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Nama : Nadia Aprilia Kesema Dewi

TPB : 50

NIM : 122250053

PRODI : Teknik Lingkungan

ARTIKEL : Weather Changes And Dengi Disease

Weather Changes And Denggi Disease

Weather changes are significant atmospheric conditions that are happening at the
moment regarding weather patterns. Weather changes are increasingly affecting human life.
The United Nations Organization (UN) has established a framework convention, namely the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in dealing with climate
change. can be challenged According to the UNFCCC, the weather system is a resource
shared throughout the world when its stability through industries such as the emission of
carbon dioxide and other green house gases. In the field of physical and social sciences,
climate change is still a hidden factor that needs to be taken seriously so that this debate
can become a major issue for the world community (Burroughs 2007). Burroughs also found
that human activity is the main effect that causes climate change which also poses a threat
to human well-being in the 21st century.

The increase in temperature associated with changes in global weather has been widely
expectedthe spread of vector-borne pathogens by altering the ecosystem of a place. IfIts
distribution is widespread, it has exposed the carrier population to the seasonslongeroutbreaks
than exposing this population to new pathogensrecognized. Changes in weather are a
contributing factor to depleting pathogens its life cycle in an invertebrate carrier in which the
body temperature remains the samewith the surrounding environment (Patz & Reisen 2001;
Barclay 2008; B. Lee Ligon 2005). According to Curto de Casas and Carcavallo (1995),
analysis of the effects of weather on biologvector justifies the formulation made that
increasing temperature accelerates the processmetabolic What is a change in weather
. The result is the need for vectors to need more food withsucking blood which has an effect
on its life cycle and densitypopulation. At the same time, the parasite is able to accelerate the
development phasand transmission to humans compared to when the ambient temperature is

Weather is a determining factor for human well-being and healthpublic health. The
ambient temperature outside of the comfortable range felt by the population has been
adjustedweather it with hot air pressure; weather-related disasters such as floods an riot,
causing obvious loss of life; many other infectious diseaseslimited to certain weather zones
(Menne & Ebi 2006). According to Miller and Smolarkiewicz(2008), the impact of climate
change on public health is divided into two effectsdirectly and indirectly. Menne and Ebi
(2006) statedthat direct effect can be seen through death caused by stressoverheating or
respiratory disease due to air pollution. While the impression is not indirectly also cause
food-borne and water-borne diseases, diseases causedvectors such as dengue fever and

Changes in global natural weather are expected to pose risks in the future
unknown come to humans and local ecosystems (Sutherst2004). It acts quickly on a global
scale and has a significant effectto vector-borne diseases. Changes in global weather will
affect disease vectors,which may change the current vector's inherent distribution pattern
(Khasnis and Nettleman2005). Incidence involving arthropod-borne diseases will depend on
the vectorand carrier factors (Kovats et al. 2003). Malaria, dengue, epidemics and viruses
causing encephalitis syndrome is one of the vector-borne diseases involved.
Although various studies have been made, there is still confusion because of the relationship
betweenweather and denggi are still poorly understood. This is caused by the dengue virus
spread bymosquitoes that breed in containers that hold water in urban areas (Kovats
et al. 2003). Apart from the weather factor, the population density factor in an area as well
may be considered relevant to the increase in dengue cases. Past studies show when
there are changes in the weather (from three aspects namely rain, temperature and humidity),
joinWith the local population factor, the possibility of an increase in dengue cases is high.
Matterit has implications for health which in some circumstances will


What is a change in weather?

Gagasan utama

Why is the weather system shared resource thoughout the world?

What changges in the weather in humans?

Why changes in weather can transmit disease?

How to analyze the influence of weather on the biologicvector?

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