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Punishment plays a crucial role in educating children with their wrong beheviors.

I completely agree
with this statement for several reasons.

Punishment teachs children that every actions have their consequence. If there is no consequence for
their wrong, they will not get any lesson and therefore they will repeat it again. They have to pay for
what they do in whatever forms in order to know their wrong. If there is no punishment, kids will think
that what they do is just normal and will repeat it again.

However, it does not mean that every kind of punishment should be applied to kids. Wrong punishment
will have adversary effect on kids rather than teach them valuable lessons. Coporal punishments ,which
are prohibited in many countries, will badly damage kids mental well-being and at the same time show
them that violation can be used to solve problems.

In my opinion, it is better for adults to punish their kid with extra works. It can be 1 months doing
houseworks or cleaning toilets or doing volunteer. The reason for this method is that it will yield 2
targets: deter kids and make them do good works for society. By this, childrens learn that they have to
do good work to make up for their wrong deeds

In conclusion, punishments will help parents and teachers in educating their children but the way they
use it is also very important. Any kind of violation and scout should be avoided as it will do more harm
rather than good, which is also illegal in some places.

Punishment plays a crucial role in educating children about their wrong behaviors. I completely agree
with this statement for several reasons.

Punishment teaches children that every action has its consequence. If there is no consequence for their
wrong, they will not get any lesson and therefore they will repeat it again. They have to pay for what
they do in whatever forms in order to know their wrong. If there is no punishment, kids will think that
what they do is just normal and will repeat it again.

However, it does not mean that every kind of punishment should be applied to kids. Wrong punishment
will have an adversary effect on kids rather than teach them valuable lessons. Corporal punishments,
which are prohibited in many countries, will badly damage kids' mental well-being and at the same time
show them that violations can be used to solve problems.

In my opinion, it is better for adults to punish their kids with extra work. It can be 1-month doing
housework or cleaning toilets or doing volunteer. The reason for this method is that it will yield 2
targets: deter kids and make them do good work for society. By this, children learn that they have to do
good work to make up for their wrong deeds

In conclusion, punishments will help parents and teachers in educating their children but the way they
use them is also very important. Any kind of violation and scold should be avoided as it will do more
harm rather than good, which is also illegal in some places.

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