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Colonising Australia (1788-1901)

Impact of Colonisation on Indigenous Australians

Comprehension Questions

Watch the video carefully and complete the comprehension questions and activities.

1. Prior to the British invasion in NSW

_____, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people had
an established way of life for more than __________ years.

2. Describe the Aboriginal belief system around water.

you had to clean the water before you could drink from it

3. Describe the British approach to land ownership.

close fence and divided partatures

4. Indigenous people were migratory and did not have conceptions of territory
True False

5. How was Indigenous knowledge and understanding about movement passed down
through generations?
a) Totems
b) Song and dance
c) Artwork
d) Written histories

6. For the Bundjalung people, what did the falling of bunya nuts indicate?
incated time to mirgate
7. Indigenous people were managing, or farming, the land, but the British failed to
recognise this because their methods were unlike those used in Europe.
True False

8. The book Dark Emu presents evidence that Australia had a ‘wheat __________’,
where __________ grains were found and harvested.

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Colonisation - Impact on Indigenous Australians | Comprehension Questions 2

9. Explain why diseases introduced by the British were devastating to Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander communities.
no local immuniety killed large amounts of people. dieseases that did not exist in aust
before brittish invasions

10. Which disease killed an estimated seventy percent of the Indigenous population?
a) Smallpox
b) Syphilis
c) Measles
d) Tuberculosis

19HIS03E © ClickView Pty Limited 2020 Reproducing these additional resources in Australia: If your school is covered by an agreement with Copyright Agency, you may copy and
share this resource for teaching purposes under that agreement. This may result in a payment to ClickView from Copyright Agency from copyright fees paid on behalf of Australian schools.

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