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Your Greener O ce Solution

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Over the past few decades, almost every office in the world has experienced problems managing their documents. According to the National Association of Professional Organizers, an average of 8 hours of manpower a week is needed to either search for documents or organize all office paperwork. If this number is not convincing enough to show that this is indeed a problem, Price Waterhouse Coopers research has shown that $20 in labor is needed to file a paper document, a further $120 is needed to find a misfiled document and it takes $220 to reproduce a lost document. About 7.5% of all documents get lost and 3% get misfiled. Most of these documents are processed manually over the years; amounting to costs of 74% to 89% higher compared to using automated technological methods. Since we have the technology at hand, we should utilize the Internet and find a solution for our problems. This is especially relevant for SME companies that wish to concentrate more on their products and sales rather than spending resources on documentation, invoices, receipts, and filing work. So how can we use the Internet to solve this ever existing problem? This is when NotionMob comes in. We provide a solution by helping you convert your paper documents into digital documents. We will provide a web-based platform that enables you to retrieve your documents as long as you have access to an internet connection. Digital documents not only help you get organized; it enables you to work efficiently and effectively, save time, space, and most importantly, money.


Files, documents, and all other paperwork will slowly increase and pile up at your office. Your staff will need to devote more time to sorting files instead of focusing on their job. In the near future, all the paperwork will eat into your office space, causing you to have to engage an external source for your paper storage. Below are some of the scenarios that might happen, or could be already happening at your office: Your staffs efficiency will decrease because they end up wasting the majority of their work hours looking for files and documents instead of doing their job. This will cost wastage in working hours and a drop in your companys key performance indicator (KPI). Think about how all this time that could be used to bring in more value for the company is instead being wasted looking for documents writing up paperwork.

Problems With Conventional Offices

Your office will soon be laden with piles of papers as everything slowly accumulates. Limited office space will soon force you to engage an external source to store all your documents; thus leading to the inevitability of you having to increase your companys spending. Secondly, when employees want to retrieve the documents, there is hassle in obtaining the documents from your outside source. Slowly but surely, the cost of administration will increase as the years go by and your business expands.

Decision making on all levels will be slower. Employees are used to making decisions based on supporting documents that are kept in files and folders. Some of these documents might be old and a lot of time will be wasted locating them; wasting time that could be used for staff analysis and decision-making. You risk losing valuable information permanently! As the majority of information is stored on paper, there might be a scenario whereby documents could be misplaced, stolen, or destroyed in a disaster. Can you afford to lose all this valuable information? In this day and age, the general public is becoming more and more environmentally aware. People are now more interested in investing in environmentally friendly products and technologies than ever before. Your company will fail to be part of this green revolution if it still supports paper intensive practices. Statistically speaking, on average, a single employee will use 30,000 sheets of papers per year. It is a staggering number that will be detrimental to our environment.

How can we help?

Papers are piling up and your office is cramped with cabinets full of files. Before you know it, your table will be nothing but a stack of invoices, receipts, delivery orders, and much more. You can eliminate this entire paper hazard by storing all your paper documents online. For a start, you will need to digitalize all your documents. We provide extensive scanning services to help you convert all your documents into searchable PDF files. Regardless of how many paper files you have, we will still be able to help you transform your workplace into a paperless office. Optical character recognition, usually abbreviated to OCR, is the mechanical or electronic translation of scanned images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text. This means that all of your scanned documents will be converted into searchable PDF files, allowing you to access all your files at the point of your fingertips.

Digital scanning


Online Storage

After the documents are scanned and OCRed, all the digital files will be uploaded to our online storage. It will be made available to you anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an Internet connection. In the future, you will even be able to access all your files on your smartphones and other smart devices like Blackberries, iPhones, or even iPads.

Why do you need us?

Regardless of whether your paperwork is single sided or double sided, the cost of scanning, indexing, and OCR-ing your documents will only cost you from as low as 20 cents per piece! We can arrange to pick up all your documents at your office for your convenience. All the scanned documents will be stored into your secured NotionDoc account. Since this is a web storage, you can access your file as long as there is internet coverage around you. You can even access your file from your smart phone! It is always an eyesore to see stacks of paper all over your office. Worry no more when you have all your documents digitized. You can have us shred your documents after we scan them, or you can do this on your own. All the documents will be kept securely for a month until it is sent for shredding.

Organized Storage

Optimize your office spaces

Easy retrieval

Do not spend a few hours looking for a document dated in 1985. Just logon to your account and search for the document by typing specific keywords in the search box. Takes you only a minute at most! You can request to have a backup copy of all your documents in the form of DVD, USB drive or external hard drive. All your documents will be kept in a highly confidential environment.

Need a backup?

Save the environment!

With the ever increasing usage of papers around the world, logging for paper production is becoming less and less sustainable. Based on statistics, a single document is, on average being duplicated 19 times using all sorts of copying methods; all using paper. With digital documents, you can view all your documents using any digital device, thus eliminating the need for physical copies. When a customer or client gives you a call, using the conventional method to store documents, you would need to pull out the file from your cabinet and start flipping through piles and piles of paper. With NotionDoc, while on the phone, you can easily look for any specific document quickly and simply, increasing efficiency and saving time. You also end up avoiding having to return phone calls to the customer for one simple question.

Provide good customer service

How Can You Organize your Files?

Alright, so now all your papers have been converted into soft copies which we All right, so now all your papers have been converted into soft copies and are stored inside our customized online storage warehouse. How can the e-administration work for you and your company? First of all, to maintain paperless, or at least paper-less, you can scan and upload documents into your e-storage account as and when you like. The amount of documents you can keep depends on the size of your e-storage that you choose during your account registration. All of the documents being stored at your e-storage account can be retrieved at anytime and anywhere as long as you have a computer and internet connection you could even read your documents using your smartphones! There are various advantages: imagine you are in a clients place but you have forgotten to bring an important document. All you have to do is look for a computer, log in, search and retrieve it from your e-storage account. Besides that, all documents in the e-storage can be shared among the staff at your office via direct email. You can even email it to your clients computer. This cuts down more on paper usage among your staff and also between you and your clients. Instead of filing all your papers and documents in a folder and jamming it all in your office cabinets and drawers, with e-storage all your documents will be kept electronically in separate folders which you can label yourself for easy search and retrieval. Further, all documents under a same category but different folder can be tagged so that in the future if you want to retrieve the files, all you need to do is to search for the tagged keyword, and all files tagged under that particular keyword will come out. There you have it: with our e-storage services, you can store all your documents online, share among your colleagues and outsiders via email, organize your documents with separate folders for easy retrieval, and search for your documents at ease anywhere and anytime.


Well, you may be wondering how safe is the system exactly since you will be storing all your important documents in it? Not to worry. Our system is designed so that your documents will be perfectly encrypted before being uploaded or downloaded into your e-storage account. All the documents will go through 256 bit AES encryption (adopted as an encryption standard by the U.S. government) before they leave your companys machine. This prevents outsiders from hacking into the system and retrieving your documents. Your companys privacy will be our utmost priority.

What about when our server is down? Not to worry too. Our company uses the Cloud technology as our main framework. With our powerful framework, downtime is almost a non-occurrence. You can have the peace of mind that you can retrieve your data at anytime of the day.

Still Not Convinced?

Tranferring Data
At clients place, all document that needed to be transport out to NotionMob for NotionScan need to be sorted out by client. All documents must be tagged and bundle up. Upon request, we can provide security boxes where all the confidential document can be put inside and sealed before being transport out to NotionMob.

1. Gather of Documents

2. Transporting of Documents

All documents will be sent to Notionmob once it is being tagged, bundled, and sealed in a box. For subsequent transfer of documents, we will provide security envelop upon request where customer can put in files and documents and securely sealed. We will engage with a professional courier services where they will collect the parcel from clients place and send it to NotionMob.

Once documents arrive at NotionMob, there will be checking on all parcels and boxes to verify all packages is still sealed. After checking is done, we will proceed with the NotionScan process. All documents will be kept in a highly secured place before and after NotionScan process, where only authorized personnel can enter. Upon request, we will securely dispose off the documents that are not needed by customer by way of shredding and recycling. We will take all the necessary steps to maintain high confidentiality to protect customers information and data. All NotionMobs staff will be prohibited from bringing in any recording device to the premises. Besides, it is also not allowed to bring in or out any documents from the premises. Access to email will be restricted in order to prevent information leakage. Access to Notionmob premise will be limited to staff only. All outsiders must be accompanied by staff. All electronic data will be encrypted and stored in a highly secured server.

3. Dealings with Clients Document

4. Security Precaution

Engage with us today

With NotionDoc, you will see how you can transform your company from a paper intensive office to a paperless office, or at least paper-less. Beyond simply having less paper to deal with, there are a lot more benefits that your company could reap. First of all, your companys running costs will be greatly reduced. Your staff will be more efficient as time wasted on document searching will be greatly reduced. Besides, the cost of printing, filing and paper administration will be cut down drastically when your company is on track to becoming a paperless company.

Reduce Cost

Quicker access to information

Quicker access to information will be guaranteed with our eSolution. As employees can electronically search and locate all the necessary documents, information will be on their fingertips. There wont be scenario whereby hours are wasted replying clients because of misplaced documents or files. Instead, an instant response can be made. Employees and staff can retrieve documents and files anywhere as long as there is an internet connection. This again, will increase efficiency and reduce time wastage.

Easy retrieval of information Information sharing

Information sharing can be easily done as employees can exchange files and documents via electronically (email).

Valuable information is safe and sound. With our online storage infrastructure, you can have the peace of mind that all your companys information is being stored at a perfectly safe electronic environment.


Save Space

You can expect more space at your office than you can imagine when you take the step to transform yourself into a paperless company. With less paper taking up valuable floor space at your office, you can afford to utilize the extra space for the benefit of your company. Also, if you have future plans to move to a different location, all the hassle of transferring documents, files, and all the papers will be negligible. Last but not least, with less paper, your company will be socially responsible in an effort to become greener and more environmentally friendly. Lets do a favor to mother nature in preserving the world for the next generation!

Be Socially Responsible!

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