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How Machineries Contribute to the Economy of one Nation.

I. Introduction

A. Introduction

1. Industrial Revolution is an important part of culture is the way people have learned to deal with
their environment.

2. Their revolution is a kind of change that brings about a new way of life for many people.

B. Machines were invented to turn out goods

1. Some goods were made by machines in factory.

2. Steam made by burning coal began to do some of the work once done by people and animals.

II. Benefits of Using Machines

A. It became possible to produce large amounts of goods of many kind.

B. Factory made goods were cheaper than handmade goods.

C. Cost less to make.

D. They earned more money.

E. They used this money to buy things they never had before.

III. Needed raw materials to make goods

A. Coal

B. Iron

IV. Machines are useful to the farmers as well as to the farms

A. It was possible for farmers to grow more food with the few workers.

B. Farmers not only grew for themselves but they were able to feed people throughout the nation

V. Invention and Sources of Power

A. Sources of Power

1. Oil

2. Atomic Energy

B. Communication that was Invented

1. Telephone

2. Telegraph

3. Radio

VI. Industrial Societies

A. United States

B. Great Britain

C. Canada

D. Japan

E. Germany

F. France

G. Italy

H. Russia

I. Ukraine

VII. How people live in industrial nations

A. People used goods made in factories.

B. They have power-driven machinery and make great use of the raw materials of the Earth.

C. They use computers to design and make money products.

VIII. The way they live

A. Most people live in towns and cities.

B. Many live and work in buildings that is made in stone, brick and steel.

IX. Most people live in Industrial Countries have a high standard of living.
A. They have jobs which they salary is high.

B. Hours of work are short.

C. They have enough food and water.

D. Their medical care is good.

X. Factors on living in a democracies countries

A. They can choose their own

1. Leaders

2. Make their own laws

XI. Reasons that stops the goods from moving

A. Flood

B. Power failure

C. Strike

D. War

XII. Problems that they encounter despite that they are Industrial Countries

A. One-Eight of the people live in poverty

B. Still go to bed hungry

C. Some workers cannot get jobs

D. They cannot earn money to support their family.

XIII. Reasons why their environment has also threatened

A. Smoke from;

1. Factories

2. Cars

B. Harmful chemicals have been dumped into;

1. Streams

2. Lakes

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