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Name : Fanzia Arpemi Santai

Class of TBI 5A.

NIM : 21551016

20 English Learners Strategi

1. Regular practice in learning is a concept where a person regularly engages in consistent and
repeated practice, improvement, or learning. This includes carrying out learning activities regularly
on a predetermined schedule to achieve learning goals. In the context of learning English, regular
practice may include reading, writing, listening, and speaking in English regularly to improve
language skills. Regular practice helps consolidate knowledge, refine skills, and ensure continued
development. This is an effective approach to achieving higher levels of proficiency in various
learning areas, including English.
2. Engaging in a conversation means you are actively talking or communicating with a person or group
of people. This includes sharing ideas, ideas, information or opinions with others and listening to
their responses. Engaging in conversation is an important way to communicate and interact with
others in a variety of contexts, be it in everyday life, work, or social situations.
3. Listening and watching films are two activities related to enjoying or consuming films. - Watching a
film usually refers to the act of actively paying attention to or listening to a film with full attention,
often for the purpose of studying or analyzing. - Watching a film is a more general act than simply
viewing a film without special focus or analysis. This is a relaxing activity that many people do for
entertainment. These two terms can vary in their meaning depending on the context.
4. Reading books and articles are two activities related to consuming written texts. - Book reading is
the act of reading a book or longer manuscript, such as a novel, non-fiction book, or more
substantial written work. This is often done for entertainment, educational, or research purposes. -
Reading articles refers to the act of reading shorter, more focused texts, such as news articles,
scientific journals, or blog posts. Reading articles is usually done to get briefer and more specific
information. Both activities involve the process of reading, but the purpose and nature of the
material read may vary according to the type of text you choose.
5. Using applications and online resources: there are many applications and websites designed
specifically for learning English such as Duolingo, Memerise and BBC Learning English
6. Talk to Native Speakers: If possible, find a native English speaker friend or tutor to practice speaking.
7. Take a Course: Enroll in an English course at an educational institution or online.
8. Notes and Journals: Writing notes or journals in English is a good way to practice writing skills.
9. Participate in Discussion Groups: Join discussion groups or English clubs to talk about diverse topics.
10. Study Grammar: Study English grammar systematically to understand the structure of the language.
11. Pay Attention to New Vocabulary: Always take note of new vocabulary you come across and keep
expanding your vocabulary list.
12. Understanding Culture: Understanding English culture and the various nuances of language in a
cultural context can help with deeper understanding.
13. Dare to Speak Up: Don't be afraid to make mistakes; speaking confidently is important for language
14. Make Time to Study: Schedule special time to study English so you can focus and be consistent.
15. Tests and Assessments: Regular English tests or self-assessments can help you see your progress.
16. Immersion: Trying to be in situations where the language being studied is used every day.
17. Speaking practice: Talk to native speakers or practice with friends.
18. Listening: Listen to music, news, or podcasts in the language being studied.
19. Reading: Read books, articles, or newspapers in the target language.
20. Writing: Try writing a journal or short story in the language.

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