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NEW DISCOVERING MATHEMATICS Chapter? 24 22 uw Chapter 2 34 22 33 a4 25 6 Chapter 4 4a Hevision txercise 1 ables Two Variables (ax + by=<) by the Graphical Method Algebraic Methods Linear Equations in Two Vari Graphs of Linear Equations in Solving Samdttancous Linear Equations Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations by: Applications of Siasttancous Equations Let's Sum Up! Problem-Solving Task Maths Journal ation of higebraic Expressions Expansion and Factors Quadratic Expressions Expansion of the Product of Algebraic Expressions Expansion Using Special Products of Algebraic Expressions Factorisation fax’ + ba*e Factorisation Using Special Products Factorisation by Grouping Terms Let's Sum Up! Protchem-Sohiing Tak Maths Journal of Migebraic Expressions pigebrsic Fractions and Formulae Senplitying, Mgebraic Fractions Multiplication and Division of Algebraic Fractions sddition and Suenraction of Algebraic Fractions sigeoraic Formulae Let's Sum Up’ Maths Journal vil Chapter5 Quadratic Functions, Graphs and Equations 129 5.1 Graphs of Quadratic Functions Y 5.2 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factorisation “3 5.3. Applications of Quadratic Equations in Real-world Contexts 150 Let’s Sum Up! 155 Problem-Solving Task 158 Maths Journal a Chapter6 Proportion 159 6.1 Direct Proportion 160 6.2 _ Inverse Proportion 13 Let's Sum Up! 186 Maths Journal 188 GEOMETRY AND MEASUREMENT Chapter? Congruence and Similarity 189 7.1 Congruence 190 7.2 Similarity 204 7.3 Applications of Similarity 27 Let's Sum Up! 232 Problem-Solving Task 236 Maths Journal 236 Revision Exercise 2 237 Problems in Real-world Contexts 2a Answers 246 ‘Acknowledgements ‘The publisher would like to thankall the organs this book ations and people who have given thelr Kind permission to reproduce their materials in Photo Credits 1 @imwaltersy/Shutterstock; 2 ©Wichien epsuttinuny/Shutterstock; 3 ©Mad Dog/Shutterstocks 7) ‘evuliya Yesina/Shutterstock; '50 ©Jiripravda/Shutterstock, Fast illustration/Shutterstock; 59 ©Dmytro Vikerchuk/Shutterstock; 105 ONuttawut Uttamahared/ Shutterstock; 129 @bbemnard/Shutterstock; 137 Sendychenphoto/ Shutterstock, Ovchal/Shutterstocks GAT Parikh/Shutterstock, igor N/shutterstock; 140 OmutsuMaks/Shutterstock: 161 ‘Dacian G/Shutterstock; 153 ‘@Tdubov/shutterstock, @AndreyO! 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For example, these sign can provide guidelines for the height SE cree shes in theme parks, such as ‘minimum height is ae et ‘children must be above 1.25 m in height’, i this chapter, we will learn to represent such information using mathematical notations. In this chapter, we will learn to: wera the concept of an inequality; solve linear inequalities of the f 3 jormax+b< ax+b-2. For any two numbers, a and b, only one of the following relationships hold. ab We can use the equality sign ‘to represent relationships For instance, suppose Jack is xyears old. If he was 9 years old four years ago, we can write that 4= similarly, inequality notations <, ‘>; ‘<' and ‘>’ can also be applied in real life for communication. a maximum mass limit of 7kg for a piece of carry-on luggage ny carry-on luggage, thenx <7. hould be less than or equal to 7 kg. suppose an airline ha fwe let.xkg represent the mass of a That is, a piece of carry-on luggage st 1 Breatar rs Consider the information given in the table. Minimum Height ‘Aeleasti25em 76 riders on each vehicle ‘Seating Arrangement Highest Point on Coasters | 42.7 ‘Top Speed sokmjh Which of the information can be represented using inequality notations? > | greaterthan > | greater than or equal to in TRY IT YOURSELF oO Basic Properties of Inequalities 3 CHAPTER 1+ LINEAR INEQUALITIES Let us look at more examples. n WORKED EXAMPLE Use an inequality to represent a Useaninequal p relationship involving the given variable in {a) The temperature, t°C, ofa freezer is below-5°C. {b) The speed, km/h, of a car on a road should not exceed 70 km/h. o Thernonhlyssans $m, of Judy is more than $4500. : 1e expenditure, $y, per a $y, per person at a restaurant must be $30 or more. (a) t<-5 Read as'tis less than -5' (b) x<70 Read as xis less than or equal to 70: (€) m>4500 Read as‘mis more than 4500! (d) y>30 Read as‘y is more than or equal to 30! Use an inequality to represent a relationship involvit tionship involving ths i i each of the following statements. ° eieenenvarasienn (a) The pH value, x, of a face cleanser is less than 7. (b) The number of passengers, n, of a taxi does not exceed 4. (c) The area, Am’, of a flat is greater than 89m?. (d) The volume, Vcm’, of juice in a canis at least 375 cm’, (e) The mass, mkg, of a car is more than 1100kg. (f) The height, hcm, of a basketball player is at least 1.9m. ; a al n this section, we will study some basic properties of inequalities. Su pate rencl is shorter than pencil B, and pencil B is shorter than pencil C. ely, we can conclude that pencil A is shorter than pencil C. 12cm 14cm i &em and v2cm <= 14cm 8cm A B B e "a . a’, when both sides of th © Consider the two numbers 3and 7. : inequality are multiplied or divided by the same number. z sides of the We note that 5 <9. Fill in each box with an inequality sign, ‘<’ or >, when both inequality are added or subtracted by the same number. We note that 3<7. ee in Per (b) Adding or subtracting by a Once ke frre) Petes 3+2(_\r+2 3+(-y(_ Jr 3en(_j7+u 3-(-3a)(_J7-(-3) 3-(-0.8)(_]7-(-0.5) © Using the results in @, fillin each box with an inequality sign, “<’or‘>” (a) Given thata0,ac{_}bc, (ii) when e’. (a) Given thatab, () ate(_Jb+e, (ii) a-c{_]b-c © How would you explain each result in @ using a number line? (b) Given that a> b, (i) whene>0,ac(_ }bc, (ii) when e<0,ac{_ }be. © How would you explain each result in @ using a number line? From Activity 2, we observe the following. Sr DI s@pDIScuss For any real numbers a, b and c: EE Sadana! the relationship between 2 () Hasbande>0,thenac be. ee Similarly, we have the following. ® (i) tfa>bandc>0, then ac>be From Activity 1, we observe the following. ( For any real numbers a, band c: | o ifab, then (ii) a-c>b-c. ) (ii) ifa>bandc<0, thenacbte, From Activiti ities 1 and 2, we can conclude the following for an inequality a b. \ ae Operation lity si toa Inequality sign seas ee both sides by the same number ached . ply o Taide both sides bythe same positive number Unchanged ide both sides by the same negative number Reversed NEW DISCOVERING MATHEMATICS 2 WORKED EXAMPLE 2 Given that a 0, wel yasgb The inequality sign is unchanged. {e) Sincea" (¢) -3a(_}-3b @gDIscuSS _. Given thatxqthenp+7(_Jat?- (@) Ifres,then2r{_}2s: =P |. (a) Ifxey, then 20) x Use an inequality to represent a relationship involving the given variable ineach statement. (a) xisa positive number. (b) yisa non-positive number. (c) Half of mis|ess than 4. (a) The sum of xand 3is greater than 7. © Copy and fill in each box with an inequality sign. {a) \fa8 and 4x-125x+6 term containing variable xis 1. the solutions of the inequality. Consider the inequality x <7. When x= X0, then x?> x, (b) Ifyy>0, then y>+., y (©) Ifa b’ (d) ifa xeT (a) xeT 5 - exampue 3 (a) Represent x<4 ona number line, Give the possible values of x ifzxis_a prime number. / (b) Representx>-5 ona number line. Give ifxis a negative integer. fe the possible values of x EE The possible values of x are 2 and 3 ifxis a prime number. (b) ‘The possible values of.x are ~4, -3,-2 and ~1ifxis a negative integer. Sainte |e si Secanday? | bet etree | Inthiscaseweusethe | aoe | pees Se y CHAPTER 1+ LINEAR INEQUALITIES 9 TRY IT YOURSELF (a) Represent x<5 on a number line. Give the possible values of x ifxis a perfect square. (b) Represent x>-3 on a number line. Give the possible values of x ifzcis a negative integer. WORKED ® EXAMPLE Solve each inequality and represent the solution on a number line. (a) 2x<12 (b) 15x>-25 (c) -20<-4x uy (a) 2x<12 peaeedx 12 Multiply both sides by ‘The number line helps us to visualise the possible solutions ofa given inequality. Using the number line write down alist of numbers satisfyingx <6. Can be a decimal? The solution is represented on a number line as follows: x<6 401234567 GED The cicle© indicates thatthe solution excludes the value x=6, Some possible solutions of are 5.9, 3,2,0,~£and-7. (b) 15x>-25 1 1 yp 15x 75x (-25) Multiply both sides by xe-t 3 axe BxBNS The solution is represented on a number line as follows: 2 xed —_—_—_ +++ +++ +++ 3 2h 4 0 1 2 -B (e) ~20<-4x (1) x (-20) = (-1) x (4x) Multiply both sides by ~1 and reverse the inequality sign. 203 4x Sex Divide both sides by 4 2x85 By convention, we write the solution with on the left-hand side The solution is represented on a number line as follows: x<5 5, 1 (CHAPTER T+ LINEAR INEQUALITIES NEW DISCOVERING MATHEMATICS 24 10 WORKED mora YOURSELF 0 EXAMPLE Solve each inequality and represent the solution on a number line. Solve the ine quality 2x-19 < 7x+6. (a) 6x>18 (b) -10r< 25 (¢) -48>-20x 3. Represent the solution on a number line. 2x-1967x+6 <=————___.. 2x-19419<7x+6+19 Add 19 to both sides. 2x<7x+25 cay about the numberof solutions, x 2x-7x10x-2 EE>IDE-T satin tonite Subtract 10x from both sides 1 xe =F Divide both sides by ~4 and reverse the inequality sign. lest integer x that satisfies the inequality @ |sitpossible to determine the smal 3x+5<177 Explain. © willthe answer be different if the given ineq! ality is 3x+5<17? i” ax623 The solution i lution is represented on a number line as follows: 3 x22 ———— TRY IT 5 YOURSELF {a) Find the smallest integer y that satisfie: (b) Find the greatest integer m that satisfies ss the inequality 2y +3> 15. .s the inequality ~3m + 6> 19. NEW DISCOVERING MATHEMATICS 20 TRY IT YOURSELF a Solve the inequality == Represent the solution on a number line. @xzxm ‘Objective: To compare step: @ Solve the following pairs. 12 1s in solving equations and inequalities. eres © What are some similarities and differences between (a) themethods usedto solvealinear equation andaline: (b) the solutions of the linear equation and linear inequality in o Equation @ RECALL . We need to reverse the inequality sign when both sides of an inequality are multiplied or divided by a negative number. sar inequality in 1 of the linear inequality 7x~ 11> 52isx>9. what do you think is the solution © (a) Verify that the solut (b) (i) Without carrying out any steps, of the linear equation 7x- 11= 52? (li) Verify your answer in (b)(i). Iving equations and inequalities. From Activity 3, we observe the following when sol fay as we do with equations. lation is equivalent to that in the ( We manipulate inequalities in the same w: Each equation or inequality in the manipul previous step. lutions are different. The solution of a linear equation is usually @ real | number but the solution of a linear inequality is a range of infinitely many | real numbers. | > The sol | CHAPTER T- LINEAR INEQUALITIES 13 Applications of Linear Inequalities in Real-world Contexts In this section, we shall learn how inequalities are used to solve some real-world problems. The steps for solving a word problem involving an inequality or an equation are similar. The difference is that we set up an inequality instead of an equation as shown in the general strategy below. ster @ Read the question carefully and identify the unknown quantity. ster @ Use a letter to represent one unknown quantity. ster ® Express other quantities in terms of the unknown quantity. ster @ Forman inequality based on the given information. ster Solve the inequality. ster @ Write down the answer statement. WORKED EXAMPLE The maximum load that a lift can carry is 1200kg. If we assume that the mass of each person is 60 kg, find the maximum number of people who can use the lift at any one time. ster @ Identify what we have to solve. In this case, we have to find the maximum number of people who can use the lift at any one time. ser @ Let xbe the maximum number of people. ster ® Load of the lift = Total mass of the people =60xkg ster @ Maximum load = 1200kg 0x < 1200 Stee @ Multiply both sides of the inequality by ax 6or< dx 60r< 3x 1200 x20 x«20 ———, +—____1- Qo 20 srer@ Be rae number of people who can use the lift at any one time 14 __ New DISCOVERING MATHEMATICS 28 TRY IT YOURSELF . load that a small trolley can carry is 50kg. Ifthe mass of each find the maximum number of cartons the trolley can The maxir carton of goods is Skg, carry at any one time. WORKED EXAMPLE Mary sets aside $12 to buy some stationery. She bought some pens at $1.50 each and some notebooks at $0.80 each. If she bought a total of 10 items, find the maximum number of pens that Mary could have bought. Een Let n be the number of pens and (10 - n) be the number of notebooks. 1.5n +0.8(10-n) <12 1.5n+8-0.8n<12 O7n<4 n<5.71 (correctto3s.f) The maximum number of pens she could have boughtis 5. TRY IT YOURSELF a Aparty pack consists of some chocolates and sweets. Each chocolate costs $0.70 and each sweet costs $0.30. The budget for the chocolates and sweets in a party packs $5. there are 12 items in each party pack, find the minimum number of sweets a party pack can have. CHAPTER T+ LINEAR INEQUALITIES 15 WORKED 10 EXAMPLE Joshua travels from his home to the office at an average speed of 40km/h. He travels from the office to his home at an average speed of 60km/h. The distance between his home and the office iskm. Given that he takes at least hour for these two trips, (a) form an inequality in terms of x, (b) find the mi um distance between his home and the office. {a) Time taken to travel from his home to the office = @ RECALL Time taken to travel from the office to his home =: _Distance covered =" Average speed Total time taken > 1h wtahy 40 wo! (b) Solving the inequality +> 1, we have: By 2 ae Se, 2 = 5x2 120 x2 24 21 1 imum distance between his home and the office is 24 km, The mi TRY IT 1 0 3 YOURSELF a Aprivate-hire driver travels km from Town A to Town B at an average speed of 45km/h. He then travels 2ykm from Town B to Town Cat an average speed of 60km/h. Given that he takes at least 1.5 hours for these two trips, (a) form an inequality in terms of y, (b) find the minimum value of y. NEW DISCOVERING MATHEMATICS 28 exeruise 1.2 @ Represent the solutions of each of the following inequalities on a number line. (a) x<5 (b) x>-6 (6) 25 (a) x<-24 e Determine whether the given value of xin each case is a solution of the inequality. (b) x24; x=2 (d) x<-3;x (a) x<6; x=3 (@) x>-5;x=-1 © Solve each inequality and represent the solution on a number line. (a) a+12>5 (b) b-4<9 (c) 6-c>6 (a) -d-11<8 (e) 4e<0 (f) 5f2-37 (g) 89296 (hy 2<22 (i) -14p>-35 (i) -16q<60 © Solve each inequality and represent the solution on a number line. (a) 3x+13>19 (b) 7x+5<-16 (c) -4x-13<3 © (d) 9>-2e417 (e) 5x-2<2x (f) -Tx+6>10-x INTERMEDIATE eo Solve the following inequalities and represent each solution on a numbe! (a) 5(2x+3)>4(x-2)-13 (b) 7-2(3x-7) <6(9- 2x) eyed () S193 x2 6 © Find the largest integer x that satisfies each inequality. (a) 1x#1<36 (b) -8x+22-70 @ Find the smallest integer x that satisfies each inequality. (a) 3x+1136 (b) -Sx+2<30+3x © Given that 241 <2x+1, find the greatest possible value of xifxis (a) aperfect square, (b) a prime number. © (a) Solve the inequality 5 4x> 31. (b) Hence write down the largest integer x that satisfies the inequality. @ The length of a rectangle, xcm, is three times its width. The perimeter of the rectangle is not more than 120¢m. (a) Write an inequality in x. {b) Hence find the maximum possible value of its length @ Thesum of three consecutive odd numbers. isatleast 48, {a) Form an inequality to represent the above information (b) By first solving the inequality, find the minimum possible product of the three numbers. ® Ataxi driver travelled dkm from Town A to Town B for 20 minutes. He then travelled 3d km from Town B to Town C for 30 minutes. Given that his average speed for the entire journey is at least 50km/h, (a) form an inequality in terms of d, (b) find the minimum integer value of d. |ADVANCED © Natalie bought 500 apples at $0.40 each. She later threw away n apples which were rotten. She sold the remaining apples at $0.70 each. (a) Find, in terms of n, the amount she received from selling the apples. Itis given that she did not makea loss. (b) Form an inequality to represent the above information. (c)_ Hence find the maximum number of rotten apples. © The table shows the parking charges at Jewel Changi Airport. $0.04/minute | First 90 minutes Subsequent 30 minutes “or part thereof | $5.00/30 minutes Jackie parked his car at Jewel Changi Airport for t minutes. Given that he spent not more than $20 on parking charges, find the maximum possible value of t. ® The table shows the charges for cleaning services provided by two companies. [Company | Booking fee | Hourly charge A $5 | $30 B $30 $25 | _| Let n be the number of hours required for a home cleaning service. Find the range of values of n when itis cheaper to obtain the cleaning service from (a) Company, (b) Company 8. (CHAPTER 1 + LINEAR INEQUALITIES @ The table shows the breakdown of the cost for a wedding banquet. Dinner $1200 per table __(for up to 10guests) [ Door gift | $xperguest Acouple has a budget of $36 000 for their wedding banquet. (a) 1f270 guests attend the wedding banquet, find the maximum unit cost of the door gift, $x, where xis an integer. (b) The door gift chosen has a unit cost of $8. (i) Assume that each table seats 10 guests, find the maximum possible number of guests the couple can invite to the banquet. (ii) if the assumption in (b)(i) is removed, will there be a change to the answer in (b)(i)? Justify your answer. ® The solution of the inequality -4x-a<3is represented on the number line. Whatis the value of a? @® Inthe inequality ax +8>0, where aisa non-zero integer, x has only three positive integer solutions, 1,2 and 3. What is the possible value of a? Show your working clearly. NEW DISCOVERING MATHEMATICS 2A @ LET'S SUM UPI 18 ‘CONCEPT OF AN INEQUALITY {a} Inn inequality, we can use any of the inequality signs, <, ‘> ‘or >’ to represent relationships between quantities. (b) We can use variables in inequalities. For example, <7 means x can be any real number less than or equal to7. Pra eessulskmois so euiees (a) Forany two numbers, a and b, only one of the following relationships holds: ab. (b) Ifab, then (i) atc>bee, (e) Ifa0, then ac be. (Multip sign.) (f) fa> band c>0,then ac> be. ifa> band c<0, then acb-c. on both sides does not change the ing by a negative number on both sides reversesthe inequality | PRONE ea Me Reals {a) {fa 0, the solution of ax +b 0) or xo (ifab 0) xeb Set an inequality in x and solve it. Represent the solution on a number line ee . - EPONA orgs ec Od CMake a (a) (i) Understand the word problem and define a suitable variable. (ii) Set up an inequality using the variable and solve it. (b) Note that some solutions require positive integers or positive values. REVIEW ® EXERCISE @ Solve each inequality and represent the solution on a number line. (a) 3x+5<29 (b) 5x-72-11 {e) 1-6r<13 (a) -9x+20>-7 (e) E-2x-3)<4 (A) $-35-13 (h) 2(ax-4) > 2(e+1) +2 @ Find the greatest integer x that satisfies each inequality. (a) 7x-2(x-3)<8 (b) -4x-1526 © Find the smallest integer x that satisfies each inequality. (a) 4(2x+1)>5(x-2) (b) 16-9x<-5 @ Find the largest prime number that satisfies the inequality 6x +12 < 105. © (a) Simplify 3(5x-4) - 7(x+3). (b) Hence solve the inequality 3(5x-4) - Thx+3) <-51, © Pix, y) isa point on the Cartesian plane such that 4x+7<-3 and 5-3y>1. in which quadrant does the point P lie? Show your working. @ Whena stone is dropped from a cliff, its speed, v/s, at time t seconds is given by v=l0tfor0 0, ac< be. How can you make use of the relationships identified in sre @ to solve the problem? sree © Carrying Out the Plan + How can you explain that G xx 3) < G xtx D7 « How can the above result help you show that (b)(i) is true? How about (b)(ii)? ster @ Looking Back « Reflect on whether your answer is reasonable. ; 3 « How can you generalise the result to compare ¢ x3x2x., GIB MATHS JOURNAL @ Provide some examples of how mathematical inequ @© For what values of xis the inequality (x-2)?> 0 true? alities are used in real-life situations. One of the ways to keep ourselves healthy is to have a balanced diet. We can monitor our caloric intake for our meals. Suppose the energy value of 200g of fish and 50g of egg is 500 kcal. Is there sufficient information to find the energy value of 100g of fish? What if we also know the energy value of 300g of fish and 80g of egg? Is there sufficient information now? We have learnt to formulate linear equations in one variable to solve real-life problems. Sometimes the relationships between quantities cannot be simply described by an equation involving one variable. Inthis chapter, we will earn to formulate simultaneous equations involving two variables to solve such problems. In this chapter, we will learn to: » state the properties ofa linear equation in two variables; draw the graph of a linear equation in two variables; » understand the concept of simultaneous equations and their solutions; 2 solve simuttaneous linear equations in two variables by the graphical method » solve simultaneous linear equations in two variables by algebraic methods; and » formulate a pair of simultaneous linear equations in two variables to solve word problems. NEW DISCOVERING MATHEMATICS 28 GRAPHS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS IN TWO VARIABLES (ax + by=c) Recall that a linear function y of xis of the form y=mx-+c, where m and care constants. For example, y =~2x+ 5 isa linear function y of x 2x+y=5.We say that the equation In fact, we can also express y= where the index of each 2x+y=5isalinear equation in two variables, x and y, term containing variable x or yis1 sof x and y that satisfy the equation are solutions of the equa The pairs of value: and y=3 isa solution of the equation as For example, the pair of values of x= 2(1)+3=5. is a solution of the equation as Similarly, the pair of values of x=2 and y= 2(2)+ and the pair of values of x=1.5 and y=2s also a solution of the equation as 2(1.5)+2=5. We can represent the solutions of 2x+ (zy) such as (1, 3), (15, 2) and (2, 1) as points straight line as shown in the diagram ina Cartesian plane. They lie ona The graph of the equation is a straight line. We have learnt that the grap! straight line. How can you use this to explain that the graph of straight line? tion graphically by plotting ordered pairs h of y= mx: c, where m and care constants, is @ axty=5isa + linear equation in two variables —<—<$— @) RECALL 5,10, 15,20, 25 Input x yext3 |Seuty 8,13,18,23,28 The output yisa function of. ce each value of x corresponds to exactly one value ofy. { “SPOTLIGHT Ordered pairs should be written in the order of (x,y) For example, while (15,2) isasolution of x+y=5, (2,15) isnota solution of the equation. @ RECALL linear graph can be represented by the ‘equation y=mx+c, where mis the gradient and cis the y-intercept of the graph. CHAPTER 2+ LINEAR EQUATIONS INTWO VARIABLES 23 Let us further explore the graphs of linear equations in two variables. @xum Objective: To explore the relationship between the solutions of the equation ax + by=cand points on its graph. Access the file at y Refer to the graph of x + 2y=4 in the activity. @ (a) Determine whether the following points lie on this graph. (i) (0,2) (ii) (1,2) (iii) (-2, 3) (iv) (2,1) (b) For each point in @(a), check whether each pair of values, (x, 9) satisfies the equation x +2y=4. : , sx= mand y=nasolution of (c) Ifa point (m, n) lies onalineax+ by= the equation ax + by=c? Obtain the graph of -3x + y=-2b per y=-2 by changing the values of a, b and c using © (2) Using the graph of -3x+ y=-2, write down two ordered pairs whose points (i) lie onthe graph, (ii) donottlie on it. (b) Verify your answer in @(a) by substituting the values of x and y into the equation -3x+ f r Tom Activity 1, we observe the following, eT : he graph of the equation ax + by=cis a straight line. © The solutior = ql ae = of ax + by=care the coordinates of all the points on the The co ordinal tothe fio, e @ point ona line can be expressed as decimals or fractions. Due el the scales on the two axes of a graph, we may not be able to read ordinates of a point on a line. NEW DISCOVERING MATHEMATICS 20 24 ( the graph of ax + by =, where a, band care constants, has the following properties @ When a#0 and b #0, the equation can be written as | = 8x45, wit y= ptt P with i | intercept (when x=0) ax+by=C x-intercept its x-intercept at £ lceexcre | (ie. when y=0,2 (ii) its y-intercept ate | (ie. whenx=0, = its gradient =~. Figure1 | (See Figure 1.) | | | @ whena=0, the graph of y=£, where Fis y | | constant, isa horizontal line with ; | is ¢ : A : y-intercept at € and zero gradient. F yee (See Figure 2.) | fee 4 | 6 When b=0, the graph of x=<, where 7 isa Ol eee constant, is a vertical line with x-intercept . | at and undefined gradient. Figure 2 (See Figure 2.) WORKED EXAMPLE Consider the equation ~3x + 2y (a) Copy and complete the table -4|-a|o0 | 2 (b) Ona sheet of graph paper, draw the graph of -3x+2y=12for-4 2.5. (4) Gradient of the graph = 22 =-20 It means the cycling speed of the man is 20 km/h and he cycles in the direction towards the petrol station. ws TRY IT YOURSELF Aman jogs along a straight road. His distance, ykm, from his home at time thours is given by the equation 10t- y=-5. (a) Draw the graph of y against ¢for 0

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