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ORS btas Alene Graltamnacell aC iC) ee a ean 4 J waa ME For Kips 4 ¥ 1 il a STRATEGIES & SKILLS AT A GLANCE Comprehension « Strategy: Retell Who invented the + Skill: Sequence telephone? Science Vocabulary How did the first electricity, experiment, telephones work? receiver, telegraph, transmitter, vibrate Writing e Book Report Science Strand « Physical Science Cover Photo: Stock Montage/Stock Montage/Getty Images, Mlustration Credits: 10: Joe LeMonnier. 15 Aleck’'s mother was deaf. Aleck wanted to help her speak. He even tried some experiments. At age I4, he made a “speaking” invention. His older brother helped. Their invention made human-like sounds. This is Aleck at age I6. Aleck and Mabel met in Boston, where they were married. Aleck’s interest in speech and sound grew. At age 23, he moved to Boston, Massachusetts. He became a speech teacher at a school for the deaf. There, he met Mabel Hubbard. Mabel was deaf. Soon, they were married. Chapter 2 From Telegraph to Telephone Aleck continued to teach. He did more experiments with sound. Then in 1843, Samuel B. Morse invented the telegraph. The telegraph sent messages over long distances. It worked by sending electricity through wires. 7 Ores Samuel B. Morse 6} The telegraph sender used this to tap out messages in Morse code. The sender at one telegraph tapped out beats. Electricity carried the beats over wires to other telegraphs. Each beat or group of beats stood for one letter of the alphabet. The letters spelled words. The words made messages. This was called Morse code. The telegraph worked well. But it had one problem. Only one electrical signal could travel over the wires at a time. Bell was interested in this problem. He wanted fo try to solve it. Bell (top row, far right) and his students Bell already knew a lot about sound. He had studied sound in order to teach the deaf. He had also done many experiments with sound. 9) Bell knew that sound makes things vibrate, or shake, at different speeds. He wanted to use what he knew about sound to make a better telegraph. He worked with a helper named Thomas Watson. This bell causes air around it to vibrate. This causes sound. Alexander Graham Bell (left) discusses his telephone with Thomas Watson. Bell had an idea. Maybe electricity could carry the human voice over wires. He and Watson would find out! Bell invented a way to carry the human voice over wires from one place to another. What he invented was the telephone! Bell's telephone had two parts. One part was the transmitter. The other part was the receiver. They were joined together by metal wires. The transmitter turned the sound of the voice, or vibrations, into electricity. It sent this electricity out to wires strung on poles. The receiver used the electricity from the wires. It turned it back into sound. Telephones have changed a lot since the first one. Cell phones don’t need wires at all. But without Bell, we might still be tapping out messages on a telegraph! electricity (i-lek-TRIS-i-tee) a kind of energy (page 6) experiment (ek-SPER-uh-muhnt) a test used to discover or prove something by watching what happens (page 4) receiver (ri-SEE-vuhr) something that uses electricity and changes it to sound, or vibrations (page /2) telegraph (TEL-uh-graf) a machine that uses electricity to send messages (page 6) MR =e. a transmitter (TRANZ-mit-uhr) something that changes sound, or vibrations, into electricity (page 12) Vall “2 vibrate (VYE-brayt) to shake or move quickly back and forth (page /0) Boston, Massachusetts, 5 cell phone, I4 deaf, 4-5, 9 electricity, 6-8, I, 13 experiment, 4, 6, 9 Hubbard, Mabel, 5 invention, 4 Morse code, 7-8 Morse, Samuel B., 6 receiver, 12-13 Scotland, 3 telegraph, 6-8, 10, 14 telephone, 2, I-12, 14 transmitter, l2-13 vibration, 10, 13 Watson, Thomas, l0-II wires, 6-8, II-I4 Responding to Science 1. What would you like to invent? (Reader’s Response) 2. Why did Alexander Graham Bell invent the telephone? (Interpret) 3. Why is Bell's invention important? (Apply) Reading in Science Sequence Read the book again. Tell the story of Bell's life to a partner. Start when he was born. End when he invents the telephone. Writing in Science Book Report Write a book report. Give the important events in Alexander Graham Bell’s life in order. Tell why you liked the book. Would you recommend it to your friends? Share your work. Responding to Literature ce) SC @ eo) Macmillan McGraw-Hill

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