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DÉJÀ VU: Almost Love classroom.

There are student talking to their

seatmates, playing some e-games in their

O Story
ne day, a clear sky morning, sunlight rays
cellphones and others that make them busy.
Nicolo tell him that they are

semi-clear skin of Theo. Theo is a typical boy

who loves childish things even he is a high
school student. He woke up late so, he does
everything in preparation in going to school as
fast as he can. He ate his breakfast very seatmates. After a while, a stricted face lady
quickly, then he run there and here. Water enter their room. The lady slams the teachers’
splashes around the bathroom you can hear table with his bare hand. He and his classmates
while he is bathing. Outside their house, a long shookt. But the most shooking and make them
beep from a classic and old but powerful confuse is she laugh out loud.
vehicle arrive; and that is their transportation “Look at your faces. You like saw a
to go to their school. It makes him panic. The ghost.” , Miss Tella said to everyone.
ironed uniform of his is now crumpled again
but not that very crumpled. After his quickie She introduces herself as their adviser for the
preparation and saying goodbye to his mom, whole school year. To know each other, she
he walks through the open door. It is his first tell them that they will introduce theirselves in
time to ride the vehicle because he just a front. A tradition in every opening of the new
transfery student. A lucky Theo, he passes the school year.
entrance exam to the most popular and
4 months after the opening of classes, he is
promising school in their area.
tired in waking-up early, prepare, go to school,
After he arrived in Newton’s Academy (name travel and have lesson every day, repeatedly.
of the school), his hair became frizzy and dry. In those past months, he saw many handsome
He did not know that it is a very long travel. guys learning in their school but most them are
They just pass a long bridge that connects his in relationship. So, no choice for him to see
town to another town, the three consecutives them afar. Actually, he is NBSB which means
hills, and an unflat and rocky road. He comb No Boyfriend Since Birth. He did not
his hair with his fingers to fix it. Because it is experience to be loved romantically. Well,
his first time stepping in the ground of every member of third gender is difficult to
Newton’s Academy, he did not know anyone find their true love.
aside from his classmates or friends who also
In the same day but it is afternoon, Theo is
pass from the entrance exam.
gazing outside their room. He is thinking why
Side of the gate, his friend are standing like he is single for last 17 years of his existent. He
looking and waiting for someone. Nicolo, a thought that maybe he is ugly neither not sexy
bubbly and fast talking friend of Theo, ask him neither feminine. It that makes him sad.
where he had been. So, Theo explains Outside the window is a perfect day to play
everything to Nicolo. In fact, they are close games. He saw a couple which is a third
friend since they are junior high; aside from gender couple or homo-couple. He envy them
that, they have the same blood running in their so much.
veins which is a colourful blood. They are now
But there is a guy pull his attention. The guy
walking with his friend going to their classes.
has manly body and look, his skin is white and
They are talking and talking about what
charm that everyone would definitely fall in
happen in their summer vacation.
love. No wonder many girl fell in him but he is
At exactly 7:30 in the morning, the classes playboy. They got eye contact. Theo turns his
start. He saw new faces after entering in their head quickly. He got blushes in his cheeks.
“ Who is he?”, he ask his self. Theo’s day became tragic. While, Theo and
Nicolo is buying their snack a group of
Even it is time to go home, his smile didn’t
basketball players came in their table. Theo
fade at all. His ordinary shirt is stained by
glared them like killing a person. But one of
another student, he didn’t complain. He wear
them, introduce himself to Theo.
ordinary shirt because it is Friday. Every
Friday in their school, they are excuse in “Hi. I’m Andrei”, the confident guy said.
wearing uniform.
Theo just ignore him because he is piss-off.
In their house, whatever they command to But Nicolo entertain Andrei.
Theo by his parents and his siblings, he do it
“My apology. My best friend just have a bad
even it is pile of work. They are confuse what
morning. And I am Nicolo, his friend.”, he
happen to Theo. They think he ate gross,
tells to Andrei.
something like that. After they ate supper, he
stalk the guy in different social apps. He found “Bad morning?”, Andrei asks with curiosity.
the name in almost hour and his name is
George Cortez. Theo send a friend request to “Well, he just only bump the son of the head
George. He waited hours but due to his teacher.” Nicolo explains.
tiredness, he felt sleep. “So, you are the one who bump George.”,
A new day for school for all the students. Theo Andrei nod while holding his chin.
wake up late again so, he rush again. He did A shout that everyone will deaf is hear around
not notice that there is notification in his the cafeteria. Everyone looks who shout even
phone. He just notice the notification when he Theo does. When they saw the one who shout,
is now in the vehicle. He almost shout quietly the girls drool. A man is walking towards in
because George accepts Theo’s friend request Theo’s place. Then suddenly, Theo speak.
in Facebook. He smile very big.
“What are you doing here?”
But unexpected situation, Theo accidentally
bumps George. Theo fell on the floor “I did not came here because of you, fag!”,
everyone’s eye see on him. Theo think that George said.
George will help him but unfortunately, he just
“How dare you to call me fag? Narrow minded
walk away without saying “sorry” or anything.
He became mad on him. The smile on his face
fade, Theo stand on his own. “First and for all, you are truly a fag.
Secondly, you are fag. And third, you are fag.
“ What happen to your face?”, Nicolo asks
Simple.”, George smirk.
Theo unknowingly.
Nicolo held Theo’s arm because any moment,
“ I hate that guy so much.” ,Theo replied.
Theo will begin war. But Theo resist so, he
“ Who is that guy?”, Nicolo said. slaps the face of George with a red finger
“ George”, Theo replied with anger.
“You do not know me. Who are you to judge
“ Ah! The hot guy next door. Well, he is such me?”, tears fell in Theo eyes.
a bad guy but he is yummy, you know?”,
Nicolo said with jolliness. Theo leaves the cafeteria running. He run and
run. He did not know where he go now. He
“ Who cares! With his attitude. It’s a no no.” just found himself crying under a big tree. All
“By the way, there is rumour that he is son of his bad feelings, he cry it. Theo hold his phone
our head teacher.” Nicolo said before their first and type George and unfriend him.
subject came. Next day, Theo wake up early this time
because he felt asleep early. His classes as
usual very boring. While Theo is looking in He go back to his room to change. After
outside the window, a student tell him that he changing, he quickly prepare because Theo’s
will go to the head teacher office. He got parent unknowingly George scold him to hurry
nervous in his body. He think why the teacher up. George became another person. He became
is looking for him. polite, kind and make him good person and
that make Theo fell in love again in him.
“Hi sir, why are you looking for me?”, Theo
said in nervous way. Theo got nervous because he is inside
George’s car. The car is full of silence but
“I am looking for you because…”, interrupt
Theo break the silence.
Head teacher.
“You don’t need to do this.”
“Please forgive what I’ve done to your son, sir.
Please don’t expel me.” Theo said without “It just my father wants so I can’t do
thinking. anything.”
“It’s not that, it is because…”, the head teacher And the silence reigns again between them.
stop again because a loud knock from the
Whole campus of Newton’s Academy is
surprise why Theo out in the George’s car.
“Came in”, head teacher said. Theo runs quickly to go to their room because
every girl and gay he passes, talk badly about
Theo got shookt what he saw behind the doors.
him. Nicolo asks Theo why he is with George.
A guy wearing a smile in his face.
Theo explains everything to Nicolo.
“As I am saying Mr, I am looking for you
Theo and Nicolo are going to cafeteria to have
because I am apologizing to you. In behalf of
snack but they meet again Andrei. Andrei
my son, I am sorry.” Head teacher said with
invites them to have snack them and his treat.
While they are chit-chatting, a demon came so,
“No sir, I am must to say sorry.” they stop for a minute. They look at him with
glare especially Theo.
“Yeah, he is right. He must.”, George said.
“I want to eat, not fight.”
But Mr. Cortez glared and signed him to say
sorry to George. Days pass by, Theo and George are getting
close. They talking about their private lives to
“I don’t want to. He must. Look on my face, each other. But George has feelings to Theo
there is mark of a finger.”, George response. now, yet he don’t want to admit it to his self.
“If you don’t want to, you will got him home Also, Andrei and Theo are getting close also.
and got him to school.” Mr. Cortez said to his In every recess time, they are together, Andrei
son with command. and Theo only without Nicolo.

“Dad.” One day, Andrei got confidence to confess to

Theo. He invites Theo to have dinner with
“Or else your allowance will be deducted and I him.
will get your car.” Mr. Cortez said.
“Theo, I have to ask you.”
Theo is just listening to them until George said
something to him. “What is it?”, Theo replied

“You will pay this.” “You know we knew each other for a month
now. And that month, I got feelings for you.
In the next day, Theo hears a noise from their So, Do I have a chance?”
living room. His mom is talking to George. He
is surprise. Theo got shy because he realizes Theo became speechless. He did not know
that he only wear very short short and sando. what he will said to Andrei.
“Hmmm…You are a good person Andrei and He touches his lips and reminding the moment.
a friend but I am sorry.”, he replied.
On Monday, he go to the school happy. In
Outside the window, there is a man watching arriving the school, he bumps George. Theo
them sadly. But Andrei and Theo continue think that it is happen again, like a deja vu.
eating like nothing happen.
Theo wake-up late again but he is looking for
George. It is strange for him because it is first
he can’t see George in their house. Arriving in
the school, he saw no George around the
school. He felt something wrong.
When Theo got home, he saw George standing
in front of their house. Theo walks closely to
George to ask why he did come and go to
school but he smell reek of alcohol.
“Where have you been?”
“What you and Andrei talk yesterday night?”
“Theo, what have you done to me. When I
didn’t see you a day, my day became gloom.
My eyes are seeking for your presence.”
“What are you talking about?”, Theo replied
“You are not just heartless, you are also rude. I
like you. I love you.”
Theo is surprise what he heard from George.
“Are you serious about that? You are drunk.”
“I am. I am. You make me smile every time
I’m thinking about you.”
George is walking closely to Theo. Their face
is getting closer and closer until their gap is an
“I love you too.” Theo replied
Then their lips became one.
A vivid light rays in sleeping Theo. Theo
wake-up confuse because all the things are just
dream. A dream that is like real one. He pick
up his phone beside his bed and he saw it is
Saturday. The magical dream of Theo has its
“What a dream.”, said to his self.

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