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Persona 1 - The Budget Buyer

Who Goal(s) Barrier(s)

Name: Raj Gosh 1. To purchase bedding that 1. Worried about the durability of
Age: 27 doesn’t cost too much money low-cost options over time
Location: Suburbs
2. Concerned about the quality of
Household: 1 person bedding bought online
Education: College

Persona 2 - The Variety Shopper

Who Goal(s) Barrier(s)
Name: Malena Mora 1. To find the exact bedding they 1. Worried they won’t be able to
Age: 44 want by choosing from a wide find what they want
Location: City selection of colors, fabrics,
and patterns 2. Available sort options don’t
Household: 2 adults, always allow them to filter to the
2 kids desired degree
Education: College

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