Bicycle Metals

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Nonfiction | Bicycle | Metals by ELLEN B. CUTLER \ r ; d . STRATEGIES & SKILLS AT A GLANCE fed Read to ial cipan Ww Find Out « Strategy: Retell What metals are used © Skill: Sequence to make a bicycle? Science Vocabulary How can we change + aluminum, liquid, metal, the shape of metal? mixture, mold, solid Writing . Poster Science Strand + Physical Science ‘Cover Phota: © Bansnastocs/Punenstoc® Rereee Creetine ite) © maps Sourte/MunenStock: (1 © Photedia=*Gelty mages nc. 2: {c) Réooksiat/ Pure ioe £01) © Purenftock: (12 Rayalty-Free/CORBIS 4) € Rucenuy CCAD: $: Used 0 Thievartock/Gerry imager: (ci) © Sonn Aapc/Geny mages, (ne §: U Chris Xoapton/Alnmy. 7: (61%: Pat Coiia/CORWS: {eset ©) kohwerZGsthy beeages. tnc_B (b) Jana A RazG/Gatty Wages O-G AP Shator Gear lute. 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Ho bart al hit puiblicesion may be reproduced or dirtributad acy term pC Dy ayy Mesa OF eiores ei n datetace DF nethwwVval iyyter, ‘witheut thw orice writen crrinent of Tre Mecrae Hl Comaaruas, Ine., mcludins bat fest lrnited te, network sxprage of tranenizsion, or broaccaut for datance: \eorreng Printed uy the Union Slates nf amnence: 2345578 RESP 10 090007 rime tet tet Spe tet tee ae tet tee Bicycle | Metals by ELLEN B. CUTLER FPP EPP PO eee es jor oe OG Table of Contents Chapter | What Are Metals?............ 2 P Chapter 2 Strong and Light............. 4 Chapter 3 Changing What a Metal CORDS es ccamesscainminamenieos 6 Chapter 4 Aluminum and Aluminum WAIXEUPOS cuiaianecmssssassaur 8 Chapter 5 Making a Bicycle Frame ..... 10 gOS Ces x Chapter 2 , What Are Metals? ) Metal spring Metals are a solid. A solid has a shape of its own. Most solids do not bend. They break. Yet metals are different from most solids. Metals can bend. We can also change the shape of metal. We do this by making the metal very hot. Very hot metal turns into liquid. Liquid metal can be made into different shapes. Metal triangle Solid méfal changes to a liquid when if.getswery hot. ¥ Chas { : ny SE mt hen? AO nO hO AE on" th on AS wt A 8 48 There are many strong metals. Some of them are heavy. Some of them are light. What kind of metal would you use to make a bicycle? Some metals are heavy. uy You would want a strong, light metal. Strong metals keep a bicycle from breaking or bending. Light metals make a bicycle easier to ride. They make it easier to lift, too. Some metals are light. é ‘Cliupter 3 - Changing What 2 .aMetalCanDo 2 EE EAS EOE tS AES 8 Most of the metals we use are metal mixtures. Some mixtures are made of two or more metals. Other mixtures are made of metal and other materials. All these mixtures are melted together. This horn is made of brass, Brass is a mixture of the metals copper and zinc. This bicycle chain and lock are made of metal mixtures. A mixture made from heavy materials can be light! A mixture made from soft materials can be strong! aluminum foil We use metals and metal mixtures every day. One kind of metal is aluminum (uh-LEW-muh-nuhm). Aluminum foil is a thin sheet of metal. It bends easily, People use aluminum foil for cooking and wrapping food. This building is made from aluminum mixtures. Aluminum mixtures are used to make buildings and bridges. They are also used to make bicycles. BAS SAE ABE MO AE et ee tse Chapter 5 5 | Making a Bicycle Frame ; Sept tintin Aint Mint ht nth nt Ae ht thn Af og One of the main parts of a bicycle is the frame. A bicycle frame needs to be light and strong. Aluminum is light. But it is not very strong. An aluminum mixture is light, and strong, too. It is a good material to use for a bicycle frame. Bicycle frame How do we make a bicycle frame? First, we melt an aluminum mixture. It becomes liquid. Next, we pour the liquid mixture into molds. The molds are shaped like tubes. When the mixture cools, it becomes hard. Then we take the metal out of the molds. It is now shaped like tubes. Melted metal ES AY Me A worker joins tubes together with melted metals. After that, we cut the tubes. We make them into shorter pieces. Then we put the ends of the tubes together. To do this, we melt a different metal. The melted metal is like strong glue. It holds the pieces together. 2 At last, we have a bicycle frame! Our bicycle is not ready yet. We need to add other parts, like wheels. Then we can go outside and ride! 4 — aluminum (uh-LEW-muh-nuhm) a light, soft, silver-white metal (page 8) liquid (LIK-wid) a kind of matter that has no fixed shape (page 3) metal (MET-uhl) a shiny material found in the ground (page 2) up of different things that are put together (page 6) @ mold (MOHLD) things used for making Se mixture (MIKS-chuhr) something made shapes (page //) solid (SOL-id) a kind of matter that keeps its shape (page 2} aluminum, 8-I bicycle, 4-5, 9-14 frame, 10-13 liquid, 3, material, 6-7, 10 metal, 2-14 mixture, 6-Il mold, Il solid, 2 tube, II-13 Responding to Science 1. What kind of material would you use to make a bicycle? (Reader’s Response) 2. Why do we use metal mixtures to make bicycles? (Interpret) 3. What makes aluminum foil good for cooking and wrapping food? (Apply) AD a Lu po Reading in Science Sequence Read the book again Pa with a partner. Together, fill in C= a sequence chart. Show how to a make a bicycle frame. = U Writing in Science Poster Make a poster. Draw pictures to show how to make a bicycle frame, Use words such as first, next, and /ast to show the steps in order. Writing That Explains. Macmillan a Le Ves “Hill

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