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This review was prepared to fulfill the assignment of

Philosophy of International Relations

Mohammad Wahyu Diansyah, M.Phil

Created by:
Zulfa Malicha Rihhadatul ‘Aisy
NIM. 10020223077



Title The Concept of Power in the Study of International Relations

Journal Title -

Volume 7

Page 179-194

Year 1964

Author K. J. Holsti

1. Background : Discussing the study of International Relations and the concept of

power. There are two differences in the discussion of the concept of power in
international relations. The first opinion says that power is used as an analytical
tool for major phenomena in international relations, while the other opinion says
power becomes a means to an end.
2. Problem : The problem that must be answered in this journal is a more
detailed explanation of the power that is basically used to influence other actors and
achieve desired goals.
3. Purpose : Identify what forms of power as well tactics used to influence
behavior in international relations. The journal also recognizes that power is not
always relevant in all aspects and does not rule out the possibility that the concept
of leadership may be more appropriate in certain situations.
4. Method : The methods used are theoretical and case analysis methods study

By stating that the basis of power is a tool to influence other actors and a tool to achieve
certain goals, this journal helps to overcome the confusion surrounding the concept of
power. So by reading this journal, the understanding of the concept of power in the study
of international relations will be better. Using theoretical analysis methods and
examination of case studies, the journal can provide a more comprehensive understanding
of the role and meaning of power in international relations.

This journal provides a more complete insight into how power can be applied in different
contexts. Such as persuasion, rewarding, threat of punishment, and use of physical force.
This journal provides a broader thought that in some situations, the concept of leadership
may be more relevant than power.
The journal acknowledges the lack of a systematic examination of the concept of power in
the study of international relations. The journal also has limitations in theoretical analysis.
Because there is no detailed explanation of the theories used or the theoretical framework
underlying this research.

The journal also does not give a detailed description of the case studies used or how they
can represent various situations in international relations. This journal only focuses on the
concept of power in international relations. There is no consideration of other factors that
might influence the behavior of the state, such as economic, cultural, or ideological factors.
This can reduce the completeness of the analysis in this journal.


The concept of power is a tool that can be used to analyze international relations but it
must be done carefully. Power is used to influence the behavior of other countries and
achieve certain goals. The journal also recognizes that the concept of leadership is more
appropriate in certain aspects than the concept of power itself.

This journal can be better if it pays attention to contexts other than actors' behavior such as
culture and history. Through this thinking can certainly help understand how power is
influenced by historical and cultural factors that are peculiar to international relations.
Taking into account a critical perspective, the journal may involve an analysis of how
power can be used to maintain global inequality or reinforce certain dominations.

Title The Concept of Power in International Relations

Journal Title International Journal of Political Science

Volume 7

Page 29-36

Year 2017

Author Reza Kaviani

1. Background : Explain the concept of power in the world International relations.
The author wants to understand the role of power in international politics both on a
national and international scale. The author also explores various theories and
perspectives on power in the study of international relations.
2. Problem : Discusses the concept of power from various definitions and
approaches and how the concept of power is applied in international politics. The
journal also discusses the role of power in national and regional politics, as well as the
concept of soft power.
3. Purpose : Explain the concept of power in international relations and
international politics. As well as broadening understanding of the role of power in
national and regional politics as well as the concept of soft power.
4. Method : The journal allows the use of conceptual analysis methods and a
literature review to explain the concept of power in international relations.

There was an in-depth and thorough discussion. Explanation of various definitions and
approaches of power, as well as analysis of the role of power in national and regional
politics. Using a multidisciplinary approach by combining concepts of power from political
science and international relations. Therefore, readers can gain a broader understanding of
power in the context of global politics.

The journal also links the concept of power with theories in political science and
international relations. The author uses a theoretical approach to analyze the role of power
in international politics, which can provide valuable insights for readers.

A lack of description of the methods used in the study. The journal does not provide
sufficient information about the methodological approach used in explaining the concept of
power in international relations. This can reduce readers' confidence in the validity and
reliability of the study.
The concept of power has a very important role in international relations. Discusses
various definitions of power and approaches to power, and analyzes the role of power in
national and regional politics. As well as highlighting the concept of soft power and its
implications in relations between countries.

In addition, the journal emphasizes the importance of a broader understanding of power in

the context of global politics. The information provided about the methodological approach
used in the study is more detailed. Which, it can increase reader confidence in the validity
and reliability of the research.

Next, provide case study examples to support the arguments discussed in the journal. It
will help readers to better understand and relate the concept of power to real-world
situations. As well as the presentation of potential research directions and unanswered
questions in the field of power in international relations will encourage other researchers to
continue research on this topic.

Holsti, K. J. "The Concept of Power in the Study of International Relations," Vol. 7 No. 4 (1964),

Kaviani, Reza. "The Concept of Power in International Relations," International Journal of
Political Science, Vol. 7 No. 2 (2017), 29-36.

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