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Lembar Kerja HUL


Nama Lengkap : AFROHUL MILAH

Nomor Kartu Prakerja : 3550202360450658

Naskah Percakapan

James : Hello, Good Morning

Contact Center : Hello sir, Good Morning. I’m Ruby from T-Mobile. What can I help you?
James : I would like to make a complaint regarding my internet service
Contact Center : I’m sorry , may I know your name?
James : It’s James
Contact Center : Very well, Mr.James, what has been the promblem?
James : My internet conncetion has not worked properly. The cellular signal was
gone for a week
Contact Center : I am sorry to hear that. Please allow me to check to see if there is any issue
with the network in your area. May I know your client number?
James : Yes, it’s 638656
Contact Center : Thank you. Our system shows that there is a network issue in your area, and
we have been currently fixing it. The approximate repair time would be 5 to 8
James : Are you serious? Why does it take that long?
Contact Center : I am sorry, I understand how you feel sir. The issue appears to be a big one,
so it needs a longer time to fix it.
James : What should I do then?
Contact Center : Just wait sir, we’re trying our best to make it back to normal. We would
notify you once the isssue is resolved
James : All right, then
Contact Center : Is there anything else I can help you with?
James : No, thanks
Contact Center : My apologies once again for the inconvenience. Thank you for your call.
Have a good day Mr. James!

Lembar Kerja 45065

Lembar Komplain Pelanggan

Nama Pelanggan James Willson

No. Telp 638656

Detail Komplain

The internet connection does not work properly, the signal was gone for a week

Cara Penyelesaian

After the contact center check, the system shows that there is a problem with the
connection at Mr.James’s area and try to fix it. The approximate repair time would
be 5 to 8 hours. If the connection back to normal the contact center would notify

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