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KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Ngoaingu2. TAI LIEU BAI GIANG DOC QUYEN C6 Vii Thj Mai Phuong They are having a conversation. They are conversing with each other. They are chatting across the table. The men are discussing with each other. The men are involved in a discussion. They are playing musical pieces. The people are playing the same kind of instruments. They are performing outdoors. Some people are applauding. Luyén thi TOEIC eép tée myc tiéu 550-700+ KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ 3. Building or repairing something ¥ Some people are working underground. The men are putting up a new structure. The men are working on the house. Y The men are doing some work on the house. They are improving the roadway. Y They are laying bricks. 4. Transportation and movement They are walking along the path, They are strolling arm in arm. They are climbing up the staircase. People are boarding the bus. A passenger is about to step into the train, The passengers are exiting the aircraft. SSAKKK 5. Outward appearances They are dressed in uniforms. They are dressed alike. One of the men is wearing a short-sleeved shirt, ¥ Aman is buttoning his jacket. Y The passengers are shielding their eyes from the sun. VOCABULARY button (¥): edi elie do ‘One of the boys is buttoning the front of his shirt. (Mét cu bé dang cai cue do truée ngue.) admire (v): chiém nguéng People are admiring the painting. (Hg dang chiém ngudng bite vé.) clear (v): don dep The man is clearing the dishes from the table. (Nguéi dan ong dang don bat dia ra khéi ban.) exchange (v): trao doi They are exchanging business cards. (Ho dang trao déi danh thiép.) face (v): doi mat, d6i ‘They are facing opposite directions. (Ho dang déi dign nhau.) get on = board: lén xe, tau The people are getting on the vehicle. (Moi ngudi dang lén xe.) hang (v): treo The man is hanging his clothes. (Neudi dan dng dang treo quan do.) hold (v): nim, gitt ‘A parent is holding the child’s hands. (M6t ng bé dang cam tay dita con.) Toad (v): chat hang They are loading crates onto a truck. (Ho dang chit thing hang lén xe tai.) be engaged in: tham gia vio _| They're engaged in a discussion. (Ho dang tham gia vao eude thio lun.) ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ be gathered: tu tap They're gathered together in a conference room. (Ho ty tip trong phong héi ngh be seated: ngoi ‘They are seated with their legs crossed. (Ho ngéi véi hai chan bit chéo nhau.) have a meeting: hop They are having a meeting. (Ho dang hop.) Tine up: xép hang They are lining up in a row. (Ho dang xép theo hing doe.) shake hands: bat tay The men are shaking hands. (Hai ngudi dan éng dang bit tay nhau.) chat (v): tan gau They are chatting with each other. (Hg dang tin gu véi nhau.) share the office space: ding chung van phong ‘Two people are sharing the office space. (Hai nguéi dang ding chung van phong.) attend a meeting: tham gia cude hop They are attending a meeting. (Ho dang tham dy eude hop.) interview (v): phong van They are interviewing a candidate, (Ho dang phéng vin mt img vién.) give directions: chi dudng ‘The man is giving the directions. (Nguéi dan dng dang chi dung.) sit across from each other: ngdi hai bén déi dién nhau They are sitting across from each other. (Ho dang ng6i d6i dién nhau.) pass (v): di ngang qua ‘Two men are passing each other. (Hai ngudi dan ng dang d ingang qua nhau.) take escalators: di thang eudn They are taking escalators to the next floor. (Ho dang di thang cuén lén tang tiép theo.) rest (Vv): nghi ngoi They are resting on a bench. (Ho dang nghi ngoi 6 ghé dai.) play musical instruments: choi nhac ey People are playing some music instruments. (Moi ngudi dang choi mét sé nhac cy.) march in lines: diéu hanh theo hang ‘The band is marching in lines. (Nhom dang digu hanh theo hang.) purchase (v): mua sim People are purchasing at the supermarket. (Moi nguéi dang mua sam tai siéu thi.) mow the lawn: cit c6 The woman is mowing the lawn. (Ngudi phy nit dang cat cd.) applaud (w): vé tay People are applauding after the keynote speaker's speech. (Moi ngu6i dang v6 tay sau bai phat biéu cia dién gid chinh.) exit (Vv): Toi khGi The passengers are exiting the plane. (Hanh khach dang ra khoi may bay.) ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Ngoaingu2. (mp3.2) They are a document. They are the audience. The musicians are instruments. They are in arow They are from each other. They are ; Children are the water fountain. The travelers are their suitcases. (mp3.3) Luyén thi TOEIC eép tée myc tiéu 550-700+ KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Luyén thi TOEIC cp tée myc tiéu 550-700+ KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ VOCABULARY stack (v): xép thinh déng Chairs are stacked next to a column, (Ghé due xép thanh déng canh cai cét.) arrange (v): sip xép The chairs are arranged in the semicircle. (Ghé duge xép thanh hinh ban nguyét.) be covered with: duge bao phi, chat day The shelf is covered with books. (Gia sdch chat day sich.) be decorated with: duge trang tri The room is decorated with potted plants. (Can phong duge bay bign véi nhiing chau cay.) display (v): trung bay Overcoats are displayed for sale. (Ao khoae dang duge bay ban.) be filled with: chira day The containers are filled with seashells. (Nhiing chiéc céc chira day v6 so.) lay out: bd tri, sap xép ‘Some goods are laid out for sale. (Mét sé mat hing duge sip xép dé bay ban.) Tine up: xép thinh hing The footwear is lined up next to the mirror. (Giay dép duge xép canh chiée guong.) Toad (v): chat diy The bike is loaded with bags (Cap chat day lén chiéc xe dap.) be occupied: duge sir dung, c6 ngudi ding These chairs are occupied. (Nhiing chiée ghé da cé nguéi ngdi.) park (v): 46 xe ‘A car is parked next to the water. (Mat chiéc xe dau canh hé nude.) pile (v): chat dng Some vegetables are piled in heaps on the table. (Rau cui chat thanh déng trén ban.) place (v): dat, d& Four chairs are placed around a table. (Bén chiéc durgc dat quanh mét chiéc ban.) be stuck in: bi mic ket ‘A car is stuck in dirt. (Mét chiéc xe bj mac ket trong biin lay.) be stocked with: duge eung ep Tables are stocked with merchandise. (Hang hoa duge chat Ién ban.) be tied to: duge bude vio ‘A Doat is tied to the dock. (Mét chiée thuyén durge bude vao bén.) clean (v): Tau don, Tam sach The window is being cleaned. (Ctra sé dang duge lau chui.) construct (v): xay dung A fence is being constructed. (Hang rao dang duge xy dyng.) install (v): Lip dat, cai dat A fence is being installed. (Hang rao dang duge lip dat.) drive (v): lai, dieu khién xe A car is being driven across a bri (Xe 6 t6 dang durge li qua chiée cau.) offer (v): cung ep Food is being offered. (Dé an dang durge cung cp.) plow (v): ely The field is being plowed. (Canh déng dang duge cay x6i.) ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vi Thj Mai Phuon, 1g - remove (v): g 6 The equipment is being removed from the area. (Thiét bj dang duge théo rér khoi khu vyc.) serve (v): phue vu Beverages are being served. (Dé uéng dang duge phuc vu.) sweep (v): quét don The pavement is being swept. (Lé dudng dang duoc quét don.) tow (v): kéo di A car is being towed. (M6t chiéc 6 t6 dang duge kéo di.) wash (v): rita sach The kitchen utensils are being washed. (Dung cu nha bép dang duge rita.) hang (v): treo Some merchandise has been hung outside the store. (Mét sé hang héa durge treo bén ngoai cita hang.) arch (n): mai vom There is an arch over the door. (C6 mét mai vom trén cita ra vio.) pave (w): lat The road through the forest has been paved (Con dudng qua khu rimg di duge lat.) position (v): dat, d& ‘An item has been positioned in the middle of the room. (M6t mat hang duge dat chinh gitta cin phdng.) turn off (phrV): tit The lights in the room have been turned off. (Dén trong phong di dugc tit di.) isten and fill in the blanks ( 1. The kitchen is 2. The shoes are 3. There are 4. The driveway is 5. A vehicle 6. The boats have been 7. Several cars are 8, The desk are cover bot VOCABULARY mp3.5) on the shelf, th doors. next to the building, at the dock. ata stop sign. a lot of leaves: nhicu 1a There are a lot of leaves on the road. (Cé nhiéu 14 trén duong.) bench (n): ghé dai (Cé mat chiée ghé dai & bloom (v): dang né Flowers are blooming at the edge of the pond. (Hoa dang né ria hd.) crash (v): x6 manh ‘Waves are crashing on the shore. (Song dang v6 vao bd.) float (v): Iénh dénh, noi Boats are floating on the water. (Thuyén dang lénh dénh trén mat nude.) walk into the forest: dib6 vio rimg He is walking into the forest. (Anh Ay dang di 66 vao img.) ‘Bang ki khéa hoc Luyén thi i TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong ~ vehicle (n): phuong tign Different kinds of vehicles are sharing the road. (Cac loai xe c6 khéc nhau dang ciing di trén mt con dung.) harvest (v): thu hoach The fields are being harvested. (Ho dang thu hoach trén nhimg canh déng lita.) graze (v): gm cb Some buffaloes are grazing in the field. (Mét vai con trau dang gap cé trén cdnh déng.) flower bed (n): ludng hoa There is a flower bed. (C6 mot luéng hoa.) weed (n): ¢6 dai The man is cutting weeds. (Ngudi din ng dang cit ¢6.) reflect (v): phan chigu The house is reflected in the water. (Can nha duge phan chiéu duréi mat nude.) plant (v): trong Most of the trees are planted in rows. (Hau hét cde cay duge tring theo hang.) grassy (adj): cd moc day There are grassy areas around the trees. (Nhing dém cé moe day quanh ede cay.) board (v): di lén (xe, tau People are boarding the cruise. (Moi ngudi dang lén du thuyén.) fish (v): cau c& People are fishing at the side of the boat. (Moi ngudi dang c4u cd & mét géc trén thuyén.) skyscraper (n): t6a nha dl tro ‘The skyscraper towers over the surrounding buildings. (Cac téa nha chge troi che lép ete e6ng trinh xung quanh.) calm (adj): tinh ‘The water is calm, (Lan nude finh ling.) Listen and fill in the blanks (mp3.6) a forest. along the sidewalk, the snow. 1. The path is 2 tower over the city. 3. There is a 4. The mountain peak is 5. The lake is ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thj Mai Phuong ~ PRACTICE (mp3.7) 1 ang ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cép téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cita cé Mai Phirong tai KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Luyén thi TOEIC eép tée myc tiéu 550-700+ KHOA HOC LUYEN THI TOEIC CAP TOC MUC TIEU 550-700+ Bién soan: Cé Vii Thj Mai Phuong ~ ‘ing ki khéa hoc Luyén thi TOEIC cp téc myc tiéu 550-700+ cia cé Mai Phurong tai

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