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From Mountains to

Metropolis: Shocking
Differences in Electricity
Use between Ladakh and

Welcome! Today we will explore the shocking

differences in electricity use between Ladakh
and Karnataka. While one region struggles with
access to electricity, the other is a bustling
metropolis with high energy demands. Let's
dive in!
What is Ladakh?

Ladakh is a region in northern India

known for its stark, mountainous
terrain and extreme temperatures. Due
to its remote location, access to
electricity is limited and unreliable.
Many villages still rely on traditional
forms of lighting and heating.
What is Karnataka?

Karnataka is a state in southern India

known for its booming tech industry
and bustling cities. With a large
population and high energy demands,
the state has invested heavily in
energy infrastructure and renewable
energy sources.
Electricity Generation in Ladakh

Due to its remote location and harsh

terrain, electricity generation in Ladakh is
a major challenge. The region relies
heavily on diesel generators and solar
power. Unfortunately, power outages are
common and access to electricity is
Electricity Generation in Karnataka

In contrast, electricity generation in

Karnataka is more diverse and reliable.
The state has invested heavily in
renewable energy sources like wind and
solar power, as well as traditional sources
like coal and hydroelectric power.
Electricity Consumption in Ladakh

Due to limited access to electricity,

electricity consumption in Ladakh is very
low. Many villages still rely on traditional
forms of lighting and heating, and access
to modern appliances is limited.
Electricity Consumption in Karnataka

In contrast, electricity consumption in

Karnataka is very high. With a growing
population and booming tech industry,
the state has a high demand for energy.
Many households have multiple
appliances and devices, and energy-
intensive industries like data centers
require a lot of power.

Wow! The differences in electricity use between Ladakh

and Karnataka are truly shocking. While Ladakh struggles
with access to electricity and limited consumption,
Karnataka is a bustling metropolis with high energy
demands and a diverse energy mix. As we move forward,
it's important to consider how we can ensure equitable
access to electricity for all.
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