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Chapter 07 - Painting

Chapter 07

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The 20th-century master of the fresco technique who created the work Mixtec Culture is:
A. Raphael.
B. Diego Rivera.
C. Pablo Picasso.
D. Georges Braque.
E. Frida Kahlo.

After a civil war in Mexico, Rivera and other artists were commissioned by the government
to create a series of murals about the glories of Mexico.

Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: Recognize various categories of paintings
Topic: The Americas
Topic: fresco
Topic: painting

2. What is pigment in paint?

A. A powdered color
B. A medium
C. A solvent
D. A binder
E. A vehicle

Pigment, or powdered color, is mixed with a binder to create paint, which can then be applied
to a surface.

Bloom's: Remember
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Identify materials used in painting
Topic: painting

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Chapter 07 - Painting

3. Which of the following is an example of a nonaqueous medium?

A. Fresco
B. Oil paint
C. Acrylic
D. Watercolor
E. None of these answers are correct.

Oil paints are an example of a nonaqueous medium; these can be diluted with turpentine or
mineral spirits. Historically, the most commonly used oils have been linseed oil, poppy seed
oil, and walnut oil.

Bloom's: Remember
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Identify materials used in painting
Topic: oil
Topic: painting

4. The painting technique used in the first century in Egypt, Greece, and Rome that involves
the use of wax is:
A. fresco.
B. oil paint.
C. acrylic.
D. tempera.
E. encaustic.

Encaustic painting is an ancient process where beeswax is liquefied and pigment is mixed in
and then applied to a surface, typically wood.

Bloom's: Remember
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Identify materials used in painting
Topic: encaustic
Topic: painting

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Chapter 07 - Painting

5. In buon fresco, or true fresco, pigment is mixed with water and applied to:
A. dry plaster.
B. stretched canvas.
C. hot beeswax.
D. wet plaster.
E. raw silk.

Buon, or true, fresco is a technique in which the pigment is mixed with water and applied to
wet plaster on a wall, allowing the painting to become an actual part of the wall.

Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Describe techniques used in painting
Topic: fresco
Topic: painting

6. After building a canvas and before painting it, a painter generally applies a coat of:
A. fresco.
B. linseed oil.
C. primer.
D. a nonaqueous medium.
E. None of these answers are correct.

Primers prepare a surface to receive a painting medium.

Bloom's: Remember
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Describe techniques used in painting
Learning Objective: Identify materials used in painting
Topic: painting

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Chapter 07 - Painting

7. In fresco painting, a drawing called a ________ is transferred to the prepared surface prior
to applying the pigment.
A. cartoon
B. mosaic
C. collage
D. gouache
E. sketch

A cartoon is a study or guide of the image for the final fresco. Once a cartoon is finalized, its
contour lines are perforated with pinprick-size holes. The drawing is transferred to the
prepared surface by placing a portion of the cartoon over the damp plaster and rubbing
pigment through the holes. The outline of the image is left behind when the cartoon is
removed, and the artist “connects the dots” to re-create the drawing; then the work of painting

Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Describe techniques used in painting
Topic: fresco
Topic: painting

8. Watercolor’s primary characteristic is its:

A. permanency.
B. opacity.
C. ease of revision.
D. transparency.
E. textural qualities.

The leading characteristic of watercolor is transparency and its ability to apply thin
transparent washes.

Bloom's: Remember
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Describe techniques used in painting
Topic: painting
Topic: watercolor and gouache

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Chapter 07 - Painting

9. Two ancient painting media that are still in use today are:
A. acrylics and oils.
B. encaustic and fresco.
C. gouache and oils.
D. collage and acrylics.
E. gouache and fresco.

Twentieth-century artists, such as Jasper Johns and Diego Rivera, have used the historical
techniques of encaustic and fresco to create artworks with contemporary themes.

Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: Describe techniques used in painting
Learning Objective: Identify materials used in painting
Topic: encaustic
Topic: fresco
Topic: painting

10. In oil painting, linseed oil acts as:

A. a pigment.
B. a ground.
C. a border.
D. a support.
E. a binder.

Oil paints consist of pigment compounded with oil. Historically, the most commonly used
oils have been linseed oil, poppy seed oil, and walnut oil.

Bloom's: Remember
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Identify materials used in painting
Topic: oil
Topic: painting

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Chapter 07 - Painting

11. In oil painting, thin veils of translucent color applied over a layer of opaque paint are
known as:
A. glazes.
B. synthetics.
C. tesserae.
D. primers.
E. gesso.

Glazes result from thin veils of translucent color applied over a layer of opaque paint.

Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: Describe techniques used in painting
Topic: oil
Topic: painting

12. One of the advantages of oil painting is that it dries very slowly. This allows for:
A. a subtle blending of colors.
B. the painting to be reworked indefinitely.
C. the application of layers of paint on top of one another.
D. an almost infinite range of consistencies.
E. All of these answers are correct.

Oil paint allows for flexibility of blending and reworking and does not require the immediacy
of completion as do other media. Colors can be laid down next to each other and blended
softly and seamlessly.

Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Describe techniques used in painting
Topic: oil
Topic: painting

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Chapter 07 - Painting

13. ________ is watercolor that has been made opaque by adding inert white pigment to it.
A. Encaustic
B. Impasto
C. Fresco
D. Gouache
E. None of these answers are correct.

Gouache is watercolor with inert white pigment added. It lends itself to more immediate
techniques than watercolor and dries to different values than when wet.

Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Identify materials used in painting
Topic: painting
Topic: watercolor and gouache

14. By the 1950s, this new synthetic paint would challenge oils as the principal painting
medium. What is it?
A. Gouache
B. Acrylic
C. Encaustic
D. Tempera
E. Collage

Acrylic paints are water soluble and quick drying but cannot be rehydrated after they have

Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: Identify materials used in painting
Topic: acrylic
Topic: painting

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Chapter 07 - Painting

15. Pope Julius II employed which two Italian Renaissance artists to paint frescoes for him?
A. Rivera and Kahlo
B. Michelangelo and Raphael
C. Van Gogh and Gauguin
D. Vermeer and Van Eyck
E. Donatello and Titian

Michelangelo and Raphael are famous for their work in the Sistine chapel and the Vatican
Palace, and their frescoes are considered the greatest of all Western art.

Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: Recognize various categories of paintings
Topic: Michelangelo Buonarroti
Topic: Raphael
Topic: fresco
Topic: painting

16. A nonaqueous paint is one that:

A. is less expensive than most.
B. produces the most brilliant colors.
C. dissolves in water.
D. dissolves in something other than water.
E. is very fast-drying.

Nonaqueous paints, such as oil paints, contain no water and use oil (linseed, poppy seed, or
walnut) as a binder instead.

Bloom's: Remember
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Identify materials used in painting
Topic: oil
Topic: painting

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Chapter 07 - Painting

17. Traditional Chinese artists used _________, the oldest painting medium in continuous
A. watercolor
B. encaustic paint
C. gouache
D. acrylic
E. ink sticks

Ink sticks are black ink mixed with soot and animal fat and hardened into a block. The
earliest known ink sticks date from the period in Chinese history known as the Warring states
(c. 450–221 B.C.E.).

Bloom's: Remember
Learning Objective: Identify materials used in painting
Topic: China
Topic: brush and ink
Topic: painting

18. Technically, tempera is paint in which the vehicle is in:

A. a pigment.
B. an impasto.
C. a ground.
D. an emulsion.
E. a glaze.

Technically, tempera is paint in which the vehicle is an emulsion, which is a stable mixture of
an aqueous liquid with an oil, fat, wax, or resin.

Bloom's: Remember
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Identify materials used in painting
Topic: painting
Topic: tempera

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Chapter 07 - Painting

Essay Questions

19. Select three of the painting media discussed in this chapter and briefly describe and
explain the qualities and characteristics of each, and the techniques used to apply each. Then
discuss a work created in each of the three media you have chosen.

Answers will vary depending on the selection of media and artwork. Possible media are oil,
tempera, watercolor, gouache, and acrylic.

Bloom's: Apply
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Examine paintings in terms of type, materials, and techniques used
Topic: painting

20. Briefly outline the history of the fresco medium from ancient times through the 20th
century. Select one particular fresco work and explain how, where, and when it was created.
Identify the artist and place the work in one of the thematic categories.

Answers will vary depending on the selection of artwork. For example, Frescos have
survived to the present day from the civilizations of the ancient Mediterranean, from China
and India, and from the early civilizations of Mexico.

Bloom's: Analyze
Bloom's: Apply
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Examine paintings in terms of type, materials, and techniques used
Learning Objective: Recognize various categories of paintings
Topic: fresco
Topic: painting

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Chapter 07 - Painting

21. Choose a painting medium and explain its characteristics. Select an artist who is known
for working primarily in one medium and discuss how this medium seems to meet the needs
of the artist’s subjects and messages.

Answers will vary depending on selection of the painting medium and artist.

Bloom's: Analyze
Bloom's: Apply
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Examine paintings in terms of type, materials, and techniques used
Learning Objective: Understand the functions and development of paintings
Topic: painting

22. Discuss the unique features of the mosaic medium. How is it similar or different to that of
painting? Select a mosaic work from the text and describe its function as art. Who is the
intended audience?

Answers will vary. Like fresco, mosaic is well suited to decorating architectural surfaces
such as walls and ceilings. Unlike fresco, however, mosaic is sturdy enough to stand up to the
elements, and so it can be used for floors and outdoor surfaces as well. Mosaics are often used
to instill character and remarkable beauty to various public places, as in Nancy Spero’s
Artemis Acrobats, Divas, and Dancers.

Bloom's: Apply
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Identify materials used in painting
Learning Objective: Understand the functions and development of paintings
Topic: mosaic and tapestry

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Chapter 07 - Painting

23. Consider the work of two of the following artists: Lawrence Sargent, and Milhazes.
Explain how the content of works by the artists you have selected is expressed or emphasized
by the media and techniques used.

Answers will vary depending on artists selected.

Learning Objective: Describe techniques used in painting

Learning Objective: Examine paintings in terms of type, materials, and techniques used
Topic: Jacob Lawrence
Topic: John Singer Sargent
Topic: acrylic
Topic: tempera
Topic: watercolor and gouache

24. Consider Christus’s A Goldsmith in His Shop and Sillman’s Nut. These two paintings
present two very different styles of oil painting. Analyze the works and the stylistic
differences between them.

When oil paints were first introduced, most artists, including Petrus Christus, continued
working on wood panels. Christus employed a slow and time-consuming technique of glaze
building that yielded a meticulous, detailed image. Gradually, however, artists adopted canvas
instead of wood, as in Sillman's work. Further, Sillman's piece conveys a more spontaneous
approach of laying paint down on the canvas, including showing the underlayers of paint.

Bloom's: Analyze
Bloom's: Apply
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Examine paintings in terms of type, materials, and techniques used
Learning Objective: Understand the functions and development of paintings
Topic: oil
Topic: painting

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Chapter 07 - Painting

25. Consider Lam’s The Jungle and Sargent’s Mountain Stream. These works represent
views of nature. Explain how each artist uses the characteristics of his selected medium to
express or represent his subject and his view of nature.

Sargent’s Mountain Stream is an example of a classic watercolor technique, controlled yet

spontaneous in feeling. Lam uses gouache, a watercolor paint with white pigment, and
exploits both the transparent and opaque possibilities of this medium.

Bloom's: Analyze
Bloom's: Apply
Learning Objective: Examine paintings in terms of type, materials, and techniques used
Topic: John Singer Sargent
Topic: painting
Topic: watercolor and gouache

26. Discuss the medium employed in Saint Anthony Abbot Tempted by a Heap of Gold while
giving consideration to the historical period and the practice of using this medium. Give
examples of the technique the artist used in this painting and how the technique informed the
subject matter.

The artist, Master of the Osservanza, used tempera paint as his medium, illustrating episodes
from the life of Saint Anthony. Tempera was a popular medium in the early Renaissance, and
the artist built up the forms of his work slowly, through layers of precise brushwork, resulting
in a charming vision of what the artist perceived a desert must look like.

Bloom's: Analyze
Bloom's: Apply
Bloom's: Understand
Learning Objective: Examine paintings in terms of type, materials, and techniques used
Topic: Renaissance
Topic: painting
Topic: tempera

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McGraw-Hill Education.

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