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es es Ee orm THU STRATEGIES & SKILLS AT A GLANCE Comprehension ‘ * Strategy: Retell What is a star? * Skill: Cause and Effect What can you see ‘Science Vocabulary beyond our sky? © gas, orbit, phase, solar ’ system, star, telescope Writing ¢ Paragraph Science Strand * Earth Science Cover Photo: Robert Llewellyn/CORBIS. Illustration Credits: 3: Bill Melvin, 4-5: Bill Melvin, 6: Bill Melvin. 15: ¢t to b) Bill Melvin. Photography Credits: 012-015 (bkad)Jeremy Woodhouse/Masterfile: 1 Robert Liewellyn/CORBIS; 10 Tom Brakefield/Digital Vision/Getty Images; 11 (bkgd)Masterfile: 11 (t to b)Mark Garlick/Science ‘1 Julian Baum/Science Photo Library; 11 (2)John Chumack/Science Photo Library; 1 (John Chumack/Science Photo Library; 11 (4)Royal Observatory, Edinburgh/Science Photo Library; 18 Cinset)John Sanford/Science Photo Li file; 15 ¢t to b)Michael V PhotoEdit; 15 ()John Sanford/Science Photo Library; 15 (2).Jullan Baum/Science Photo Library: 15 (3)Robert Karpa/Masterfile; 2 Joland Cats & Hans Withoos/zefe/CORBIS; 7 Richard Hutchings/ Brand X Images/Punchstock. Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. United States Copyright Act, or by any means, rights reserved, Except as permitted under the part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior permission of the publisher. Send all inquiries to: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 8787 Orion Place Columbus, OH 43240-4027 ISBN: 978-0-02-287589-3 MHID: 0-02-287589-1 Printed in the United States of America. 12345678910 BSF 1211100908 Beyond tre Sky by ANNA PROKOS With the Editors of TIME For Kins Chapter | Look at the Sky! ............. 2 Chapter 2 Earth Goes Around the Sun... Chapter 3 Chapter 5 Look at the Moon!........... 12 Look at the Sky! Look at the sky. What do you see? In the day, you see the sun. At night, you see the moon and stars. WT colar Venus Jupiter Tenia] Uranus Earth Neptune tele _ = © ee ae Our solar system has the Sun, the Moon, and stars. It also has eight planets. Earth is the only planet with plants and animals. Living things need the right mix of gases and water. Earth has the right mix. The center of the solar system is the Sun. Earth goes around the Sun ina circle. This is called an orbit. Earth spins at the same time it goes around the Sun. Does Earth spin? How do you know? Look at the sky. Does the Sun move? The Sun, Moon, and stars look like they move across the sky. But Earth is what really moves! a Earth spins and orbits the Sun. Where is the Sun? Where is the Sun? In the morning, we see the Sun down low in the sky. At midday, it is high in the sky. In the evening, it is low again. At night, we cannot see the Sun. The Sun moves from morning to evening. When Earth spins, sometimes your place on Earth is near the Sun. It is day. Sometimes your place on Earth is far from the Sun. It is night. Earth does not stop spinning. Soon you are near the Sun again. It is day again! Look at the Stars! aR o There are millions of stars in space. We can only see a thousand stars. The other stars are too far away. We need a telescope to see them. att eye Ln) A star is a big ball of burning gas. When the gas burns, the star makes heat and light. The Sun is a star. The Sun is close to Earth. We can live on Earth, because the Sun makes heat and light for us. We can live on Earth because it is the right distance from the Sun. It is not too close or too far away. Plants, animals and people can live on Earth because the Sun is not too far away. 10 Stars Stars look the same from Earth. But they are different colors and sizes. Type of Star White dwarf Very small—about a the size of Earth Red dwarf Smaller than the Sun NCC Medium size— * Yellow about the size of the Sun Blue giant Bigger than ~ the Sun Supergiant 200 times bigger oe Red or-orange than the Sun Chapter 5 | The Moon is not a star. It cannot make light. The Sun’s light shines onto the Moon. We see that light when it is night. Shine a flashlight in the dark. Shine it on the side of a box. You can only see the side where you shine the flashlight. It is the same with the Moon and the Sun. On some nights, the Moon looks like a big round ball. On some nights, it looks Ni-1aVAel1HK1K-10 PR Ola Xe) nt-m alle AVERT eo lalate see the Moon. These changes are called the Moon's phases. » dG TW Crescent First quarter avy Last quarter Moon feted) LY Ele) NY fete) Moon The Moon has many phases. There is a new Moon aan What is beyond our sky? The Sun, the Moon, and the stars. What do you think is beyond the Sun, the Moon, and the stars? Pen ghee ee ee Se ee gas (GAS) matter that fills the space it is in. Air is a type of gas (page 3) orbit (OR-bit) the path a planet travels around a star (page 4) phase (FAYZ) the Moon's shape we can see from Earth (page /3) solar system (SOH-luhr SIS-tuhm) the planets and other objects that go around the Sun (page 3) star (STAR) a hot ball in the sky. A star makes light (page 2) telescope (TEL-uh-skohp) a tool used to see things far away (page 8) Earth, 3-5, 7, 9, 10-l gas, 3,9 Moon, 2-3, 5, 12-14 orbit, 4-5 phases (of the Moon), I3 planet, 3 solar system, 3-4 star, 2-3, 5, 8-9, I-12, 14 Sun, 2-7, 9-10, 12, 14 telescope, 8 Responding to Science 1. Would you like to travel into space? Why or why not? (Reader’s Response) 2. Why does Earth need the Sun? (Interpret) 3. Why do people like to study the stars? (Apply) Reading in Science Cause and Effect Read Chapter 3 again with a partner. Talk about cause |] tect what causes day and night. Fill in a cause-and-effect chart to help you organize your ideas. Sa, S, A Writing in Science Paragraph Write a paragraph. Describe a star. What does it look like? What causes it to form? Paint a word picture of the star. Draw a picture, too. Share your work. Writing That Describes cc Ue tit a) Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Caer

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