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Nataly del Carmen Díaz Salazar

Juan Rulfo
His complete name was Juan Nepomiceno Carlos Perez Rulfo Vizcaíno, he was born on 1917 in
Sayula, Jalisco, Mexico. Was the 3rd of five children he dad was killed when he was six years old.
He lived his childhood in the countryside where witnessed the violence of the Cristero rebellion. In
1934 he moved to Mexico City where he attended The Colegio San Ildefonso as a listener. In that
same year, he began to write and collaborate in the magazine “America”. He started writing his first
novel “Los hijos del desaliento” in 1938 and in 1942, two of his stories appeared in the magazine
Pan. Which would be part of “El llano en llamas”, (one of his most famous books). With only two
works “El llano en llamas” and “Pedro Paramo” came to be considered one of the great authors of
universal literature. He might be a bit famous but I think his books are really great and he should
have more recognition.

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