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Newsletter Issue: March 2023 www.lmafrica.


No. of localities: 1
No. of saints in church life: 130
No. of saints attending the Table meeting: 110

Church Life: We are so thankful to the Lord for

His work in the Church in Antananarivo
(commonly known as “Tana”). In October 2022,
22 saints were baptized. Some new families were
added to the church. Now about 110 (90 adults
and 20 children) saints are partaking of the Lord’s
Table in Tana. We meet in two districts and come
together once a month for blending.
Young People: The Lord is really blessing the
young people in Tana. Trainings were held in July,
August, and October 2022 on the basic truths including: salvation, the word of God, the Spirit, and the
kingdom. A regular weekly meeting for the young people has also been established.
Campus: The church has been busy with propagation
on the campus of the University of Tana, which is the
top university in the country. From 18 November till the
end of December 2022 we gained 55 contacts; two of
them are professors in the university. Some of them
are very open and hungry for the word of God. We are
shepherding them through regular appointments and
Bible study meetings.

Propagation: In October 2022 we went to Mahitsy, a village northwest of Tana, for propagation. Some
saints also visited this place for propagation in 2018. This time, we visited some of the contacts from
previous visits and gained some new ones, including the family of a young saint.
There are also saints gathering in other cities in the country: Fianarantsoa, Manakara, Toliara, and
Mahajanga. Some brothers have visited these four places regularly for the shepherding, strengthening,
and perfecting of the saints.
Meeting Hall: In 2021, we purchased a plot of land near
the U.S. Embassy in Tana. In the following year, we
purchased more plots of land connected to this plot. Now
we have a sufficiently large space for the construction of a
large meeting hall complex including a brother’s house and
an office for the literature work. So far, construction of a
small meeting hall, an office and a brother’s house have
been completed. We pray that the construction of a large
meeting hall can commence in the near future.
Newsletter Issue: March 2023

No. of localities: 8
No. of saints in church life: 305
No. of saints attending the Table meeting: 205
Propagation: We thank the Lord that in the past two
years three new churches have been established.
We praise the Lord that on 19 February this year
another lampstand in Ruiru (about 24 km from
Nairobi) was raised up. We look to the Lord to raise
up two more localities this year, in Busia (bordering
Uganda) and Kaplamai (mid-west), and to prepare
solid pillars to bear responsibility.
Children and Young People: We have seen
substantial progress in this area of service in all the
churches. This is a result of the two previous
conferences on “Raising Up the Next Generation”.
The churches are labouring on children and young people on the Lord’s day, as well as through
neighborhood children meetings. During the school holiday last December, conferences were
organized for the young people. The young people really appreciated and enjoyed the truth released
in these conferences.
Literature distribution: We thank the Lord that He opened a way
for the printing of the seven Rhema books in Kenya. In 2022 we
printed a total of 5000 books. In addition, we received 1000 New
Testament Recovery Version Bibles and a pallet of used books
from the churches overseas. Through distributing these books
among the churches we have received a good number of contacts.
We are now laboring on these contacts and our prayer is that
these ones would be drawn to the Lord through this ministry.

Distance Perfecting Training: Every Tuesday

morning there is a training session dedicating
to new ones who are overseas. Those
attending are richly nourished and we pray that
He would lead them into the church life.

Social Media: In addition, we are shepherding

two groups of seekers in Ogembo and Sidindi
who came into contact with our saints through
social media. There are 15 members in one of
the groups, and about 10 new ones in the
other group. They have started to enjoy the
ministry and we have arranged regular visits to
shepherd them.
1. Raise up two more lampstands in Busia and Kaplamai this year.
2. Raise up more workers for the literature distribution, in order to gain those who receive
3. Shepherd the new ones contacted through social media unto the full knowledge of the truth.

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