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忤 !”

十f .
Chapter One

扑 II
SE道 :」 堪 :$緊 E妓 工Ψ:HG

In the fall of 1869,a reporter for the 昌

A.ntioch Lθ σgθ γgoes deer hunting in

the rnountains,twenty nliles south of

:一 :.


G-rayson,California.When he returns to 亂

his carl1p,he Sees that soIIleone has stirred 普.

up his circles his ca1〕 1p and innds i::

large bare footprints in the dirt.Wh0一

or whatP-has been l1lessing with his
I::【 e hides on a nearby hillside and waits
to nnd out.


●:: ●.

Hours later,the hunter hears a high, It whistles again and stoops to grab a
eerie、 vhistle that raises the hairs on his burning stick frolΥ l the swings the
arlms.〞 I、 hen he sees solneone standing next stick over its head,the elnbers streaking
to his this is no I. nan!It has a long like nreworks.Soon it is joined by a second
torSo,Short legs,and a sIrlall head with a ape-like creature.〞I、 he two of theIn walk nose and deep-set eyes.It is covered all off together,passing within twenty yards
over with hair,like an ape. of the hunter,who cannot believe his eyes.





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Now. let’ s fast-forward to 2002.Helen he ape-I1lan ducks into the woods,but

P| ahpasay and her rnother go blueberry the、 volnen are too terrined to get out of

picking just north of Grassy Narrows,in the truck and follow it.
(E)ntario,Canada.〞 I、 hey are driving in their
truck、 vhen they spot a hulking ngure
on the side of the road.It stands about
eight feet tall,with an ape… like face,and is
coVered With long blackish red hair.

…!. ’

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驌翎 轗


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—仲 ╟




I′ ater,the rnother and daughter When the report is aired on〞 ΓV later
tell reporters、 vhat they have seen. that night,calls pour into the station.
Investigators who return to the site nnd Many callers also claiIn to have seen giant
huge,sixteen-inch-long footprints in footprints or huge,hairy ape-Inen lurking
the dirt. 1n tnose salγ le wooas.

… r. 「

一 ●●


(E)ver the last two hundred years, ′
I、 he sightings tend to sound very l1luch
there have been llilore than two thousand alike.〕 E:yewitnesses tell of a large,hairy,
sightings of wild ape-rnen reported in ape_ like creature that stands on two legs.

A1.nerica.Most have been 1. nade in the I、 he creature is usually seen by itself,in
Inountains and forests of the Northwest. the woods at night.Sorlle people say they
have heard it screal11 0r whistle.C)thers
have slnelled soIIlething that rnakes theIn
Vant to gag.Still others say that they have

seen only its footprints.Solne have rnade
plaster casts of the footprints.:H:ere is your
proot they say,that Bigfoot really exists.
:But does Bigfoot really existP C)r is it
1 :1 .
only a rnytnr 、

r. i
:. 1:. .

.●:..● .
Chapter Two FroI11 the beginning,Inost people
thought the footprint、 vas a hoax.After
:T麛 S礡 LL A H● AX: all,:Ray Wallace was kno、 vn as a practical
joker.“ Why would I pull a hoaxP’ ’
In 1958,:Ray Wallace was a construction 〞
said.“ Γhis thing is bad for business.Sorlle
boss in Bluff Creek,in N.orthern California. OI rny lm.en Were so scarea tney qult.

1 」1 .」 99

He told of seeing huge footprints on hiS :But real or a hoax,the Bigfoot prints
work site in the woods.Jerry Crew,a man on Ray’ s、 vork Site got lots of people
who worked for hiln,traced one of the interested.〞I、 hey started to collect Bigfoot
footprints on a piece of cardboard and took news stories and〕 Bigfoot footprints.〞 Γhey
it to a local tracker.〞 I、 he tracker showed forIned Bigfoot clubs and went on Bigfoot
him how to take a plaster cast ofit.Jerry Scouting trips.
Crew and his sixteen-inch plaster cast of 」 選望聖延出里 型上9!:9坐 ≧
:造 :生 :盬 6一 .9:99班 99上 L=:一 一
●焦曾舜幸革建望篷 ;

II:,ge F.,.6 Ⅱ.
● ri::6s m● 0I.【 升Iys● ry
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a“ big foot’ appeared on the front page of (96 】
. Fr:....● 1,丫 :日 Cr.. k (一 :::.:6
:● ..

S.The mysterious track

the π翗翗to翃〞:Iㄎ 翗θ
was dubbed Bigfoot,and the name stuck.


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靜蕊緊 管持 :yf儲 .
玲置 :几 次帝,i程并 略:片 ::中 . 二t聽 :濺 發
1釜 豫
‘ 碗∴戶 、報,讓 芒潑發 ‘
獠守〔 毋
::爭 ,手 :

:1:掩 崴廠襋1:叫 ii,念吆i裁.:t:地 9:外 :中 餟撩

Years later,Ray adlmitted to friends With hoaxes like〕 R:ay’ s,it’ s hard for
thatit was all a hoax.Ray had lnade the rl10st of uS to know what to believe about
footprints using big wooden feet tied to :Bigfoot.:But scientists need Il10re than
his shoes with leather straps.When Ray eyewitness reportS or plaSter casts,which
died,one newspaper clailrled,“ Bigfoot can easily be faked.〞 hey need strong,

just died.” solid,scientin.c proof.





Chapter〞 hree
I、 I、 he Salish Indians of British ColuIIlbia
called the I. nythical creature Sasquatch
鬈滅麤堪駐:魂 磁 飆鷈赧 (SAS-quahtch),which means“ wild man of
城9T嘁 破地 好礧Q氰 惢 the woods.” The Hupa Indians of Northern
California called it oh-M【 ah,which“leans
“ ’〞
Scientists believe that there are no apes boss of the、 voods.’ I、 he Salish and the
native to North America,now or ever.So Hupa both believe in this ape… IIlan,and
how could Bigfoot existP they aren’ t the only ones.

Scientists w. ho study native cultures

have always believed that there is a kernel t

of truth to be found in folklore and l1lyths.

P| eople all over the world 1. nake up lnyths ”
. ,(∴.

to explain things they don’ t understand,
like how babies IIlight go rnissing or how
hunting carl1ps get wrecked.Allnost all
tribes native to the Pacinc Northwest tell
the tale of a wild 1. nan living in the woods.
The Tsinlshian(CHIhlshe-un)people If there were no apes living nearby,if
have lived in the Pacin.c North、vest since there were no〞 ΓV. s or rnagazines like there
before ColurIlbus.〞 I、 hey tell the tale of are today,how did the〞 ΓsiInshian people
ba’ 00sh(bah-oOSH),which means“ ape” know what apes looked likeP And if there

or“ monkey。 Ancient carvings made from were apes in North America,how did they
stones from the Columbia River show what get there?And where are their bones or
sOIne people consider the head of ba’ oosh. fossilsP To answer these questions厂 We
It looks like that of an ape. lΥ lust nrst go to China.








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An ancient stone‘ rnonkey’ head.
Chapter Four In 1950,an Italian expedition to

T甜 鱒B:G甲 伸T. 驆ETg. China found a fossiljawbone of this

ancient ape.:By studying the teeth and
n魂 〞93。THE黏 9藜 jawbone,scientists were able to ngure
out that G1愆 aㄌ 步

op9腕 θ
ε銘S probably looked
In 1935,| G.er1. 1lan scientist Ralph von soInething like a lnodern orangutan.And
Koenigswald began searching Chinese an orangutan looks so1. 1lething like a yeti
llledicine shops for“ dragon bones.’ ’ Dr. (YEH-tee).What’ s thatP
von Koenigswald、 vas a paleontologist,a
person、 vho studies fossils.:He kne、 v these
dragon bones、 vere really the teeth of
ancient mammals.In Hong Kong,he found

a gigantic tooth of an ape twice the size 恥


of a gorilla.The ape lived one lnillion to ■
..… 嘛……

300,000 years ago.:Dr.von Koenigswald

named it G‘ iga勿 top,物 θ
ε翗S● ie… gan_ toh_
PITH-ih_ kus).

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.: 彈
ˊ 力力●●4︷ i︿ l ri9一 .

he yetiis an ape-Inan,soInewhat
I、 Shipton’ s photographs and stories
like Bigfoot,sighted in the snow_ capped were sent to ne、 w. sroorIls around the world.
IIlountains of〞 Γibet.R.eports go back Suddenly everyone Was talking about the

hundreds of years.:But people in the West yeti。 hey called hiln the Abominable

didn’ tknow 1. 1luch about the yeti until 1951. bnoWlΥ lan.l nere were Inagazlne artlcles,

hat year,On an expedition up Mount
I、 stuffed toys,and even a】 :Iollywood Inovle.
Everest,British Inountaineer Eric Shipton
photographed a line of huge footprints
in the snow.〞 I、 he footprints were crisp,
showing nve toes. ●

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.磁 ::ii∼ i.

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Yeti fbotprints leading off


While lots of people had fun、 vith the

lBut a few people believed the footprints
idea of the yeti,1. 110st people didn’
t really vere rea1.′ I、 hey also sa、 v that the prints
believe it existed.〞I、 hey said the footprints 、
looked a lot like the Bigfoot footprints
Were 1. nade by a〞 I、 ibetan blue bear and
that had been found in North AIIlerica.
that the sun had lnelted thelll and lnade 〞
I、 hese people started thinking that both
thenl appear bigger.So1. 1le said that the
the yeti and Bigfoot were proof that
footprints belonged to a hurllan hernlit.
G| 他:aη 〞
勿S,the ancient giant ape,still
others said it was just a hoax.
roarlled the earth.

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● 酄騩哉 ::晉





It is easier to believe that the yeti l1light Geologists believe that several tiInes
be related to G愆aK〞 op9物 θ
ε勿S.After all, in prehistory,the continents of Asia and
they are both fronl the salΥ le continent of North AInerica were connected by a land
Asia.But Bigfootis in North America. bridge that stretched fronl Siberia to
How did it get allthe way from Asia to Alaska.Bigfoot researchers believe that
North AmericaP The answer is,perhaps, G(iga羽 步op9多力θε勿S CroSSed the land bridge
justthe way mankind did:on foot. and traveled south to whatis no、 v the
Pacinc Northwest.

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/尹 了

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. |

Butlike the woolly mammoth


and the saber_ toothed tiger,wouldn’ t

G愆a羽 〞
op,腕 θ
ε勿S be eXtinct by nowP Not
necessarily.Sorlle anirnals thought to be
long extinct have been discovered alive
and wel1.
She took the dead nsh back to the
In 1938,in East London,South Africa,
lnuseuIIl with her in a taxi.〞 I、 here she
museum worker Marjorie Latimer found a
looked in her books for a picture to 1. natch
beautiful purple_ blue on the deck of a
the could not believe what she
nshing boat o、 vned by a friend.
vas seeing.〞 I、 he on her desk Inatched

the picture of a coelacanth(SEE-luh-
canth),thought to have been extinct for
over seventy IIlillion years!
If a“ living fossil” like the coelacanth So19:le of these aniInals are rather
’ 1lall and dull,but others,like the Loch
still swirl1s the seas,why ε
a羽 r a giant ape S1.

still roa111 the Woods of N. orth Arnerica or Ness Inonster and the kraken,are big
the Inountains of TibetP and exciting.C:ryptozoologists also

I、 hese are the kinds of questions hunt for proof that extinct anilnals,like
cryptozoologists(krip-tuh_ zoh_ AIIL_ uh_ op,物 θ
G6iga羽 〞 ε銘S,Still survive in the form
jists)ask.Cryptozoologists are people of Bigfoot or the yeti.
vho study anil1lals that 1. nay or rnay not

exist and are kno、 vn only frol1l eyewitness
accounts.Cryptozoologists seek scientinc
proof that such“ rnythic’ ’anilnals do,in

. .
組砰洲 觶


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﹄幽瞈 編詬●..
iti為 ::.
Cryptozoologists are often asked this
I、 heir usual ans、 w. er is that only an
question:If G‘ iga妨 op,物 θ翗S
ε madeits way 「
arlrlful of such fossils has been found
to North America,、 vhy乃 avθ 羽’
步any fossils in Asia.Fossils are rare even under the
been foundP
best of conditions.〞 I、 he dal11p clilnate of
north、 vestern AIIlerica is not ideal for

preserving bones.Weather,decay,and、 vild

aniInals rnake 1. nost old bones disappear.
〢 If there are no re1. Ilains to be found
i示 ,


“之 : |●.

anywhere,where,then,is the scientinc

proof of the existence of BigfootP



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Chapter Five In addition to these ridged footprints,

響鑫纆銷麤鎰鰔氅鷢 there is one other、 vell_ studied print.In
2000,:Bigfoot researchers on an expedition
〞 to Washington’ s Skookul11 Meadows rnade
I、 here 9s soIne evidence to suggest that
an alnazing discovery.〞 hey found a print
:Bigfoot is rea1.Out of the hundreds of
of a creature that had reclined in the
casts taken of footprints,sor1le are clearer
Illud to reach soI1le fruit they had left out
than others.A few even show the texture
oVernight.〞 I、 he next rnorning,researchers
of the skin on the bottolγl of the foot.
used two hundred pounds of plaster to
Modern apes have ridges on the soles
get notjust a footprint but also casts of
of their feet.Dr.Grover Krantz found
the heel,thigh,buttocks,and arIIl of the
siInilar ridges in】 Bigfoot prints collected
creature.〞 I、 here were also hairs taken frol11
in southeastern Washington.At least one
the site that tests later sho、 ved cal〕 :le frorl1
expert on nngerprints says these prints
a prllnate.
are rea1.


.. ●

P| eople looking for Bigfoot have also Zoologists listening to these tapes have
1 .
usea expenslve recoralng equlplrlent to
1. . 」 」
been unable to say that these sounds corlle

catch sounds in the deep、 voods.● IIigh, froln any known creature.Who lΥlade theIn,

eerie whistles and screarIls are hair_ raising thenP Maybe one Bigfoot calling out to

to hear. another across the forestP






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一 ;奪

If there are foot,body,and voiceprints, Why aren’ t there 1.nore photosP People
vhy has no one ever found a body,either don’ t always have their caIneraS handy

shot by a hunter or dead of natural when a:Bigfoot walks across their path.
causesP There is no good answ. er to this Many witnesses have also reported that
question other than that the、 voods are vast they were too scared or too astonished to
enough to hide a:Bigfoot,dead or alive. reach for their calneras in tiIIle.

Γhere rIlight not be rnany photos,but
there is a short filIn that Bigfoot believers


:一 、

think offers up the 1. nost powerful proof

.. 1●


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of al1.
:● . .




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:好 :

Chapter Six After a few days of searching,they
colme to a strealrl、 where their horses begin
儘喊T儀 ,t威 成!工 磁A,
to snort and shy.What are they afraid ofP
展磴了:0H.…瑙:§ 了黏3T蛋 (E)ne of the horses rears and throws Gir11lin.

Suddenly both lm.en see what has spooked

one day in October 1967,two lnen set the horses.:E)irectly across the streaII1

out on horseback into the、 vilds of Bluff stands a real,live Bigfoot!

Creek,California.〞 I、 heir nalmles are R.oger

Patterson and Bob Gilnlin.They ailn to .
.● :唧|

nnd a Bigfoot and to capture it on nlrn.



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While his horse wheels in panic, IE:ven though this is what the Inen have
Patterson grabs his calΥ lera frOIIl his colne for,they are still ar1lazed that they

saddlebag and starts filIIling。 he Bigfoot I、
actually found a Bigfoot.After they calm
looks like a ferllale because it has breasts. their horses,Roger and Bob take plaster
She pauses and turns to look into the castS of the footprints the creature has left
ca1. Ilera.〞 I、 hen she walks upstreal1l and in the soft,da1.11p sand by the streal〕 :1.

straight into the brush.


l祥 i

一… 倆

颸 油.

●臨 .






. 幽眾


:● ●邊灩 ,. .


坪弋鷈礣 :i譯


常 .

﹁磁●峮 ●


. .


扉 鏂髐 阿
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’ 篱 .


.褲 :≒

撇 啣
嬋 .. i韱 .勰 鼲豳璉麼磁血謚!蝎 9i. 睛 ,一
Scientists frol1l all over the、 vorld have
pored over this one short nllΥ 1.soIne say it
isjust a hoax.It’ sa1. nan in a gorilla suit,

they say.others say it is rea1.How else can
you explain the 1. nuscles rippling beneath

tlle ft1:rP

A Hollywood speciareffects man who

is an expert in gorilla suits looks at the
nlm.He swears that it can’ tposs‘ ;t〞 be a
costur1le.〞 I、 he people at I)isney:Pictures
叫 say the filIn would be nearly iInpossible

饑 to fake.Even Dian Fossey,w. orld-falmous



expert on gorillas,sayS on〞 ΓV that she

believes that the Patterson nllm,along、 vith

other evidence,calls for a major scientinc
study of the giant ape-Inan.

Perhaps sorlleday,0ne of the rllany
scientinc expeditions now scouring the
forests of the Great Northwest will dig L

up solme bones or fossils,or Inaybe even

colme face to face with a living,breathing
I:Jntil that day coIΥ les,we will keep
our l1linds open and our eyes on the deep
woods.And、 ve、 vil1.w′ onder....

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