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Senior High School

P10 Los Angeles Butuan City
Quarter: SECOND
Time Frame: 8 Weeks
Teacher: Lanie Y. Gupit Date: NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2020
Contact #: 09109820141/09277128340

Statement of Vision
Northeastern Mindanao Academy has greatly envisioned in transforming students into
exemplary citizens and leaders by providing them with physical, mental, social, and spiritual trainings.

Statement of Mission
By making Christ the Bedrock of Education, Northeastern Mindanao Academy is committed to
prepare students for higher academic pursuits by consistently providing enhanced learning
experiences that will promote the maximum development of the mind, body, and soul. To inspire
them in gaining the highest possible capacity for usefulness and service in the life that now is and in
the life of the better world.

Statement of Philosophy
Northeastern Mindanao Academy conforms to the Seventh-day Adventist belief that the
students are God’s heritage and their teaches as His servants. The school in all level adheres the
commission to educate the young for a true knowledge of God and experience His companionship
in study and service. To put in effect the Divine Plan “To restore in man the lost image of God.”

Lesson Coverage

A. Unit Learning Package

Lesson # Lesson Title Time Frame
8 From Trial to Triumph
9 The High Cost of Loving
10 The Unlike Twins
11 Etched in Stone
12 God’s Home on Earth
13 In Search of Happiness
14 Showdown at Carmel
15 The Toenails of Time
16 Faith Tried in the Fire




Activity 1.1: Pantomime
The class will be divided into 7 groups and each of their group will prepare five mimes in the Bible.
While first group will perform the said mime the rest of the groups will guess their mime.

Guided Questions:
Who are the Bible characters that ask forgiveness from the Lord?
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
5. ________________________________

How do you compare yourself to the Bible character?


Activity 1.2: Hymn Singing

The class will be divided into 7 groups and each group will guess the first and second note that the
guitarist will strike. In unison they will sing if they know the song.

Guided Questions:
What is repentance?
Why do you think repentance is necessary?

“The High Cost of Loving” (Genesis 22)

Lesson Starter
What do you think makes someone risk his life for another?

Our lesson this week is about in the prime of youth who was willing to give his life.
Lesson Information
If Abraham had endured the test of faith over waiting for Isaac to be born to Sarah rather than taking
Hagar as his wife, he would not have subjected to this test to sacrifice Isaac (see The Story of
Redemption, p. 80).
Activity 2.4 The Sacrifice
Say something short about the following bible characters who made sacrifices in their lives:
1. Abraham ____________________________________________________________________
2. Joseph _______________________________________________________________________
3. Eliezer ________________________________________________________________________
4. Jacob _______________________________________________________________________
5. Noah ________________________________________________________________________

Guided Question
What is sacrifice?
Why do you think self – sacrifice is very important?
Activity 2.5 Reflection paper
Recall from memory the story of Abraham and Isaac. Write a reflection in not less than 2 paragraphs.

Guided Questions:
Why did Isaac submit to his father?
Why was Abraham’s test a model of the father and the Son?
Activity 2.6 Group Discussion
Discuss and answer the following questions using your own Bible. Be prepared to answer the
questions below.
1. When Abraham received the command to sacrifice Isaac, he was 120 years old. How old was
Isaac? Genesis 21:5.
2. Abraham knew that God found human sacrifices detestable and abominable. Why then did
God ask Abraham to offer his son?
Read the quotation below and answer in your own words.

“It was to impress Abraham’s mind with the reality of the gospel, as well as
to test his faith, that God commanded him to slay his son. The agony which
he endured during the dark days of that fearful trial was permitted that he
might understand from his own experience something of the greatness of
the sacrifice made by the infinite God for man’s redemption. (Patriarchs
and Prophets, p. 154)

3. Abraham had been given another test of his faith in God. Look up the following verses and
briefly describe each test of faith. Tell whether Abraham passed or failed each test. Genesis
12:1 – 4, 10 – 13; 16:1 – 4.
4. What excuses could Abraham have made to keep from obeying God? Refer to the narrative.
5. Abraham was willing to offer Isaac to God. What did Abraham believe God would do in order
to fulfill His promises about Isaac? Hebrews 11:17 – 19.
6. Abraham is called the father of faithful.
a. What is faith? Hebrews 11:1
b. How does a person get faith? Romans 10:17
c. Why is faith so important for a Christian? Hebrews 11:6
7. In the story of Abraham and Isaac, there is a clear parallel to God the Father and God the
Son. What is the main difference between the sacrifice of Isaac and the sacrifice of Jesus?
Refer to the narrative for your answer.
8. We learn from Abraham’s life that he was not a perfect person. He didn’t always follow God’s
leading. He made mistakes, and he sinned. Yet he was chosen by God and shared a close
relationship with God. How does this give us hope?

Guided Questions:
What was the covenant that Isaac understood?
What caused Abraham’s struggle?
“The Unlike Twins” (Genesis 25:19 – 34; 27; 28; 32)
Lesson Starter
Describe a situation in which you were deceived or tricked by another person.

Background Information
Satan had caused Jacob before the angels of God, claiming the right destroy him because of his sin;
he had moved upon Esau to march against him; and during the patriarch’s long night of wrestling,
Satan endeavored to force upon him a sense of his guilt, in order to discourage him, and break his
hold upon God” (Patriarchs and Prophet, p. 201).
Activity 2.7 The Confession
In your values notebook write in a paragraph form with not less than 2 paragraphs of how did you
take advantage to your biological brothers and sisters or classmates. Be prepared to share it with the

Guided Questions:
What is the meaning of birth right?
Why do you think taking advantage is not good?

Activity 2.8 Reflection


Recall from memory the story of Isaac and Esau and write a reflection one paragraph.

Guided Questions:
Why wasn’t Esau qualified to receive the birthright blessing?

How do you think Esau felt when he learned that Jacob was returning home after so many
Activity 2.9 Drawing or Clay Model


Choose a scene from the lesson, such as the brothers meeting, and draw a picture or make a clay
model to illustrate it. If you choose to draw, use the space provided for you below.
Guided Question:
What assurance did Jesus give Jacob?
Why did this change Jacob’s attitude?

Activity 2.10 Library Work

Research why Isaac and Rebekah each had a favorite son. Who was the favorite of each? What
characteristics did each parent love in his or her favorite son? Consult Patriarchs and Prophets, page

Guided Question:
How do you feel that there is something special among the siblings?

Activity 2.11 Group Discussion

Discuss and answer the following questions using their own Bible. Be prepared to share it with the
1. After reading the Bible passages and the quotation below, describe Jacob and Esau. Genesis
25:27, 28

“Esau grew up loving self – gratification and centering all his interest in the present.
Impatient of restraint, he delighted in the wild freedom of the chase, and early chose the
life of a hunter…This Elder son… fearlessly ranged over mountain and desert, returning
home with… exciting accounts of his adventurous life. Jacob, thoughtful, diligent, and care
– taking, ever thinking more of the future that the present, was content to dwell at home,
occupied in the care of the flocks and tillage of the soil. His patient perseverance, thrift, and
foresight were valued by the mother. His affections were deep and strong. (P&P, p.177)


2. The birthright involved both wealth and spiritual blessings.

a. How did Esau feel about the birthright? Gen. 25:29 – 34
b. How did Jacob feel about the birthright?
“Jacob had learned from his mother . . . that the birthright should fall on him, and he
was filled with an unspeakable desire for the privileges which it would confer . . . Day
and night the subject occupied his thoughts, until it became the absorbing interest of
his life” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 178).
3. Read the following verses and briefly describe how Jacob managed to get the birthright
blessing instead of Esau. Gen. 27:1 – 29.
4. What was Esau’s reaction to losing his father’s blessing? Gen. 27:34 – 38
5. What were the consequences of Jacob’s sin?
“Jacob was weighed down with self – condemnation.” (Patriarchs and Prophet, p. 180).
“Threatened with death by the wrath of Esau, Jacob went out from his father’s home a fugitive
. . .he feared that he had lost forever the blessing that God had purpose to give him”
(Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 183).
Etched in Stone (Exodus 19;20; Deuteronomy 5)
Lesson Starter
What laws or rules do you remember from early childhood? Discuss the consequences of breaking
them and list some laws/rules. Categorize them into natural, moral, or social laws. Put a check in the
box for natural, moral, or social.

Background Information
“The law was an expression of divine will, universal in scope, individual in application. The Ten
Commandments are compact yet complete, covering every relationship. Commandments one,
two, and ten deal with our desires. Commandments three and nine deal with our words.
Commandments four through eight deal with our actions (adapted from Bible Readings for the
Home [Pacific Press, 1967], p.274).
Activity 2.12 Bible Marking Making: (The Ten Commandments)
The class will be having bible marking study on the law of God. Matthew 22:37 – 40; Deuteronomy
6:24; Romans 3:20; 1 John 3:4; James 2:10 – 12; Ephesians 2:8; Romans 6:15; Matthew 5:17, 18; John
14:15; Philippians 4:13.

Guided Questions:
What is your understanding of the words “Moral Law”?

How will you know that you commit sin?


Activity 2.13 Quiz and Discussion

Answer the following questions.
1. List the reason why God gave His law to us. Refer to the narrative and list the reason in your
own words.
2. God’s moral law applies to every intelligent being he has created.
a. What are the two principles of God’s moral? Matthew 22: 37 – 40.
b. Why are these two principles sufficient to govern everyone in the entire universe?
3. Reread each of Satan’s lies in the narrative. Using the following texts, put into your own words
an argument against each Satan’s lies.
a. Psalm 119:129, 130, 172
b. Matthew 5: 17 – 19; Luke 16; 17
Activity 2.13 Library Works
Research the Ark of the Covenant. Exodus 25:10 – 22; Hebrews 9:4; Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 348,
349. Report your findings below.

Guided Questions:
What was it made of? Who made it?
What were its dimensions? How did it look like?
What was kept inside it? What happened to it?
God’s Home on Earth (Exodus 25 – 40; Leviticus 4: 16)
Background Information
God did not need the sanctuary for His dwelling place the people needed it. It was here that God
could teach them all they needed to know about Himself. It was here that God could show them in
tangible visual aid how much He loved them. It was here that Israel would see how great sacrifice
God was making in order to save and restore them. (see The Bible Story, Vol. 2, p. 164)
Activity 2.14 Video Presentation
Guided Questions:
What was Satan’s purpose in distorting the true meaning of the Sanctuary?
How do you think the people feel as they brought their private offering?
Activity 2.15 Lecture/Think – Pair – Share
Choose your partner and answer the following questions.
1. God gave Moses the exact specifications for building the sanctuary. What was the pattern?
Hebrews 8:5
2. List the offerings the Israelites brought for the tabernacle. Exodus 35: 20 – 29.
3. Read 2 Corinthians 9:7. How did the Israelites model this for later generations? Exodus 36: 3 – 7.
4. Hebrews 9:22 tells us that blood is absolutely necessary for the forgiveness of sin.
a. What does the blood present? Leviticus 17: 11, 14
b. Whose blood represented by the blood of the sacrifices? 1 Peter 1:18, 19
5. Describe the morning and evening sacrifices and their importance. Patriarchs and Prophets, pp.
352, 353
6. What was accomplished on the Day of Atonement?
7. There are two primary symbols for Christ in the sanctuary. What are they? John 1:29; Hebrews 7: 23
– 25.
8. What assurance did each Israelite have as a result of the sanctuary services? 1 John 1:9

Guided Question:
What was the importance of the sanctuary?
In Search of Happiness
Lesson Starter
Share an experience about the time when you really wanted something. How badly did you want
this item? How did you feel when you got it or didn’t get it? If you did get what you wanted, how
long did the feeling of happiness last? Discuss: when we get things we really want, why doesn’t this
happiness usually last? Our lesson this week is about one man’s pursuit of happiness and wealth.
Background Information
“God often chooses the silence of the night to give His servants instruction. He can then gain freer
access to their hearts than during the day. There is less to draw the mind from Him” (Ellen G. White
Comments, The SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 2 p. 1026).
Activity 2.16 Research
Research Solomon’s temple 1 Chronicles 22:14 to find out how much silver and gold was used.
Consult a Bible dictionary to answer these questions:
a. Who planned and purchased the temple site?
b. How long did it take to build?
c. How many courts and gates did it have?
d. what happened to it?
Be prepared to share your findings with the class in oral report.

Guide Questions:
Why God work with Solomon when he was a young king?
Is it important to “practice what you preach”? Why?

Activity 2.17 The Cast lots Exercise

The class divided into 4 groups, there are questions inside the box and each of leader of the group
are only participants of cast lots with the help of the members together they will answer the given
1. What kind of influence did Solomon have on others in his early years? 1 Kings 3:28; 4:34
2. What kind of influence did Solomon’s wives have on him? 1 Kings 11: 3 – 6.
3. Describe the temple Solomon built to replace the sanctuary built by Moses? 1 Kings 6:14, 15,
21, 22.
4. Describe Solomon’s search for happiness? Ecclesiastes 2: 4 – 10.
5. What were the results Solomon’s apostasy on himself, his people, later generations?
6. How did Solomon describe his life apart from God?

Guided Questions:
What is the danger of leading others into sin – for the leader and for those who follow?
Why can’t people find lasting happiness in knowledge, wealth, power, fame or pleasure?
Showdown at Carmel 1 Kings 17 – 19; 2 Kings 2
Activity 2.18 Compare and Contrast
Individual: Use 1 whole sheet of paper and compare and contrast the following statements:
Centuries before Elijah’s time, Joseph predicted a famine in Egypt. Using the narrative, 1 Kings 17 – 19;
2 Kings 2; Genesis 40 – 45.
a. Elijah’s prophecy and Joseph’s interpretation of the dream.
b. The response of the heathen pharaoh to Joseph’s prophecy and the response of King Ahab to
Elijah’s prophecy.
c. How Joseph was treated by the pharaoh and how Elijah was treated by King Ahab and
Queen Jezebel.
d. What happened to the people during drought?
e. What Joseph did when the famine was over and what Elijah did when the rains came.
Guided Questions:
What reason might God have for sending a drought?
What might the people have thought if the rain had come?
Why do you think that Ahab obeyed Elijah?
Activity 2.19 Millennial Broad Casting
Divide the class into 5 groups and they will make broadcasting out of the topic that had been
discussed. Assume the role of a reporter covering the story on Mount Carmel. Write about the event
using who, where, what, when, why, and how.

Guided Questions:
Why did Elijah have water poured on the sacrifice?
Why didn’t God let Elijah stay in his “cave – mood”?
The Toenails of Time Daniel 2 and 7
Activity 2.20 Miniature Statue
Make a relief model of the image of Daniel 2 covering the parts with different colored foil papers or
make a clay sculpture of the image using different colors of clay.
Guided Questions:
Why would God give the king the dream and have it forget?
What reason did Nebuchadnezzar have to believe in Daniel?
Why were the feet of the image partly iron and partly clay?
What does this prophecy show about the Bible?
Faith Tried in the Fire Daniel 3
Activity 2.21 Acrostic Making
Write an acrostic using the word courage or courageous. Each word that you select for your acrostic
should reflect the theme of having courage or being courageous.
C – ______________________________________________________________________________________________
O – ______________________________________________________________________________________________
U – ______________________________________________________________________________________________
R – ______________________________________________________________________________________________
A – ______________________________________________________________________________________________
G – ______________________________________________________________________________________________
E – ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Guided Questions:
Why did Nebuchadnezzar insist on making this a world event?
What would you have done if you had been commanded to appear at this event?
Why do you think they took the risk without being certain of their fate?
How do you think Nebuchadnezzar recognized that the fourth person was the Son of God?
Activity 3.1 Poem Making
Write a poem of forgiveness and be prepared to share with the class. Write it poem in the box below.

Guide Questions:
What does it mean to forgive?
How does God relate to us when we are really sorry?
How should we relate to someone who has wronged us?

Criteria Good 25 Fair 20 Poor 15 Missing 10
Organization All Information Information Information is Information is
information is well is well poorly disorganized
is well organized organized organized and difficult
organized in with no with no with more for the
a logical more than more than than
order. one minor two errors.
error. three errors. audience to
Message The The The The message No message is
message to message to message to is unclear or given to the
the viewers the viewer the viewer is impossible for listener.
is clear and is clear. The clear. Most the listener to
strong. It listeners listeners
would have would would
been easy have have follow.
for the understood understood
listener to the the
understand. message. message.
Presentation The The The The musician The speaker
musician musician musician did not did not
presented presented presented communicate communicate
the song in the song in the song
a clear a clear with a clear
voice. voice. voice. Little clearly. Little clearly. Eye
He/she Some eye
made eye contact eye contact contact was
consistent contact was made was made not made
eye contact was made with the with with
with with
the the audience. the audience. the audience.
audience. audience.

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