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LIT 006 FINAL EXAM, 2S 2122

Which of the following statements is unerring in terms of mythology and folklore?

A story about gods, supernatural beings, and heroes of ancient times refers to folk tales.
A make-believe story about giants, wizards and other creatures in mythology.
Myths are purely a product of human imagination.
Folklore involves traditions, customs, and stories of a specific people group.

The following are correct descriptions connected to mythology and folklore EXCEPT;
Legends and myths are the same.
Primitive science forms part of mythology.
Stories without mythological creatures are not myths.
All literature started with the oral tradition

All of the following does not reflect etymological theory EXCEPT;

1 point

Theory which asserts that all myths can be traced back to certain words in language.
Theory which asserts that all human behaviour is patterned into codes which have all the
characteristics of language.
A theory that maintains that all myths are invented to accompany and explain religious ritual.
Theory which asserts that myths represent an early form of logical thinking.
Clear selection

Which of the following best defines structuralism as one of the theories in mythology?
1 point

Theory which asserts that all myths can be traced back to certain words in language.
Theory which asserts that all human behaviour is patterned into codes which have all the
characteristics of language.
A theory that maintains that all myths are invented to accompany and explain religious ritual.
Theory which asserts that myths represent an early form of logical thinking.

Which of the following best defines rationalism as one of the theories in mythology?
1 point

Theory which asserts that all myths can be traced back to certain words in language.
Theory which asserts that all human behaviour is patterned into codes which have all the
characteristics of language.
A theory that maintains that all myths are invented to accompany and explain religious ritual.
Theory which asserts that myths represent an early form of logical thinking.

One of the mythological theories is diffusionism which refers to;

1 point

Myths are an essential part of all developing societies.

It believes that certain infantile experiences are repressed, and sometimes these feelings emerge
under various disguises, one of these is the myth.
All myths arose from a few major cultural centers and spread throughout the world.
All myths contain hidden meanings which the narrative intentionally conceals.
The following statements attempt to explain the phenomenon of myth, EXCEPT:

Allegorical representations of realities

Symbolic representations of human collective memories
Allusion to though-language code systems
Gap-filling for unexplained phenomena

The following areas are covered in cosmology, EXCEPT:

Dynamics of creators and makers of the worlds
Dynamics of creation and evolution
Future of the world

Cosmic Egg
Flood Void

Which of the mythologies below places so much importance to the Oak Tree as a
sacred source of creation?

The following are modern theories explaining the existence of myths, EXCEPT:
Which of the following elements accounts for the similarity of mythological stories in
the world?


Which of the following IS NOT related to Norse mythology?

The Dagda

One of the following is NOT a major theme of the Odyssey?

Man fights both internal and external evil.

Man succumbs to fate.
Man, despite his wandering tendencies, always longs for home.
Man’s kindness to others is motivated by a lingering awareness of a god in disguise.
The following are facts about the Aeneid, EXCEPT:

It is a folk epic.
It was written by Virgil.
It is a sequel to Iliad.
It was the story of a Trojan fugitive.

Which of the following is not one of Odin’s earned powers?

Wisdom from Mimir’s well.

Knowledge of the runes
Knowledge of the future
Gift of the poetry mead

Which of the following is NOT a theme of Iliad?

The wrath of Achilles and its consequences

The glory of war
The reward for valiance
The sovereignty of the Fates

The following are true about the Celtic society, EXCEPT:

Women are second-class citizens.

They are patriarchal.
Family structure is extended.
They worship many gods.
Which of the following is the reason why Poseidon is angry with Odysseus?

He did not offer him the fats of the animal sacrifices.

He was arrogant towards him.
He loves Athena more than he loves Poseidon.
He blinded Poseidon’s son.

The following are principles exemplified in the Knights of the Round Table, EXCEPT:
The authority of King Arthur
The equality of all knights
The collective identity of the knights
The collective personality of the knights

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the institution of the Round Table?
1 point

To promote fraternity among the knights

To search for the holy grail
To promote the virtue of chivalry
To reinforce the defense of Camelot against invaders
Clear selection

Which of the following is NOT true about the quest for the Holy Grail?
1 point

Joseph of Arimathea was the keeper of the cup for a while.

The grail comes from the Latin word “grael”.
The story has pagan and Christian versions.
The story ends with the grail still not found.

Which of the following is the consequence of Odin’s gaining wisdom from Mimir’s well?
1 point

He saw his own death and the end of all things.

He became greedier for power.
He became proud.
He created Ragnarok.

What is the main purpose of Aeneas in going to the underworld?

To meet with Sybil.

To ask forgiveness from Dido
To seek counsel from his father Anchises
To get power to defeat his enemies
Clear selection

In the Celtic creation myth, how did Briain freed himself and his siblings from their
1 point

He stole the key while Danu, their mother, was asleep.

He expressed all complains and what they are missing while locked up.
He cut his father into parts.
He told his father about her mother's betrayal.
Clear selection
Which of the following best describes the difference between the Underworld in myths
and what people claims as hell in reality?

Underworld can be visited by the living while hell is yet to be proven about being the place
for sinful people.
Underworld in myths has Hades while hell has Satan looking over everyone.
People invented underworld and God created hell to make the people suffer.
The underworld is the representation of hell in reality.

Dido ended up dying in The Aeneid, which of the following best explains the reason of
her death?

Because she didn't want to accept Aenas in their city and the latter decided to claim the place
through war.

Queen Dido was killed by Aenas while they were having dinner.

Queen Dido killed herself when Aenas left.

She was publicly executed for fooling the people of Carthage.

Which feature of Chinese mythology best illustrates the creation tales of Pangu?

hey encourage good deeds and warn against sin.

They praise labor and creation, perseverance and self-sacrifice.
They praise rebellion against oppression.
They eulogize yearning for true love.

Which is not a major theme of Japanese mythology?

creation of the world

creation of the islands of Japan
the lives of the emperors
gods, goddesses and spirits

Which of the following does NOT define folktale?

historical accounts of our ancestors

an old story told again and again
contains the collective memory of our ancestors
transmitted orally

Which of the following fulfills the characteristic of a moral message?

Plot has beginning-middle-end.

Good is rewarded.
Ending is happy.
It is a story with a hero/heroine character.

Fables manifest all the following characteristics EXCEPT for:

a moral lesson that comes at the end of the story

long, complicated plot
animal characters
complete elements of fiction

Which is TRUE about Norse mythology?

1 point

Its gods and goddesses live in perpetual gloom because they know of their fated doom
during the cycle of Ragnarok.

All its gods were created by the supreme named Atum before whom nothing existed.

They believe in the Holy Triad of the Creator, the Sustainer, and the Destroyer of worlds.

This mythology created its gods and goddesses according to man’s nature. It is also the most
popular of the mythologies.
During the Titanomachy, Zeus freed his brothers and sisters from their father, Cronus.
As a result, the brothers and sisters gave Zeus the honor of being their leaders, thus,
earning the right to rule over the sky. The following are being shown in the stated
happening from the story EXCEPT;
1 point

The Greeks value heroism.

The Greeks value respect.
The Greeks value honor.
The Greeks value human’s interests.
Clear selection

Modern Cosmology is a speculative science which examines the beginning of the

universe. Modern cosmology includes the Big Bang Theory. In Greek Mythology, the
universe was said to have started with Chaos. Out of Chaos emerged Gea, the
goddess who represents the earth, Tartarus, representing the land of the dead, and
Eros who represented desire. Which can be reflected about the early Greeks regarding
their belief about creation?
1 point

The early Greeks understand the concept of creation.

The early Greeks associated creation in weaving stories of mythology.
The early Greeks understand the importance of understanding the logic of creation.
The early Greeks believe that creation is a product of mythology.
Clear selection
Birth, death and after life are constant stories in the mythologies of the world. Which
universal idea about life is reflected in using these motifs?
1 point

That life has a beginning and an end.

That life is a never ending cycle.
That life is impermanent.
That life is lived only once.
Clear selection

Which of the following is true about legend?

1 point

widely told story about the present

widely told story about the past
long, epic poem
short, narrative poem
Clear selection

Which is unerring about how a myth should be defined?

1 point

a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated

a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral
a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some
natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events
an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment
Clear selection

Which of the following do myths contain in terms of elements of storytelling?

1 point

original ideas
plot, characters, setting, and theme
comedic relief, love stories, sirens, and cake
peace, harmony, and fables
Clear selection

Which of the following best describes fairy tales?

1 point

Stories that deal with mischievous spirits and other supernatural occurrences, often in medieval
settings, are known as
These stories are often based on real events but are embellished with fantastic elements
and/or historical figures with superhuman aspects. They sometimes serve as morality
Traditional stories, rooted in particular cultures that deal with gods and other supernatural beings, as
well as with human heroes.
Light-hearted or
Clear selection
Myths and folklore often teach this about the society that originally told the stories.
Which is being referred to in the statement?
1 point

Culinary traditions
Cultural values
Cultural appropriation
Social trends
Clear selection

Which are the two major works that are attributed to Homer?
1 point

The Odyssey and The Aeneid

The Iliad and The Aeneid
The Odyssey and Hercules
The Odyssey and The Iliad
Clear selection

Why do we need to assess myths?

1 point

To know its credibility.

To lure the audience.
To identify its significance and truth.
To learn something out of that myth.
Clear selection

These are the characteristics of Myths, except:

1 point

A Myth has an identifiable author

Sometimes, the myths are even different in detail
A Myth that is written down in a literary form uses a story that preceded it
One version is not more true than another

The following are elements of a legend EXCEPT

1 point

They are about real people

They are usually very exaggerated
They focus on peoples accomplishments
They do not contain monsters
Clear selection

Which is unerring about how a myth should be defined?

1 point

a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated

a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral
a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some
natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events
an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment
One of the following is NOT a major theme of the Odyssey?
Man fights both internal and external evil.
Man succumbs to fate.
Man, despite his wandering tendencies, always longs for home.
Man’s kindness to others is motivated by a lingering awareness of a god in disguise.
Clear selection

Which of the following do myths explain?

1 point

How influencers came to be

Where museums and music originated.
In the Celtic creation myth, how did Briain freed himself and his siblings from their
An unnatural phenomena and typically involves gods or super human beings.
Clear selection

Which of the following is a significant role of mythical creatures in myth and folklore?
1 point

To enliven the narrative

To represent abstractions or concepts
To simplify the story
To contrast major characters
Clear selection

The following are modern theories explaining the existence of myths, EXCEPT:
1 point

Which of the following theories explains that all myths contain hidden meanings which
the narrative intentionally conceals?
1 point

Allegorical Theory
Clear selection

Which of the following theories explains that all myths arose from a few major
cultural centers and spread throughout the world?
1 point
Allegorical Theory
Clear selection

Which of the following is a significant role of mythical creatures in myth and folklore?
1 point

To enliven the narrative

To represent abstractions or concepts
To simplify the story
To contrast major characters
Clear selection

The following statements attempt to explain the phenomenon of myth, EXCEPT:

1 point

Allegorical representations of realities

Symbolic representations of human collective memories
Allusion to though-language code systems
Gap-filling for unexplained phenomena
Why was Odysseus considered the hero of the Trojan War?
1 point

Because he killed Paris

Because he manipulated Helen
Because he came up with the idea of the Trojan Horse
Because he negotiated peace between Troy and Greece
Clear selection

Who killed Ymir and why?

1 point

Odin; Ymir threatened his sons lives

Audumla; Ymir abused him.
Odin, Viili, and Ve; Ymir was cruel and they hated him
Buri; Ymir challenged him to a duel
Clear selection

According to Carl Jung this is the part of the mind that is the storehouse of inherited
instincts, urges, memories and myths common to all people.
1 point

The Unconscious
The Conscious Mind
The Collective Unconscious
The Pre-Conscious Mind
Clear selection
Carl Jung believed all people should study these if they hope to reach their full
1 point

Math and Science

Sports and Horse Racing
Literature and Netflix
Mythology and Religion
Why did people seek out the oracle of Delphi at the Temple of Apollo?
1 point

To ask them questions about the future.

To sacrifice animals to the god of the underworld
To prepare for the Olympics
For an ally in their fight against the Persians.
Clear selection

There was one tree in Athens that was considered sacred. Which tree was it?
1 point

Poplar tree
Olive Tree
Pine tree
Cypress tree
Clear selection

Why is the goddess Amaterasu important to Japanese Mythology?

1 point

She created the minor gods and goddesses.

She is the goddess who saves Japan.
Amaterasu is the sun and the sun is worshiped for it's beauty and power.
She gives health to everyone.
Clear selection

The Japanese believe the emperor is a descendant of what god?

1 point

Goddess of the Sun

Princess Long as the Rocks
Clear selection

Who among of the following refers to the Japanese God of the Moon?
Which of the following considered as the first island of Japan?

According to Japanese myth, in the beginning earth was

similar to a shapeless egg

already populated with numerous people
just a cloud
a large tree

Which religion is native to Japan?

1 point

Clear selection

In general, kami can be described as powers that are in and near the world. They fall
into three major categories:
1 point

natural disasters, personifications of the forces of nature, and important ancestors.

animal spirits, personifications of the forces of nature, and mountains.
animal spirits, personifications of the forces of nature, and important ancestors.
natural objects, personifications of the forces of nature, and important ancestors.

Who is Atum-Ra and how was he involved in the Egyptian Mythology?

He was the brother of Anubis

First god of Egyptian mythology
Geb’s sister
He wasn’t involved in Egyptian mythology

What form did the gods and goddesses of the Ancient Egyptians typically take?


Why did Anubis have a Jackal head?

He liked Jackals, they were his favorite animal

He owned a pet jackal that died so he resurrected it into his body
Jackals were commonly found in cemeteries, so Egyptian believed it was Anubis
When he ruled the underworld, Ra gifted him with a 100 jackals to chase down and devour mortals
who tried to escape, or gods who tried to attack. During a deadly fight with Apophis, Anubis was
weak, so he consumed all of his jackal’s and their power, and become powerful, and inheriting the
head of one

How was Thoth born?

Self created through the power of language

Born from the egg of Ra
Born from Maat’s feather
Born from Atlantis

Why does Thoth have an Ibis head?

Because of the crescent moon

He can fly
He has a lot of knowledge
He can recreate like a bird
Clear selection

Which of the following is considered as the God of the Sky, defeated Seth, lost his eye,
has a falcon head, leads the dead to the Underworld, connected to pharaohs?
ThotH Horus
Anubis Osiris

How did Osiris die?

cut up into pieces sealed in a coffin
Poisoned of old age

Who among of the following was considered as Lord of the Underworld and God of the
Dead Name this Egyptian God? Ra
Osiris Horus Anubis
Aesop is said to have been
a great Greek philosopher and teacher
a teacher in the Greek city of Delphi
an African slave freed for his wit and intelligence
a cottager who had a wife

Which of the following is the best description of theme?

Who or what the text is mostly about

The message or lesson the author wants the reader to learn
The sequence of events in a story, poem or text
The problem or conflict that characters face in a story
n a spell of dry weather, when the Birds could find very little to drink, a thirsty Crow
found a pitcher with a little water in it. But the pitcher was high and had a narrow neck,
and no matter how he tried, the Crow could not reach the water. The poor thing felt as
if he would die of thirst. Then an idea came to him. Picking up some small pebbles, he
dropped them into the pitcher one by one. With each pebble the water rose a little
higher until at last it was near enough so he could drink. What is the theme?
don't judge others
persistence pays off
always share with others
loyalty is the best reward

Three flies notice an overturned honey pot. Two of the flies decide to land in the honey
and start eating it. But the oldest fly stays back. The two flies tease the older fly, but
then get stuck in the honey. What is the theme of this story?

Some prizes aren't worth it.

Overeating leads to illness.
Insects value food over safety.
Always send a tester.
Which is true about Yin and Yang?
It is the balance of Good and Evil
Yang is the darker element, Ying is the lighter element
If balanced, you can achieve Nirvana
The two are opposites forces of nature
Why do scholars doubt the accuracy of Chinese myths?
The first emperor of China burned all books not related to farming, prophecy, and medicine.
The Chinese people do not have a system of writing
The first Emperor worshiped the Greek Gods and Goddesses
The ancient Chinese people were monotheistic.
How long did it take Pangu to create the world?
7 Days 7 Years
18,000 years 18,000 days
Which of these is NOT a quality of yin and yang?
Light and dark
male and female
aggressive and submissive
sun and moon
According to Chinese afterlife beliefs, when you die you

ascend to Heaven with the Jade Emperor.

sleep forever. Nothing happens after you die.
According to Chinese afterlife beliefs, when you die you
you go to Duat with the Egyptians.

The Chinese God and Goddess of love are

Izanagi and Izanami
Hades and Persephone
Nui Lang and Zhi Nu
Zao Shen and Caishen

One of the sources of myth which deal with describing the origins of the cosmos and
the complicated and interconnected genealogies of the gods of the ancient Greeks, as
well as some of the stories around them is called as:

The Iliad and The Odyssey

The Great Pyramid Text
The Poems of Hesiod
The Gilgamesh

In the Greek creation, What did Uranus do to the Cyclops and Hundred-Handed

He treated them with love and kindness

He gave them control of the heavens
He imprisoned them in the underworld
He fought them to the death
Which of the following is a story about the bitter war between the Greeks and Trojans
over the capture of the Spartan queen Helen by Trojan prince Paris?
The Iliad
The Odyssey
The Poems of Hesiod
The Gilgamesh
From a fear of being overthrown by his children (like he did to Uranus), what does
Cronus do to his children?

Throws them into the sea

Eats them
Imprisons them in the underworld
Buries them in mother earth

People who believe this theory narrow the source of myths by tracing their origins from
the worship of the sun or the moon. The evolution of Apollo as the god of the sun can
only be explained by the obsession with the sun and its various manifestations.

Ritualism Diffusionism

In Egyptian mythology, how was man created?

Atum's tears hit the ground.
Man descended from the sky.
Man grew from a tree planted by Tefnut.
Shu formed him out of clay.
This kind of mythology does not propose a single version or description of the creation
as a whole, as other religions and mythologies do, but a few mention that heaven and
earth was created by giants, considered by this peoples group to be the ancient
original gods.

Roman mythology Celtic mythology

Greek mythology Egyptian mythology

He is considered as the horned god found in many traditions of modern Paganism and
Wicca. He is an archetype found predominantly in Celtic regions, and symbolizes
fertility and masculine energy.

Cernunnos Cailleach
Cerridwen All of the choices are correct

Examples of how the origins of the universe are explained in Hinduism include the
following, except:

A lotus flower grew from Lord Vishnu’s navel with Brahma sitting on it. Brahma separated the flower
into three parts - the heavens, the Earth and the sky.
Out of loneliness, Brahma split himself into two to create land and water. From this land and sea all
were created.Out of loneliness, Brahma split himself into two to create land and water. From this
land and sea all were created.
Life coming from the cracking of an enormous egg, which is the life from which the universe
is born
Some Hindu texts offer a more scientific explanation based on the evolution of primary elements
from a single source.

According to this theory, all myths are invented to accompany and explain religious
ritual. They describe the significant events which have resulted in a particular


In the story of Troy, what does Achilles do with Hector's body?

He immediately returns it to Hector's father, Priam

He ties it to a carriage and drags it through Troy
He puts it in a boat and burns it with a flaming arrow
He throws it off a cliff

Zeus chose Paris to judge which goddess is most fair. They all attempt to bribe him.
Which bribe was NOT used?

the hand of the most beautiful woman in the world

rule over all of Europe and Asia
victory over the Greeks
eternal youth

In what river did Achilles mother dip him to ensure his immortality?
Styx Nile
Susquehanna Sticks

While Achilles is pouting in his tent, Diomedes bravely battles Hector and Ares with
help from…

Zeus & Poseidon Hades & Thetis

Athena & Hera Aphrodite & Hera

Which god caused an arrow, shot by Paris himself, to fly at the only vulnerable spot on
Achilles’ body, the heel, and kill him.

Apollo Zeus
Hades Ares

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