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Jesus for All Nations and Network International


Restoration Committee

Mediation Report

Subject: JFA – Iligan City Issues


We, the members of the restoration committee under the JFA National BOD, hereby present
this report to address the recent developments concerning the JFA Iligan City head pastor,
Pastor Benjie Epe, regarding his marital problems, decision to file a six-month leave of
absence and subsequent resignation as a member of the board of JFA national. Additionally,
we express our concern regarding the memo received by the head pastor, indefinitely
suspending him due to alleged indifference. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive
overview of the situation while emphasizing the need for empathy, understanding, and a fair


Pastor Benjie Epe and his spouse, Pastor Raquel Epe, are respected, and dedicated leaders,
and Pastor Benjie has been the Senior Pastor of JFA Iligan City for 24 years. In light of his
recent marital issues, he filed for a six-month leave of absence to focus on resolving these
personal matters. It was evident that these marital problems were affecting his ability to fulfill
his responsibilities effectively within the ministry.

It was reported that Pastor Benjie’s relationship with his spouse, Pastor Raquel had
deteriorated to the point that they engaged in altercations in public, church, and at home,
including instances of physical violence. Pastor Benjie's decision to temporarily step away
from his pastoral role to address these challenges was a responsible choice aimed at
preserving the integrity of his ministry.

During the course of Pastor Benjie's leave of absence, church leaders engaged in discussions
with him, pointing out some issues and demands (Please refer to the attached minutes of the
meeting of church leaders). However, it is concerning that these interventions allegedly went
awry, leading to an unnecessary escalation of the situation. The involvement of church
leaders should have aimed at providing support and guidance without jeopardizing Pastor
Benjie's pastoral position.

Resignation from being the Senior Pastor of JFA-Dalipuga:

As part of his commitment to the JFA ministry, Pastor Benjie Epe served as a member of the
board at the national level. However, during discussions with JFA Iligan City church leaders
and as a result of his frustration and disappointment with the conduct of the meeting, he
expressed his intention to resign verbally from this role. He expected the Church Leaders to
be in full support of their family in their moment of crisis, but instead, the contrary happened
as the leaders had set conditions for his resumption as a Senior Pastor. Minutes of the leaders'
meeting (to explain the conditions of the church leaders) are attached hereto and form an
integral part hereof.

It appears that the intervention of church leaders did not lead to a positive resolution of the
marital issues. Instead of providing pastoral support and guidance, the church leaders
seemingly utilized the crisis to undermine the head pastor. This inappropriate response from
the leadership is concerning, as it may have contributed to escalating the situation rather than
aiding in its resolution.

Financial Matters:
This has caused some confusion and concern, particularly that their monthly allowance was
suspended for no apparent reason.

The National Board’s Intervention:

The National Board has taken a proactive approach to address a situation involving Pastor
Benjie Epe and Pastor Raquel Epe. Their intervention is aimed at achieving two main
1. Restoration and Reconciliation of Pastor Benjie Epe and Pastor Raquel Epe.
2. Restoration of Pastor Benjie Epe as Senior Pastor:

The Board's approach involves a series of meetings to address the situation:

1. First Meeting: This meeting took place in Iligan and involved Pastor Benjie Epe, Dr.
Fritz Corado, and Pastor Don Benitez. The participants discussed the issues at hand
and potential solutions.
2. Second Meeting: Also held in Iligan, this meeting included Church Leaders and
Pastor Don Benitez—a broader involvement of leaders within the church community
to address the situation.
3. Third Meeting: This meeting occurred in Pagadian City and involved Pastor Raquel
and Pastor Don Benitez. Pastor Raquel was given an opportunity to express her
perspectives on the matter.
4. Fourth Meeting: Another meeting in Iligan, this time with both Pastor Benjie Epe and
Pastor Raquel, along with Apostle Rey Duque and Pastor Don Benitez. This meeting
has aimed to bring both parties together to find common ground.

Throughout these meetings, it's noted that all parties were given a chance to be heard, and the
issues were carefully considered in line with the Board's objectives. This approach
emphasizes open communication, dialogue, and fairness in seeking resolution.

The positive outcome of the fourth meeting was that both Pastors Benjie and Raquel Epe
have decided to work towards reconciliation, restoration, and a willingness to mend
relationships. They have also committed to undergo counseling, follow-up sessions, and any
other measures the Board recommends.


We urge the JFA BOD leadership to approach this situation with empathy and a pastoral
heart. It is crucial to recognize that pastors, like any other individuals, face personal
challenges that may impact their professional lives. A supportive environment is essential for
the head pastor to overcome his marital problems and continue his ministry effectively.

1. Re-evaluation of Pastor Benjie’s Verbal Resignation.:

The assertion that Pastor Benjie's verbal resignation was made before church leaders
with no authority to hire and fire him raises significant questions about the validity of
the resignation itself. The statement implies that the resignation will not hold legal or
procedural weight due to the absence of the appropriate decision-making authority.

The National Board is now responsible for reinstating Pastor Benjie, who underscores
the belief that the void resignation shouldn't impact his position. This brings up
discussions around due process, hierarchy, and the correct channels for employment
decisions within the organization.

The Board also introduces the possibility of implementing disciplinary action against
any couple if further investigation uncovers a need for such measures. This serves as a
reminder of the larger context and potential issues within the church that may affect
Pastor Benjie's situation.

2. Reinstatement of his allowance with payment of his previous uncollected

allowance in full.
The decision to suspend a family's allowance does not align with the principles of
Biblical conflict resolution, especially when it concerns a Man of God. The act of
withholding support in such a situation could potentially establish a concerning
precedent that might adversely affect not only the individuals involved but also the
entire leadership, including the National Board and Pastors, should any of them face a
crisis in the future.

In light of this, the family's allowance/salary should be reinstated without delay,

restoring the situation to what it was before the suspension occurred. Additionally,
any allowances not provided during the suspension period should be fully reimbursed.
This course of action not only reflects fairness but also complies with the existing
legal framework, as there are relevant court rulings that address similar matters.

Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that Pastor Benjie and his family possess
the right to avail themselves of the legal protections established in such cases. These
protections are designed to ensure that individuals are treated justly, and their rights
are upheld, irrespective of their positions or affiliations.
Resolving conflicts and disagreements within the context of a Christian community
should always be guided by compassion, understanding, and the values upheld by our
faith. This approach not only safeguards the integrity of our leadership but also sets a
positive example for others to follow, promoting unity and harmony within our

3. Clear Communication:
Effective communication between the head pastor and the church leaders is critical at
this juncture. Open dialogues will ensure that both parties are on the same page
regarding expectations, resolutions, and potential future roles within the ministry.

4. Pastoral Support Network:

Establishing a support network comprising fellow pastors, mentors, and counselors
can provide the pastors with the necessary emotional and spiritual assistance to
navigate their marital challenges and role within the church. In the case of Pastor
Benjie Epe, it is sad to note that the congregation lacked pastoral support towards
Pastor Benjie and his family during this crisis. The church community plays a
significant role in providing emotional, spiritual, and sometimes practical assistance
during challenging times, and it is disheartening to hear that such support has been

5. Misuse of the Situation by Church Leaders:

It is observed that the church leaders took advantage of Pastor Benjie Epe's and his
family’s crisis to undermine him, which is concerning. A time of personal difficulty
should not be used to weaken the church's leadership and stability. Instead, the
leadership should foster understanding, compassion, and support.

6. Support and Monitoring:

We suggest providing Pastor Benjie Epe with adequate support and monitoring
mechanisms during his reinstatement. This will help ensure his successful
reintegration into his pastoral responsibilities while safeguarding his family's and the
ministry's well-being. Both have issues that must be dealt with, which may be
properly brought before a trained counselor.

7. Pastoral Care:
In light of Pastor Benjie Epe's challenges, offering him and his family ongoing
pastoral care is essential. This will contribute to their continued healing and journey
towards reconciliation and restoration.


In conclusion, we acknowledge the couple’s, Pastor Benjie and Pastor Raquel, courage in
addressing their marital problems and taking proactive steps to resolve them. We call upon
the JFA BOD leadership to exercise empathy, fairness, and a pastoral approach in dealing
with this situation. The verbally announced resignation from the position of senior pastor at
JFA Dalipuga should not be considered in light of the facts presented, and the announcement
was likely influenced by the unnecessary intervention of the church leaders, which failed to
provide the support and assistance needed to patch up his marital problems. The focus should
be on supporting the head pastor and his family through their journey of healing and
restoration and considering their continued service to the JFA Iligan City community.
Moreover, withholding his monthly allowance during this critical period further compounds
the stress and challenges the Epe family is currently facing.

We can emerge from this situation through understanding and cooperation with strengthened
bonds and a renewed commitment to our ministry's core values. We recommend a
compassionate and supportive approach that considers the strides made in addressing
personal challenges and reaffirming the importance of family unity and ministry
responsibilities. We can ensure a positive path forward for Pastor Benjie Epe, his family, and
the JFA Iligan City community by extending understanding and care.



Restoration Team Leader


Restoration Team Leader

Restoration Team Member

Restoration Team Member


Restoration Team Member

JFA National

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