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Get the keys to unlock your music…

Fabulous electronics and cables, as well as the latest and greatest tweaks, in a system
not fully integrated with the room, will most certainly NOT sound as fabulous as it should have.
Having observed this event occur constantly, Get Better Sound author and RoomPlay
system set-up guy Jim Smith wanted to offer audiophiles a rewarding way out of the “I just
need to buy the ("latest & greatest)” morass. He calls it RoomPlay Reference.

RoomPlay Reference™
Designed to help audiophiles establish a true reference standard for their systems’
sound, and – more importantly - to learn how to achieve it with their own systems, RoomPlay
Reference has achieved a 100% success rate for its participants.
During your session, you’ll be hearing and learning about the importance of addressing
dynamics, presence, and tone to unlock greater musical involvement from your system. All of
the common audiophile aspects are improved, but your focus will be on the music.
Getting your system optimized to work with your room - rather than against it - will not
only mean vastly increased musical enjoyment and involvement, it also will mean that when
you do try out a new audio device, you will actually be able to fully evaluate its performance in
your system.

A RoomPlay Reference session (about 3-4 hours) is $370, including the listening session,
the training, and 90-days access via phone or e-mail.
Much more detail can be found on the Get Better Sound website. Jim encourages those
that are interested to contact him with their questions. See contact info below.

RoomPlay Reference comments (addressed to Jim, edited for brevity)

I’ve been pursuing this hobby for about 35 years. The improvements I’ve gotten with
equipment upgrades through the years have all been good, but just incrementally better.
Yesterday really gives me hope of taking things to a whole new level.
—W.T., Alabama

… I learned a lot! It's certainly clear to me that there is so much more contained in my
CD collection that I've never heard before....
I was blown away by the session in your room… I have ‘seen the light’ (or heard it as the
case may be.)”
– S.K., Rhode Island

…Monday’s Room Play Reference session was one of the top three audio experiences of
my life. (The other two were intimate live concerts.)
I had three goals, going in. #1 was to better understand what I should be listening for.
#2, I wanted an opportunity to hear “what great sounds like,” truly benchmarking my
reference. And #3, I wanted to pick up some insights into a roadmap I’m building for a new
ground-up system
You absolutely hit all three goals right out of the park!
I think a Room Play Reference session is one of the very best values in hifi. I could not
recommend it more highly.
—M.O., Georgia
Take Action
Visit for info on RoomPlay Reference, as well as Get Better
Sound. For additional info, contact Jim at, or call 770-777-2095.
Doesn’t it make sense to hear all of what you purchased? More musical involvement and
less money wasted— what’s not to like?

Get Better Sound: Reference Set-up Manual, DVD, Quarter Notes,

StraightTalk, RoomPlay Reference™ and RoomPlay™ Custom Voicing
Internet: • Phone: 770-777-2095 • E-mail:

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