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Unit 5

Be clean, be green

Vocabulary and Grammar

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Eco-Friendly Activities

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Environmental Problems
Greenhouse gases
Global warming
Acid rain
Industrial waste

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Ozone layer
Fossil fuels
Aerosol sprays
Exhaust fumes
Factory emissions
Environmental Problems
• Greenhouse gases • Global warming

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Environmental Problems
• Acid rain • Industrial waste

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Environmental Problems
• Ozone layer • Fossil fuels

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Environmental Problems
• Aerosol sprays • Sewage

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Environmental Problems
• Exhaust fumes • Factory emissions

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Breeding Programs

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Take Down = Write Down

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Be Closer = Be Nearer

Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons



Teacher: Minerva Pons

The Shed = A simple roofed structure,
typically made of wood or metal, used as a
storage space, a shelter for animals, or a

Teacher: Minerva Pons

To Recruit

Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons

Atoms and Molecules

Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons

To resemble = Look or seem like.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Burger Bun

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Soil = Ground

Teacher: Minerva Pons

To Gather = Collect, Bring together

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Pools made by rain

Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons

Leaking Pipe

Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons

Dripping Faucet

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Cardboard Boxes

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Wrapping Paper

Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons

Energy saving device

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Find out = Discover; Search

Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons

Golden Lion Tamarin

Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons

Swamp Marsh

Teacher: Minerva Pons

A swamp is a place where the plants that make up the area
covered in water are primarily woody plants or trees. A marsh,
on the other hand, is defined as having no woody plants. Also,
marshes are typically not as deep as swamps.
Spring out of bed

Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Migratory birds

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Mimic Speech

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Yellow Markings

Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons

Palm Nut

Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons

Bring Back = To bring sth. with you
when you come back from a place.

Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons

Pet Trade

Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons

Fit = Be of the right shape and size for.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Appealing = Attractive

Teacher: Minerva Pons

The Well

Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons

Dreary = Sad

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Harsh = Hard, Severe, Difficult

Teacher: Minerva Pons


Teacher: Minerva Pons

Wholesome = Healthy, good

Teacher: Minerva Pons

In short supply = Not available.
Issue = An important topic or problem for debate.
Aims = Objectives.
Treaties = Agreements.
Broad = Wide
Seek – Sought – Sought = (Search)
The shortage = The lack, The deficit

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Parch = To make extremely dry, especially by
exposure to heat.
Fate = Destiny, Purpose.
Difference between “recall” and “remember”
- Recall means to call back into one's
- Remember means to retain in memory.
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Draw back = Move away from
sth. / sb.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Draw on = Make use of

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Draw up = Prepare; Edit.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Drawing up a budget
Draw into = Arrive and Stop (train).

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Do over = Do sth. again

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Do with = Related to; To be connected
with sb or sth.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Do without = Manage without

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Eager beaver = Someone hardworking
and enthusiastic.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Let sleeping dogs lie = Don’t interfere
with sth.; to leave a person or situation
alone, if they might cause you trouble.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Be a chicken = Be coward.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Let the cat out of the bag = Reveal a

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Crocodile tears = False tears

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Feel like a fish out of the water = To feel
uncomfortable for a situation or

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives
Positive Form Comparative Form Superlative Form
Good Better Best
Bad / Ill Worse Worst
Little (amount) Less Least
Little (size) Smaller Smallest

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Much / Many More Most
Far (place + time) Further Furthest
Far (place) Farther Farthest
Late (time) Later Latest
Late (order) Latter Last
Near (place) Nearer Nearest
Near (order) - Next
Old (people and things) Older Oldest
Old (people) Elder Eldest
The following verbs are usually followed by a verb
in gerund form:

Admit Appreciate Avoid Mind Advise

Carry on Consider Defer Practice Complete
Delay Deny Detest Resent Forbid
Dislike Endure Enjoy Suggest Get through

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Escape Excuse Face Miss Have
Feel like Finish Forgive Put off Permit
Give up Can’t help Imagine Risk Quit
Involve Leave off Mention Understand Recall
Report Can’t stand Postpone Anticipate Spend (time)
Resist Resume Report Tolerate Waste (time)
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Difference in meaning between the full infinitive
and the gerund.
Forget + Full Inf. Not remember Forget + Gerund Not recall

Remember +
Remember + Full Inf. Not forget Recall

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Mean + Full Inf. Intend to Mean + Gerund Involve

Regret + Full Inf. Be sorry to Regret + Gerund Feel sorry about

Do sth. as an
Try + Full Inf. Do one’s best Try + Gerund

Stop + Full Inf. Stop + Gerund Finish doing sth.

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