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TITLE / FOCUS / ISSUE: Difficulties in remembering pupils’ names


1. Main issue / problem
2. Elaboration on the main issue / problem is relevant / suitable
3. The main issue / problem is analysed in detail.
i. Identify the factor / reason to the issue / problem

ii. Identify the probability that could be the reason to the issue /

iii. Identify the weakness of the main issue / problem

iv. Identify the strength of the main issue / problem

v. Predict the cause and effect of the main issue / problem

4. Literature review relatable to the issue / problem

5. Ideas and solutions are given to solve the factors / weaknesses of the issue
/ problem
i. Suitable and relevant

ii. Creative / shows critical thinking

6. The period is fixed to solve the issue / problem

7. Follow up action is planned to solve the main issue / problem
i. Action plan / work schedule / checklist is well-prepared

ii. Sources / references – reading / internet / discussion etc.

8. Steps to overcome the issue / problem is carried out

i. Periods of time fixed is suitable

ii. The effectiveness of the solution

9. Conclusion / reflection
i. Evaluate the consequences from the solution / action taken to
overcome the issue / problem

ii. Obstacles that occur (if any)

Practicum Week: Week 3
Date: September 15, 2023
Title: Difficulties in remembering pupils’ names

1.0 Main issue

The research process of teaching and learning (T&L) that I did these three weeks went
well. Throughout this research, I found my weakness in recognising and remembering
pupils' names to increase the bond between me and my pupils. This problem can affect
my lesson because pupils will feel less motivated.

2.0 Analysis of the issue

This happens maybe because I do not have a friendly relationship with pupils. I am also
less concerned about pupils and just focus on delivery of knowledge to achieve learning
objectives. As a result, I faced difficulties involving all the pupils in the learning session.
This is due to my inability to identify names of pupils who are quite passive and do not
pay attention during T&L sessions take place.

3.0 Literature review

According to Nur Hanani Hussin & Mohd Aderi Che Noh (2013), basically, it is very
important for a teacher to realise that their classroom filled with various students who
want recognition as individuals by called by their name and have their own must-have
needs fulfilled. Therefore, teaching should take place in a healthy atmosphere, an
environment that encourages learning, students are eager to learn knowledge, getting
support a motivation from the teacher and the occurrence of two interactions direction
during the teaching process.

4.0 Ideas and solutions of the main issue / problem

Based on the analysis I have done on the issues that have been identify; I suggest some
alternatives to solve the problem that is:

i. Calling pupils based on a list of names.

i. Produces a ballot box containing pupils’ names to draw at random to answer
iii. Produce a class plan to find out the exact position of pupils, names, and their
respective groups.
iv. Produces the former names of all pupils.
v. Provide large and clear name tags for pupils to wear.
5.0 Periods to solve the main issue / problem
Started third week and still in follow up.

6.0 Follow-up Actions

By identified my own weaknesses, I can make some the act of remembering the names
of my pupils. I have got a list of the names of each class taught and have printed the list
of names. I will also prepare a container containing the draw numbers to call names
pupils with this, I can call the name of the pupils I want with easier.

7.0 Date of the follow-up actions

September 18, 2023

8.0 The effectiveness of the solution

Actions that will be implemented using the suggested solutions identified will certainly
have a positive impact as I found pupils feel valued if the teacher remembers their name.

9.0 Conclusion/Reflection
I feel satisfied because every activity can be implemented in the situation is more
controlled. Pupils also have more fun while learning. This action is important to show the
teacher's caring attitude towards pupils when the teacher remembers their name.
However, I still must maintain a firm attitude during lessons so that pupils know the
boundaries between teacher and pupil and respect me as their teacher.

Nur Hanani Hussin & Mohd Aderi Che Noh. (2013). Elemen mengenali Murid dalam
Pengajaran Guru Cemerlang. The Online Journal of Islamic Education. Vol 1 Issue 2. (11-

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