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Phrasal verbs

1. Carry on = continue (v): tiếp tục

2. Eat out (v): eat at a restaurant
3. Give up : stop doing sth
 Stop + to V(0) : dừng lại để làm gì
 Stop + V(ing) : dừng hẳn để làm gì
4. Join in = participate in = take part in
5. Send off = make a player leave a game
6. Take up : start (a hobby, sport, etc…)
7. turn down
8. turn up
Word Formation
Act (v): hành động
Action (n)
(In)active (adj): (không) tích cực
Actor (n)
Athelete (n) vận động viên
Atheletics (n): điền kinh
Atheletic (adj): khỏe mạnh , cường tráng

Child (n): một đứa trẻ

Children (n): nhiều đứa trẻ
Childhood (n): tuổi thơ ấu
Childish (adj): trẻ trâu

Collect (v): sưu tầm

Collection (n): bộ sưu tập
Collector (n): người sưu tầm

Hero (n) : siêu anh hùng

Heroic (adj):
Heroine (n): nữ anh hùng
Music (n): âm nhạc
Musical (adj)
Musician (n): nhạc sĩ

Play (v): chơi

Player (n) : người chơi
Playful (adj): vui tươi, vui chơi

Sail (v) chèo

Sailing (n): môn chèo thuyền
Sailor (n): thủy thủ
Emily's Colorful Journey
In the lively city of Colorville, there was a girl named Emily who really liked painting. At
first, she painted regular pictures, but she got a bit bored with that. One day, she saw a
street art festival, and it looked super exciting. Emily became really interested in trying
something new and cool. She went to a workshop to learn street art and found out she
was really good at it! Soon, her art became popular with everyone in Colorville.

People loved her colorful and fun paintings on the walls. The mayor of Colorville, who
was keen on supporting local talents ,asked Emily to make big paintings all around the
city. This contributed to enhancing the cultural scence of Colorville and encouraged her
to be so excited and work really hard. Now, Colorville was famous for its awesome street
art, and Emily was crazy about creating it. And that's how Emily went from being a bit
bored with regular painting to being a popular street artist in Colorville. Everyone was
keen on seeing more of her amazing, colorful creations!

Questions 1 . How did Emily feel after attending the street art workshop?

Question 2. Describe Emily's reaction when she attended the street art festival

Question 3. In the workshop, what did Emily find out about her skills in street art?

Question 4. Why was the mayor keen on supporting local talents

Question 5 . Where does her art become popular with everyone?

Question 6 . Use the phrase "crazy about" to express Emily's enthusiasm for creating
street art. What does this phrase mean?

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