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MTWTHF │7am-9am
BSA 2-2A GE19

1. Describe briefly Rizal’s childhood days in Calamba and Binan.

Childhood days in Calamba, Laguna
There were a lot of childhood day’s memories of Rizal in Calamba. As such,
these memories gave Dr. Rizal mixd feelings as he experienced joy, laughter, sorrow,
amazement and passion. Some or Dr. Rizal’s childhood days in Calamba were made
through his happy days in the family garden when he was three years old, his
nocturnal walk I the moonlight by the river and his daily Angelus Prayer. Hence, it
was also filled with sorrow when his sister Concha died at age of three whereas Dr.
Rizal was at the age of four that time. His childhood days were also filled with
amazement whereas at the age of five he began to make sketches with pencil, carved
out of wood, mold clay and wax objects. Also, with his dexterous hands the Rizal had
been interested in magic. Lastly, it was filled with passion wherein at the age of three
he began to take part in the family prayers and at the age of five he began reading the
Spanish family Bible. Rizal was also fond of making poems and writing dramas
during his childhood days.
Childhood days in Binan, Laguna
Apparently, Rizal had his early education in Calamba and Binan wherein the
instruction was rigid and strict. As such, Rizal also had his Painting Lessons. His
childhood days in Binan were filled with determination, passion and eagerness to
learn. He hears mass at 4 in the morning or studies lesson before going to mass. He
usually prays after he had his supper and plays in the street if the moon is bright.
The passion and eagerness of Rizal seemed to be obvious as he beat all Binan boys
wherein his classmates were jealous of his intellectual superiority.

2. Give some instances when Dr. Jose P. Rizal was happy and sad.
Basically, Rizal’s happiness can reflect that he was also a genius. He became
happy in things such as making sketches, carving figures out of woods, writing
poems, making dramas, learning magic tricks, during summertime in the lakeshore
with his dog, during his infancy in their family garden, his nocturnal walk in the
moonlight and their daily family prayers.
Moreover, Rizal felt loneliness and sadness when his sister Concha died in
sickness when he was four years old. Also, the martyrdom of GomBurZa wherein he
was inspired to fight the evils of Spanish tyranny made him sad. Lastly, the injustice
done to his mother, Dona Teodora.

3. Why did Rizal’s mother almost die when Rizal was delivered?
His mother almost died during her birth delivery because of Rizal’s big head.
BSA 2-2A GE19

4. It was said that Rizal had a mixed ancestry. Briefly describe Rizal’s ancestry.
Primarily, Rizal was a product of mixed ancestry whereas in his veins flowed
the blood of both east and west such as: Negrito; Indonesian; Malayan Ancestry as
Rizal inherited his love for freedom, his innate desire to travel and his courage;
Chinese Ancestry as Rizal derived his serious nature, frugality, patience and love for
children; Spanish Ancestry as he got his elegance of bearing, sensitivity to insult and
gallantry to ladies.
Mainly, Rizal’s Paternal Ancestors were Domingo Lamco, a Chinese immigrant
and Ines de la Rosa, a Chinese Christian girl. They had their son Juan Mercado who
was married to Cirila Alejandro, a Chinese-Filipino mestizo. They had thirteen
children and one of their children was Francisco Mercado, Rizal’s father.
Furthermore, Rizal’s Maternal Ancestors were Eugenio Ursua and Benigna.
They had a daughter named Regina who was married to Manuel de Quintos, a
Filipino-Chinese lawyer. Regina and Manuel had a daughter named Brigida who was
married to Lorenzo Alberto Alonso. One of Regina and Manuel’s daughter was
Teodora Alonso, Rizal’s mother.

5. What was the injustice done by the Spanish government to Rizal’s mother?
The injustice done to Rizal’s mother happened on June 1872 when Dona
Teodora was arrested on malicious charge that she aided his brother Jose Alberto in
trying to poison his wife whereas on the other hand he planned to divorce his wife
because of her infidelity. Jose Alberto’s wife connived with the Spanish Lieutenant of
Guardia Civil and filed a case against Rizal’s mother. Dona Teodora and his brother
were accused of attempting to poison her sister-in-law who was also named as
Teodora. Dona Teodora walked 50km from Calamba to the provincial prison in Santa
Cruz. Blissfully, she was defended by the most famous lawyers of Manila – Don
Francisco de Mercaida and Don Manuel Marzan. After two and a half years then
Royal Audencia acquitted Dona Teodora.

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