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Articles ( a_ an _ the _ no article )

a_ an
Uses Examples
1_ before singular nouns
a/ an + singular noun 1_ He is a teacher. 2_ It is an apple.
a/ an + adjective singular noun 3_ He is a great student. 4_ It is an old car.
a/ an + adverb + adjective + singular noun 5_ It is a very nice trip. She is a very good mother.
2_ To mention a person or a thing for the first 1_ I saw an old man with a dog.
time. 2_ When I was looking at the sky, I saw a bird.
3_ With exclamatory sentences 1_ What a nice story.
2_ What an awful day.
4_ in expressions of frequency 1_ She goes shopping once a week.
He travels three times a year.

Uses Examples
1_ when it is clear what you refer to 1_ Open the door.
2_ close the windows.
2_ when you talk about something or 1_ I saw an old man with a dog. The man was tall, and the dog looked happy.
somebody you have already mentioned. 2_ When I was looking at the sky, I saw a bird. The bird was flying fast.
3_ when there is only one of something 1_ the sun 2_ the moon 3_ the world 4_ the Earth
4_ with places in a town. 1_ I am going to the movies.
2_ I will go to the theater.
5_ with superlatives 1_ Paris is the best city.
2_ Socotra Island is the most beautiful island in the world.
6_ Specific things or people 1_ The students in this class are great.
2_ I loved the story that you bought me.

No Article
Uses Examples
1_ when speaking generally 1_ I love action movies.
2_ Men drive better than women.
2_ with some places 1_ I am at home.
2_ He is at work.
3_ With meals 1_ I have breakfast at 7:00.
2_ He ate his dinner late.
4_ days and months 1_ I will travel on Monday.
2_ She is arriving in June.
5_ before next and last I am going to travel next week.
2_ I went shopping last week.

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