. So he sucked on Minho’s rim, eliciting an
involuntary moan from the beta. Changbin smirked, knowing that Minho
hadn’t intended to let show that anything Changbin did felt good. He very
carefully nipped around Minho’s hole, feeling him clench from the pinching
Jisung was teasing his tongue around Felix’s rim, lapping up the slick that
was steadily dripping out of him. Felix smelled like sunshine, and Jisung
felt like he was at a sunny picnic. Felix was being so good above him,
carefully supporting enough weight on his own legs to not smother Jisung.

Minho, on the other hand, was periodically grinding his hips down against
Changbin’s face, wiping his slick all over his chin and nose. Changbin
skipped the teasing that Jisung was doing and shoved his tongue past
Minho’s rim, making his back arch at the sudden intrusion. Changbin
furiously tongue-fucked Minho’s hole, punching it in and out so fast that
Minho had to bite his own lip to keep from moaning. Felix wasn’t faring
much better, with Jisung alternating between kissing, sucking, and laving
his tongue around his hole.

The rappers were certainly skilled with their tongues.

Changbin dug his fingers into Minho’s ass; there would definitely be
bruises later.

Felix didn’t seem to be holding up well under Jisung’s ministrations, his

mouth hanging open for Minho to freely lick into.

“You ready for Sungie to fuck you, Lixie?” Minho asked, nipping at his

“Mmmmh, yeah, ready to be fucked,” Felix said lowly. Minho held Felix up
while Jisung slid out from under him, and they worked together to turn
Felix around. Minho held onto Felix’s torso, teasing his nipples and licking
along his mating mark, while Jisung positioned himself over Felix, lining
himself up with his soaking wet entrance.

Minho knew that Changbin was starting to get antsy, but he ignored him for
now, focusing instead on holding Felix while Jisung slid into him. Felix
lolled his head back onto Minho’s shoulder as Jisung started to rock his hips
back and forth.

“Fuck our little omega well, Sungie,” Minho encouraged, twisting Felix’s
nipples and feeling him squirm against him.
Changbin started letting out little growls and nipped at Minho’s thighs.
Minho bit his lip again to stop a moan from slipping out; it turned out that it
was impossible to ignore how Changbin was pleasuring his heat-driven
hole. He needed Changbin’s knot.

Minho gently pushed Felix forward into Jisung’s lap so he could move back
down Changbin’s body, straddling his cock. Changbin looked ruined, his
lower face covered in Minho’s slick. His woodsmoke scent was
overpowering, making Minho’s gut twist. He wanted Changbin inside him,

But, as needy as he was, he’d rather make Changbin suffer a little longer.

Minho leaned down close to Changbin’s face and slowly licked a fat stripe
from his chin, over his lips, to his nose, licking his own slick off him. “How
bad do you want to fuck me, Binnie?” he asked seductively, predatory eyes
locked on those of the man underneath him.

Changbin licked his bottom lip. “Wanna fuck you so bad,” he answered
truthfully, abandoning his macho facade. “Please let me fuck you.”

Minho chuckled. “Begging now, are we?” In truth, he was as desperate as

Changbin was, but he wasn’t planning on letting that show. Besides, he
wasn’t done playing with the alpha yet.

While Jisung was vigorously fucking Felix just a foot away from them,
Minho admired the stripes of Changbin’s own blood on his face. He
smirked. “Don’t you think it’s funny how I’m the one in heat, but you’re the
one laying pathetically on his back, waiting for me to do something?”

Changbin’s breath hitched. It was true. At this juncture, he didn’t dare move
until Minho gave him the go-ahead. Too much was at stake. He knew that
Minho would take any excuse to deny him, and he wasn’t about to give him
any opportunities.

“Show me how much you want me, Alpha,” Minho teased, grinding against
Changbin’s aching cock. “Or are you too afraid?”
Oh. Oh. That challenge shifted something in Changbin’s brain from
wanting to be patient and obedient to something feral. Even though part of
him knew he was taking Minho’s bait, another part of him didn’t care. With
a snarl, he gripped Minho’s waist, deploying his claws to dig in just a little
bit. He smirked as Minho moaned, then quickly shot him a death glare.

“Chan hyung!” Minho called, and Chan’s head snapped away from
Seungmin to look at him. “Need you to hold Binnie’s arms down so I can
fuck him.”

Changbin groaned as Minho pulled his hands off of his waist and held them
above his head, Chan immediately pinning down both his wrists with only
one strong hand. Fuck. As strong as Changbin was, it was rare that he felt
so powerless. And it was exhilarating.

Chan wasn’t even paying attention to him, focusing instead on taking

Seungmin apart. Minho smiled devilishly down at Changbin as he lined
himself up over his leaking cock and sank down all in one go. His smile
grew as he found himself pressed down against Changbin’s knot, which was
already inflating.

“Desperate to knot me, Alpha?” Minho asked, wiggling his hips. Changbin
groaned, and Minho clamped a hand over his mouth. He leaned close again,
eyes sparkling. “If you stay really still, I’ll fuck myself onto your knot.”

Those words making his head spin, Changbin moaned and nodded, and
Minho removed his hand. Focusing only on his own pleasure, Minho started
fucking himself on Changbin’s cock. Soon he was riding him, just as he’d
wanted to from the beginning, bouncing up and down, feeling the alpha’s
length slide along his insides.

Nearby, Felix gasped as he came on Jisung’s torso, and Jisung wasn’t far
behind, burying his forehead into Felix’s shoulder as he hit his high. Their
moans spurred Minho on, bouncing with renewed purpose. Changbin
struggled against Chan’s grip. The ease with which Chan was able to
restrain him turned Changbin on even more, amplifying the pleasure he felt
as Minho used him for his cock.
When Minho leaned back to get a better angle against his prostate,
Changbin couldn’t help it anymore. He started bucking his hips up into
Minho, who let a moan slip past his lips. Changbin knew that as long as he
was stimulating Minho just right, Minho wouldn’t follow up on his implicit
threat of not letting him knot him.

And he was right. Minho felt pleasure flood his brain as Changbin’s cock
grazed past his prostate with every movement, and his jaw dropped open as
his knot pushed inside of him. He felt so full, and he came immediately,
eyes fluttering shut as he painted Changbin’s abdomen white.

Every muscle in Changbin’s body tensed when his knot slipped past
Minho’s rim, and the sight of Minho cumming on him made him lose it,
too. He screamed as he came, pumping inordinate amounts of cum deep
inside Minho.

Chan released his grip on Changbin’s wrists, but the latter left his arms
above his head, panting. He felt thoroughly used, his face still wet with
Minho’s slick.

Minho smirked as Felix leaned over, licking Minho’s cum off of Changbin’s
abdomen. Jisung was helping him, considering that he was locked inside
Felix. Changbin groaned, lovingly sliding his hand into Felix’s hair.

Minho bounced a few times, reminding Changbin that he was stuck on his
cock. “Can’t escape me now, Binnie,” he said as he bit down around
Changbin’s left nipple, leaving a nice circle of teethmarks underneath the
claw marks he’d left earlier.

“Don’t want to,” Changbin murmured, his other hand moving to rest on
Minho’s thigh.

Minho scoffed and looked away. Changbin always got so mushy after sex.
Minho slid one of his hands up Jisung’s thigh and gave it a loving squeeze.

Good thing Minho wasn’t such a sap.

Chapter End Notes

I'm Not Done With You Yet
Chapter Summary

Chan takes care of a delicate Seungmin.

Chapter Notes

Warning: fluffiness ahead.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chan crawled over Seungmin, who instantly wrapped his arms around his
neck. He smirked down at him. “Did Minnie get all subby for our new
alpha?” He crouched down close, nipping at the shell of Seungmin’s ear.
“Did he take good care of you, pup?”

Seungmin breathed shakily, “Yes, Alpha. Twice.”

“Twice?” Chan chuckled. “He must have a very nice knot.”

Seungmin nodded fervently.

“You probably don’t want my knot anymore, then,” Chan teased. He sensed
a wave of panic pass through Seungmin, who spread his legs to give Chan
better access.

“Want your knot, Alpha,” Seungmin whined. Caged between the pack
alpha’s arms, he was overwhelmed by Chan’s scent, which was reminiscent
of a forest after rain. Wild.

Chan had never seen Seungmin like this before. He was usually very no-
nonsense, preferring to get off and get out. Not that he didn’t take the time
to give his partner(s) what they wanted, because he definitely did, but he
just didn’t have the patience to be teased or denied.
Seungmin already had the highest tolerance for Chan’s teasing out of all of
them; maybe like this, he’d tolerate even more.

But Chan wanted to get him even more vulnerable first.

“Hmm... Seungminnie wants Alpha’s knot? Already?” He chuckled darkly

into Seungmin’s ear. “I haven’t even done anything to you yet.”

That was a lie, though. To Seungmin, having Bang Fucking Chan naked
over him was practically a religious experience. The rut-heightened lust
burning in his eyes, how his biceps flexed as he propped himself up on the
mattress, his torso looking like it’d been chiseled by Michelangelo

And his cock.

Michelangelo could never.

Seungmin was ready to let this man do whatever he wanted to him, and
thank him for it.

And he would be thanking him, because Chan loved nothing more than
making his packmates feel good. Really good.

“Minnie,” Chan said with a gentle, amused smile. “I asked you a question.”

Seungmin hadn’t heard it, too busy mentally worshipping his pack alpha.
“I’m sorry,” he said with a small frown.

Chan smiled lovingly down at him. Normally, Seungmin wouldn’t zone out
like that. And if he had, he certainly wouldn’t apologize for it. He wondered
if Jeongin had managed to push Seungmin into a previously un-accessed
subspace. Chan replied sweetly, brushing his knuckles across the beta’s
cheek, “I asked if I can knot you now, pup.”

Appreciating Chan’s infinite patience, Seungmin answered, “I’ll take

whatever you’re willing to give me, Alpha.”

Chan raised an eyebrow.

Seungmin didn’t know what he was signing up for.

“Alright, baby,” Chan said, “I’ll give you my knot.”

Seungmin didn’t notice the slight tone that implied that there was a catch.

“Turn around for me,” Chan gently directed, and Seungmin turned over and
stuck his butt in the air, moving more sluggishly than normal.

Leaning close over him, Chan gripped Seungmin’s hips and nudged his
cock against his slick-wet rim, feeling it give easily with minimal pressure.
He teased him a couple times, not even pushing enough to get the head in,
and couldn’t help but grin when the beta whined plaintively and scrunched
his fingers in the blanket under him. Normally Seungmin would just tell
him to get on with it.

But his goal wasn’t to tease Seungmin. Not yet, at least. So he sank in
slowly, watching Seungmin’s body relax as he slid deep inside. Chan started
rhythmically bucking his hips to slide his cock in and out of Seungmin,
keeping the pace leisurely. He admired the way Seungmin was taking him,
quiet gasps audible to Chan’s sharp ears.

He straightened upright and picked up the pace, wanting to take Seungmin’s

breath away. Soon he was biting his lip as he fucked hard into the beta, his
gasps morphing into panting.

Although he was focused on Seungmin, Chan sensed distress rolling off of

Hyunjin. He tore his attention away from the beta, continuing to roll his
hips as he instead focused on the omega, who was trembling underneath
Jeongin. He heard the alpha say, “Maybe I should fill Felix up instead. I bet
he’d love to carry my pups. He’s such a good little omega...”

Chan gave Jeongin an opportunity to self-correct, but then watched

Hyunjin’s trembling intensify to shaking as Jeongin said, “Maybe I should
go fuck my pups into little Lixie right now...”

It was time to intervene. “Jeongin,” Chan said, slowing his pace to give
Seungmin some reprieve and so that he could speak more easily.
The young alpha looked up to see Chan fixing him with a stern gaze while
balls-deep into Seungmin, who was bent over and panting in front of him.
“He’s in his subspace. Don’t tease him anymore.”

He watched Jeongin’s demeanor shift, heard him apologize, and made sure
that Hyunjin’s distress had dissipated before deciding that he could turn his
full attention back to Seungmin.

Wishing that he could see his face, he pulled out, Seungmin’s slick coating
his cock. “On your back, baby. Wanna see you,” he said, and Seungmin
complied quickly, wanting to be filled again as soon as possible. Chan
chuckled and smoothed his hair off of his forehead as he slid back inside,
watching his face relax, his mouth falling open and eyes fluttering shut.
Chan stayed still and kissed from Seungmin’s jaw down onto his neck. “So
pretty, Minnie...” he murmured, licking over Seungmin’s mating mark. He
could smell Jeongin there, could see that he’d bitten him there. He’d leave it

Chan worked his arms underneath Seungmin, his right hand snaking up to
hook over his shoulder while his left wrapped around the small of his back,
giving him increased leverage as he finally resumed moving in and out of
him. Seungmin felt so pliant in his arms, head lolling back onto the mattress
to expose his neck now that he was lifted off of it a little by Chan’s arms.

He kissed his way back up to Seungmin’s lips, gently pulling down his
bottom lip with his teeth. “Kiss your Alpha,” he half-whispered, and
Seungmin readily obeyed, softly pressing his lips to Chan’s. He was a little
surprised; Seungmin didn’t really do intimate, even though he deeply loved
each one of his packmates.

So, naturally, Chan, being the enormous sap that he was, wasn’t going to let
this opportunity to properly make love to Seungmin go to waste.

He slid his hand up to the back of Seungmin’s head to help him hold it up
and deepened the kiss, humming into his mouth. Seungmin was receptive,
readily parting his lips to let Chan in, meeting his tongue with his own.
Chan’s knot had inflated, and he gently pushed it past Seungmin’s rim. He
kept fucking Seungmin with shallow thrusts, not letting his knot slip out.
Chan opened his eyes and caught a tear rolling down Seungmin’s cheek.

“Hey, baby,” he whispered with a dimpled smile, already knowing that the
beta was just overwhelmed. “You okay?”

Seungmin moaned affirmatively, and his face scrunched up as he whispered

back, “Love you, Alpha.”

Chan’s smile grew. He kissed Seungmin sweetly on the cheek and then said,
“I know, baby. Alpha loves you too.”

Seungmin came with a whine, back arching in Chan’s arms. The realization
that his words were what had driven Seungmin over the edge in turn drove
Chan over the edge. He squeezed Seungmin tight and gasped, dropping his
forehead to rest against his collarbones as he filled him up. He held him
close, caressing his fingers through his hair.

After a minute, Chan shifted his weight onto his left arm and snuck his right
hand down to wrap around Seungmin’s somewhat softened cock, slowly
stroking it. Seungmin’s back arched and he groaned, gripping Chan’s
biceps. Chan slipped his hand up, using the cum to ease the slide of his
thumb around the sensitive head.

Seungmin sucked air in through his teeth and squirmed due to

oversensitivity, squeezing Chan’s biceps to try to push away. But they were
locked together, and besides, no one could escape Bang Chan if he didn't
want them to.

“Shh, shh,” Chan soothed. “You’re okay, baby,” he said, kissing the
underside of Seungmin’s chin. “I’m not done with you yet.”

Chan repositioned himself so he was sitting with Seungmin still lying

down, his butt propped up a little on Chan’s very upper thighs since they
were still stuck together. The alpha continued to work the beta’s cock with
his right hand, and slid his left hand up to gently tease Seungmin’s right
nipple between his fingers. Seungmin whimpered, exhaling shakily.
Seungmin felt so secure under Chan’s touch; he knew his alpha was taking
care of him.

Chan and Seungmin had been tuning out the others, ignoring the wet
sounds, the lewd moans, and the teasing words. It jarred the alpha when he
heard his name called.

“Chan hyung!” Minho called, and Chan’s head snapped away from
Seungmin to look at him. “Need you to hold Binnie’s arms down so I can
fuck him.”

Minho was using both his hands to hold Changbin’s hands above his head
near Chan. Without a word, Chan used his left hand to pin Changbin’s arms
down by the wrists, and turned back to focus on Seungmin. He could feel
Changbin struggle against him, but the pressure he exerted downward as
well as his tight grip on his wrists were enough to pin his arms helplessly
above his head.

He was still working Seungmin’s now fully erect cock with his right hand.
And Seungmin’s whimpers and oversensitivity had morphed into moans
and pure bliss. Tears ran down his cheeks uncontrollably, and intermittent
spasms shook his body. “Hyung...” Seungmin sobbed, reaching for Chan,
settling on gripping his thighs.

“I’ve got you, Minnie,” Chan cooed. He’d never seen Seungmin fall apart
like this, and he looked so beautiful, writhing in pleasure on Chan’s cock.

“Hyung, I’m so close, please,” Seungmin begged, as if Chan wasn’t already

thoroughly jerking him off, his nails digging into Chan’s thighs.

“Go on, baby, cum for hyung,” Chan encouraged, sliding his hand up and
down faster until Seungmin was cumming again, covering Chan’s hand.
“Ohh, such a good boy, Minnie,” Chan cooed.

Seungmin covered his eyes with one of his arms, embarrassed to have
unraveled as much as he had. “You look so amazing like this, Minnie.
Please let me see you,” Chan requested as he wiped his hand off on a
nearby towel and then started massaging Seungmin’s thigh, hoping it would
help ground him since he’d gotten so worked up. Seungmin slowly lowered
his arm, eyes squeezed shut as he tried to calm down, his emotions feeling
weirdly heightened.

Changbin screamed as he came, and Chan relinquished his hold on his

wrists when he was done. With both his hands free, Chan moved to
reposition himself again, and found that his knot had deflated enough that
he could pull out. Not wanting to leave Seungmin empty, he made sure he
had a butt plug handy before pulling out. He used a damp towel to wipe
Seungmin off the best he could, and pushed the plug in before more cum
could leak out.

After using a different towel to dry him off, Chan pulled Seungmin into a
snugglier part of the nest. He felt the need for a nap, and guessed that
Seungmin could use one, too. They had both probably satisfied the needs
presented by their heat and rut to not be bothered again for a little while –
long enough to take a well-earned rest.

Chan made Seungmin drink half a bottle of water – Chan drank the other
half himself – before lying down with him and holding him protectively
against his chest, a soft blanket covering them both. He nuzzled into the
back of Seungmin’s neck, drinking in Seungmin’s scent of clean cotton, and
whispered, “Try to get some sleep, pup. I think Innie and I have tired you

Seungmin didn’t respond, but Chan felt him press back into his chest. A
minute later, they were both asleep, unbothered by the ongoing fun
happening nearby.

Chapter End Notes

Ahhh so soft ^-^

Just Fuck Me Already
Chapter Summary

Minho bites off more than he can chew when he gets too impatient
with his pack alpha.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Chan woke up engulfed in intense need, a sheen of sweat covering his body,
the heavy scent of dark chocolate and cardamom the only one that his nose
was picking out.

He opened his eyes and found Minho lying on his side in front of him,
propped up on one arm with a blanket artfully draped over his lower half.
The beta grinned teasingly and said, “Rise and shine, big boy,” punctuated
by a wink. “I’m in heat too, you know.”

In the blink of an eye Chan had him on his back and was hovering over
him, lust burning in his eyes. Minho was flustered for a moment, but then
laughed. “Done being all lovey-dovey, are we?”

Chan just let out a low, rolling growl and grazed his teeth along Minho’s
neck. A chill ran down Minho’s spine, but he wasn’t done teasing the alpha.

Minho lifted his legs so his feet rested on Chan’s hips, putting him in a
rather vulnerable position. But then he said, “Maybe I should make you
work for it,” and forcefully kicked Chan away, also pushing him away by
his shoulders, then flipped over so he could get up and bolt.

He knew he wouldn’t make it far, but Chan didn’t even give him the head
start he normally would have. Before Minho could even stand up, Chan
knocked him back down, holding him down with one hand on his upper
back and the other on the back of his head, pushing his face into the
Slick gushed out of Minho at Chan's display of strength, and he wasn’t sure
if he hoped Chan would notice or not.

Chan allowed enough freedom for Minho to turn his head to the side, then
leaned close and ordered, “Stop playing games and present your needy hole
to your alpha.”

He’d definitely noticed.

Minho disrespectfully rolled his eyes as he daringly said, “You’re too soft to
satisfy me today.” After all, he had seen how Chan had made love to

He suddenly felt something big, hot, and hard pressing against his hole.
Chan chuckled as more slick leaked out, coating the head of his cock. “This
is too soft for you, Beta?”

Minho moaned. Okay, he was officially done trying to make Chan work for
it. He needed him in him. Now.

The beta tried to lift his hips and push back, but Chan moved the hand that
was on his head to his hip, pushing him back down into the mattress.

“Fuck, Channie, just fuck me already!” Minho complained, wiggling his

butt the best he could.

Chan started pushing in slowly, mindful that Minho might not be ready to
accommodate him if he had also taken a nap; most of the other members
were still sleeping. He was in heat, which helped, but he was also a beta,
meaning that some prep could still be necessary. Sure enough, Chan felt
Minho’s body tense under him and watched his rim fight against the stretch,
so he pulled back.

Minho let out a very displeased noise. “I said to fuck me! Did that stupid
little alpha brain of yours forget how?”

Chan’s face darkened. Everything up until that point had been all fun and
games; he and Minho liked playing rough together, teasing each other. But
those words hit the wrong way, especially through the filter of Chan’s rut.

The alpha snarled and started giving off heavy, intimidating pheromones.
Ones that screamed that he was in charge, and deserved respect. That he
was the king of the figurative forest.

Felix and Jeongin turned their attention toward the two. In his sleep,
Hyunjin whined and cowered, and Changbin woke next to him, pulling him
close to his chest and letting out some comforting pheromones to soothe the
omega, eyes also turned to Chan and Minho.

Chan got right up in Minho’s face, which was still half-pressed into the
mattress, and spoke lowly, “Want Alpha to tear you open, little wolf? Want
me to shove my giant cock into your desperate hole and ruin you?”

Minho whined and started giving off submissive pheromones, averting his
eyes to the mattress. “No, Alpha,” he said quietly. He gasped and moaned
as Chan used one claw to scratch down Minho’s side, hesitating at the
tender flesh under his bottom rib. Chan had controlled himself carefully,
barely slicing the skin enough for it to bleed.

Everyone knew Minho was a bit of a painslut and liked to be marked up by

his mates, but the context made the action more of a show of dominance
than it normally would’ve been.

Chan continued, “You’re going to present for me now so I can open you up.
I don’t want you bleeding all over my cock while I fuck you. Understood?”

Minho nodded hurriedly. “Yes, Alpha.”

Chan held him down for another moment before letting go, and Minho
scrambled up into a presenting position, on his knees with his head resting
on his arms. He felt a little afraid, but he knew that was just his body
reacting to the pheromones. In truth, he was eager to find out how well his
pack alpha was soon going to fuck him.

Chan got on his knees behind Minho, retracted his claw, and easily slid two
fingers past Minho’s rim. The beta moaned but stayed still, not wanting to
give the alpha any reason to be displeased with him again. Chan worked in
a third finger with relative ease, pumping them in and out as far as he could
get them.

Everyone except Jeongin had gone back to minding their own business. The
young alpha had a strange look in his eyes, watching quietly.

Chan paid him no mind and slipped a fourth finger inside. “Good Beta,” he
praised, smoothing his other hand down his back. He opened Minho up
until he deemed that he was ready to take him, then said bitterly, “Let’s see
if I’ve forgotten how...”

After making sure Minho’s rim stretched wide enough to accommodate the
head, he plunged the rest of his cock into him, making the beta scream, in
turn waking Hyunjin, Jisung, and Seungmin up.

Chan started fucking roughly into Minho, pulling him back to meet each
harsh thrust. Minho’s eyes rolled back; he was in heaven.

And then he came.

Well, that was embarrassing, Minho thought. After all his talk, he’d reached
his climax so fast anyone would’ve thought he’d never been fucked before.

He heard Chan chuckling behind him, still slamming into him repeatedly,
with no concern for his oversensitivity. “Guess I’m not so bad, huh?” he

No, Chan wasn’t bad. He was very good, and Minho already felt his
pleasure building back up. “So good, Alpha. Give it to me harder. I deserve
it,” he urged.

Chan growled, pushed Minho roughly down onto the mattress, and pounded
into him even harder, his cock gliding easily in and out of him. “Ah! Just
like that,” Minho encouraged, Chan’s cock brushing past his prostate and
the growing knot at its base pushing against his rim with every thrust.
And then it did push past, and Minho’s mouth fell open. He felt so full, and
Chan wasn’t even done yet.

Chan licked his lips and admired Minho’s body beneath him, the way all his
muscles were tensing – god, he had muscles everywhere – and here Chan
was fucking him into the mattress. He increased his thrusts to a downright
savage pace, holding Minho down even though the beta definitely wasn’t
trying to escape.

His balls tightened suddenly and he snarled as he came, spilling his cum
into the beta. And it was a lot of cum. Minho could feel it filling him up and
he moaned, cumming a second time, making a mess of his stomach and the
blanket he was on.

Chan collapsed on top of him, his weight making it a little difficult to

breathe for a moment before he rolled them both to the side.

“Lost for words for once, pup?” Chan asked with a small chuckle, gently
taking his chin in his hand and turning his head to the side so he could look
at his face.

Minho looked so fucked-out, his hair plastered to his forehead. “Fuck,

Channie,” he finally said, still trying to catch his breath. “Sorry I was so

Chan smiled. “Sorry I went full “alpha” on you.”

It was Minho’s turn to chuckle. “I don’t think you’ve ever gone full “alpha”
on any of us. That would be – well, that would be terrifying.”

Chan soothingly caressed Minho’s back and happened to make eye contact
with Jeongin, who was still watching the two of them, now over Felix’s
shoulder. Jeongin looked away, focusing on the mewling omega in his lap.

Chan then looked to Changbin, who was watching Jeongin while carding
his fingers through Hyunjin’s hair. Changbin felt Chan’s eyes and turned to
look at him. The look in his eyes confirmed that Chan wasn’t imagining
things; Jeongin had been affected by Chan’s display of dominance over
Minho. They would need to keep a close eye on him.

Chapter End Notes

Hope this didn't give everyone whiplash after the last chapter! haha

There's just still *so much* Wolf Chan in my brain right now. For
obvious reasons.

Thanks so much to everyone who's left kudos on this work; the kudos
count just surpassed 500! :O I can't believe it. So, thanks. <333
Can I Please?
Chapter Summary

Felix gently helps Jeongin through some embarrassment stemming

from presenting as an alpha.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

At some point while Chan and Seungmin were sleeping, most of the others
had all gotten to a point where they felt like they needed a break. Jeongin,
though, still felt the fire in his veins urging him to mate.

Felix was tired, but he remembered how he had felt when he presented as
an omega – an insatiable need to be filled, over and over again. And he’d
had a whole pack available to take care of him. But with everyone in heat or
rut, Jeongin’s packmates were all worn out for the time being, leaving him
all alone, and still incredibly hungry for more.

So while Changbin pulled Hyunjin to their own little area to snuggle and
snooze, and Minho and Jisung wrapped up in each other, probably to lazily
fuck each other asleep, Felix crawled over to Jeongin with a bright smile on
his face. “Wanna play with me, Innie?” he asked sweetly. But then
something caught his eye.

Jeongin had been leaning back against a cushioned wall with his eyes
closed, biting his lower lip as he stroked his own cock. It was even bigger
than Felix remembered – which happened when alphas presented, but damn
– and the head was flushed red, pre-cum practically oozing out of it. When
Jeongin heard Felix, his eyes snapped open and locked on him. Felix had
frozen in place, his eyes locked on Jeongin’s cock. He subconsciously
licked his lips.

“Let’s play, little omega,” Jeongin said with a smirk.

Faced with a new alpha, Felix was hesitant. Yes, he knew Jeongin very
well, but he didn’t know alpha Jeongin. Felix’s instinct was to be cautious
and defer to the alpha.

“Come on,” Jeongin said, curling his fingers in a beckoning motion. Felix
crawled forward until he was kneeling right in front of him.

Felix looked up with big eyes and asked, “Can I?” as he reached his hand
toward Jeongin’s cock.

Jeongin suddenly felt a little shy, what little bravado he had had already
spent. Then he felt embarrassed for feeling shy. He was an alpha now; he
shouldn’t be blushing at the idea of one of his packmates handling his cock,
especially when this was nothing new.

But what was new was how big he was now. He hadn’t really taken a
moment yet to realize how much he had changed, had just sunk his cock
into Seungmin and Hyunjin to relieve the need gnawing at him. He’d never
felt so horny in his life. But now, even through that intense need, he was
feeling self-conscious. And embarrassed. It was just so... big. Sure, that
wasn’t generally something someone would be embarrassed about, but it
was just... really big, and there, and almost painfully hard, and leaking, and
red, and he worried he didn’t know how to use it well.

Not only was he so big, but he was the cause of this entire disaster. They all
had things to do, and here they all were, stuck fucking each other’s brains
out. And it was all his fault.

Jeongin suddenly realized he was still gripping his own cock, and let go,
forcing his hand to rest on his thigh.

Felix had waited for an answer, but received none. He saw some emotions
flick across Jeongin’s face, and he recognized something they used to see
from him a lot.

Back when Jeongin had reached the age of consent and had just starting
participating with the rest of his pack sexually, he was extremely shy about
it. He’d wanted to engage with them in that way, but he’d turn into a
blushing mess even before they’d take their clothes off. They’d finally
helped him work through that shyness, Chan and Felix especially devoting
a lot of time helping him become more comfortable. Over time, he had
mostly overcome it.

Now, Felix could read Jeongin like a book. He could see the shyness
creeping up to get him in a stranglehold. He decided to fall back on one of
the techniques he and Chan had used to coax him into feeling more
comfortable: asking direct questions about what he wanted, and reassuring
him that he was safe with them, that they took him seriously.

“Can I please touch your cock?” Felix asked, watching his packmate

Jeongin reddened, but said, “Please touch it, Lix.”

Felix hummed and delicately wrapped his right hand around Jeongin’s cock
as much as he could, but his fingers didn’t reach far enough around to meet
his thumb. Wide-eyed, he added his left hand beneath it. Jeongin wanted to
look away, embarrassed, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight
of Felix’s hands wrapped around him. He started breathing more heavily.

Felix smiled. “You look so good like this, Innie,” Felix praised, slowly
sliding his hands up and down his length. The pleasure was so immense that
Jeongin dug his heels into the mattress and leaned his head back against the
padded wall. But it also wasn’t enough.

And Felix could tell. “Can I please put my mouth on your cock?” he asked,
already salivating.

Jeongin nodded fervently. “Please,” he whimpered.

Felix hummed again as he happily got down lower. From this perspective,
he felt like his entire field of vision was filled with Jeongin’s cock. He kept
one hand on his shaft and used the other to hold one of the alpha’s hands,
knowing that that would comfort him. And then he parted his lips and
gently wrapped them around the fat head of Jeongin’s cock, his tongue
moving forward to firmly lick off the pre-cum glistening there. He
registered the flowery scent of their pack’s other omega through Jeongin’s
heavy snowy scent.

Jeongin whined, his head leaned back still, but he cast his eyes downward
to watch his packmate. Felix squeezed his hand reassuringly and lowered
his head, relaxing his jaw so he could better accommodate the large cock.
He was so big that Felix was struggling not to let his teeth touch it, and it
looked like his lips couldn’t stretch much wider.

Felix sank slowly down until Jeongin hit the back of his throat, and god, he
was only maybe a third of the way down. Jeongin moaned as Felix started
bobbing, tears already gathering from having something so large prodding
against the back of his throat.

“Felix...” Jeongin said, feeling heady at the sight before him, and
embarrassed that he couldn’t hold out longer.

The omega made a questioning noise, and the vibration from his deep voice
sent sparks of pleasure through his cock.

“Need –” Jeongin started to say, then bit his lip, feeling too shy to say what
he needed. He needed to impale Felix on his cock, fuck him into next week,
knot him up all pretty...

Felix pulled off and smiled at his packmate. “You need to fuck me now,

Jeongin whined and moved his hands to Felix’s shoulders, and Felix readily
climbed onto him, setting his thighs on either side of Jeongin’s waist.
Jeongin’s face was burning red, but he couldn’t resist anymore, and he
helped Felix position himself over his aching cock.

Felix lowered himself slowly, his arms wrapped around Jeongin’s shoulders
for support. He sighed as he felt the head push against his slick rim, and his
jaw dropped as it slid past, stretching him wide. Even though he was an
omega in heat, it was still a lot to accommodate. But he did, and he sank
down farther, slowly enveloping the alpha’s cock. Jeongin was resisting the
urge to shove Felix down, his hands clamped tightly around the omega’s

After what seemed like an eternity, Felix was fully sitting on Jeongin’s
cock, his mouth hung open. He felt so full. Jeongin closed his eyes and
waited. After a few moments, he felt Felix wiggle around experimentally,
and he sucked in a breath. Finally, Felix lifted himself up – Jeongin could
see Felix’s slick running down his cock – and then sank back down with a

"Filling me so good, Alpha," Felix praised.

They established a rhythm, Jeongin helping Felix lift off of and sink back
down onto his cock, the omega almost clawing at Jeongin’s back and
shoulders in pure ecstasy.

Jeongin was so caught up in the pleasure that he didn’t realize until too late
that he was cumming, his knot inflated but left uselessly outside the omega.
He cursed and started apologizing profusely. “I’m sorry, so sorry, didn’t
mean to –”

Felix would be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed; he had gotten so

worked up, and needed Jeongin to knot him. But what was done was done,
so he smiled reassuringly and cupped Jeongin’s jaw in his palm. “It’s okay,
I’m okay.”

Jeongin tried to turn his head away, utterly ashamed. His embarrassment
about how big his cock was flared up again. He had this massive cock, and
couldn’t even use it right, couldn’t satisfy the omega sitting on top of his
useless knot. Tears sprung up, and then he was embarrassed about that. He
was supposed to be a big bad alpha. He wasn’t supposed to cry.

Felix petted his hair and kissed down his face, trying to hold still so as not
to overstimulate the sensitive alpha. “Don’t beat yourself up, Innie. I love
you so much, and I know you’re going through a lot right now. Presenting
is hard. But I’ve got you.”
Jeongin tried to push down his tears, but it was too late, and they fell
anyway. He was dimly thankful that at least the others were sleeping now,
so they wouldn’t see him like this. He could feel his cum leaking down his
cock when Felix accidentally moved a little, and he sobbed. Felix
soothingly shushed him, and asked, “Can I please kiss you?”

“Yeah,” Jeongin quietly agreed, and Felix captured his lips in a sweet kiss,
cupping his face in his hands. Jeongin let Felix take the lead, let him lick
around inside his mouth. He could feel by the way Felix kissed him how
needy he was, and another surge of embarrassment swept through him at
not being able to satisfy him.

They stayed like that, Felix sitting as still as he could as they made out,
until Jeongin’s knot deflated enough for Felix to sink a little farther down
with a groan. He grinned and started slowly bouncing, and Jeongin gasped
at how good it already felt. He was still very hard, and quickly became fully
hard as Felix bounced in his lap. When his knot started inflating again,
Felix concentrated on taking it in, rotating his hips as sweat rolled down his

At long last it was in, and Felix let out a shaky breath at the relief it brought
him. But he needed more, and continued grinding down on it until it
inflated fully to the point where it wouldn’t come out. Jeongin groaned,
relieved that he’d successfully knotted the omega, and worked his hips
within what little range of motion he had until he came again.

Felix groaned and rested his forehead against Jeongin’s shoulder, closing
his eyes. He felt Jeongin’s hand wrap around his cock and start pumping it
and he opened his eyes. “Oh...” he breathed; he had caught sight of his
stomach, and the way it was bulging out slightly where Jeongin’s cock sat
deep inside of him. “Mmm, Alpha...” he moaned and bounced as best he
could, watching his tummy bulge move.

Jeongin’s brain buzzed at the omega calling him “Alpha.” He followed

Felix’s gaze and was shocked at the sight of his cock expanding the
omega’s tummy just enough to be visible, and the next thing he knew Felix
was cumming all over his hand and torso.
Felix relaxed entirely on Jeongin’s lap, and the alpha moved to lean back
against a pillow so he could support him better. “So good, Alpha...” Felix
was mumbling, as if he was drunk. “Gonna nap now. You can keep me and
fuck me while I sleep if you want to, okay?” He smiled warmly, his
sunshine-y scent enveloping Jeongin, and drifted off to sleep on the alpha’s

Jeongin dozed off for awhile too, but before too long, he awoke, needy
again. Felix was sound asleep against his chest. Jeongin rocked his hips
experimentally. Felix felt so good, and Jeongin was so annoyingly horny.

So, for the next few hours, Jeongin alternated between fucking up into Felix
and napping. He took the opportunity to study his knot, and how Felix took
it, and what it felt like before he came, all without having to worry about
being embarrassed by Felix watching him. He knew that Felix hadn’t and
wouldn’t judge him, but it was so much nicer to experiment in relative
private. Felix didn’t stay asleep the entire time, drifting happily in and out
of consciousness, cumming a couple times himself, even once in his sleep.
He was so cute curled up on Jeongin’s chest, and Jeongin felt so lucky to
have him helping him through his first rut.

Once he’d gotten enough of a nap to feel refreshed, Felix woke up fully. His
legs ached from having straddled Jeongin for so long, but he also hated the
idea of getting up. But Jeongin made him turn around so he could stretch
his legs out, and he was thankful because this was so much more
comfortable, and he could still sit on Jeongin’s cock.

And, from this perspective, he was able to watch Chan and Minho.

Jeongin watched over Felix’s shoulder as Chan dominated Minho so

effortlessly, manhandling him with such raw strength, pinning him down,
scratching his side, fucking him rough... and Jeongin really liked it. He
wanted to do that, to be all “dominant alpha” like Chan. But the idea of
trying to be like that terrified him. What if he wasn’t strong enough?
Intimidating enough? What if he just embarrassed himself?

Long after Chan and Minho were done, he kept imagining different
scenarios, and he got really worked up.
Felix noticed that Jeongin’s body had tensed, and the young alpha’s scent
flooded his senses like a blizzard. Jeongin’s fingers had tightened on the
omega’s hips, to the point that it actually hurt. And Felix couldn’t tolerate

“Alpha...” he said, trying to pry Jeongin’s fingers away from his hips. He
started to panic a little when he didn’t immediately loosen his grip. “Please,
Alpha, you’re hurting me...”

Jeongin snapped back to reality and let go of Felix entirely. “I’m so sorry,
Lix. I wasn’t thinking.”

“It’s okay,” Felix said sincerely, even though he was pretty sure he would
have little bruises on his hips.

Then Minho was there, pulling Felix off of Jeongin and passing him to
Chan, who was watching them closely.

Minho smiled his cheshire-cat-smile at the young alpha as he took Felix’s

place in his lap. Before Jeongin realized what he was doing, Minho had
nipped Jeongin’s shoulder, just enough to draw blood.

Jeongin felt a surge of indignation. “Hey-!”

Minho just chuckled and got right up in his face. He licked across Jeongin’s
bottom lip and asked, “Why don’t you teach me a lesson? Alpha?”

Chapter End Notes

I'm not sure yet if I'm going to work on the next chapter of this or the
next installment of Stress Management next, but... see you in the next
one! Hope you enjoyed reading this! ^-^
Make Me
Chapter Summary

Minho provokes Jeongin.

Jeongin wants to display his dominance.

Chapter Notes

Because of this chapter, I've updated the archive warnings for this
work from "none" to include "Graphic Depictions of Violence."

The violence is well-received, but there are wounds, and blood, so

if that doesn't sit well with you, please don't read this chapter.
See the end of the chapter for more notes

Then Minho was there, pulling Felix off of Jeongin and passing him to
Chan, who was watching them closely.

Minho smiled his cheshire-cat-smile at the young alpha as he took Felix’s

place in his lap. Before Jeongin realized what he was doing, Minho had
nipped Jeongin’s shoulder, just enough to draw blood.

Jeongin felt a surge of indignation. “Hey-!”

Minho just chuckled and got right up in his face. He licked across Jeongin’s
bottom lip and asked, “Why don’t you teach me a lesson? Alpha?”

Jeongin growled and tried to grab Minho’s throat, but Minho arrested his
arm mid-movement and held it tightly.

Minho tilted his head and smirked confidently at Jeongin. “Binnie lets me
fuck him when he’s in rut,” he whispered, dragging a singular claw down
the side of Jeongin’s neck without breaking the skin. “Always wants so
badly for me to chain him up and pump him full... Now be a good little
alpha and bend over for me, hmm?” His last words were emphasized with a

Jeongin knew Minho wasn’t lying; they had all heard Changbin’s screams.
But anger flared in him at the fact that Minho thought that he could
dominate him. He was definitely more alpha than Changbin. More alpha
than – yeah, more alpha than Chan, surely. After all, Jeongin’s presentation
had triggered Chan’s rut, even through his suppressants. If Chan could
dominate Minho, then Jeongin certainly could, too.

He pushed Minho back harshly and pounced on top of him, careful to perch
over his belly so he couldn’t get at him with his legs, and pinned his arms
down on either side of his head.

And Minho laughed. He laughed maniacally.


“If you wanted to ride me, you could’ve just asked,” he said, arching an
eyebrow and grinning irreverently.

Chan had been watching the whole time, of course, and was holding Felix,
who had wrapped himself around Chan’s front like a koala. He decided it
was time to say something. “Try being more finessed about it if you really
want Minho to submit to you,” Chan suggested to Jeongin, using a
mentoring tone of voice.

Anger flared even hotter in the young alpha. How dare Chan interfere when
he was trying to dominate Minho? Sure, Chan was the pack alpha, but this
wasn’t his business.

“Fuck finesse,” Jeongin spat, and used four of his claws to scratch
perpendicularly through the shallow scratch that Chan had left on Minho’s
side. Minho cried out and looked down to see that Jeongin had dug a little
deeper than Chan had, and had effectively crossed out Chan’s mark.
Jeongin looked up at Chan with a challenge in his eyes, heavily emitting
dominating alpha pheromones.

Rage surged inside Chan, and his face darkened. He looked fucking
dangerous, and he unconsciously emitted his own dominating alpha
pheromones. He and Jeongin stared silently but seethingly at each other for
several uneasy seconds. But when Felix shifted uncomfortably against
Chan’s chest, as if he was trying to shrink away from him, and once the
smell of Felix’s distress and submissiveness registered in Chan’s brain, he
snapped himself out of it. He held the omega tightly to his chest and kissed
the top of his shoulder, eyes still trained on Jeongin.

Chan had planned on giving Felix a bath. He was covered in his own cum,
and filled with Jeongin’s. Chan felt the urge to fuck Felix again, right there,
fill him up with Chan’s own cum right in front of Jeongin. But he knew that
was just his inner alpha talking. Felix needed a bath.

If Jeongin was going to be this aggressive and domineering, Chan definitely

didn’t want him in the same room as the two wolves who were in subspace.
“Jisung. Take Hyunjin, Felix, and Seungmin to get cleaned up.” He knew
that Felix would help with Hyunjin and Seungmin; he wanted to keep
Changbin in the room in case things with Jeongin escalated. In that event, it
would be good to have another alpha on his side; as much as everything that
Minho had said about Changbin was true, none of it made him any less of
an alpha at the end of the day. He could throw Minho around if he wanted
to; he just didn’t usually want to.

And Chan? He certainly wasn’t going to leave the room after Jeongin had
just challenged him like that.

Chan passed Felix into Jisung’s arms and then settled down across the room
from but facing Jeongin as they left the room with Hyunjin and Seungmin
in tow. Changbin set about straightening up the nest, careful not to
fundamentally change the way it had been set up so as not to upset the
wolves who were in heat, particularly the omegas. Nest arrangement wasn’t
alpha business.
Jeongin hadn’t yet taken his eyes off of Chan, and Minho had stayed quiet
underneath him. His side stung and bled, but he liked it, even though he
didn’t exactly like the way Jeongin had flouted Chan’s authority. Well, he
didn't entirely like it...

Minho made eye contact with Chan and winked at him to let him know he
was fine. Chan seemed to actually settle down a bit after that, leaning his
head back against the cushioned wall.

Finally, Jeongin turned his attention back down to Minho, who he was still
holding down. He got down close to his face and said lowly, “You wanna
play hard to get?”

Then, unexpectedly, he let go of Minho’s arms and moved to the side.

“Then run,” he growled, pheromones spiking.

Oh. Minho loved a good chase.

He grinned cheekily, then scrambled up and bolted. Jeongin let him get up,
but then was hot on his heels as they dashed out of the room.

Their dorm wasn’t incredibly big, but it was bigger than their old one. They
had four bedrooms; Minho and Jisung shared one, Hyunjin and Felix shared
another, Changbin, Seungmin, and Jeongin shared the biggest one, and
Chan had the smallest one to himself.

Minho had just gotten past the door to Chan’s bedroom when Jeongin
tackled him. He tried to fight back, but Jeongin was using his newfound
alpha strength to practically drag Minho backwards into Chan’s bedroom.

And, fuck, was Minho was turned on.

Jeongin lifted a struggling Minho off the floor and threw him onto Chan’s
messy bed. Minho could feel dried cum and slick on the sheets underneath
him, but his attention was trained solely on the young alpha stalking
towards him, dumping dominating pheromones into the air.
Chan’s advice to Jeongin had been sound; Minho didn’t usually respond to
brute force, preferring to be dominated by someone who could finely
control himself, could channel his efforts skillfully into breaking him into

But something piqued his interest about the way Jeongin had tackled him,
dragged him, and then thrown him onto Chan’s bed. And he’d never admit
it, but the fact that it was Chan’s bed made Minho really hot and bothered;
while he didn’t want to see Chan and Jeongin at odds – okay, maybe he did,
just a little bit – he found it insanely attractive that Jeongin wanted to
dominate Minho so bad that he was planning to fuck him in the pack
alpha’s bed. The very same pack alpha who had just dominated and fucked
Minho himself.

Jeongin chuckled darkly as the scent of Minho’s slick intensified, and he

climbed onto the bed. “You like being thrown around, Beta? Is that why you
have such a smart mouth?”

Minho licked and bit his lip. “One of us has to,” he said daringly, and
Jeongin’s smile disappeared. “Can’t believe you talked back like that to our
leader.” Minho knew he was treading dangerous waters here, but he loved
the thrill. Wanted to really rile Jeongin, see how far he could push him.

One of Minho’s favorite activities was fucking with power dynamics,

particularly when it involved fucking. Dominate Changbin during his rut,
let Felix fuck him in his sleep and gag the beta when he inevitably woke up,
tease the pack alpha... provoke the new alpha...

As wonderfully as Chan could dominate Minho, he never hurt him quite as

much as Minho wanted. Jeongin, on the other hand, seemed willing to take
it further.

Jeongin growled lowly and used one hand to push Minho down onto the
bed, on his back, and dragged his other hand through the slick that coated
Minho’s thighs. “You’re so wet for me... almost as wet as an omega,” he
observed, and he wasn’t wrong. Minho was incredibly turned on. “Better
stop talking back to me if you want me to knot you.”
Minho smirked, right in Jeongin’s face. “Make me.”

Jeongin raised an eyebrow, and that was all the warning Minho got before
the alpha slashed his inner thigh with his claws and bit into his shoulder,
then pulled back to admire his work. The bite mirrored the nip that Minho
had left on Jeongin’s shoulder, but had involved more teeth and drawn more
blood. The four bleeding stripes on his inner thigh were only skin-deep, not
enough to tear through any muscle.

But it was enough to get Minho’s attention.

“Alpha,” he breathed, body shaking with want and aching to submit. His
scent of dark chocolate and cardamom was laced with submissive

Jeongin felt a surge of satisfaction that Minho had finally recognized him as
an alpha, and not in a mocking context. He reached between Minho’s legs
and smeared his slick down into the fresh wounds on his thigh. Minho
hissed, but didn’t move a muscle.

Jeongin settled back onto his hands, hard cock on full display. “Suck,” he
commanded, and Minho scrambled forward to obey.

The young alpha had his back to the bedroom doorway, where Chan stood
with hands balled into fists at his sides. Changbin stood behind him, a
steadying hand on his shoulder. He gently pulled him away and led him to
sit down on the couch, leaving the bedroom door open. “They’re fine,”
Changbin assured him. “You know Min likes to play rough.”

“He’s bleeding.”

“You’ve made him bleed before,” Changbin reminded him.

“They’re about to fuck in my bed,” Chan gruffed out as he watched

Changbin kneel down on the floor between his legs. “He challenged me!”

“It’s not unexpected for a presenting alpha to act out a little,” Changbin
supplied as he rested his arms on Chan’s thighs and licked along his half-
hard cock. “He’ll settle down after his rut ends.”

Chan sucked in a breath and let his head fall back. Changbin was right. He
shouldn’t let Jeongin’s behavior get through to him. It was all just stupid
hormones and posturing.

Changbin had presented before Chan, and had technically been the pack
alpha for a little while, although they even then all considered Chan to be
their pack leader. When Chan presented, he, like Jeongin, had been
territorial. And Changbin had been a good sport about it. Chan could do that
for Jeongin. He would do that for Jeongin.

In the other room, Minho was in heaven. This particular heaven involved
Jeongin pushing and pulling his head onto and off of his giant cock. Before
long, Jeongin switched tactics and just started savagely fucking up into
Minho’s mouth. Minho’s eyes rolled back and he did his best to use his
tongue to Jeongin’s satisfaction, but he was also busy trying to relax his
throat so he didn’t choke too badly on the massive cock stretching his lips
wide open. He kept his hands on Jeongin’s thighs for balance and in case he
needed to use his safe gesture.

The lewd sounds of Minho repeatedly gagging and moaning around

Jeongin’s cock quickly brought the young alpha to his high, and he held
Minho’s head still as he pulsed stream after stream of cum into the back of
the beta’s throat. Some of it went down, but most of it just slid out past his
lips. Finally, Jeongin released his head, and Minho leaned forward between
Jeongin’s legs over the bed, coughing, cum still escaping his mouth.

“Ungrateful slut, you’re wasting so much...” Jeongin growled, grabbing

Minho’s head again to push his nose down into the cum. Minho shuddered
hornily at the alpha’s display of power as he lapped the cum up off the
sheets the best he could. When he’d gotten most of it, Jeongin pulled him
back to his crotch, where Minho licked off the cum that had dripped down
onto the alpha’s cock and the inflated knot at its base, and then slid down
farther to his balls.

Jeongin relinquished his grip on the beta’s hair since he seemed to be

behaving, thoroughly licking him clean.
Seemed to be behaving.

Because while Minho was down there, he had a brilliant idea. Well, maybe
it was a bad idea, but he knew it would provoke the alpha further, which
would help him get ready for another round, which Minho really wanted,
because his body was begging to be knotted at this point, his heat twisting
his insides...

So, Minho dove down and licked Jeongin’s asshole.

Retribution was swift.

One moment Minho’s tongue was on Jeongin’s asshole, and the next he was
lying face-down on the soiled sheets with a hand at the back of his neck,
and another pressing between his shoulder blades, and Jeongin’s cock was
sliding slowly past his soaked rim, stretching him just a little too much for it
to be comfortable.

Minho gasped and came instantly, able to feel his cock pulsing against his
stomach where it was trapped between it and the bed. He couldn’t believe
it. He had cum even earlier than he had with Chan, and that had been
embarrassing. This was another level.

Apparently while Minho was reeling from his sudden climax, Jeongin had
de-cased one of the pillows, because Minho was suddenly aware of a
twisted pillowcase in his mouth, the ends pulled back behind his head to be
used like a bridle, pulling his cheeks back a little. The makeshift gag was
quite effective.

Then he was hauled up onto his knees, and Jeongin kept one hand on his
hip and the other held the pillowcase as he started pounding into Minho.

Minho was beyond into everything Jeongin was doing to him, and he felt
himself already growing hard again. After all, he still had a knot to receive.
Right now, it was slamming worthlessly against him, but soon it would
deflate, and then re-inflate inside him...
The beta tried to push himself up onto his hands, but Jeongin moved his
hand from his hip long enough to push him back down. Minho felt claws
dig into his flesh when the alpha’s hand returned to his hip, and he decided
to stay down.

Jeongin had already cum, so he was good to keep going for a while. By the
time his knot deflated, all the fight had left Minho, and he sank into the
feeling of being fucked so vigorously. Drool had wet the pillowcase in his
mouth as well as dripped down onto his chin, and he was loving every
second of it.

When Jeongin’s knot started re-inflating, Minho loved it even more. He

started moaning non-stop, and Jeongin tossed the pillowcase to the side.
Now that Minho’s head was free, he could lay his head on its side and look
at the young alpha behind him. He looked glorious, his chiseled torso
glistening in sweat, both hands gripping Minho’s hips harshly as his abs
flexed repeatedly, helping to drive his cock deep inside...

“Let me hear you, Beta,” Jeongin demanded. “Let everyone hear how well
Alpha’s giving it to you.”

Minho obeyed, letting loose moans that probably originated in his soul. And
those moans morphed into long, low howls as his brain was overloaded
with Jeongin’s snowy scent, which was laced with dominating alpha
pheromones, and as he felt Jeongin’s knot stretching him, and his cock
pushing so far into him, and –

Minho came again. He came so hard and for so long that he felt dizzy, and
then he felt himself being pumped full of cum, and heard Jeongin howling
loudly. Proudly.

When Jeongin came down from his high, he grinned like a savage beast.
“Shouldn’t have knotted you,” he teased, panting. “Should’ve just left you
here needy.”

Minho whined in displeasure at that horrible thought, grateful that Jeongin

had decided to stuff him full instead.
Blood coated his leg where it had dripped down his thigh. His shoulder
burned. His jaw was sore. His side stung. His ass ached.

Minho felt fucking amazing.

And for once, he didn’t even want to talk back.

Chapter End Notes

You're Not Broken
Chapter Summary

Changbin tends to Hyunjin, who has a slight breakdown.

Chapter Notes

Welcome home to our LoveSTAY boy <3

*Extremely* heavy breeding kink and mpreg references in this one ~

See the end of the chapter for more notes

All of Hyunjin’s packmates treated him incredibly well.

But when he was really needy, Changbin was his favorite.

Changbin had a soft way about him. He always seemed to be able to

anticipate the omega’s needs, even before Hyunjin himself realized what
they were.

Felix was cleaning him up in the shower when the next wave of Hyunjin’s
heat suddenly hit him. He doubled over, clutching his stomach, and whined

“Shhh, I know, Jinnie,” Felix soothed, aiming the warm water at the other
omega’s lower back. “I’ll hurry and finish getting you cleaned up so you
can get back to the nest.” Back to the nest, and back underneath an alpha.

In the living room, Changbin stood up from between Chan’s legs,

swallowing down the last of the pack alpha’s release. Almost immediately,
he heard a faint whine from the bathroom that triggered something in his

An omega in need.

His omega in need.

He started to leave, then turned back to Chan, resting a hand on his
shoulder. “Don’t bother Innie,” he gently urged, then headed toward the

Jisung, Felix, and Seungmin were also in the bathroom, but all Changbin
could see was Hyunjin, doubled over with cramps from his heat. In an
instant he was at his side, combing his fingers through his long wet blonde

Hyunjin caught his woodsmoke scent and immediately dropped to the

shower floor in a presenting position. “Alpha,” he whined, his shoulders
shaking, ass pushed up into the air.

Changbin’s cock throbbed at the beautiful sight, water cascading down

Hyunjin’s lithe body, but instead of sliding into him like his instincts
demanded, the alpha knelt down in front of the omega. “Hey, baby,” he
said, and pulled Hyunjin’s head up so he could kiss him. “Alpha’s right
here. Gotta get you cleaned up first.”

Hyunjin blinked slowly. “Chan hyung,” he said, licking his lips.

Changbin smiled, knowing that Hyunjin had tasted the pack alpha on his
tongue and lips. He hummed, and praised, “Smart Omega.” He watched
Hyunjin preen, a gorgeous smile spreading across his face, and Felix, who
had crouched down at his fellow omega’s side, smiled fondly.

If the omegas’ bright smiles were the only sun Changbin ever saw again, he
would be more than content.

Changbin and Felix helped Hyunjin stand back up and hurried to finish
cleaning him up, making sure to clean themselves up as well. When they
stepped out of the shower, Jisung was still in the bathtub with Seungmin,
who looked extremely groggy and out of it.

By the time they got out of the shower, Felix was starting to feel the next
flare-up of his own heat. Changbin took both the omegas back to the nest,
gently pushing Felix towards Chan, who pulled the omega into his arms.
Chan still reeked of sweat and sex, but Felix certainly didn’t mind, melting
into his alpha without hesitation.

Changbin pulled Hyunjin into the same cozy nook they’d napped in
together earlier, and tucked him down among the pillows and blankets. It
felt like they had their own private little space, away from the world.
Changbin settled over Hyunjin, knowing that the omega felt more secure
with one of his alphas over him.

Leaning down to kiss the omega deeply, Changbin felt arms wrap around
his back and shoulders, and fingers digging ever so slightly into the
carefully maintained muscles he had built there. Hyunjin closed his eyes
and sighed into Changbin’s mouth, and the alpha could smell the omega’s
floral scent intensify as he released even more slick.

“Alpha’s got you, Jinnie,” Changbin murmured, sucking on the omega’s

plump bottom lip. “I’ll take care of you, baby.”

Changbin never had the heart to tease Hyunjin, always wanting to give him
exactly what he wanted, as soon as he wanted it. So he carefully pushed the
head of his cock past Hyunjin’s sopping wet rim, and felt the omega’s body
relax underneath him. “There we go...” Changbin murmured, slowly sliding
farther in. “Alpha’s got you, Omega.”

Hyunjin shuddered out a breath of relief and clutched more tightly to

Changbin’s shoulders. His eyes fluttered opened and he stared into
Changbin’s eyes, as if he were gazing into his very soul. “Please breed me,
Alpha,” he requested, his eyes glassing over with tears.

“Oh, Jinnie,” Changbin breathed, kissing him again as he finally seated

himself fully inside of the omega. “Gonna breed you so full of pups,

Hyunjin sucked in a breath and whined as Changbin began dragging his

cock out of and pushing it back into the omega, supporting himself on one
arm while he used the other to caress Hyunjin’s face.
After a few moments, Hyunjin started full-on crying. It startled Changbin at
first, because he wasn’t used to seeing the omega quite so vulnerable. He
didn’t go into his subspace often, but he was in extremely deep now.
“Alpha, please, please, breed me well, I wanna be good, wanna be so good
for you and give you pups...” He seemed delirious, and was gripping
Changbin so tightly it almost hurt.

Changbin scented Hyunjin comfortingly, rubbing his face against the scent
gland on his neck. “You’re always so good for me, Jinnie. Always such a
good omega for me, even if you don’t give me pups.”

Hyunjin sobbed, his face contorted with emotion. “Need to give you pups,”
he whined, barely intelligibly. “I feel so broken...”

Changbin frowned. They’d all discussed this before, as a pack. Hyunjin was
ready to start a family, but he understood that they were idols, and that they
had a career that just didn’t accommodate the kind of family lifestyle they
would want to raise pups in. He had agreed wholeheartedly to wait. They
had all agreed, and chosen to go on birth control. But now, so deep in his
subspace, it seemed like Hyunjin’s subconscious feelings about the matter
were coming out.

“No, you’re not broken at all, baby,” Changbin soothed, pushing deep
inside of him and kissing along his jaw, feeling the omega tremble with
emotion underneath him. “You’re not broken even if you never give us
pups.” Hyunjin frowned, and Changbin kissed him on the lips. “You’re
perfect no matter what, and you’ll give us such healthy pups one day when
you’re ready. You’re going to be so beautiful all round with our puppies,”
Changbin groaned, his cock twitching at the thought.

The omega was still crying, and Changbin didn’t want to see anymore of
that. Didn’t want his omega hurting. “We’re gonna get you soooo pregnant,
Jinnie,” he smirked and whispered conspiratorially, and the omega frowned,
but then giggled, pulling a hand from the alpha’s shoulders long enough to
wipe his tears away. Changbin smiled down at him, happy to see a smile
back on the omega’s face.
Changbin kept working his big cock in and out of Hyunjin, making love to
him more than anything else. When he wasn’t talking, he was constantly
pressing kisses against the omega’s soft skin, the hand he wasn’t using to
support himself cupping the omega’s cheek or running down his side to grip
his hip.

Hyunjin melted under Changbin’s tender attention, his head swimming with
each word that dropped from the alpha’s tongue. His body felt so hot,
yearning for the alpha to knot him.

After a few minutes of constant praises and kisses, Changbin felt his high
approaching. “Jinnie...” he breathed, licking across the omega’s scent gland
on his neck. “Ready for your alpha to fill you up?”

Hyunjin whined sharply. “I’m ready, Alpha,” he confirmed, wrapping his

legs around Changbin’s hips. “Please give me pups now,” he begged, his
fingers digging into Changbin’s shoulders.

Changbin groaned lowly, and increased the pace of his thrusts. “Our good
Omega...” he praised, kissing the side of his neck, and readjusted to target
the omega’s prostate. “We wouldn’t even know whose pups they were, we
all fuck you so well...”

Hyunjin gasped and came instantly upon hearing those words, the idea that
he was such a good omega, welcoming all of his packmates to breed him,
finally pushing him over the edge. He screamed in ecstasy as Changbin
stimulated his prostate through his orgasm.

“You’re so beautiful, Jinnie,” Changbin panted as he pushed his mostly

inflated knot inside of the omega, making him arch his back. He ducked his
head into Hyunjin’s neck and sucked on his scent gland as he came,
pumping his mate full to the brim with his cum.

Once he was on the other side of his high, Changbin looked down to
Hyunjin’s abdomen and saw it bulging a little since it was so full of both his
cock and his cum. He groaned. “Look, Jinnie.”
Hyunjin looked down and sucked in a breath at the sight of his tummy
poking up a little higher than usual, his alpha’s toned abdomen heaving
right above him. “Puppies?” he asked quietly, eyes wide with wonder.

Changbin chuckled and settled down closer to the omega, kissing under his
ear. “Alpha made you so full, baby.”

Changbin held onto Hyunjin tightly and rolled over onto his back so that the
omega was lying on top of his chest. He pushed one hand up into his hair
and massaged his scalp, his other hand massaging his back.

“All your alphas have bred you so well today,” he said, feeling satisfied as
he felt the omega relax fully against his body. “We love you so much,

“Jinnie loves alphas, too,” Hyunjin murmured almost incoherently, tucking

his face into Changbin’s neck, his brain overtaken completely with his
woodsmoke scent. “Gonna carry healthy pups for my pack...” he slurred,
drifting off to sleep, at least until his heat stirred him awake again.

Chapter End Notes

I definitely didn't actually cry *multiple times* while writing this...

I also just wrote some Changjin in my new Vamp SKZ series

("Vampires? Really?") and it was very different So this was fun to
write right after that ^-^
Show Me What You've Got
Chapter Summary

Chan and Jeongin clash.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

After depositing a cleaned-up and still very subspace-y Seungmin in the

nest room next to Changbin and Hyunjin, Jisung poked his head into Chan’s
bedroom. Minho looked like a fucked-out mess, and appeared to have
multiple wounds. Jisung laid down in front of Minho and kissed him while
Jeongin scented him. Finally, Jeongin’s knot went down. Jisung reassured
Jeongin that he’d take care of Minho, so the young alpha wiped himself off
cursorily in the bathroom and then reentered the nest room.

The first thing he saw was Felix lying on Chan’s chest, his rim stretched
around his knot. Chan had his arms wrapped around the omega and was
nuzzling his scent gland, and the omega was giggling happily.

Rationally, Jeongin knew that Felix wasn’t only his. They were a
polyamorous pack, after all. And Chan had fucked Seungmin after Jeongin
had, and Changbin had fucked Hyunjin after Jeongin had...

But seeing the omega who had helped him overcome his insecurities about
being an alpha, who had taken his knot multiple times, now taking someone
else’s knot, that someone else being the alpha who tried to tell him how to
dominate Minho, who had emitted dominating pheromones directed at
Jeongin (never mind that Jeongin had emitted them first)... It just didn’t sit
right with the young alpha. And he didn’t blame Felix.

He blamed Chan.

The pack alpha had probably wanted to re-stake his claim on the omega. He
was probably feeling challenged by Jeongin, and was trying desperately to
assert his dominance.

So when Jeongin saw Felix reposition and Chan’s deflated knot slipped out
of him, the young alpha crossed over to them and knelt over the pack
alpha’s legs behind Felix. Jeongin placed a hand firmly on the omega’s hip
and sweetly nuzzled his back.

“Hi, Innie,” Felix said brightly, pushing himself up onto his hands. He
moved as if to get off of Chan, but Jeongin held him in place.

“Ready for another knot, Lix?” Jeongin asked, licking at his ear.

Sandwiched between two alphas, their scents mingled to make Felix feel
like he was in a snowy forest. His body wasn’t ready to let him rest, either;
he could feel a cramp beginning to twist his abdominal region. Felix leaned
down to distract Chan with a kiss as he pushed his ass backwards and
grinded encouragingly against the young alpha’s crotch, eliciting a low
growl from Jeongin that pleased the omega in him.

Felix was far from oblivious to the power play that he was suddenly at the
center of. But he figured that the two alphas were bound to clash sooner or
later, and he admittedly liked the idea of them being territorial over him.
More slick leaked out of him just at the thought.

Jeongin held Felix by the hips and watched the slick slide out of him, mixed
with Chan’s cum.

He’d just have to fuck it out of him.

Jeongin pushed himself inside of Felix. “You’re so tight, Omega,” he said,

hoping that Chan would get the subtle jab, as if he hadn’t fucked Felix well

Felix groaned lowly into Chan’s mouth as Jeongin started absolutely railing
into him. He was being jostled around so much on top of Chan that it was
difficult for them to keep kissing without knocking their teeth together, so
they stopped trying.
Chan tried to be a good sport, focusing his attention on Felix instead of the
other alpha behind him. He used one arm to help support Felix, and brought
his free hand up to tease the omega’s nipple. Felix moaned, and Chan was
pretty sure he felt some pre-cum drip down onto his abdomen, which was
already painted in Felix’s cum from before.

After a minute, Jeongin noticed that Felix had started to tense up a little, his
back not arched as deeply as it had been at first, as if he were becoming
uncomfortable. That’s when Jeongin realized that his fingers had tightened
on Felix’s hips, probably enough that it was starting to hurt a little. Upon
realizing this, he immediately loosened his grip, knowing that the omega
didn’t like pain. Felix relaxed again, slowly arching his back again to better
meet his thrusts. Jeongin kissed the omega’s back in a silent apology,
continuing to snap his hips forward at a rapid pace.

A thrill rushed through Jeongin. He felt like he was winning, and it felt
good. He didn’t have any designs to overthrow Chan as pack alpha; he just
wanted to show Chan, to show everyone, that there was a new alpha in their
pack, and he wasn’t to be trifled with.

Changbin was monitoring the situation from across the room. He knew
what Jeongin was doing, and he knew that Chan was trying to keep calm.
As long as things maintained as they were, Changbin was confident that all
would be fine.

“Gonna cum,” Felix whined as he felt Jeongin’s knot starting to inflate.

“Go ahead and cum on your alpha’s cock, Omega,” Jeongin growled out.

Felix’s neck was right in front of Chan’s face, his mating mark right there...

Chan sank his teeth into Felix’s mating mark, sending pleasure radiating
through his body and pushing him over the edge, adding to the mess on
Chan’s abdomen with a beautiful moan.

Fire flashed in Jeongin’s eyes. It was like Chan had just stolen Felix’s
orgasm from Jeongin. He was supposed to make him cum, on his cock.
Jeongin had also been close to the edge, his knot mostly inflated.
Dominating alpha pheromones surged out of him as he pulled out of the
omega and jerked himself once, twice...

Then he spilled his load onto Chan, covering his uppermost thighs and half-
hard cock. The cum kept pulsing out of him, the mess sliding down over his
balls and probably making it down to his hole.

Chan didn’t at all mind having his packmates’ cum on him. But, given the
circumstances, this was a challenge. This was a power move.

The pack alpha growled, and it sounded fucking terrifying. His teeth were
still clamped into Felix’s mating mark, so he pulled them out gingerly and
gently moved Felix out from over him, passing him to Changbin, who was
right there to pull the omega into his arms. Jeongin just knelt there over
Chan’s legs, chest heaving, eyes still on fire, dumping his own dominating
alpha pheromones into the heavy air and letting out his own low growl.

Minho and Jisung appeared in the doorway. “Not in the nest,” Minho
warned, his voice stern. The nest was for the whole pack, but the omegas
were in charge of it. And as a beta in heat, Minho currently had as much say
as they did.

But Minho knew that neither Chan nor Jeongin was going to move first. So
he huffed and interposed himself between the two alphas, standing with one
foot on either side of Chan and facing Jeongin. “Not in the nest,” he
repeated, gently but firmly pulling Jeongin to his feet and pushing him
towards the door, Jisung guiding him out. Chan got to his feet and Minho
guided him out, too.

And then he shut the door. As much as he’d love to watch whatever was
about to happen, he knew that they needed to work this out between

As soon as the door closed, Chan charged towards Jeongin and pushed him
to the ground with a fierce growl. Jeongin was taken by surprise and fought
back, resulting in a skirmish on the wooden floor. Then Jeongin surprised
even himself when he found that he’d pinned Chan down successfully, his
newfound alpha strength still new to him. Jeongin was pushing Chan face-
down into the floor by his shoulders, Chan’s arms useless at the angle he
was at.

Jeongin dipped his free hand between Chan’s thighs and quickly gathered
up his own cum, then brought his hand to Chan’s hole, smearing the fluid
over and around it. “You’re so wet for me, Channie...” he said, dropping
honorifics entirely. He wanted to make the pack alpha want to submit to
him, to beg for his cock.

The pack alpha had other ideas.

Chan didn’t bottom often, but he did bottom sometimes, usually for Minho,
Changbin, or Seungmin. And he wasn’t against bottoming for any of his
packmates, but he just never had for Jeongin. But today wasn’t going to be
that day, not when Jeongin was challenging him. Not when Jeongin would
take it as a win over him.

Jeongin wasn’t sure how it happened, but suddenly he was on the floor with
his arms pinned under his own back. Chan loomed over him and snarled,
some spit spraying down onto the young alpha’s face. He roughly spread
Jeongin’s legs and pressed his now fully hard cock against his hole. “You’re
right, Innie. It’ll be much easier for me to fuck you with your cum coating
my cock.”

His pack alpha was pushing out so many pheromones that Jeongin’s head
started to swim. He shook his head and snarled back.

Chan noticed the young alpha falter in that split second. He knew that
Jeongin didn’t actually want to fight. He just didn’t want to lose, and had
perceived Chan as challenging him, twice now. So, maybe if Chan gave him
an out, he’d take it.

Chan himself certainly wasn’t going to submit. Nothing Jeongin had done
so far had made the thought even cross his mind, and he did have his pride,
after all; he, the pack alpha, wasn’t going to submit to the newly presenting
alpha. If things kept on like this, one of two things was going to happen.
Either they’d be stuck in this stupid stand-off interminably and have all of
this angst stuck between them, or Jeongin would submit to Chan.

But although his inner alpha screamed at him to make Jeongin submit, Chan
was in charge, not his inner alpha. He loved Jeongin, and wanted his
presentation and first rut to be a good experience for him. Didn’t want him
to look back and feel “less-than” for losing this battle with his pack alpha,
to readily submit only to feel ashamed about it later.

It was a fine line that Chan decided to walk, but he was confident that he
could do it. He would do it for Jeongin.

“But Felix looked like he was really enjoying this thing,” Chan said as he
reached down and pumped Jeongin’s hard cock in his fist. “Maybe I should
take it for a spin.”

Jeongin blinked up at him in surprise. “You want me to fuck you?”

Chan smirked and backed away, allowing Jeongin to sit up on his elbows.
“If you think you can,” he answered with a twinkle in his eye, then dashed
to Changbin’s room. It would be neutral territory, unlike one of their own
beds. Plus, he knew that Changbin kept lube stashed in his nightstand.

He got there before Jeongin, diving onto the bed and rolling over to accept
the young alpha into his arms. Jeongin pounced on him and engaged him in
a heated kiss, but didn’t try to hold him down, which was a good sign that
Chan was successfully defusing the tension between them.

“Nightstand,” Chan said, and Jeongin understood, fetching the bottle of

lube. He pulled his knees up closer to his shoulders. “Now go on and open
me up, pup.”

Jeongin nodded, not seeming to mind being called pup. Alphas didn’t
produce any slick naturally, so he generously coated his fingers with the
lube before tentatively sliding one digit past Chan’s rim. He impatiently
tried to get a second one in, but it was too tight, and he didn’t want to hurt
his pack alpha. He remembered seeing Minho go down on Changbin while
opening him up, so he decided to try that tactic, licking firmly against the
head of Chan’s cock.

The pack alpha whined and praised, “Good Boy...” as Jeongin took him into
his mouth, still gently prodding at his hole.

Just like that, Jeongin got Chan to relax, and after several minutes, he was
able to get four fingers to slide easily in and out of him.

“You ready to fuck me, pup?” Chan asked, and watched Jeongin pull off of
his cock, spit trailing to his red lips.

Jeongin smirked. “Think you can take me? I’m really big now.” He wasn’t
exaggerating. Chan could see his giant cock hanging heavy between his
legs as he set to work lubing it up.

Chan chuckled. “We’re about to find out.” Once Jeongin was done, he
gestured for him to come closer, and Jeongin leaned over him, resting on his
forearms on either side of Chan. “Come on, baby,” Chan said, biting his lip
as Jeongin pressed his cock against his well-prepped rim.

Jeongin pushed in slowly but steadily, and Chan groaned lowly at the
intrusion. It was definitely a tight fit, but it felt good as the young alpha
pushed farther and farther in, finally bottoming out. Jeongin waited
patiently, eyes glued to Chan’s face, waiting for approval to start moving.

Chan hummed and took a few moments to adjust, tracing his hands slowly
down Jeongin’s sides to rest on his hips. Then he made eye contact with
him, and said, “Show me what you’ve got, Alpha.”

By turning their spat into a challenge to fuck him well, Chan still had the
upper hand, even if Jeongin had his lower half. It was a win-win situation –
his favorite kind.

Chan’s words spurred Jeongin’s hips into action, experimentally rolling

backwards and forwards while he became accustomed to Chan’s body. The
last thing he wanted to do was to hurt Chan.
“It feels good, pup,” Chan encouraged, squeezing his hips. “Go faster.”

Jeongin obeyed, increasing the speed of his thrusts. He leant down to lick
intimately across Chan’s scent gland. Chan appreciated the gesture; it was
Jeongin’s way to show him that he loved and respected him.

After just a little while, Chan could tell that Jeongin was starting to get
close, his knot beginning to inflate and his breathing getting a little
desperate. “You’re doing so good, Innie,” Chan praised, kissing his cheek.

Jeongin gruffed out, “Gonna help you cum with me, hyung,” and reached
down to grip Chan’s cock, which was a mess of fresh pre-cum and dried
cum from before.

Chan leaned his head back into the pillows at the extra stimulation. He
wasn’t just being nice; Jeongin really was making him feel amazing. Once
the young alpha’s thrusts got sloppy, Chan used his hand to bring Jeongin’s
neck closer to his mouth so he could bite into his mating mark. He clenched
around the large cock that was driving quickly in and out of him, and
Jeongin moaned, hips staggering as his knot slipped past Chan’s rim and he
filled him full of cum. Jeongin’s reaction took Chan over the edge with him,
and he spilled over Jeongin’s hand, which pumped him through it.

Chan exhaled slowly, brows furrowed together, and Jeongin soothed a hand
through his hair. “You did so well, hyung.” He laughed adorably. “Now you
know what it’s like to take someone as big as you are.”

“Your knot is so big, Innie,” Chan groaned. His body wasn’t built to take
knots. It didn’t mean he couldn’t, but it wasn’t entirely as pleasant as it was
for an omega, or for a beta in heat.

Jeongin kissed him to distract him, dancing his tongue around his.

A few minutes later, Changbin poked his head into the room. He blinked in
surprise, and remarked, “Looks like you two worked things out. In my
bed.” He stepped into the room, sniffing the air for blood. “Any wounds we
need to dress?”
Chan smiled up at Jeongin. “Nope. Our new alpha treated me really well.”

Chapter End Notes

Several people were excited to see this confrontation, so I hope this

scratched that itch!
Take Whatever You Need
Chapter Summary

After being denied Jeongin's knot, Changbin gives Felix the knot he

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

When Chan pushed Felix into Changbin's arms before leaving the room
with Jeongin, Changbin could feel the omega shaking, likely from a
combination of the dominating alpha pheromones and from being so close
to being knotted only to have it taken away from him.

Once the other alphas left the room, Changbin turned Felix around and
tucked the omega's face into his neck so that his senses would be flooded
with the comforting pheromones Changbin was releasing. He slid one hand
into Felix's hair and the other around the small of his back and whispered,
"I've got you, Lix. I'll give you a knot."

He felt Felix relax against his chest at the assurances and then promptly
attempt to climb him. Changbin chuckled and picked Felix up easily, the
omega's legs wrapping around his back. Felix started kissing Changbin
ravenously and trying to rut against his abdomen. Changbin dropped to his
knees and carefully laid Felix down in the soft nest, their lips and tongues
sliding against each other hungrily. Felix felt secure with Changbin's weight
over him, but he had a different idea.

Felix rolled Changbin onto his back and straddled him. "Can I?" he asked,
bouncing cutely.

A broad smile stretched across Changbin's face, and he answered, "Take

whatever you need."
Changbin and Felix tended to keep power dynamics out of their sex life
with each other. They enjoyed plenty of that with their other packmates, but
for some reason, it all just fell away when it was just the two of them.

Felix grinned and positioned himself over Changbin's hard cock. He slowly
took in just the fat head, then started clenching around it, over and over.

Changbin groaned; Felix's wet hole constricting repeatedly around the

sensitive head of his cock felt like heaven. He was surprised that the omega
had it in him to tease him like this when he was so eager to receive a knot.

Sure enough, after about fifteen seconds of that, Felix sank slowly down,
eyes half-lidded with pleasure as he felt the alpha's big cock fill him up
more and more until he was fully seated on it.

Changbin had kept his hands to himself until that point, but the sight of
Felix sitting on him drove him to grasp his hips and give them a little
squeeze, paired with a seductive growl. "You look so good on my cock," he
praised, and Felix beamed.

"You're so handsome, Binnie," Felix whined with a smile as he rolled his


Changbin smirked up at the omega. "I know."

Felix felt a wave of heat roil through him and his fingers dug into
Changbin's abs a little. He needed a knot. He leaned back and raised himself
most of the way off of Changbin's cock and slowly settled back down,
careful to make sure the shaft grazed against his prostate all the way back
down. Even more slick gushed out of him, some of it gathering at the thick
base of the alpha's cock.

Sitting up straight, Felix started riding Changbin in earnest. It wasn't the

best angle to stimulate his prostate, but it would be better to get Changbin
off faster, and that was what Felix needed.

Changbin was torn between watching Felix's face as he bounced or

watching the omega take his big cock into his body over and over, more and
more slick sliding out with each bounce.

It soon became obvious that Felix's legs were getting tired. He drew his
eyebrows together in frustration and said, "Help me, Alpha," as he squeezed
Changbin's hands where they had been resting on his hips.

Changbin held Felix tighter and started helping him bounce, bucking his
hips up at a steady pace. The omega started moaning lowly, letting
Changbin do most of the work while he just enjoyed the nice cock that was
filling him up.

When Changbin's knot started to inflate, he sat up and held Felix in his lap,
his arms wrapped around the omega's body. In this position, he was able to
move Felix up and down more easily. He drastically slowed his pace and
kissed along Felix's collarbone.

"Hyuuung," Felix whined. "Are you going to knot me?" He knew that
Changbin was going to take care of him, but the sudden change sparked a
worry in him.

The alpha groaned as he fucked Felix down onto his cock and buried his
face in Felix's neck so he was immersed in the omega's sunshine-y scent.
"Gonna knot you," he mumbled into his neck. "Close." The slower, more
deliberate pace was exactly what Changbin needed to reach the edge of his

Felix steadied himself with his hands on Changbin's shoulders as he

shimmied around on the alpha's big cock. His knot stretched him so well,
and he bounced just barely to keep the knot within the tight ring of muscle.

"Fuck, Lix," Changbin cursed, letting Felix reclaim control. "Feels so


"Binnie-" Felix whined, tightening his hands on Changbin's shoulders as he

worked himself up and down Changbin's cock.

"Oh, Lix," Changbin groaned, then yanked Felix down so he fully

enveloped his knot.
"Ahhh!" Felix yelped as he felt his alpha pumping him full of cum.
"Ahhh..." Finally knotted, Felix hit his own high almost out of sheer relief,
painting Changbin's abs.

Changbin looked drunk, or sleepy, or both, as he backed up against a big

pillow and held Felix to his chest. "Good?" he asked, resting his face in the
crook of Felix's neck.

"So good," Felix answered, doing the same so he could inhale Changbin's
strong woodsmoke scent.

They rested like that for a bit in silence.

"Lix?" Changbin finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.


"Love you so much," Changbin murmured. He could feel Felix smiling

against him.

Felix's deep voice reverberated through Changbin's bones. "I love you too,

Chapter End Notes

So, I've been dealing with some pretty bad writer's block. I'm not going
to stop writing or abandon anything I'm working on, so don't worry
about that! I think what happened is that I got so excited about writing
the next installment of Stress Management, and I had so many notes
for it, that I got a little overwhelmed. That and I have multiple series
going right now, and I'm really excited about them all and I have so
many ideas and I want to work on all of them, and so I got a little
paralyzed. But I think I'm on the other side of it now - I went on a
reading binge that I think has gotten me past the block. I appreciate
you all waiting patiently a little longer as I work to get back to
updating more frequently! <3
Hold Still
Chapter Summary

Minho has plans for Changbin. Plans which go awry.

Chapter Notes

Warning: In this chapter, Character 2 mis-genders himself, and then

Character 1 intentionally mis-genders Character 2, eventually in a
slightly derogatory way. It's a mis-gendering of his secondary gender,
e.g. alpha, beta, omega. Character 2 enjoys being mis-gendered, but if
you aren't comfortable reading about mis-gendering, then please don't
read this chapter. Take care everyone <3
See the end of the chapter for more notes

Changbin was rudely awoken from his dozing when a wad of paper hit him
in the side of the head. He shifted Felix’s weight on his lap so he could
reach the crumpled up paper and unfolded it behind Felix’s back, which was
slowly rising and falling with each breath in his sleep.

There were two stick figures drawn, both with very meme-like, somewhat
grotesque faces, and one was fucking the other with a comically large cock.
The one getting fucked was labeled “Bin” and the one doing the fucking
was labeled “Lino.”

Changbin looked up and saw Minho off to his right, smirking devilishly at
him. He winked and then dashed out of the room.

The alpha gently pried Felix off of his torso and settled him down into a
pile of blankets, and the omega barely stirred.

And then Changbin followed Minho.

He knew where he was going; they had an extra room that was about the
size of a large walk-in closet, and that was where a lot of the
pack’s... rougher sexual encounters occurred.

Minho definitely got the most use out of it.

When Changbin walked into the room, Minho tackled him instantly,
pushing him to the concrete floor.

“What the fuck!” Changbin yelled, although he should have expected the

Minho straddled the alpha’s stomach and lightly slapped his cheek. “Ooh,
such a dirty mouth.” He leaned in close and smirked in Changbin’s face.
“Fitting for such a dirty whore.”

Changbin rolled his eyes and lightly pushed the beta away. Minho stood up
and placed one of his bare feet on Changbin’s chest, pushing just enough to
keep him from getting up easily. He cocked his head and asked, “Did
Binnie notice the new fixture in the room?”

New fixture?

Changbin looked around, and noticed it immediately: five new metal

fixtures attached to the floor, three in one row and two in another. The two
were the same – just two metal half-cuffs. Out of the three that were in the
same row, the middle one was just a closed metal loop with a short chain
attached to it, and the other two were hybrids of the two other kinds.

Minho had installed them special for Changbin.

The alpha felt hands at his neck and held still, letting Minho secure his
simple black leather collar. He hooked his finger through the silver metal
ring attached to the front and gently guided him to the middle of the three
fixtures in the floor. Changbin’s heart was racing as Minho hooked his
collar to the chain, only leaving enough space so that Changbin could keep
his chin a few inches off the floor. This had brought Changbin naturally
onto his forearms and knees, and Minho maneuvered his limbs so that he
could clamp the metal half-cuffs over his wrists and just above his ankles,
his legs spread apart.
Ass in the air.

Not able to resist, Minho gave that ass a hard spank. “Tell me your color.”

Changbin looked up and became mesmerized by his reflection in the floor-

length mirror on the wall in front of him. “Fuck. Green.”

If Changbin wanted to feel weak and at someone else’s mercy, he either had
to have Chan hold him down or else just hold back his own strength,
pretending that he was much less strong than he actually was.

But with this setup, he was fully restrained at five points. He couldn’t get
out of this even if he wanted to; he was completely at Minho’s mercy.

And he wasn’t sure if Minho had even a shred of that.

His eyes slid up to look at Minho’s reflection. He stood behind the alpha,
arms crossed, eyes burning with satisfaction.

The beta let out a low whistle. “Wait until the other alphas see you like this.
Just a hole waiting to be fucked.”

Changbin growled and tested his restraints. They were solid; he wasn’t
going anywhere unless he safeworded or unless Minho decided to let him

Usually, Minho tended to go into ruts rather than heats. When he wasn’t
holed up in his bedroom railing Jisung, he liked to play with Changbin for a
bit. Now that he was in heat, the idea of fucking Changbin wasn’t at all
biologically satisfying. But it was psychologically satisfying.

He needed Changbin to be significantly more desperate, so he selected a toy

that he had washed beforehand and settled on the floor in front of
Changbin, who groaned. Of course Minho was going to tease him first.

The beta leaned back and dipped two fingers into his slick-wet hole,
moaning wantonly. He started fingering himself in earnest, his heavy scent
of dark chocolate and cardamom quickly filling the room. He soon moved
on to his toy, which was a large, realistic dildo colored in purple and blue
swirls, complete with a large knot at its base. He had already lubed it up
extra because he wanted this to be extra messy; he was putting on a show,
after all.

Changbin stared unblinking as Minho, now lying on his back with his
shoulders and head resting on a large pillow, teased the dildo past his rim
just a matter of inches in front of his face.

“This could have been you, Binnie,” Minho said as he slowly took in the
dildo all the way to the knot, “but you're too tied up to be able to satisfy
me...” He gasped as he started playing with the dildo, teasing it out only to
slam it back in. Sweat broke out on his brow.

Changbin was captivated by the sight, how the beta’s slick rim stretched
around the purple and blue dildo, how he just took it all in. He wished he’d
hurry up and work the knot in. His own cock was hard and leaking onto the
concrete floor below. “Minho...” he said reverently and just above a
whisper, not even realizing that his mate’s name had slipped past his lips.

“Like what you see, pup?” Minho asked, working the dildo in and out of
himself faster and faster, the knot slamming against his rim and starting to
make it stretch even wider. He’d started fucking himself on this toy to tease
Changbin; he’d expected him to be all growly and insistent that he could
fuck Minho better than that toy. But with the way Changbin was simply
enthralled at the sight before him, like he was privy to something rare and
beautiful... Minho felt a surge of pride that his mate was so entranced by
him. “Wanna see me cum, Bin?”

It took Changbin a moment to process Minho’s words, but then he nodded

as if in a daze and said, “Please, please, wanna see you cum, please cum...”

Minho blushed and focused on taking in the knot, biting his lip as he felt his
rim stretching around the large toy. “It’s so big,” he panted, his thighs
beginning to shake. “I don’t think I can get it in.” Lies. He definitely could.

Completely invested in the mini drama laid out so prettily before him,
Changbin quietly encouraged, “You can take it, baby. Doing so good.” His
dark eyes had a somewhat distant look to them.
Interesting. This wasn’t going the direction Minho expected, but he was
intrigued. “Useless alpha can’t fuck me as good as I can fuck myself with
this toy...” The knot finally slipped all the way in, and its pressure against
his prostate sent him hurtling towards his climax as he kept pounding the
toy shallowly into himself.

“Useless alpha...” Changbin repeated in a whisper, barely audible over the

slick sounds filling the room. His mouth hung open a little, eyes almost

Minho cupped his free hand over the head of his own cock and fucked
himself as hard and fast as he could with the dildo until he came with a
groan into his own palm.

Since the dildo was just a toy, its knot wasn’t as big as an actual alpha’s
inflated knot, meaning that Minho could just slide it out, slick sliding out
after it. Changbin watched the beta’s hole gape around nothing and whined.

Minho smirked and stood up on slightly wobbly legs. “Wish you could fill
me up next?” He walked around behind Changbin and pulled on one of his
ass cheeks so he could wipe his cum off on the alpha’s otherwise dry hole.

Changbin whined again. “Want,” he said.

“What does the big dumb dog want?” Minho asked, delivering a harsh
smack to his ass.

“Want Alpha.”

Minho cocked his head, wondering whether he’d heard him right. “You
want... Alpha?”

Changbin let out a frustrated groan. “Knot.”

“Not what?” Minho asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

“Want knot.”

Minho froze.
Holy shit.

He had thought that Changbin would have imagined fucking him during his
little show, but instead he’d apparently been thinking
about... getting fucked? And those incomplete sentences...

Was Changbin in subspace?

Minho needed to get Chan in there as soon as possible. Since he was until
that day the only other alpha besides Changbin, he imagined that that was
who Changbin was asking for. Also, Chan was used to handling Hyunjin
while he was in his subspace, while Minho had very little experience with

Minho stepped into the doorway of the room, keeping an eye on Changbin.
He knew better than to leave him alone because of the restraints and
because of his headspace. “We need an alpha in heeere!” Minho called out
into the hallway.

Moments later, Chan was there. With Jeongin in tow.

“Hmm. Glad you two got over yourselves,” Minho remarked, earning two
sharp looks. He lowered his voice. “I think Bin is in subspace. He’s asking
for ‘Alpha.’”

Chan’s head whipped to look over Minho’s shoulder, taking in Changbin for
the first time, stuck on all fours, resting his forehead on the cool concrete
floor. “What did you do to him?” he asked.

Minho shrugged. “Almost nothing.”

Jeongin stayed standing in the doorway as Chan moved farther into the
room and knelt down next to Changbin, smoothing his hand gently over the
other alpha’s back. “Alpha’s here, Bin. Are you comfortable in this

Changbin looked up and toward Chan the best he could. “Good for Alpha.”
Minho hummed as he sat down on the small bed in the corner of the room.
“Talking in third-person,” he commented, swinging his feet off the edge.

Chan hummed. He’d interpreted Changbin’s words differently. “Yes, you’re

presenting yourself so good for me, Bin. I can fuck you so good like this.
But I want you to be comfortable.”

Minho’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh.”

“Am comfortable,” Changbin replied.

Moving to kneel behind him, Chan ran his hands over the swell of his ass.
“Looks like you’re already wet for me, pup,” Chan observed, brain racing at
the sight of Minho’s cum smeared over the other alpha’s entrance.

Changbin let out another whine. “Omega... wet for Alpha.”

Arching an eyebrow as he accepted a bottle of pre-warmed lube that Minho

was handing him, Chan said, “Such a good omega...” he drizzled a copious
amount of lube just above Changbin’s hole, and continued, “...producing so
much slick so he can take what his alpha gives him...” He smeared the lube
around his hole and slid a finger inside.

Changbin’s breath hitched at the intrusion. “Open and wet for you,” he
mumbled, but Chan caught his words.

“So open and wet for me...” Chan repeated as he opened Changbin up on
his fingers. As an alpha, he wasn’t open, and he didn’t produce any slick.
But Chan was more than willing to pretend for him. He remembered that
Jeongin was in the doorway, and that, back in the nest, three of their mates
were in heat and only had one rut-driven cock to share between them all.
“Innie, why don’t you go help Jisung take care of the others? I’ll take care
of this omega.”

Jeongin grunted affirmatively and left.

Changbin was so relaxed that it didn’t take Chan long at all to open him up
sufficiently. “Are you still comfortable?” he asked.
Now that Changbin thought about it, his arms and legs were starting to ache
against the concrete floor. “No,” he admitted grudgingly. He did like being
restrained like that, but he wasn’t about to lie to his alpha about his comfort

Minho was there in an instant and undid all the restraints. Chan picked
Changbin up like he weighed nothing and laid him down on the bed on his
back, while Minho settled down in a chair to watch.

Changbin was dimly aware that he was in a foreign headspace, but all he
could focus on was Chan looming over him. “Ready for Alpha,” he

By now, Chan had deduced what had gotten Changbin into this headspace.
He’d seen the used dildo, but knew that it hadn’t been used on Changbin on
account of how tight he had been and how satisfied Minho was to just sit
back and watch. And he had noted how content Changbin had been chained
and cuffed to the floor.

So, Chan sneered, and Changbin’s eyes grew wide as saucers.

“Dumb omega just wants to cum on my big cock, is that it?” Chan asked,
pushing Changbin’s legs up towards his chest. Changbin whimpered and
nodded. “Doesn’t matter what you want, pup,” Chan said callously, slapping
the back of one of the other alpha’s thighs harshly. “I’m just fucking you
because you’re a bitch in heat. Just need somewhere wet to bury my

Changbin nodded in agreement. “I’m a bitch in heat,” he repeated.

Chan eased the head of his cock past Changbin’s rim, sighing at how tight
he still was. They’d done this before, but Changbin had never been in
subspace. Chan slid in slowly, watching the other alpha’s eyes flutter closed
and half-open again as he struggled to take him in. His woodsmoke scent
had overpowered the smell of Minho’s scent.

As Chan bottomed out, he groaned and looked Changbin in the eye as he

intentionally pushed out dominating alpha pheromones, which smelled like
a wild forest. Changbin started breathing faster and he tried to submit
further, which was difficult since he was already speared on Chan’s cock.

Chan chuckled darkly. “Dumb bitch.” He grabbed Changbin’s arms and

pinned them to the bed. “Hold still and let Alpha breed you.”

Changbin gulped, his brain accepting that he was in heat. That Chan was
going to breed him.

That Chan was going to hold him down and breed him like the dumb bitch
in heat that he was.

Rocking his hips slowly, Chan started working his big cock in and out of
Changbin, mindful that he was not in fact an omega, but rather an alpha,
who wasn’t built to be knotted. He glanced at Minho and saw him fisting
his own cock, a smirk plastered on his face.

He turned back to Changbin, who was staring at his strong chest. “Omega
looks so pretty stretched around me,” Chan commented. “Gonna look even
prettier stretched around my knot and filled up with my cum.”

Changbin whined and tried to move his arms, and felt a thrill when he
found that he couldn’t. He didn’t particularly want to be bred. Rather, it was
the idea that Chan was using him for what Chan wanted that got his heart

That he was subject to Chan’s wants and needs.

And Chan really needed to knot someone.

He picked up the pace once he was confident that he wouldn’t hurt

Changbin. He knew that Changbin liked some amount of pain – not nearly
as much as Minho – but with him being in subspace, Chan wasn’t about to
go there.

Changbin’s legs got tired and he rested them on Chan’s shoulders as he just
laid back and focused on being fucked, thinking back to how wonderful
Minho had looked when he fucked himself with that dildo. Changbin
imagined that he looked just as good stretched around Chan’s cock, maybe
even better. And – oh. Changbin sucked in a breath. Chan’s knot was

“Here comes my knot, pup,” Chan warned unnecessarily. “Hold still and
take it for me, okay?”

“Okay,” Changbin mumbled, and gasped as it shoved inside.

Chan grunted as he continued to thrust into the other alpha, riding his high
as far as he could. When he was done, he looked down to see that Changbin
had painted his heaving chest with his own release. Sweat had broken out
on his brow and he looked to be on the verge of tears – probably a
combination of feeling so full and of the new headspace he was in.

“Shh, shh,” Chan soothed, capturing Changbin’s trembling lips in a soft

kiss. “Alpha’s got you, pup. You’re taking my knot so well. So proud of

“Proud?” Changbin asked, squeezing his eyes shut.

“Yeah, baby. I’m so proud.”

A floral scent suddenly hit Chan’s nose and he looked toward the doorway
to find Hyunjin standing there, thighs soaked with his own slick. He walked
forward slowly and lacking some amount of coordination; he was clearly
still in his own subspace, and apparently the others in the nest hadn’t
noticed him slip out of the room.

Minho stood up instantly and crossed over to Hyunjin, gently holding him
by the arm to help steady the omega.

“Bin Alpha?” Hyunjin asked softly, staring at Changbin, who only

registered his presence after hearing the omega speak.

Changbin frowned, and Chan frowned right after, realizing that Hyunjin
calling Changbin “Alpha” clashed with the headspace Changbin was in.

Chapter End Notes

I've been toying around with ideas for this chapter for at least a week,
so I'm happy I finally settled on something. ^-^ Hope you all enjoyed

Be on the lookout for an unrelated Hyunchan one-shot from me.


HOW TO CHOKE SOMEONE (or got very lucky with his hand



Chan has been bias wrecking me SO HARD lately. DAMN.


Worth It
Chapter Summary

Hyunjin needs Changbin, but the alpha is in subspace.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

“Bin Alpha?” Hyunjin asked softly, staring at Changbin, who only

registered his presence after hearing the omega speak.

Changbin frowned, and Chan frowned right after, realizing that Hyunjin
calling Changbin “Alpha” clashed with the headspace Changbin was in.


Chan and Minho made eye contact, and it was like they had a silent
conversation. Minho stood in front of Hyunjin and stooped down a little,
crossing his arms behind him under his butt. “Up,” he said, and Hyunjin
jumped up into Minho’s arms, wrapping his arms around his neck and his
legs around his middle. “There we go. We’re gonna go wait for Bin.”

Hyunjin pouted over Minho’s shoulder as Minho carried him out of the
room, staring at Changbin where he laid underneath Chan, and reached out,
making a grabby hand. “Want Alpha now,” he whined.

“I know, baby. But he can’t right now.” They were making their way down
the hallway, and Minho decided to take Hyunjin to Changbin’s room, the
bed still in disarray from Chan and Jeongin using it. He sat Hyunjin down
on the bed and smiled at him sweetly. “What about Min Alpha?”

A smile cracked Hyunjin’s pout and he giggled. “You’re not an alpha.”

“No? But I can fuck you like one,” Minho said with a little play growl,
reaching out and tickling Hyunjin, who collapsed in a pile of flailing limbs
and laughter.

Minho stopped tickling him after a moment and asked, “Want me to go get

Hyunjin went back to pouting. “Want Bin Alpha.”

Minho sighed. “Okay then. Why don’t you make a nest and wait for him?”
He picked up Changbin’s hamper and dumped it out over Hyunjin’s lap.
The omega giggled and set to work arranging the dirty clothes on the bed
the way he wanted them. Minho was grateful Changbin hadn’t done his
laundry in a while, so there were lots of clothing items that had his scent.

Making the nest preoccupied Hyunjin for a good six minutes – omegas
were prone to being particularly particular about their nests, especially
when they were in heat. In the process he had pulled on one of Changbin’s
oversized long-sleeved shirts and was practically swimming in it, the
sleeves dangling past his hands, the hem of the black shirt resting on his
upper thighs.

Once Hyunjin was satisfied, he settled down with his hands holding the
shirt down between his thighs, his legs bent at the knee such that his shins
were against the nest and were splayed out slightly to his sides.

“Can I come into your nest, pup?” Minho asked since this wasn't a nest built
for the group.

The omega gave him a warm smile and nodded, and Minho climbed onto
the bed, cautious not to disturb any of the clothing items, blankets, or
pillows that Hyunjin had arranged so carefully. “Bin’s gonna love this nest,

Hyunjin’s face lit up. “You think so?”

The beta smiled warmly and booped his nose against Hyunjin’s, making
him giggle again. “I know so.”
Suddenly the smile disappeared from Hyunjin’s face and he pressed his
hands to his abdomen, face scrunched in discomfort; the cramps from his
heat were starting to get to him.

As a beta, Minho’s heats and ruts were usually more measured, less intense,
but he was still familiar with the pain and discomfort that the omega was in.
“Will you stay here while I go get some things to help you wait?” Minho

Hyunjin frowned and nodded, then laid down sideways in a fetal position,
closing his eyes. The sight broke Minho’s heart; he wished Hyunjin would
let someone else help him, especially since he had no idea how long it
would take for Chan to help Changbin get to a place where he could help.

Minho left Changbin’s bedroom, closed the door behind him so he’d hear if
Hyunjin tried to leave, and made a beeline towards the kitchen. He got hot
water running in the sink and used it to fill up a rubber water pouch, then
grabbed a bunch of random snacks, just piling them into his arms with a
few water bottles, then returned to Changbin’s room. After struggling to
open the door, he finally managed it and dumped all the stuff he’d brought
onto the bed. He handed the hot water pouch, which he’d slipped a cheery
yellow knit cover over, to Hyunjin, who immediately pressed it to his
abdomen, then sat in the nest with him and started feeding him fruit.

Once Hyunjin settled down, Minho let out comforting pheromones as he

curled around him, holding him and hoping that things were going well
with Changbin. His brain was still wrapping around the fact that Changbin
had gone into subspace from being restrained while watching Minho fuck
himself with a dildo. He was surprised it hadn’t happened before since
they’d done similar things in the past. They’d have to talk about it later.

Changbin watched Minho carry Hyunjin out of the room, and saw the
grabby hand that the pouty omega made towards him. Once they were gone,
he squeezed his eyes shut tightly, causing the tears that had welled up from
Chan fucking him to spill over.

Chan carefully hung onto Changbin as he rolled them over so that Changbin
was lying on top of Chan. “Tell me how you’re feeling, Bin,” he said gently.
He wasn’t sure whether Hyunjin calling him an alpha had triggered him to
start dropping out of subspace.

Propped up on his arms, Changbin tried to tug himself off of Chan’s knot,
only to have it pull at his rim and make Chan hiss. “Hey hey hey,” Chan
said softly, placing his hands on Changbin’s hips to hold him in place.
“Gotta wait for my knot to go down.”

Changbin let out a frustrated noise and slurred his words a little as he said,
“Jinnie needs me.”

Looking up at Changbin with so much love in his eyes, Chan replied, “It’s
so good of you to want to help Jinnie, but Min’s looking after him for now,
so you don’t need to worry. Let’s just focus on you right now, yeah?”

Changbin frowned and sat back, leaning forward on his hands. He was
having a difficult time keeping his eyes all the way open. “Didn’t mean to,”
he mumbled.

Chan hummed and ran his hand soothingly down the other alpha’s arm.
“Didn’t mean to what, pup?”

“Be like... this.”

“To be in subspace?” Chan asked gently.

Changbin’s eyebrows drew together and he frowned even more deeply as he


“It’s okay that you are, though,” Chan said, then asked, “Do you feel
comfortable?” He was still trying to gauge whether Changbin was going
through a subdrop. But even as he asked the question, he noticed that
Changbin had started trembling slightly – a sign that he was dropping.
Much more suddenly than Chan would have wanted for him.

In response to Chan’s question, Changbin leaned forward and rested his

forehead against Chan’s chest, clearly trying to hide his face. “Sorry,” he
said, his voice sounding like he was fighting back tears.

Within their pack, it was often Changbin who helped his packmates when
they needed something he could give. Not that the others didn’t, but
Changbin had a proclivity for it, always seeming to just know exactly what
his packmates needed and then giving it to them. Performing acts of
service, whether day-to-day or more intensive, for his packmates just made
him happy.

Now, he was the one who needed something, and he didn’t like how
emotionally vulnerable he felt. He felt like he was suddenly a burden – a
problem for Chan to have to deal with. Not only that, but he wanted to go
help Hyunjin, but he couldn’t. Not like this.

Chan intuitively understood all of this on some level, and his instinct to care
for his packmate was going wild, like a siren going off in his brain. “Don’t
be sorry, Bin. You haven’t done anything wrong.” He was on the verge of
picking Changbin up and carrying him into the kitchen on his cock when he
saw Felix passing by the room. “Lix,” Chan called, not too loudly so as not
to startle Changbin.

Felix stopped and walked in, a smile lighting up his face until he noticed
that something was off with Changbin. Before he could ask, Chan asked
him, “Will you bring me a blanket and some chocolate?” The way the alpha
was soothing his hand over Changbin’s back and his tone of voice, as well
as the items he requested, tipped Felix off that Changbin must be in
subspace. He nodded and hurried to gather the requested items, also pouring
a glass of apple juice for good measure, and returned to the room.

Chan had sat up against the headboard a bit. He took the blanket and draped
it over Changbin, tucking it in around the both of them so Changbin would
warm up faster. In the meantime Felix had opened up a chocolate bar and
broken off a few bite-sized pieces, setting them on the nightstand next to the

“Drink some juice, hyung,” Felix prompted with a soft smile, holding the
glass out. Changbin reached out and took the glass, quickly drinking half of
it without looking at Felix. “Anything else I can get for you, hyung?” the
omega asked as he traded the glass for some chocolate, which Changbin
shoved all into his mouth at once, defeating the purpose of it being in bite-
sized pieces.

“Sports drink,” Changbin said around his mouthful of chocolate. Felix

giggled and hurried off to grab one.

Chan frowned as he watched Changbin wolf down the chocolate, downing

the last bit with the rest of the apple juice. “Slow down, Bin. You shouldn’t
drop too fast.”

Changbin swallowed the juice and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.
“Jinnie needs me.” He bounced on Chan’s cock to test the status of the knot,
and found that he could lift off of it. Felix was walking back into the room
when he found Chan manhandling Changbin as gently as possible down
onto the bed and laying on top of him, yanking the blanket back over them
both. Felix set the sports drink on the nightstand, eyes wide at the sight of
two of his alphas struggling against each other, their muscles bulging.

“You need to wait a little longer, pup,” Chan grunted, finally pinning the
other alpha’s arms down. “You just went into subspace for the first time and
I want you to drop at least most of the way before you go to Jinnie, who’s in
his subspace, too.”

Changbin grumbled and acceded, “Fine, then help me drop.”

“I’m trying to, love,” Chan said patiently. “Let me take care of you so you
can take care of Jinnie.”

Felix gave Chan some wet wipes and a towel before he left the room. After
cleaning Changbin up the best he could, he focused on helping him drop,
chatting with him about unrelated things while snuggling and plying him
with chocolate and the sports drink.

It was about half an hour later, as Changbin was talking about some
technical aspect of producing this one track he was working on, speaking in
full sentences without mumbling or slurring his words, that Chan decided
he’d dropped most of the way, if not fully.

Chan sat up and smiled at the other alpha. “How’re you feeling?”

Changbin blinked, surprised to realize that he felt mostly back to normal. “I

feel good!” he said, then leaned in to give Chan a kiss. He teasingly nipped
at Chan’s lip before pulling away with a smirk. “Thanks.”

“Any time.” Chan grinned. “Now go help Jinnie.”


Changbin took a cursory shower, and it left him feeling almost completely
back to normal. Then he followed Hyunjin’s scent to Changbin’s own
bedroom. He opened the door to find Minho spooning the omega in a nest
of what appeared to be Changbin’s dirty laundry. Hyunjin was already
surrounded by the alpha’s scent, so he didn’t notice that he’d entered the
room until he heard his voice.


Hyunjin sat up with a bright smile on his face. “Alpha!”

Minho patted Hyunjin on the butt before getting out of bed, then also patted
Changbin on the butt. “I think he dropped some. You good?”

Changbin nodded, but he was focused on the omega, whose thighs were wet
with slick.
Minho smirked. “I’ll leave you two to it then,” he said, then left the room,
pulling the door closed behind him.

“Can I?” Changbin asked, putting one knee up on the bed.

Hyunjin nodded eagerly, setting the heating pad aside and leaning back on
his hands as Changbin entered the nest, crawling over the omega with a

“Were you this desperate for me, baby?” Changbin asked, partially lifting
up a pair of dirty underwear he was pretty sure he had worn to the gym the
day before.

Hyunjin smiled unapologetically. “Smells like you.”

“Yeah?” Changbin asked, then stole a kiss. “You’re so dirty, babe.” He stole
another kiss, and Hyunjin could feel heat rising under his skin. “So wet...”
He slid two fingers through the slick on Hyunjin’s thigh, then brought them
to the omega’s mouth, which opened eagerly. Hyunjin sucked his own slick
off of Changbin’s fingers as the alpha asked, “Did you let Minho hyung
take care of that pretty little hole of yours?”

Heart racing, Hyunjin pulled off of Changbin’s fingers. “No...” he

answered, giving him his best bedroom eyes (fucking lethal), then said,
“Wanted my Bin Alpha.”

Those eyes did things to Changbin. “Well you have me now...” he said,
sliding his hand up under the shirt that the omega was wearing
(Changbin’s shirt) and lightly squeezing the small of his waist as he went in
for a deeper kiss. Changbin worked Hyunjin backwards so the omega was
leaning on his tailbone back against a tall pile of pillows, sheets, and
clothes, and let Hyunjin’s legs drape over his thighs as he knelt in front of
the omega and kept kissing him.

Hyunjin wrapped his arms around Changbin’s neck as they licked into each
other’s mouths, the wet sounds getting both of them going even more. The
way they were sitting, their hard cocks were next to each other; Changbin
reached down and swiped up some of the omega’s slick, using it to wrap his
hand as best he could around both of their cocks and stroke them together.

Hyunjin gasped and nuzzled into the alpha’s scent gland, brain going fuzzy
from getting that woodsmoke scent he loved so much straight from the
source. “Bin...” he moaned as Changbin kept slowly stroking them both and
moved down to the omega’s neck, licking over his mating mark. “Need
you inside,” Hyunjin whined.

And after how long Hyunjin had waited, Changbin certainly wasn’t about to
make him wait any longer.

So Changbin leaned back, making sure to hold onto Hyunjin’s hand (which
was covered by the sleeve of his shirt), settled so his head and shoulders
were propped up on a couple pillows, and tugged Hyunjin toward him.
“This okay?”

Hyunjin grinned as he settled over Changbin’s pelvis, reaching back to

tease the alpha’s cock through the slick between his cheeks. “Yeah. You
want to watch me bounce, hyung?”

Changbin groaned and squeezed Hyunjin’s thighs. “Shit, yeah, Jinnie, I do.”

Hyunjin sat up on his knees and made eye contact with Changbin as he
slowly took him in, his rim stretching wide to accommodate his thick cock.
Chan and Jeongin might have Changbin beat on length, but certainly not on

Changbin bit his lip as he watched and felt Hyunjin sink down slowly, and
his eyes lit up when he bottomed out because of the way Hyunjin half-
moaned, half-sighed in relief. He settled his hands on the omega’s hips, and
Hyunjin leaned forward to resume making out with him, rolling his hips

They kept like that for a minute before Changbin pulled away from the
heated kiss. “Thought you were gonna bounce for me,” he said with a
smirk, a little breathless.
Hyunjin smiled and tilted his head to the side, causing some of his long
blonde hair to fall across his face. “Got distracted kissing you,” he said

“And not by this?” Changbin bucked his hips, punching a moan out of

“Alpha...” Hyunjin whined, sitting up straight and resting his fingertips on

Changbin’s abdomen as he bounced a little experimentally. Changbin’s
cock felt so good inside him, and he’d been craving it for so long. Hyunjin
pushed himself up on his knees until he was halfway up, then sat back down
a little shakily. He started bouncing a little faster, but he felt like they
weren’t close enough together, like he didn’t have enough of Changbin,
even though he was filling him up so much.

“Jinnie, what’s wrong baby?” Normally Hyunjin would be putting on a

show, but he seemed like he was getting frustrated.

“Need more,” Hyunjin pouted.

Changbin smirked. “Need Alpha to do the work, sweetie?”

Hyunjin’s fingers curled against Changbin’s stomach and he whined and


Then he yelped as Changbin picked him up off of his cock and pressed him
down into the nest, muscles on full display as he loomed over him.

“Oh...” Hyunjin exhaled, blushing slightly.

Changbin slid back inside slowly, watching as Hyunjin’s mouth dropped

open. “Is this better?”

Hyunjin nodded furiously and clutched at Changbin’s chest and shoulders.

“Yes, please, need you, Alpha.”

Changbin pushed Hyunjin’s legs farther up and adjusted his angle so he

could get deeper. He groaned; Hyunjin looked so good stretched around
him. “Gonna take care of you now, Omega.”
Hyunjin’s fingertips tightened into Changbin’s skin and he keened as the
alpha started pounding into him. “Alpha!” he gasped out. The feeling of
being so open and wet for his alpha to fill him up so well made his head
swim a little as Changbin worked his cock in and out of him.

Changbin captured Hyunjin’s lips in a kiss that they weren’t able to

maintain due to how vigorously Changbin was fucking Hyunjin, so the
alpha finally just buried his face in the omega’s neck, his floral scent
overwhelming his senses in the best way. He nosed along his mating mark,
then licked it firmly. Then he shuddered out a breath as he felt Hyunjin’s
tongue do the same against his own mating mark. “Love you so much,
Jinnie,” Changbin said huskily near the omega’s ear.

“Love – you – too,” Hyunjin managed to say in between the powerful

thrusting of Changbin’s hips.

“Then cum for me,” Changbin ordered, increasing his pace and intensity
such that every thrust made Hyunjin moan loudly in a staccato that made
clear exactly what was happening in their room.

Hyunjin felt his high wash over him and his fangs came out, biting into the
alpha’s mating mark. The pleasure that radiated out from the mark took
Changbin over the edge, too, and Hyunjin felt the alpha’s knot stretch him
even farther as his cock pulsed so much cum into him.

Hyunjin pulled his fangs out and laid his head back down, looking up at
Changbin with adoration; the alpha looked so hot all the time, but especially
in the afterglow of sex.

And to Changbin, the omega looked absolutely radiant. He smiled down at

him. “Damn, Jinnie, you’re so beautiful.” He leaned down and kissed him
deeply. “Feel better?”

“Mhmm,” Hyunjin confirmed, his eyes forming crescents as he smiled,

completely satisfied.

“Me too,” Changbin said. Hyunjin squealed as Changbin rolled them over
so that the omega laid on his chest. He caressed a hand through Hyunjin’s
hair. “Sorry you waited for me for so long.”

“Hmmm... ‘s okay...” Hyunjin said, snuggling against the alpha’s strong

chest; he felt a nap coming on. “Was worth it.”

Chapter End Notes

I hope everyone liked this chapter ^-^

Stream Thunderous and take care <3

(btw I had too many tags so I took out most of the different
relationship tags because there were so many of them)
Naughty Puppy
Chapter Summary

Jisung tries to get Seungmin back into his subspace.

Chapter Notes

I realized that the amount of Jisung and Seungmin in this fic has been
criminally lacking. My deepest apologies. Have this chapter as
See the end of the chapter for more notes

Seungmin started to wake up from a nap, and he felt… back to normal,

pretty much. Jisung was snoring next to him, and Jeongin was fucking Felix
on the other side of the room. It had been very new and different, but
Seungmin had very much enjoyed being in subspace. He felt a little shy
thinking about it now, after the fact, but being in subspace had been
very… freeing, in a way.

He wanted more.

“Sung,” Seungmin said quietly, gently shaking Jisung’s shoulder. “Sungie,

wake up.”

Jisung slowly blinked his eyes open, and was immediately hit with
Seungmin’s strong cottony scent. “Minnie… you smell so good.”

“Then fuck me,” Seungmin said, and Jisung’s eyes opened wider.

“Now?” Jisung asked.

“Yes, now.” Seungmin pulled the blanket that Jisung was snuggled up under
to the side and straddled him.
“Bossy,” Jisung muttered under his breath as he rested his hands on the
other beta’s hips, but Seungmin heard.

Seungmin hesitated, then suggested, “Then put me back into subspace.”

Jisung’s expression shifted to a smug one. “Minnie wants to be a subby

baby for me?”

Although he had just requested it, Seungmin scoffed and looked away,

Jisung flipped Seungmin over in the cushioned nest and hovered over him,
smirking. “Answer the question, Minnie.”

Still unable to make eye contact, Seungmin blushed, and gave the simplest
answer he could. “Yes…”

Jisung had seen how sweet Chan had been with Seungmin, so he assumed
that was how Seungmin had gotten into subspace to begin with. So he
hummed and caressed Seungmin’s hip, running his thumb over the soft
skin. “Who knew you’d ever be such a needy little pup…”

Seungmin furrowed his brow and frowned, and pushed Jisung’s hand away.
“Don’t make fun of me.”

A genuinely concerned expression passed over Jisung’s face. “I’m not

making fun of you, puppy,” he said sincerely, and Seungmin grudgingly
looked at him out of the corner of his eye. “Just want to make you feel

“Well, it’s not working.”

Okay, maybe sweetness wasn’t the right tactic.

“Maybe I should put this grumpy puppy in his place,” Jisung mused, and
Seungmin rolled his eyes and scoffed.

“I don’t need to be handled.”

“No… but I’m starting to think you want to be.”

Seungmin scoffed again. “No, I don’t, Jisung. Forget it.” He placed a hand
on Jisung’s chest and pushed him away as he tried to sit up.

But then he found himself facedown in the nest, with Jisung’s weight over

“Naughty puppy,” Jisung chastised, and Seungmin was surprised when he

felt a thrill at the words, and another thrill when he felt a sharp spank. He
had thought that Jeongin being this way with him had worked because it
was Jeongin, who was a newly presenting alpha.

He had thought that it was a fluke.

“Don’t talk back when one of your mates is trying to make you useful,”
Jisung added.

“I-” Seungmin didn’t want to be a brat like Minho, but… he was realizing it
was kind of fun. “I am useful. I’ve filled you up plenty of times when you
were empty and needy.”

“Well now you’re the one who’s empty and needy, Minnie,” Jisung pointed
out as he squeezed the other beta’s right ass cheek, watching some slick
slide out when the action stretched his hole a bit. “And if you don’t start
behaving for me, I’ll just go over there and fuck Felix instead.”

Seungmin scoffed once again. “As if our new alpha would share.”

Jisung glanced over at Jeongin, who had Felix split open prettily and was
growling while he manhandled him on his cock. “Okay, maybe not,” Jisung
acceded. He leaned down to speak near Seungmin’s ear. “So… what did he
do to get you into subspace?”

Seungmin blushed, but snarked back, “Why don’t you ask him for a

Another spank. “Because I’m asking you, you dumb pup.”

Seungmin had landed front-down in the nest such that his junk was visible
to Jisung between his thighs. And it didn’t escape Jisung’s notice how
Seungmin’s cock twitched when he called him a dumb pup.

“Well well well… Our Minnie has himself a degradation kink,” Jisung said
incredulously, suddenly sporting a devilish grin that he must have learned
from Minho.

“No…” Seungmin denied weakly. Unconvincingly. He hadn’t expected

Jisung to figure him out so quickly.

Jisung grabbed Seungmin by the back of the hair and pulled his head back.
“Who said you could talk?”

“Seung- – minnie’s – being – a nau- – -ghty – pu- – -ppy!” Felix

commented mirthfully as Jeongin absolutely railed him, followed by a long,
low, staccato groan of pure pleasure as the alpha squeezed his hips tighter.

Jisung caught Seungmin watching them and spanked him again before
flipping him over. “Dumb bitch,” he said, getting close to Seungmin’s face
as he let out some dominating pheromones. “You just wanna get fucked
hard, and it’s all you can think about in that heat-addled brain of yours.”

Seungmin couldn’t bring himself to try to deny that; he just laid there and
stared up at Jisung, breaths shorter and faster, Jisung’s cinnamon scent
starting to overwhelm his senses in the best way. And – shit, did he just

The smell of clean cotton intensified, and Jisung dipped his fingers between
Seungmin’s legs to find fresh slick. “Your body wants me so bad, Minnie,
look.” He swiped four of his fingers through it and held them up for
Seungmin to see, the slick sliding down and in between his fingers. “It’s so
much smarter than you…” he said as he wiped his fingers off on the side of
Seungmin’s face, noting the lack of resistance to an action that Seungmin
would ordinarily regard as unforgivably messy. “You’re just a dumb pup
who doesn’t know how to use its words to get what it needs, but your smart
little hole is doing the work for you, preparing itself for me, welcoming me
Yep. Seungmin was back in subspace.

“Hyung…” Seungmin whispered, pupils heavily dilated. His hungry eyes

followed his hands as they found their way as if of their own accord to
Jisung’s pecs… god, they were such nice pecs… and then wandered down
to his abs… fuck, such nice abs…

Quite pleased with himself, Jisung leaned down and licked the slick off of
Seungmin’s face. Then he hiked one of Seungmin’s legs over his shoulder
and teased his hard cock along Seungmin’s wet rim. “I’m gonna make you
more than just a dumb pup… gonna make you cockdumb.”

Seungmin nodded, mouth hanging open slightly for a moment before he

realized and closed it, dimly hoping he hadn’t drooled.

Jisung tsked. “All the times you’ve been stuffed full today, and you still
haven’t had enough cock? Greedy little bitch, aren’t you?”

Seungmin nodded again, too far gone to even want to argue; he was a
greedy little bitch if Jisung said he was.

But Jisung had wanted a response. He grabbed Seungmin loosely by the

throat and instantly smelled more slick sliding out of his hole. “Tell me
you’re a greedy little bitch.”

“I’m-” Seungmin swallowed and blinked slowly, brain trying to keep up.
“I’m a greedy little bitch.”

“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” Jisung said. He tested Seungmin’s rim
with his fingers to see if it would stretch enough to accommodate him, and
finding that is would, he wiped up some of his slick and used it to coat his
cock. He wanted to tease Seungmin longer, but his own rut was urging him
to fuck someone now.

So, without further ado, he slowly slid inside, Seungmin’s rim stretching
slightly around him.
Jisung sighed and squeezed Seungmin’s thigh. “There. That’s what I call
useful. A hot, wet hole I can fuck to deal with a naughty puppy.”

Seungmin clutched Jisung’s arm, eyes pleading him to start moving. He

clenched unconsciously, and Jisung chuckled. “Again, your hole is telling
me what it needs since you’re too much of a dumb puppy to tell me

He started slowly fucking into Seungmin, who was relieved to finally be

filled, even if his prostate wasn’t being stimulated very well at this angle.

Seungmin was so relaxed and pliant, and his hole swallowed up Jisung’s
cock so well with each thrust. Jisung knew he wasn’t going to last long;
Minho often used cock rings on him because he usually came pretty fast. As
subspacey and cockdumb as Seungmin was in this moment, Jisung knew
that it was himself who was really the dumb puppy, chasing his high
recklessly as he pumped his cock in and out of one of his mates.

Seungmin felt overwhelmed by sensations – Jisung’s scent, the feel of his

cock sliding easily along his walls, the sound of the squelching… he
squeezed his eyes shut and focused on the pleasure between his legs.

He whined when Jisung hastily pulled out so he could lay on top of

Seungmin, his legs parting easily to admit him back inside. Jisung nipped at
Seungmin’s collarbone, and he wanted to let loose some more dirty talk, but
he was too “holedumb” to come up with anything. Seungmin was moaning
uncontrollably, and it was making Jisung’s head swim. He rested his
forehead on Seungmin’s collarbone and looked down their bodies, watching
his cock disappear into the other beta, watching his abs flex as he fucked
into him faster and faster, watched Seungmin’s cock bounce around and –
oh fuck, Seungmin was cumming, white shooting out in spurts, getting
everywhere since Jisung was fucking him so hard and fast.

Jisung doubled down and fucked into him even faster like he was in a race,
not realizing that he was drooling on Seungmin’s chest. He was so close,
and Seungmin felt so hot and wet and tight around him…
Jisung came hard and with a whimper very unbecoming of the dominant
role he had undertaken, but Seungmin didn’t seem to mind one bit. Just to
be safe, Jisung let out a howl for appearances as he thrusted minutely a few
more times, his knot keeping him locked inside Seungmin. Then he
collapsed, exhausted, wondering how Seungmin had managed to tire him
out so much when he had lain there so pliantly.

“Good-” Jisung panted, “Good puppy,” he said to Seungmin, who happily

nuzzled his nose into Jisung’s neck.

But maybe he also said it a little bit to himself.

Chapter End Notes

Not proofread yet ✌

Hope you enjoyed <3

I can't believe how many hits and kudos this fic has (41,474 and 1,384
respectively at the time I'm posting this chapter), and I'm so grateful to
everyone who keeps coming back for more ☺ I hope I can keep
writing enjoyable a/b/o brainrot for you.

I have the next chapter planned out already, but if there are any
pairings (or threesomes, whatever really) that I haven't written yet that
you want to read, feel free to let me know in the comments! Take care
everyone <333
Let's Fix That
Chapter Summary

Felix and Jeongin both want a piece of Jisung.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Jeongin was drinking some water when he realized that he was five for
seven fucking his way through his hyungs.

And he wanted to fuck them all.

He turned his eyes to Jisung, who was cuddled up with Seungmin, both

Felix rolled over and stretched rather adorably, and Jeongin felt a pang of
fondness at the sight. When the omega noticed his gaze, he giggled and
nuzzled against Jeongin’s side. In a very aegyo-esque voice, he said, “I love
you, Innie!”

Jeongin’s heart fluttered and he patted Felix’s hair, eliciting a happy hum
from the omega. “I love you too, Lix,” he said fondly back.

Felix weaseled his way into Jeongin’s lap, hugging around his torso and
resting his head on his shoulder; the omega was usually rather cuddly, but
when he was in heat, he was even more so – that is, in between bouts of
extreme horniness. “Who’s next on your list?” he asked quietly against
Jeongin’s chest.

The alpha chuckled; Felix knew him too well. “Changbin and Jisung
hyungs, but it sounds like Changbin hyung’s busy right now,” he answered.

Felix hummed and said, “I haven’t had Jisungie yet either…”

“No?” Jeongin asked, eyes trained on the sleeping beta. “Let’s fix that.”

As if he could sense that he was being stared at, Jisung woke up and slowly
blinked his eyes open, and gulped once he registered the way that Felix and
Jeongin were looking at him. He quietly untangled himself from Seungmin,
who was still sound asleep, and covered up the other beta with extra
blankets, making sure he would be comfortable, before he crossed the nest
to Felix and Jeongin who had in the meantime engaged in a soft make out

“So? What have you two been plotting?” Jisung asked lightheartedly,
settling near them.

Felix pulled away from kissing Jeongin and gave the alpha a mischievous
look before turning to Jisung. The omega crawled seductively toward him
with a grin on his face, and Jisung accepted him into his lap readily, locking
their lips together. The next wave of his heat was coming on quickly, and
although he wanted to just make out with Jisung a big longer, Felix couldn’t
help but start slowly rolling his hips against him, languidly rubbing his hard
cock against the beta’s, which was also already standing at attention.

Jisung was really into the kissing, licking into Felix’s mouth and sucking on
his tongue, not caring to try to manage the spit situation at all. So he whined
in disappointment when Felix pulled away and hopped up onto a raised
cushion, beckoning Jisung closer with his finger. The beta followed
immediately, standing on the lower part of the nest while leaning over Felix
on the raised portion, resuming their messy kissing. Felix wrapped his legs
around Jisung’s waist and slipped his hands onto the back of his neck.

Jeongin had been content to watch Jisung and Felix for a while, but when
he saw how good the beta looked bent over at the waist…

“Oh!” Jisung gasped against Felix’s lips as he suddenly felt Jeongin

grabbing his ass cheeks and squeezing them.

Jeongin hummed, observing Jisung’s hole. “You haven’t been fucked yet
today, have you?” he asked, a hint of faux pity in his voice.
“Well, no…” Jisung answered, distracted as Felix planted kisses along his
neck, not releasing his gentle yet secure grip on the beta’s neck, “I’m in

Jeongin laughed coldly and spanked him lightly, and Jisung felt a chill go
through him. “So?”

Okay, fair point.

“Okay well… just be careful with that massive thing…” Jisung said,
sounding a little dubious.

“Channie hyung enjoyed it,” Jeongin informed him, an edge to his voice
hinting that he was slightly affronted by the beta’s lack of faith in his ability
to wield his cock now that it was so much bigger than it used to be. Which,
it turned out, he hadn’t known exactly how to use it at first, but Felix had
helped him with that so much earlier that he thought he pretty much had the
hang of it.

“Then show me what you’ve got, Alpha,” Jisung said cheekily, wiggling his
butt from side to side enticingly.

Felix giggled at the look on Jisung’s face when he felt Jeongin’s big cock
between his cheeks, the slide dry since Jisung wasn’t in heat.

Jeongin reached between Jisung’s legs to slide his hand along Felix’s
bottom to wet it with slick, then applied it around Jisung’s tight hole and
along his own cock. Even though he was in rut, since Jisung was a beta, he
began to produce a small amount of his own slick once Jeongin started
opening him up on his fingers, using Felix’s slick to get things started.

Jisung wanted to already be fucking Felix – and the omega wanted that, too,
judging by how desperately he was rutting up against Jisung – but he
wanted to make sure that Jeongin stretched him properly first, because it
would be more difficult once Jisung’s hips were moving back and forth.

“Come on, Jisungie…” Jeongin cooed mockingly, “If you don’t open up
enough, I can’t make you feel good.”
Jisung rolled his eyes. Alpha Jeongin was a menace. “Look, if I
could will myself open for you, I would, but –” his words cut off when he
felt Jeongin lapping at his semi-stretched entrance. He shuddered out a
breath into Felix’s mouth, the omega kissing him by this point like he
needed his lips on the beta’s.

“You like this, puppy?” Jeongin asked, throwing a pet name at Jisung that
he’d overheard him using with Seungmin before.

Jisung whined and his body produced gush of its own slick as the alpha
licked and sucked around his rim, then shoved his tongue inside, where
Jeongin could almost taste his strong cinnamon scent. Under the alpha’s
ardent ministrations, Jisung relaxed considerably, and when Jeongin
prodded his fingers back inside, he was quickly able to finish stretching him
enough to take him.

“Go ahead and give Lix what he needs, hmm?” Jeongin suggested, and
Jisung nodded unnecessarily before easily sliding into Felix’s quivering wet
hole. They both sighed, and Felix kissed along Jisung’s neck, nuzzling his
scent gland, as Jeongin pressed his big cock inside of the beta, going slow
to make sure he didn’t hurt him. Once he bottomed out, he asked,
“Everything feel okay?”

“Fuck, yeah, you’re just… fuck, you’re just really big, Innie,” Jisung
responded, feeling his body adjust to the (very welcome) intrusion.

“Good,” Jeongin said, adjusting his stance to give him a better range of

Felix whined needily against Jisung’s lips, then pleaded, “Please move…”

“Oh yeah,” Jisung muttered. He had been a little distracted by the massive
cock in his ass. But he started moving his hips back and forth, slowly,
noticing the way that every time he moved his hips back, he moved farther
back onto Jeongin’s cock.

At first, Jeongin just stood there with his hands on the beta’s butt, watching
Jisung fuck Felix while simultaneously fucking himself onto the alpha. It
was quite a lovely sight, watching his cock disappear inside of him, only to
reemerge at the same time Felix would let out an airy moan.

But before long, Jeongin couldn’t resist taking the initiative to push himself
farther inside Jisung, messing up the beta’s rhythm. When Jisung attempted
to reestablish his lost rhythm, a wave of dominant alpha hormones washed
over him, and he froze on instinct.

“Oh, sorry about that…” Jeongin said sincerely, glad that Jisung couldn’t
see the blush that had arisen from his embarrassment at unintentionally
emitting those pheromones. “Just hold still and I’ll take care of you both,

Jisung nodded dumbly, with Felix still clinging to his lips, as he felt Jeongin
establish his own rhythm, a strong one which drove Jisung’s hips forward.
Jeongin was effectively fucking Felix through Jisung, and it was working
for all three of them, pushing them closer to their highs as he maintained his
powerful thrusts.

Jisung moaned into Felix’s mouth, then pried his lips away long enough to
say, “You’re doing so good, Innie, fuck…” Then Felix made a enthusiastic
noise in agreement and recaptured the beta’s lips.

Jeongin preened inside at the praise; sure he wanted to feel good himself,
but he happy that he was making his hyungs feel good, too.

Felix came first, letting out a loud, shameless whine as he made a mess of
his and Jisung’s torsos.

Jisung came next, locking himself inside Felix as he was overwhelmed by

the sensation of the omega around his cock and the alpha filling him up so

Finally, Jeongin came last, leaning over the beta’s back and holding his hips
still as he fucked into him with quick, short thrusts before pushing his knot
inside. Then he dropped his forehead against his back, groaning as he
pumped the beta full of his cum.
“Good puppy,” Jeongin praised once his brain cleared a bit, petting the back
of Jisung’s head. “Isn’t that what you told Seungminnie when you were
done with him?”

Jisung blushed but chuckled. “Yeah, that was it.” He smiled down at Felix,
who looked totally blissed out beneath him. “I take it you’re feeling good,

Felix smiled warmly, his eyes scrunching up in satisfaction. “Yeah,” he

affirmed, and hummed happily as Jisung nuzzled his scent gland on his

“Just Changbin hyung left now,” Jeongin mused as he looked around, trying
to figure out a way that the three of them could rest more comfortably while
they were all locked together, but not identifying a solution.

“What, do you have a checklist?” Jisung asked, trying to turn to look back
at Jeongin. “What, was I just a box to check off for you?” he asked in mock

Jeongin rolled his eyes and smiled. “Of course not.”

Jisung smiled over his shoulder at their pack’s new alpha. “You’re doing a
really great job, Innie,” he said sincerely. “Presenting isn’t easy.”

Smiling self-consciously, Jeongin flicked Jisung’s back to try to get him to

look forward again. “Hey, don’t get all mushy on me, it’s embarrassing.”

Jisung wiggled his butt again, making Jeongin’s hips move side to side with
it. “You can’t escape me now, Innie, so I’ll get as mushy as I want to over
our precious alpha maknae, thank you very much.”

Jeongin gave Jisung’s butt a light swat as he felt his heart swell with love
for each and every one of his mates, suddenly overcome with gratitude that
they’d all found their way to each other.

Even if they did embarrass him sometimes.

Chapter End Notes

That Golden Disc Awards performance was so amazing, wasn't it? x.x

Hope you all like this chapter~

Take care, everyone <3

I'm on twitter~ Come say hi if you're 18+! @wdrthnthpacific

and here's my curiouscat~ wdrthnthpacific

Take Your Treat
Chapter Summary

Changbin has unfinished business with Minho... and others get in on it,

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Changbin saw Minho walking toward him down the hallway, and felt the
sudden urge to be bent over in front of the beta, completely at his mercy.
After all, Minho had backed off when he had slipped into subspace earlier.
His cheeks burned red, a little embarrassed to ask for what he wanted. So,
instead of using his words, Changbin roughly pushed Minho up against the
wall and pinned him there with a forearm across his collarbones, exuding
strong alpha pheromones that urged the beta to submit to him.

But Minho just laughed in his face.

The alpha growled and slammed his other hand on the wall next to Minho’s
head, but the beta didn’t so much as flinch. Instead, he put on an expression
of faux sympathy and said, “Is Alpha cranky because he didn’t get what he
wanted from me earlier?”

Changbin growled more loudly and pushed harder against Minho’s

collarbones, but the beta just laughed even harder. “I heard you the first
time, puppy. Go to the play room and I’ll meet you there in a minute.”

Minho placed his hand on Changbin’s chest and gently pushed, easily
getting him to back off. The alpha shot him a parting glare, then stalked off
toward the play room.

After eating a quick snack in the kitchen and drinking some water, Minho
made his way to the play room and found Changbin standing and watching
Chan and Felix, who were making out in the bed. Naturally, Minho walked
up behind Changbin and grabbed two handfuls of his bare ass.

Changbin turned around and growled as he moved to grab the beta around
the waist, but he froze when he felt a claw on the underside of his chin. “In
this room, you’re my bitch,” Minho said calmly. “Get on the floor.” Just as
he suspected, Changbin obeyed wordlessly, flushing bright red as Minho
collared and restrained him using the new fixtures in the floor that they had
used earlier.

They were both excited to finally use them how they were intended to be

“Keep going even if I slip again…” Changbin muttered, and Minho gave
him an understanding pat on the butt.

Minho hummed as he got some lube and started liberally applying it

between the alpha’s cheeks. “Do you want me to keep going even if you

Changbin scoffed. “I’m not gonna cry.”

“I’m going to make you cry, Alpha,” Minho said matter-of-factly. He knew
that Changbin would safeword out if he needed too. Besides, although
going rough on the alpha would be nice, Minho was feeling a little soft
toward him after seeing him in subspace earlier; he wanted him to cry
because he was making him feel so good, not from anything else.

Chan picked Felix up and sat down on the floor in front of Changbin, then
resumed fucking the omega, giving Changbin an up-close view. The
restrained alpha whined as he felt Minho start opening him up, eyes fixated
on Felix’s cute ass easily riding Chan’s big cock.

Minho hummed as he fingered Changbin open. “Look at how good Lix is

being, Bin… taking Channie hyung so well…” He felt the alpha clench
around his fingers. “You like watching them, hmm? I bet you’ll be just as
good for me, won’t you?”
“Fuck!” Changbin growled and struggled against his restraints as Minho
slid in a fourth finger already, but it went in easily because Changbin was
relaxing so well.

Minho knew that, as much as Changbin wanted to submit, he wanted to feel

like he had been made to submit. So the beta slapped his ass harshly and
chastised, “Shut up. You and I both know you want me to fuck your needy

Changbin unconsciously clenched around Minho’s fingers again, then jolted

and whined when Minho forcefully prodded his prostate.

“Bin~” Felix said, still bouncing himself up and down, “Be a good puppy
and hyung will make you feel- ah!” He threw his head back as Chan pushed
him farther down his cock than he’d been going on his own. “Make you feel
so good.”

Changbin watched as more slick slid down Chan’s cock onto his balls, some
of it dripping farther down and darkening the gray of the concrete floor. He
started salivating, wishing he could get a taste, but he was too far away.

His mind was momentarily taken away from the tempting sight in front of
him when he felt Minho slide inside him and he let loose a loud whine as he
pushed his hips back shamelessly, trying to get more.

“There you go, Alpha…” Minho breathed, licking his lips as he started
slowly fucking in and out, “Make sure everyone knows how much you
enjoy taking my cock.” Changbin clenched around his length, consciously
this time, and Minho smirked. He squeezed Changbin’s ass cheeks tightly
and started fucking him in earnest, ignoring his own slick, which was
beginning to slide down the insides of his thighs.

Felix started whining needily as he felt Chan’s knot swelling, and the older
alpha hummed appreciatively and said, “You’re so perfect, Omega… gonna
knot you soon.”

Changbin whined at Chan’s words… giving Minho a brilliant idea.

“Channie dear… can you move a little closer so Binnie can get a taste?”
Chan followed Minho’s suggestion wordlessly.

Sticking out his tongue, Changbin licked up the underside of Chan’s knot,
and heard the other alpha let out an airy moan. Then he licked up to Felix’s
rim, feeling it twitch under his tongue. All the while, Minho was fucking
him steadily. He felt like he was in heaven, so intimate with three of his
mates at once.

Minho pushed on Changbin’s hips to angle them so that his cock brushed
past the alpha’s prostate with each thrust, and he could soon hear in the
alpha’s breaths that he was crying a bit from the pleasure.

Chan was praising Felix by alternately littering his neck with kisses and
looking him in the eyes as he fucked him, watching him climb closer and
closer to his climax.

“Good Alpha…” Minho praised, “Letting your mates use your tongue and
your hole… So good for us…” He jolted when he felt big hands rest on his

“Don’t you think he deserves a knot for being so good?” Jeongin spoke
lowly into Minho’s ear, then harshly bit the lobe. Although Minho could
form a knot, he could only do so during a rut since he was a beta. He felt
Jeongin’s cock nudge between his ass cheeks and groaned as he felt the new
alpha wetting it with his slick. “You seem to desire a knot yourself,

Minho laughed dismissively. “I’ve had enough knots today.”

Jeongin’s hot breath fanned out over the back of Minho’s neck. “Then
maybe I should give my knot to Bin instead.”

Changbin moaned as Minho kept railing into him, his tongue still lapping
up Felix’s slick from Chan’s cock.

“Sure, once I’m done with him,” Minho agreed easily.

And he knew he wouldn’t need much longer, especially as Jeongin slid his
big cock inside him. As Minho kept fucking Changbin, he was also fucking
himself on Jeongin’s cock. He felt incredible sandwiched between two of
his alphas, and he soon hit his high, his cum sliding out as he kept snapping
his hips. His body wanted a knot, but he didn’t much feel like begging the
young alpha for one. Instead, he pulled out of Changbin, patted his butt
appreciatively, and then got up, letting Jeongin’s cock slide out of him.

All the alphas were currently occupied, but Minho realized that maybe
Jisung’s cock was free, so he gave Changbin one last parting slap on the
ass, said, “Be good for Alpha, Bin,” and left the room in pursuit of a knot.

“Alpha…” Changbin whined as Jeongin played with his ass, clenching and
unclenching to make Minho’s cum slide out, hoping the younger alpha
enjoyed the sight just as much as he was enjoying the sight of Felix’s rim
stretching to take Chan’s knot.

But then a thought occurred to him that made him a little uncomfortable. As
he watched how much slick Felix was producing, he started worrying that
Jeongin might not like fucking him as much as he would like fucking one of
their mates who was in heat. As an alpha, Changbin couldn’t produce any
slick himself. And although he was lubed up, he started worrying that he
was less desirable because he didn’t have his own slick.

“Sorry Alpha,” Changbin said quietly.

“No need to be sorry…” Jeongin replied, unsure why Changbin suddenly

seemed upset. “What are you sorry about?”

“Not wet enough,” Changbin responded even more quietly.

Jeongin hummed in understanding. “You’re plenty wet for me, Bin. A nice
wet hole for me to fuck.”

Changbin whined. “Really?”

Jeongin growled lowly as he pushed his cock inside, and Changbin shifted
as he accommodated the large yet welcome intrusion. “Really. Nice and
tight for me, too.”

Meanwhile, Felix whimpered as he came, then let his body relax fully
against Chan’s chest.

Suddenly feeling very full and overcome with emotion, Changbin lovingly
licked Felix’s rim, and preened as he heard the omega sigh contentedly
from the gentle contact. But when his tongue dipped down a little to lick the
very base of Chan’s sensitive cock, it elicited a sharp intake of breath from
the alpha.

“Try to keep that tongue on Lix, Bin,” Chan said.

Changbin felt like he was being split open in the best way as Jeongin slowly
increased his pace, finally bottoming out with each thrust. Jeongin moaned
from how tight Changbin felt around his considerable length, and then felt
the other alpha clench around him. “You feel so good, hyung,” he praised.
When Changbin whimpered, he knew that his words were having an effect,
so he continued, “Such a good hyung for me, ass in the air for me to use…”

Jeongin watched as Changbin’s ass jiggled with each thrust, and it just
made him want to fuck him harder and faster to make his ass bounce even
more. He gripped Changbin’s hips and started pulling him back to meet
each thrust.

Changbin didn’t realize he was cumming until he heard Jeongin praising

him. “There you go, Bin, cum on my cock just like that…” With his tongue
flat against Felix’s rim, Changbin whined and panted, his body shaking as
his high washed over him.

Although he really wanted to knot Changbin, Jeongin moved to pull out,

not wanting to overstimulate the other alpha, especially since Changbin’s
body didn’t demand a knot.

But although his body didn’t demand a knot, Changbin’s mind did. So when
he felt Jeongin pulling away, he cried out, “Alpha! Please knot me! I’ll be
so good for you, please!”
Jeongin’s wolf growled appreciatively without him even realizing it; he was
learning that hearing his mates call him Alpha really went to his head. And
to his dick. So he pushed back inside, bottoming out before slapping both of
Changbin’s ass cheeks and squeezing them tightly. “You beg so prettily.
Gonna knot you up even prettier…”

His body ached from the concrete floor, but Changbin didn’t mind, because
all he could focus on was the feeling of Jeongin’s massive cock sliding in
and out of him, filling him up more than he’d ever been filled. He couldn’t
even focus enough to keep licking Felix’s rim; instead, he just panted out
hot breaths over Chan’s balls as he powered through the overstimulation on
his prostate.

Part of Jeongin wanted to hurry up and knot Changbin so he wouldn’t have

to stay restrained to the floor for much longer, but a bigger part of him
wanted to keep overstimulating him, maybe even get him to cum again. The
power Jeongin felt from fucking a fellow alpha was intoxicating, and was
even more so than it had been when he fucked Chan since Changbin was
submitting to him fully.

So Jeongin decided to draw things out, slowing to a near stop when he felt
himself getting close, and instead reaching around to play with Changbin’s
cock, which had filled back out already. He loved the way it made
Changbin squirm and whimper.

Felix seemed to be enjoying it, too, because he turned his head to look over
his shoulder, admiring Changbin’s fucked-out expression, the way his
cheeks were wet with tears, the way his eyes looked so far gone, the way
drool was starting to spill out of the corners of his mouth. “You’re doing so
good, hyung,” Felix praised. “You look so handsome taking cock.” He
actually felt himself getting a little hot and bothered from how good
Changbin looked, even though he was already knotted.

Changbin’s eyes blinked up at Felix, and the alpha took in the way the
omega was smiling proudly down at him. If Felix, who took cock all the
time, and did so expertly, was praising him for taking Jeongin well, he must
really be doing a good job. He felt pride swell in his chest and he pushed his
hips back, even more eager to receive Jeongin’s knot.
Felix reached back to pet Changbin’s hair, and when he did so, his body
shifted enough to let Chan’s cum start sliding out of him, the alpha’s knot
clearly starting to go down. Changbin’s tongue darted out to catch Chan’s
cum, lapping up as much as he could catch. Mixed together with Felix’s
slick, the taste brought to mind a sunshiny forest. Chan let out a shaky
breath, but didn’t tell him to stop, happy that Changbin was so eager to
snack on his release.

“Good boy, licking us clean,” Felix cooed over his shoulder. “Take your
treat, hyung, you deserve it.”

All of Felix’s praise of Changbin had been going to Jeongin’s head, too; he
felt so lucky to be part of this pack, to have seven mates who all loved each
other and supported each other, in and out of the figurative bedroom. He
wasn’t just fucking; he was part of something bigger than sex. He was part
of a bonded pack.

And with that thought, Jeongin felt his knot swelling. He bit his lip as he
worked it inside Changbin’s tight rim and shuddered out a breath as he
came, pumping the other alpha full as he squeezed his ass tightly. When he
let go, he saw that he’d left Changbin’s ass cheeks red from how tightly
he’d been gripping them.

Felix had shimmied around on Chan’s cock to try to let as much cum slide
out as possible so that Changbin could lick it up. But now he wanted to
make sure Changbin was comfortable, so he got up and Chan helped him
undo the restraints. Since it would be difficult to maneuver to the bed while
they were knotted together like this, Felix laid out some blankets for
Changbin and Jeongin to lie down on instead.

And that’s when he realized that Changbin’s cock was hanging heavy and
dripping with pre-cum. His eyes grew wide and he licked his lips
unconsciously as he got down close to Changbin’s crotch. “Can I?” he
asked, eyes cast up to Changbin’s.

The alpha nodded and whimpered as Felix tended to his neglected cock,
sucking hungrily on the head. Felix kept his eyes trained up on Changbin’s
fucked-out face as he took him to the back of his throat. And Changbin was
already so worked up that he came right then, surprising Felix, who
scrambled to swallow down his release but wasn’t able to get it all, some of
it dripping down the alpha’s cock. The omega happily licked it all up,
though, eyes glimmering with the slightest hint of mischief as Changbin
trembled from oversensitivity, in turn making Jeongin take in a sharp intake
of breath as Changbin shifted on his sensitive cock.

“Alright, Lix, that’s enough,” Chan said gently, all too aware of Felix’s
devious streak. “Let’s let this good boy relax now.”

Chapter End Notes

I hope you enjoyed this! ^-^

I'm on twitter~ Come say hi if you're 18+! @wdrthnthpacific

and here's my curiouscat~ wdrthnthpacific

Give Him A Hand
Chapter Summary

Minho really wants Jisung's knot, but Jisung's cock is (k)not currently

Chapter Notes

This one's a little short, but I hope you still enjoy it ^-^

// This chapter includes fisting.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Minho found Jisung in the nest with Seungmin bouncing on his cock and
Hyunjin sitting on his face. Hyunjin and Seungmin were kissing and teasing
each other’s cocks and nipples, and the room was full of quiet gasps and
slick sounds.

Minho knelt down beside Jisung’s head and gently moved his hair off his
sweaty forehead. “Jisungiee...” he whined softly. “Play with me too?”

Jisung looked up at Minho and used his arms to push Hyunjin up a bit so he
could talk, sliding some fingers into the omega to keep him satisfied. The
bottom of Jisung’s face was wet with slick. “I’ll play with you next, Min,
okay?” he said, out of breath.

Over Hyunjin’s shoulder, Seungmin stuck his tongue out at Minho, then

Brat, Minho thought as he made the same face right back at the other beta.

But then he just curled up on the floor with his face stuck up against
Jisung’s neck so he could scent him while he waited his turn.
The thing is, Minho was getting really tired. It had been a tiring day for all
of them, but he in particular had really been exerting himself, and while he
had incredible physical stamina, his emotional stamina was nearly
completely drained.

As the ache in his tummy grew, he unconsciously started whimpering into

Jisung’s ear.

Given that his face was buried between Hyunjin’s cheeks, his senses were
flooded with his floral scent. But when he started hearing Minho’s
whimpers, he realized that the other beta couldn’t wait much longer for at
least some kind of relief.

“Min... why don’t you sit on Seungminnie’s dick for a bit, hmm?” Jisung

Minho blinked his eyes open and regarded Jisung with an empty
expression. “But I need a knot,” he responded.

“Just trust me, okay baby?” Jisung gently urged, bringing one hand up to
pet Minho’s hair.

Eyes narrowed, and with minimal grumbling just because he was so tired,
Minho hauled himself off the floor to straddle Jisung in between Hyunjin
and Seungmin.

And he soon found that it was in fact prime real estate. Quite literally
between Seungmin’s cock—albeit currently knotless—filling up his hole
and Hyunjin’s cock resting on his tongue, he got to relax on Jisung’s torso
and not do anything while he waited for his turn, contentedly stuffed full on
both ends.

When Jisung finally came and knotted Seungmin, Seungmin squeezed

Minho’s ass tightly between his fingers as he came, too. And as Hyunjin
clenched his fingers in Minho’s hair and whined as he came from Jisung’s
masterful tongue, flooding Minho’s tongue with his rosy-scented cum, it
dawned on Minho that he not only had to wait for Jisung’s knot to go down,
but then he still had to wait even longer for Jisung to knot Hyunjin.
Hyunjin got up, stretching his legs after having squatted over Jisung’s face
for so long, and Minho rested his face back against Jisung’s neck. Too tired
to even swallow, Minho just slowly and idly let Hyunjin’s cum dribble out
of his mouth to pool between Jisung’s clavicles. When he noticed a couple
little bubbles, it gave him an idea that amused him ever so slightly, and he
started trying to blow bubbles with what he had left in his mouth.

Jisung looked down as best he could and made a face. “Babe, what are you
—oh god, babe, you’re being so gross right now.”

“It’s not gross, Jisungie,” Minho said lazily, cupping Jisung’s right pec in
his left hand. “You hear that Hyunnie? Jisungie said your cum is gross.”

“He likes it,” Hyunjin responded simply, distracted since Chan had just
entered the room, and he had knot on the brain.

Seungmin sighed and snuggled up as best as he could against Minho’s back,

causing his cock to slip out and his cum to dribble down between them onto
Jisung’s pelvic area. More alert since he had just moved up in the queue,
Minho noticed Jisung bite his lip a little, and he sat up a little so he could
stare into his eyes, their faces nearly touching. “You do like it, don’t you,
Jisungie?” he asked, again lazily, but Jisung knew that no matter how tired
Minho was, he would still pounce at any sign of weakness. “You like it
when hyung is messy?”

“Of course I like to make my mates messy,” Jisung replied with a smirk, the
bottom half of his face covered in Hyunjin’s slick.

“That wasn’t my qu—mmm...” Minho trailed off as Seungmin started

fingering him, easily targeting his prostate with three fingers.

“What was that?” Jisung asked, looking smug as he shared a look with
Seungmin over Minho’s shoulder.

“You didn’t answer my—ohh...”

“Such a pretty little slut for Seungminnie’s fingers, hmm?” Jisung asked,
lightly teasing as he watched Minho’s eyes roll back in pleasure before
squeezing shut.

After a moment, Minho’s eyelids fluttered open to reveal that he was on the
verge of tears. He needed a knot so badly, and while it felt so amazing to
have Seungmin kneading his prostate, the pleasure intensified his ache for a
knot. “Jisungiee...” Minho whispered, pleading.

“You’re so loose, hyung,” Seungmin observed, sounding far more with-it

than he had most of the day. “Do you want my fist?”

Minho whimpered and dug his fingers into Jisung’s chest. Seungmin’s fist
would certainly feel nice filling him up, but it just wouldn’t be the same as a

Jisung’s expression softened when he registered the panic behind Minho’s

eyes as he debated whether he wanted Seungmin to fist him or not, and he
decided to soften his approach, too. “Hyung. Just lay on my chest and let us
make you feel good. I’ll give you my knot as soon as I can. Promise.”

Heart pitter-pattering away as he listened to Jisung’s words, Minho nodded

before licking a stripe up Jisung’s cheek, right through Hyunjin’s slick.
Although no words were involved, Jisung knew that it was Minho’s way of
saying “thank you for taking care of me.”

“Go ahead and give him a hand, Seungminnie,” Jisung directed, and he
watched in delight as Minho’s mouth fell open from the large intrusion.

Seungmin kept his pace slow, moving his fist in a manner calculated to
drive Minho the most insane the fastest. He knew that he must be doing a
good job, because as wet as Minho was when he started, he soon got so wet
that his slick was dripping down his trembling thighs. When he pulled his
fist out, the beta’s gaping hole clenched around nothing, wanting a knot so

Minho had continued to absentmindedly lick Hyunjin’s slick from Jisung’s

face, but soon he was whimpering so much from need that he couldn’t even
do that. “Sungie...” he whined almost inaudibly, but Jisung heard and
implicitly understood. He knew that Minho was getting increasingly knot-

His mind was so clouded with want that he didn’t even notice that
Seungmin had gotten up off of Jisung’s knot, which had deflated. Seungmin
fisted Minho one more time, then nodded to Jisung, who flipped Minho
over onto his back and slid into him, stifling a grin at the kind of funny
sound Minho made mid-flip.

Having just spent so long on his back underneath almost half of his pack,
Jisung had the energy to dick Minho down into the nest with a vigor,
savoring the way the other beta clung to his shoulders.

“Mm... mM... MMM~ah!” Minho moaned, and Jisung understood that he

was trying to communicate that he was really close to cumming, but didn’t
want to yet. Accordingly, he slowed down a bit, and took a moment to
admire the beads of sweat that were coming up on Minho’s forehead.

Jisung had just cum not too long ago, but seeing how badly his mate needed
him to give him his knot spurred him on, and it didn’t take much longer for
him to feel like he was about to bust again. Minho had miraculously hung
on without cumming so far—well, not miraculously, but rather due to how
well Jisung understood his mate’s body.

So, when Jisung finally felt close, he sped up his thrusts to just the right
tempo and, as his knot started inflating inside Minho, he whispered into
Minho’s ear, “Giving you my knot now, baby...”

They all knew that Minho didn’t usually respond extremely well to sweetly
spoken words, but Jisung knew the art of how to use them to make him
completely fall apart, given the right circumstances.

Sure enough, Jisung’s words flooded Minho’s tired brain just right just as
his cum flooded Minho’s hole, and Minho actually half-whined, half-
screamed as he finally came, making a mess out of both their chests.

“There you go, there you go...” Jisung murmured, kissing and scenting
Minho as his body shook from the sheer intensity of his orgasm.
Once they had both come down from their highs, Jisung rolled them over so
Minho was lying on his chest again, and they just snuggled and nuzzled
each other while waiting for Jisung’s knot to go down.

As much as Minho and Jisung loved spending time with their other mates,
they had a tendency to turn to each other when they were tired. Maybe part
of that was because of how well they communicated non-verbally; they
could go hours without saying so much as a word and still understand each
other perfectly.

Although they were both tired—especially Minho—they were both also

messes, so they silently agreed to go to the shower to clean up together
before returning to the nest.

After a small detour from their plan, they curled up together in a corner of
the nest, alternating napping and fucking, alone in their own little Minsung

Chapter End Notes

I didn't proofread this before posting, so sorry for any weirdness! And
thanks for reading! ☺

Here's my twitter~ Come say hi if you're 18+! @wdrthnthpacific

and here's my curiouscat~ wdrthnthpacific

Alpha Time
Chapter Summary

Jeongin learns more about navigating different spaces now that he's an

Seungmin gets clean only to get messy again.

Chapter Notes

I'm back with another chapter! I've missed these horny guys <3

tags warning: Note that this chapter includes double penetration in

one hole.
See the end of the chapter for more notes

When Seungmin walked into the bathroom to wash up, he found Felix in
the large bathtub they had, indulging in a nice bubble bath. He had
apparently been quite liberal when pouring in the bubble bath, given that
bubbles were piled so high that they were sliding down the side of the tub.

“Seungminnie!” Felix exclaimed when he saw the beta. “Come join me!”
He giggled as he patted the top of the bubbles with both palms. “The
water’s great!”

His inner wolf pleased at being invited to spend intimate time with one of
his mates, Seungmin smiled. “But I’m all dirty. I should rinse off first.”

Felix looked at him quizzically. “That’s what the bath is for, though!”

Seungmin grimaced slightly. “So you didn’t rinse off before getting in

“No…” Felix answered, then broke out his biggest, most intense begging
eyes. “It’s just our mates’ cum, Minnie. It’s okay. At least it won’t be dried
to you anymore.”

Although he still wasn’t keen on getting in the bath without rinsing off first,
Seungmin didn’t want to say no to Felix. He approached the tub and gently
touched Felix under his chin. “You know I can’t resist those eyes.”

Felix smiled warmly. “I just love you.”

“I love you too, Lix,” Seungmin said, pressing a kiss to the omega’s
forehead before climbing into the bath with him.

Felix hummed happily as he helped Seungmin wash up, scrubbing his back
and washing his hair, and Seungmin relaxed immensely as the room became
full of soothing omega pheromones.

A little while later, Jisung carried a very cum-drunk-looking Minho into the
bathroom. He started to take him to the shower, but when he spotted Felix
and Seungmin in the tub, he brought Minho to them instead. He wanted to
clean Minho up himself, but it seemed like the bathroom had become an
omega zone, and that he was intruding as a beta in rut. Minho already
seemed to be responding well to the atmosphere, so he kissed him on the
top of his head and left him with the others in the tub. Still needing to wash
up himself, he headed to the kitchen.

Felix and Seungmin doted delicately on Minho, washing him thoroughly

and scattering soft kisses all over his skin. They worked quietly, able to tell
that Minho was tired and in need of a tranquil environment. The older beta
let them take care of him, letting his eyes fall shut and dozing in place a
little, trusting his mates to keep his head above the water.

Around the time they finished cleaning Minho up, Chan and Hyunjin
boisterously entered the bathroom, talking loudly and laughing. But as soon
as they got a whiff of the tranquil pheromones, they quieted down like
they’d entered a sacred place. Smiling warmly, Hyunjin gave Chan a kiss
on the cheek before the alpha left of his own accord, knowing better than to
stay any longer than he already had. Hyunjin happily climbed into the tub.
Seungmin noted with a small grimace before the omega sat down that he
had copious amounts of cum running down the insides of his thighs, but he
had already resigned himself to sitting in a cum bath, so he just tried not to
think about it. It wasn’t as if he could see what was in the water due to all
the bubbles.

With Hyunjin there, the soothing omega pheromones doubled, and it was
even more pleasant with the mix of their scents, like they were all sitting in
a sunny flower garden. Seungmin was contributing his own beta
pheromones to the mix, the smell of clean cotton evoking the idea of linens
hung up to air-dry in that garden.

Minho cuddled up to Felix, burying his face against his neck, while
Seungmin fussed about with cleaning Hyunjin up. Hyunjin’s boisterous
mood quickly leveled out to match the energy in the room, and he couldn’t
stop smiling as he enjoyed spending such intimate time with three of his

Then, Jeongin entered their space.

Seeing that four of his mates were in the bathtub together and that there was
still plenty of space, he happily made his way over, not noticing the
warning looks he was receiving from the omegas until he lifted a leg to get
into the tub and heard two low, rolling growls.

Confused, he looked up to find that the omegas were borderline glaring at

him like he’d done something wrong. Minho was still tucked into Felix’s
neck, but Seungmin was looking at Jeongin with something akin to pity.

“I just wanted to—” he started to try to explain, unsure why they were
giving him such an icy reception.

“This isn’t a space for you right now, Innie,” Seungmin said softly, trying
not to disrupt the suddenly delicate atmosphere.

“Why not?” Jeongin asked, feeling hurt. He had always bathed with the
omegas before.

Then, Chan was gently but firmly gripping his arm and guiding him out of
the bathroom while nodding apologetically to the omegas without making
eye contact and emitting submissive pheromones, confusing Jeongin even

As soon as they were out of the bathroom, with the door closed behind
them, Jeongin asked, “Did I do something wrong? I just wanted to join
them for a bath.”

Chan put his arm around the young alpha’s shoulders and led him to the
kitchen, from where he could see Changbin and Jisung were curled up
together on one of the living room couches, both of them wearing
sweatpants. It was kind of strange not to see them naked.

As he wetted a cloth with warm water from the kitchen sink, Chan asked,
“Did you smell what was happening in the bathroom?”

Jeongin frowned, trying to figure out what about the smell he could have
misunderstood. “It was just the omegas’ scents creating a calm feeling. I
just wanted to be with them.”

Chan nodded in understanding as he started wiping dried cum and slick off
of the young alpha. “I know. But they had created an omegas-only zone,
and you’re an alpha now.”

“But Minho and Seungmin hyungs were in there!” Jeongin argued.

Shaking his head, Chan explained, “They’re in heat, so the omegas kind
of… take them in.”

“Why won’t they take me in though? I wouldn’t do anything to ruin the vibe
or anything.” Jeongin pouted, and it pulled on Chan’s heartstrings.

“They’ve been taking you in all day, haven’t they?” Chan pointed out
teasingly, then sighed. “The fact is that you’re an alpha now, Innie. And you
have to respect omega-only spaces. Spread your feet more.”

Jeongin obeyed Chan, crossing his arms as he let him wipe between his
legs. “It’s not fair.”
Rinsing the cloth out in the sink, Chan tilted his head to the side and back
again. “Maybe not. But there are perks to being an alpha that balance it

“I guess,” Jeongin said dejectedly.

Chan playfully danced his fingers along Jeongin’s side. “Come on. Let’s
spend some alpha time together, what do you say?”

Making a face, Jeongin remarked, “Sounds smelly.”

Shrugging, Chan said, “You’re not wrong. But you’re one of us now, so
you’d better get used to it.”

“Maybe I should’ve been an omega…” Jeongin grumbled as Chan ran off to

find them both some pants.

When Chan returned, he said, “Don’t you like using that big knot of yours,

“Yes…” Jeongin blushed, but couldn’t help but continue to say, “…and you
seemed to like using it, too.”

Grinning his signature dimpled smile, Chan playfully hit Jeongin on the
arm and they made their way to the couch to join Changbin and Jisung.
Changbin still seemed very out of it, and was snuggled up to Jisung. But as
soon as he registered that Jeongin, the alpha who had most recently knotted
him, was nearby, he sat up and made his way over to him, settling
contentedly right in his lap. He felt so warm and soft, and Jeongin loved the
intimacy of the simple interaction.

Maybe alpha time wasn’t so bad, after all.

Chan snuggled up to Jisung, and they all napped for a bit.

Back in the bathroom, the atmosphere had returned to one of perfect peace
and calm. The four of them snuggled and kissed softly and occasionally
murmured sweet words, recuperating from the intense day that they’d had.
After a bit, Minho started to get antsy, shifting constantly. Finally, he sat up
and forced himself to blink his eyes open. “I’m gonna go find Jisungie,” he
announced quietly, and the others helped him step out of the bath and
passed him a towel. The beta didn’t bother to dry off very thoroughly before
padding out of the bathroom.

He quickly found Jisung asleep on the couch snuggled up with Chan.

Minho whined quietly, just enough to stir the other beta from slumber.
Jisung carefully shifted Chan to lie against the other two alphas and took
Minho’s outstretched hand, following him back to the nest room where they
curled up to nap together.

After Minho left the tub, the atmosphere shifted a little bit. Felix felt more
energized, able to move freely now without disturbing the beta who had
been snuggled up to him. He started being more playful, adorning Hyunjin
and Seungmin with bubble beards and hats and the like and giggling
delightedly in the process.

Hyunjin couldn’t stand how cute the other omega was being, so he pulled
him into his lap with a playful growl. Felix leaned down and kissed him,
and a matter of seconds later, he was grinding earnestly against Hyunjin and
whining into his mouth.

Seungmin decided it was time to get out of the bath anyway—his fingers
and toes were beyond pruney, and he really wanted to bathe in water that
wasn’t full of cum and slick. So, he climbed out and went directly to the
shower, leaving the omegas to their own devices.

Feeling much better after showering, Seungmin wrapped himself in a fluffy

white robe and left the bathroom. Upon entering the common area, he was
immediately struck by an overwhelming scent of ‘alpha.’ He spotted all
three of the alphas snuggled together on the living room couch, and he felt
warm slick slide out of himself at the sight. He sighed, annoyed that he
couldn’t even stay clean for an entire minute. Mentally resigning himself to
not truly being clean again until his heat was over, he made his way over to
the alphas, very consciously emitting ‘please fuck me’ pheromones.
The pheromones did the trick, with Chan stirring awake first. “Mmm…
Minnie, c’mere,” he said, his voice gruff with sleep. Seungmin settled in
Chan’s lap, and when Changbin and Jeongin awoke not long after, the beta
was already filled up with cock, slowly bouncing as Chan kissed along his
collar bones.

Jeongin’s first thought was a possessive one. Seungmin had been the first of
his mates to take his knot, and he wanted him all to himself. He actually
wanted all of his mates all to himself, though, he realized, so he tried to
shake off the feeling before it consumed him—something that wouldn’t
have been as easy for him to do when his rut first started.

Instead, he decided to pull the robe off of Seungmin’s shoulder and begin
pressing kisses to his skin. Changbin soon followed suit, pulling the robe
off of the beta’s other shoulder and turning his head to kiss him.

Seungmin moaned into Changbin’s mouth. Being the center of attention of

three alphas was intoxicating, and he wanted more. Wanted them to share
him more.

The beta turned to Jeongin and sweetly asked, “Take my mouth?”

Jeongin nodded, hurriedly shimmying his pants down to free his big cock
before standing up on the couch and guiding it to Seungmin’s lips. On
Seungmin’s other side, Changbin whined. Before stuffing his mouth full,
Seungmin asked, “Channie hyung, can you share with Binnie hyung?”

Chan growled lowly in confirmation and excitement. He started working his

fingers in alongside his cock, helping loosen Seungmin’s hole more and
more until he thought he could take two alpha cocks at once. In the
meantime, Seungmin was making Jeongin moan and curse under his breath,
sucking earnestly on his length.

Changbin waited patiently, kissing along the beta’s skin until Chan gave
him the go-ahead. Then he used some slick that had pooled at the base of
Chan’s cock to slick up his own before carefully and ever so slowly
sheathing himself inside of Seungmin alongside Chan.
Seungmin moaned around Jeongin’s cock, wondering why he didn’t do shit
like this more often. Then, as Chan and Changbin started slowly moving,
Seungmin came suddenly and came hard, gasping around Jeongin’s cock.

“So good for Alphas…” Chan murmured against Seungmin’s pec before
sucking on his nipple, fingers tightening on the beta’s hips as he squirmed
on his and Changbin’s cocks. Changbin seemed lost for words, resting his
forehead against Seungmin’s back as he tried not to cum yet, the sound of
Seungmin’s pleasured cries as he squeezed around their cocks nearly
tipping him over the edge.

After he finished cumming, Seungmin still felt incredibly needy, so he

braced himself on Chan’s shoulders and tried to fuck himself down on the
alphas’ cocks while taking the other alpha’s cock repeatedly to the back of
his throat. Chan and Changbin actually established a consistent rhythm,
with one of them sliding out as the other slid in.

When Seungmin felt Jeongin’s knot start hitting his lips, he doubled his
fervor, craving the alpha’s release. He didn’t have to wait long before
Jeongin sighed and started cumming into the back of Seungmin’s mouth.
Seungmin swallowed as fast as he could so that the alpha’s massive load
wouldn’t spill out of his mouth, and was largely successful, only a few stray
drops sliding out of the corners of his mouth when Jeongin pulled out.

The sight tipped Chan over the edge. He thrusted as deep as he could into
the beta, his knot still left outside as he came, but Changbin kept moving,
which quickly created a huge mess of cum. That sight brought Changbin to
the edge, his knot quickly inflating.

“Mine to knot,” Changbin claimed, and Chan deferred by pulling out to

make space—Seungmin deserved a knot after this, after all.

Seungmin was still tight around Changbin as he pushed his knot inside and
spilled into him with a possessive growl that went straight to the pleasure
center of Seungmin’s brain, bringing on a second, more intense orgasm that
had him screaming and clutching desperately for purchase on Chan’s
Jeongin watched on, completely enthralled by how beautifully used
Seungmin looked, a mess of cum and slick.

Maybe alpha time really wasn’t so bad.

Chapter End Notes

I hope you enjoyed this one! ^-^ <3

Chapter Summary

A rug gets defiled.

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

As Hyunjin and Felix kissed in the bathtub, they both quickly got quite
worked up. Hyunjin reached down into the water between them and
wrapped his hand around both of their cocks, slowly sliding it up and down.
He smirked against the other omega’s lips when he moaned a little at the

“Which one of us is going to top?” Hyunjin asked, barely able to get the
words out because Felix was kissing him so diligently.

“You,” Felix responded, giving him another kiss before he added, “Duh.”

Hyunjin scoffed and leaned back a bit to avoid Felix’s lips. “Why not you?”

“Because I’m in—” Felix paused and blushed, realizing that he wasn’t the
only one in heat. “Because I call dibs.”

Hyunjin laughed, his eyes sparkling with adoration at the man straddling his
lap. “You call dibs on topping? Okay, if you insist…”

“No, wait!” Felix tried to backtrack, realizing his mistake. “I meant I call
dibs on bottoming!”

“Too late! Get your dick ready!” Hyunjin said, laughing as Felix
dramatically leaned back and let out a faux-frustrated moan of exasperation.
Hyunjin took advantage of the angle and leaned forward to lick a stripe up
Felix’s chest, right over one of his nipples. It tasted a bit soapy (they were
still in the bath, after all), but it was worth it because it had the desired

Felix’s sunshiny scent became noticeably stronger, and when he sat back
up, his eyes seemed darker. He dove back into kissing Hyunjin—this time
deeper, needier.

After a minute, Hyunjin broke away from the kiss. “On the rug.”

Felix nodded, and they got up and out of the tub, cursorily drying off with a
couple towels before kneeling on the soft, lush rug just outside the tub.
They both knew that fucking in a bathtub full of water wasn’t always the
most pleasant experience, and, besides—the rug was quite luxurious.

As much as Hyunjin would have rather bottomed, he was getting the sense
that Felix was even needier for it than he was. The way that he was gripping
at Hyunjin’s cock while he played with it, the way he played with his own
hole while they continued to make out and make themselves comfortable
lying down on the rug… Hyunjin decided that he’d rather give Felix exactly
what he wanted.

Hyunjin slipped one of his hands down Felix’s back and squeezed one of
his ass cheeks in his hand, the tips of his fingers getting wet with slick from
being so close to his hole. Felix moaned appreciatively and sucked gently
on Hyunjin’s tongue, his fingers clenching in the other omega’s hair.

When Hyunjin maneuvered Felix onto his back and pushed up one of his
legs by the underside of his thigh, Felix looked up at him as it dawned on
him what Hyunjin was doing. “I’ll top next time, I promise!” he said

Hyunjin smirked down at him as he ran his thumb around Felix’s slick-wet
rim. “I’ll hold you to that,” he practically purred, his eyes full of love.

Felix grinned and parted his legs even more, giving Hyunjin more than
enough space to settle between them, leaning with one elbow on the rug so
that he could finger Felix. “You’re beautiful,” Felix murmured, his deep
voice calling forth goosebumps on Hyunjin’s skin.
“You’re gorgeous,” Hyunjin replied.

“You’re handsome.”

“You’re breathtaking.” Hyunjin slid his cock easily but slowly into Felix,
watching him suck in a breath from the sudden pleasure and warmth of the

“You’re hot…”

“Me or my cock?” Hyunjin asked, smirking as he brushed the back of his

hand tenderly across Felix’s cheek.

“Both, of course,” Felix responded with a grin.

Hyunjin started slowly fucking Felix, really engaging his core muscles to
achieve a slow glide instead of slipping in quickly, which would be quite
easy to do given how much slick Felix was producing. And he wasn’t alone
in that—Hyunjin’s hole was dripping with slick, but he tried to focus on
Felix instead of his own gnawing desire to be filled.

To his relief, he soon felt Felix’s fingers sliding between his cheeks and
resting over his hole, which felt amazing every time Hyunjin moved his
hips, his excessive slick allowing Felix’s fingers to glide back and forth
over his hole.

Hyunjin tried to hold out and keep going for Felix, who had just started to
clench around him and dig his fingers into his shoulders, but Hyunjin was
feeling so sensitive being stimulated from the front and back.

“Go ahead, Hyunnie,” Felix said, his deep voice like velvet. He had been
reading Hyunjin’s expressions clear as day as they danced across his
features, and he knew that the other omega was struggling to hold out a
little longer. But he wanted Hyunjin to feel good—and he felt that Hyunjin
cumming inside him might push him over the edge, as well.

Sure enough, as Hyunjin came with a shudder, unsure of which direction he

wanted to push his hips so mostly just staying still, Felix gasped as he felt
Hyunjin’s fingers tighten on his hips and came himself, already writing the
rug off as destined for a good wash as his cum splattered everywhere.

“Oh, fuck…”

The omegas heard Jeongin’s voice and turned to see that the newest alpha
and their pack alpha were standing together in the bathroom’s entryway,
eyes glued to where their very wet-looking mates were splayed out on the
rug. They smelled calmness and fondness from Chan, like a peaceful forest
after a good rain. From Jeongin, they smelled a surge of possessiveness,
like a sudden snowstorm. Chan placed a gentle hand on the younger alpha’s
shoulder, and that snowstorm quickly softened into heavy flurries. The
omegas smiled, happy to see that the younger was amenable to their
leader’s unspoken guidance.

“Is there room for two more?” Chan asked, dimples out.

“Of course, Alphas…” Hyunjin purred seductively, looking at them out of

the corners of his eyes as he softly caressed Felix’s cheek and ran his hand
all the way down his body to his hip. “Not that we need your help.”

Chan chuckled and approached the pair of omegas, kneeling in front of

them. He gently placed two fingers under Hyunjin’s chin to guide him to
look at him. “I can see that.”

Hyunjin grew a bit flustered under Chan’s loving eyes, but met it with his
own intense gaze. “Would you like to clean up our mess?”

Chan’s eyes darted down to where Hyunjin and Felix were still connected,
although they had the freedom not to be since Hyunjin didn’t have a knot.
“I’d love to,” he said as he got down lower. He lifted Felix’s leg up,
allowing him to dive right in as soon as Hyunjin pulled out. The alpha
immediately got a tongue-full of slick and cum, and he moaned at the
combined tastes of his mates as he set to work eating out a giggly and
slightly squirmy Felix.

While Chan got busy with Felix, Jeongin approached Hyunjin, who was
pouting mildly at Chan having bypassed him to love on the other omega.
“I bet I can make you cum before Lix hyung," Jeongin stated, eyes glued on

Intrigued by the maknae’s boldness, Hyunjin smirked and glanced over to

see that Chan had looked up from between Felix’s legs with a competitive
gleam in his eyes.

“Well I bet that I can hold out longer than Hyunnie can,” Felix challenged,
sticking out his tongue at Hyunjin.

“Oh, it’s on!” Hyunjin said, tugging Jeongin down by the wrists and
climbing into his lap, already grabbing at the alpha’s (unsurprisingly) hard
cock. The alpha seemed pleased at the omega’s eagerness, reaching behind
Hyunjin to dip his fingers inside.

Meanwhile, Chan manhandled Felix into a position that worked better for
him and doubled down between his legs, slipping in a couple fingers to
slowly massage the omega’s prostate in an effort to get him past the
squirmy phase of oversensitivity into the “ohfuckI’mgonnacumagain” phase
of oversensitivity as quickly as possible. Felix moaned deeply as he felt
Chan press against his prostate as his tongue danced around his slightly
gaping rim.

Hyunjin pushed Jeongin to lie on his back on the rug and quickly sank onto
his cock—a little too quickly, it turns out. “Ow!” Hyunjin complained,
pushing himself up onto his knees more.

“Too big for you?” Jeongin teased, running his hands down the omega’s
hips onto his thighs.

Hyunjin gave him a withering look. “Of course not,” he said as he started
expertly gyrating his hips, opening himself up on the alpha’s cock. Jeongin
just looked up at him, mesmerized. That is, until Hyunjin finally managed
to seat himself entirely onto his cock, at which point the alpha snapped out
of it and flipped the omega over rather clumsily. Still, Hyunjin was
impressed, and Jeongin could tell because he felt the omega tighten around
“You like that?” Jeongin asked, grinning somewhat cockily down at

It was incredibly endearing, especially if Hyunjin’s fluttering heart was any


And if Felix’s fluttering hole was any indication of how well Chan was
doing… the omega was well on his way to losing against Hyunjin.

“Hyung…” Felix moaned, sliding his hand into Chan’s hair. “You’re g-
gonna make me cum…”

Chan chuckled between his legs, and the sound made more slick leak from
Felix’s hole. “That’s the goal, baby.”

Of course, Jeongin was pleased that his teasing had gotten Hyunjin to work
himself onto his cock while he lay back and watched, even though doing so
actually lost Hyunjin his advantage in his competition with Felix. Now,
Jeongin was certain that he would win his own competition against Chan—
which he felt oddly invested in despite not usually being a very competitive
person—because Chan was just using his mouth while Jeongin had Hyunjin
writhing in pleasure on his cock.

“Ch- Channie hyung!”

Shocked, Jeongin turned to see Felix gripping tightly onto Chan’s

shoulders, his mouth hanging open as his sunshiney scent surged. “Wh-
how??” the younger alpha complained, his hips slowing to a stop. He
couldn't fathom how Chan had managed to do with his mouth what Jeongin
hadn't yet managed to do with his cock.

Pleased at having won—albeit purely due to Channie’s oral prowess—

Hyunjin sought to regain Jeongin’s attention. He slid a hand onto the back
of Jeongin’s neck as he whipped out his bedroom eyes and a subtle surge of
pheromones. “Come on, Alpha… I need you.”

Refocusing, Jeongin forgot all about having lost against Chan in the face of
the beautiful omega under him.
An omega who needed him.

Through the aftershocks of his intense orgasm, Felix noticed Jeongin

absolutely going to town on Hyunjin, vigorously railing him into the rug.
The other omega was grinning ear to ear, moaning happily with each thrust
of the alpha’s cock into him. His gaze shifted down to Chan, who was
gazing up at Felix with a love-drunk look, the lower half of his face wet
with slick.

“Hyung, your turn,” Felix said, trying to tug Chan up from between his

“I’m fine for now, Lix,” Chan said, smiling warmly at him as he sat up

“Nonsense,” Felix said as he also sat up and wrapped his hands around the
alpha’s leaking cock. “Don’t you want your prize for winning?”

Chan caressed Felix’s cheek. “I already had it.”

Felix rolled his eyes even as he blushed horribly. “Well. Then I’m going to
give you your second prize.”

“I want on top!” Hyunjin whined, frustrated that Jeongin wasn’t quite

hitting the spot.

“But—” Jeongin started to protest because he was really enjoying the

position they were in, but then he saw Hyunjin’s pleading expression.
“Okay, hyung.”

Hyunjin scrambled to get on top, sighing in relief as he sank back down

onto the alpha’s cock.

“Better?” Jeongin asked, noticing the relieved look on the omega’s face.

“Mhmm…” Hyunjin confirmed as he rolled his hips, quickly finding the

best angle to bounce out to get the stimulation he needed. It only took a
minute for him to come completely undone. When he did, he froze as his
high washed over him.
Fortunately, Jeongin picked up the slack, thrusting up into the omega at
precisely the same angle and speed to keep him cumming. As he did so, he
reached his own high, which actually frustrated him a little because it
interrupted his efforts to carry Hyunjin through. Still, the omega looked
more than satisfied, so he felt reassured that he’d done well.

“Lix…” Chan breathed as Felix finally brought him over the edge, his cum
spurting up over the omega’s hands. The volume was less than it had been
earlier—he was clearly starting to reach the end of his rut.

Felix gave him a pleased smile before licking his hands clean.

Hyunjin looked around between the four of them. “I think we need another

“I think so…” Felix said, laughing as he stood up and offered Chan a hand.

Jeongin tried to lift Hyunjin off of his cock only to realize that his knot was
locking them together—that was still going to take some getting used to.
“Are we allowed to join you this time?”

Hyunjin found the slightly vulnerable edge to Jeongin’s voice incredibly

endearing. He wrapped his arms around Jeongin’s neck. “Definitely, Alpha.
Let’s just wait until your knot goes down, okay?” The maknae’s clumsiness
surely wouldn’t bode well for him carrying Hyunjin into a wet tub.

“But there’ll be a mess on the rug once my knot goes down,” Jeongin said,

“Um, Innie?” Chan said, gesturing at the rug. “It’s kind of already a

“Oh… right.”

Chapter End Notes

I know it's been a while, so I hope you enjoyed this update ^-^
End Notes

Here's my twitter~ Come say hi if you're 18+! @wdrthnthpacific

and here's my curiouscat~ wdrthnthpacific

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