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CPE preparation – CPE 1 – First semester 2018

Diagnostic writing - Article

In the writing paper of the CPE exam, you are required to do two pieces of writing in 90 minutes:

- part 1 is always a discursive essay;

- part 2 can be an article, a report, a review, a letter, or an essay.

In this diagnostic piece of writing, you are asked to write an article based on a CPE-like task. The objective
of this first piece of writing on the course is to assess the level of your writing today, so as to help your
teacher to plan the writing component of the course. You are kindly asked to refrain from using
dictionaries, grammar books, or any other kind of reference material.

You have seven (7) days as of today to email your work to

Please type (up) this first piece of writing, and do not worry about the word count this time.

Your local newspaper is running a series of articles on overcoming phobias. The editor has asked
readers to write in with articles describing their own particular phobias and explaining how they dealt
with them. You have decided to submit an article. - Higor Cavalcante – 2018 – CPE 1

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