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Subject: Science

Grade Level: Grade 7

Objective: Express concentrations of solutions quantitatively by preparing

different concentrations of mixtures according to uses and availability of

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics - Calculating the concentration of solutions involves mathematical

calculations such as determining the ratio of solute to solvent and converting
between different units of concentration.

2) Technology and Home Economics - Understanding concentrations of solutions is

important in various aspects of technology and home economics, such as cooking,
food preservation, and cleaning.

3) Social Studies - Concentrations of solutions play a role in understanding the

availability and sustainability of resources in different regions, as well as the impact
of human activities on the environment.


Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming

Instructional Materials: None

Anecdote 1: In Filipino culture, we often use vinegar as a condiment. Have you ever
wondered why some vinegar brands taste more sour than others? It has to do with
the concentration of acetic acid in the vinegar. We can learn more about
concentrations of solutions to understand why some vinegars are more acidic than
Anecdote 2: the Philippines, we have different types of fruits that are used to make
refreshing beverages like calamansi juice or buko pandan. Have you ever tried
making these drinks at home? The taste of these beverages can be affected by the
concentration of fruit juice or flavoring used. Understanding concentrations of
solutions can help us make the perfect drink.


Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Instructional Materials: Graduated cylinders, water, different solutes (salt, sugar,

vinegar), measuring spoons, beakers

Idea 1: Conduct a concentration race where students work in groups to prepare

solutions with different concentrations using the given materials. The group that
accurately prepares the highest number of solutions within a given time wins.

Idea 2: Play a concentration matching game where students match different

concentrations of solutions with their corresponding uses or applications. This can be
done using cards or digital platforms.


Activity 1: Concentration Race

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Graduated cylinders, water, different solutes (salt, sugar, vinegar),

measuring spoons, beakers

Significance: This activity allows students to practice preparing solutions with

different concentrations, reinforcing the concept of quantitative expression of

1) Divide the class into groups of 4-5 students.

2) Provide each group with the necessary materials.

3) Assign each group a solute (salt, sugar, or vinegar) and a target concentration.

4) In a given time, the groups should prepare as many solutions as possible with the
assigned solute and target concentration.

5) After the time is up, have each group present their solutions and compare them to
the target concentration.


- Accuracy of concentration: 5 pts

- Preparation technique: 5 pts

- Collaboration within the group: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the purpose of preparing solutions with different concentrations?

2) How does the concentration of a solution affect its properties and uses?

3) Explain the steps you followed to prepare a solution with a specific concentration.

Activity 2: Concentration Matching Game

Teaching Strategy: Games and Gamification

Materials: Cards or digital platform with concentration and use/application pairs

Significance: This activity helps students understand the relationship between

concentrations of solutions and their practical uses or applications.

1) Prepare a set of cards with different concentrations of solutions and their

corresponding uses applications.

2) Divide the class into small groups.

3) Distribute the cards among the groups.

4) In a given time, the groups should match the concentration cards with their
corresponding use/application cards.

5) After the time is up, have each group present their matches and discuss the
significance of each pairing.


- Accuracy of matching: 5 pts

- Explanation of significance: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How did you determine the correct match between a concentration and its

2) Why is it important to consider the concentration of a solution when using it for a

specific purpose?

3) Give an example of a solution with a high concentration and its corresponding



Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion

Interaction: Teacher explains the concept of expressing concentrations

quantitatively and engages students in a discussion by asking questions and
encouraging them to share their understanding and experiences related to
concentrations of solutions.

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Students will research and create a poster or presentation showcasing real-
life examples where concentrations of solutions are important, such as in medicine,
agriculture, or environmental science.

Task 2: will design and conduct an experiment to investigate how different

concentrations of a solution affect a specific property or behavior, such as the growth
of plants or the rate of corrosion.


Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

Instructional Materials: Assessment sheets or online assessment platform

Question 1: Calculate the concentration of a solution that contains 25 grams of salt

dissolved in 500 milliliters of water. Express the concentration in grams per liter.

Question 2: Explain how the concentration of a cleaning solution can affect its
effectiveness in removing stains. Provide an example to support your answer.

Question 3: A student prepared a solution with a target concentration of 2% but

ended up with a concentration of 1.5%. Identify and explain one possible error that
could have occurred during the preparation of the solution.


Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Instructional Materials: Case study scenarios related to concentrations of solutions

in various fields, such as healthcare, food industry, or environmental science

Students will analyze and discuss the given case studies, applying their knowledge
of concentrations of solutions to propose solutions or strategies based on the
specific context and objectives of each case.

Assignment 1: Write a step-by-step guide on how to prepare a solution with a

specific concentration. Include the materials needed, calculations involved, and any
safety precautions to consider.

Assignment 2: Choose a real-life situation where understanding concentrations of

solutions is important. Write a short essay discussing the significance of
concentrations in that situation and how it impacts the outcome or effectiveness.

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