Literacy Mobiliser

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Literacy Mobiliser (Non-Formal Basic Education Department) 2021-22 Model Paper by

1 - The perimeter of a floor of a room is 18m.What is the area of four walls of the room if it; a height is
A. 21 Sq.m B. 42 Sq.m C. 54 Sq.m D) None of these
2 - Who is the incumbent Secretary-general of SAARC

A) H.E Bharat Raj B) Wajiha Akram C) Esala Ruwan Weerakoon D) None of these
3 - ppt is the extension of

A) Excel B) PowerPoint C) Word D) None of these

4 - The real name of Shah Wali Ullah is
A) Qutb-ud-din B) Abdullah C) Ahmad D) None of these
5 - CD-ROM stands for ……
A) Compactable Read Only B) Compact Data Read C) Compact Disk Read D) None of these
Memory Only Memory Only Memory
6 - When was Waqia e Karbala(The Battle of Karbala) Occurred?
A) 58 A.H B) 59 A.H C) 61 A.H D) None of these
7 - The area lying between the river Jhelum Chenab is called
A) Rachna Doab B) Chaj Doab C) Bari Doab D) None of these
8 - A game which is played by horse riders
A) Polo B) Golf C) Baseball D) None of these
9 - The total number of Madni surah’s in Holy Quran is
A) 29 A) 29 C) 27 D) None of these
10 - “Brain Drain” means_____?
A) Mad Person B) Migration Of Skilled C) Emigration Of D) None of these
Person To Other Country Intellectuals
11 - The first census in Pakistan was held in
A) 1947 B) 1951 C) 1955 D) None of these
12 - Number of columns in MS-Excel 2007 are?
A) 16,384 B) 17,000 C) 15,000 D) None of these
13 - Printer is an example of?
A) Soft copy B) Hard copy C) Photo copy D) None of these
14 - To change text in italic form:
A) Ctrl+I B) Ctrl+C C) Ctrl+B D) None of these
15 - The speed of sound is maximum when
A) Air a 0 °C B) Water at 25 °C C) Water at 90 °C D) None of these
16 - “JARGON” means?
A) Rudimentary B) Gibberish C) Extraneous D) None of these
17 - The literal meaning of Islam is:
A) to bow down the neck B) to seek safety C) to obey D) All of these
18 - Thomas cup is given for the game of.
A) Lawm Tennis B) Golf C) Table D) None of these
19 - Khunjrab pass connects Pakistan with:
A) Afghanistan B) China C) India D) None of these
20 - Sun is a

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A) Star B) Planet C) Asteroid D) None of these
21 - Tick the correct spelling.
A) Acomodation B) Accommodation C) Accomodation D) None of above
22 -Laws of gravity presented by:
A) Einstein B) Newton C) Galileo D) None of these
23 - Shortcut key for finding something?
A) Ctrl+shift+F B) Ctrl+F C) Shift+F D) None of these
24 - Pick out the Surah which is located in Parah 11 of the Holy Quran.
A) Ahazab B) Maryam C) Younas D) None of these
25 - Which battle is called Youm ul Furqan:
A) Battle of Ohad B) Battle of Badr C) Battle of Trench D) None of these
26 - The present National Assembly of Pakistan is
A) 13th B) 12th C) 14th D) None of these
27 - Accolade means
A) TO give up completely B) Keenness of mind of C) An award or salute D) None of these
28 - The current President of Pakistan Dr. Arif Alvi is by number
A) 13th B) 12th C) 14th D) None of these
29 - The antonym of Incline is.
A) Refuse B) Ascend C) Feel D) None of these
30 - 1st summer Olumpics was held in.
A) 1892 B) 1893 C) 1995 D) None of these
31 - Which alignment choice spreads the data across the width of the cell
A) Center B) Distributed C) Justify D) None of these
32 - Contraband (‫ ) ناجائس مال کی تجارت‬means?
A) Economic Sanctions B) Banned Goods C) Family Planning D) None of these
33- Kaleem Ullah is the title of
A) Hazrat Adam AS B) Hazrat Musa AS C) Hazrat Isa AS D) None of these
34 - How many lists of subjects were Prepared according to 1956 Constitution.
A) Two B) Only one C) Three D) None of these
35 - Where the famous building Chauburji is located:
A) Karachi B) Hyderabad B) Lahore D) None of these
36 - Who was Muhammad Ali Bogra:
A) Minister of state B) Foreign Minister C) Law Minister D) All of these
37 - The world’s Largest Lake is
A) Lake Baikal B) Caspian sea C) Lake Superior D) None of these
38 - Pick out the serial number of Surah Maryam in the 14 Surhs of Holy Quraan.
A) 15 B) 19 C) 17 D) None of these
39 - The largest river in the world is
A) Amazon B) Nile C) Indus D) None of these
40 - Mughal empire founded by:
A) Babar B) Shah Jahan C) Akbar D) None of these
41 - Panama lake connects which two oceans:
A) Mediterranean & Red B) Pacific and Atlantic oceans C) South China & IndianD) None of these

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42 - I congratulated him …… his success.
A) For B) On C) At D) None of these
43 - Which Turkish leader abolished the institution of the caliphate
A) Mustafa Kamal Ataturk B) Sultan Ahmad Majeed D) None of these
C) Mustafa Jamal Ataturk

44 - Indian National Congress was founded by

A) Mr.Ghandi B) Abul Kalam Azad C) Mob Lal Nehru D) None of these
45 - Choose the correct Analogy of: Graceful : Movement :: ?
A) Articulate : Speech B) Fastidious : Grime C) Humorous : Laughter D) None of these

46 - Hyperlinks are
A) Pictures B) Drawing objects C) Text D) All of these
47 - If x% of 200=y% of 250, find y:x.
A. 5:4 B. 5:2 D. 4:5 D) None of these
48 - Pressing F8 three times selects:
A) Sentence B) Select the dialog box C) Change the margin D) All of these
49 - World Wide Web (WWW) was invented by?
A) Robert cailliau B) Adam osborne C) Tim berners lee D) None of these
50 - Fill in the blank with suitable word: Don’t change …… in midstream.
A) Players B) Members C) Horses D) None of these
51 - I wear glasses …… reading.
A) For B) on C) at D) None of these
52 - “INTERPOL” Headquarter is in?
A) Germany B) France C) Canada D) None of these
53 - What is the duration of the National Anthem of Pakistan?
A) 55 secs B) 88 secs C) 90 secs D) None of these
54 - “Amicus Curae” means?
A) Assistant of Court B) Friend of Defendant C) A Friend of Court D) None of these
55 - Reusable optical storage will typically have acronym?
A) CD B) RW C) DVD D) None of these
56 - Who is the Current Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)?
A) Hissein Ibrahim Taha B) Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu C) Dr. Yousef bin Ahmad D) None of these
57 - Jinnah: India, Partition, Independence book was written by?
A) Jaswant Singh B) Ghandi C) Kamal Ahmad D) None of these
58 - What is the antonym of straight (‫سیذھا‬
A) Zigzag B) Linear C) Direct D) None of these
59 - Mac operating system is developed by which company?
A) Google B) Apple C) Microsoft D) None of these
60 - Pedagogy is the study of …..?
A) Weather B) Human Body C} Knowledge D) None of these
61 - When zakat system was fully enforced in the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
A) 2 A.H B) 9 A.H C) 7 A.H D) None of these
62 - Which of the following can be renamed?
A) Workheet B) Cell C) Workbook D) None of these

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63 - To set indent, to change Margins and to set tabs show under?
A) Ruler B) Home C) Insert D) None of these
64 - To select all the slides or more than one slide in presentation?
A) Ctrl+enter B) Shift+click on slide C) Alt+F4 D) None of these
65 - Slide Transition done on?
A) Current Slide B) Previous Slide C) New Slide D) All of above
66 - Which of following show document name and information?
A) Format B) Insert tab C) Home D) None of these
67 - In MS-Word 2016, Screenshot is in?
A) Insert B) Review bar C) Options menu D) None of these
68 - For combining two or more cells we use?
A) A data field B) Merge functions C) Cache D) None of these
69 - Translation of (‫?)تیس مساجی‬
A) Pleasantness B) Bitterness C) Conductivity D) None of these
70 - A is the father of B. But B is not the son of A then what is B to A?
A) Grandfather B) Son-in-law C) Granddaughter D) None of these
71 - Complete the sentence: You had already left 7:00 O’Clock, ……. You
A) didn’t B) weren’t C) hadn’t D) None of these
72 - “Inter Alia” means?
A) In Addition to lines B) Between the lines C) Among other things D) None of these
73 - Complete the sentence: While the ……. grows, the steed starves
A) Leave B) Twig C) Grass D) None of these
74 - What does Ctrl + = key effect?
A) Superscript B) Subscript C) All caps D) None of these
75 - Synonym of ” Manoeuvre ” is -------- ?
A) Stultify B) Intrigue C) Stupefy D) None of these
76 - Shortcut key for the next slide?
A) dot B) space C) page up D) None of these
77 - The largest among the following is:
A) The Earth B) The Sun C) A Solar System D) None of these
78 - In Excel, The rows of a table correspond to:
A) Table B) Field C) Record D) None of these
79 - An email cannot send without:
A) Subject B) Attachment C) Receiver’s email D) None of these
80 - If 6n+5, What is the value of “n”?
A) Not perfect value B) Can’t determine C) Perfect value D) None of these
81 - What is the total length of Siachen Glacier?
A) 63 km B) 67 km C) 71.5 km D) None of these
82 - “Header” and “Footer” is in?
A) View menu B) Insert C) Tool bar D) None of these
83 - The default name of document saved?
A) document 1 B) document 2 C) document D) All of these
84 - I am exhausted, let’s ……. a day?
A) Call in B) Call of C) Call at D) None of these
85 - DNS refers for?

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A) Data number sequence B) Digital number C) Domain number D) None of these
sequence sequence
86 - Choose the correct sentence that best represents the reported speech: They said “Madam, the time is
A) They commanded that B) They stated that the C) They said respectfully D) None of these
the time is over. time was over. that the time was over.

87 - A word in a web page that, when clicked opens another document?

A) URL B) Hyperlink C) Reference D) None of these
88 - Maximum zoom percentage in PowerPoint?
A) 500% B) 300% C) 400% D) None of these
89 - MS-Word Automatically save document after every?
A) 20 min. B) 10 min. C) 30 min. D) No specific time
90 - What is meaning of "Isthmus"?
A) Inland sea B) A large lagoon C) Narrow strip of land D) None of these
connecting two land mass

91 - Synonym of “SUBSEQUENT”(‫ )بعذ ازاں‬is:

A) Following B) Reversible C) Doubtful D) None of these
92 - Fill in the blank: ……. climbers have sudden fall.
A) Old B) Young C) Hasty D) None of these
93 - Synonym of “Successive” is
A) Inconsequential B) Consecutive C) Successful D) None of these
94 - Antonym of “Pacific” is:
A) Peaceful B) Hawkish C) Aggressive D) None of these
95 - How many types of page orientations?
A) 3 B) 5 C) 2 D) None of these
96 - Clipboard in home is used for?
A) Cut and paste B) Copy and paste C) Storage of letters D) None of these
97 - Proverb “To fight tooth and nail” means:
A) To fight a losing battle B) To oppose resolutely C) To have a physical D) None of these
98 - ?‫“ پریشر ککر“ کس کا لکھا ہوا ناول ہے‬
A) ‫اے حمیذ‬ B) ‫احمذ علی‬ C) ‫صذیق سالک‬ D) None of these
99 - ?‫ماہانہ مخسن کہاں سے جاری ہوا‬
A) ‫الہور‬ B) ‫لکھنؤ‬ C) ‫دہلی‬ D) None of these
100 - In Black and White means?
A) ‫واضح طور پر‬ B) ‫صاف تصویر‬ C) ‫تحریری طور پر‬ D) None of these

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