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Q1. Which of the following STDs are not curable?

(NEET 2020)
(a) Genital herpes,hepatitis-B, HIV infection
(b) Chlamydiasis,Syphilis, genital warts
(c) HIV , gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis
(d) Gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis,hepatitis-B
Q2. Match the following columns and select the correct option
(NEET 2020)
from the codes given below.

A. Thyphoid 1. Haemophyilus
B. Malaria 2. Wuchereria bancrofti
C. Pneumonia 3. Plasmodium vivax
D. Filariasis 4. Salmonella typhi

3 1 2I (b) 3 4 2 1
(b) 1 3 2 4 (d) 1 2 4 3
(NEET 2020)
Q3. Which of the following conditions causes erythroblastosis foetalis?
(a) Mother Rh+ve and foetus Rh-ve
(b) Mother Rh-ve and foetus Rh+ve
(c) Both mother and foetus Rh-ve
(d) Both mother and foetus Rh+ve

Q4. Match the columns and select the correct option from the codes given below.
(NEET 2020)
A. Gout 1.Decreased levels of estrogen
B. Osteoporosis 2.Low Ca2+ ions in the blood
C. Tetany 3.Accumulation of Uric acid
D.Muscular dystrophy 4. Autoimmune disorder
Codes Codes
(a) 2 1 3 4 (b) 3 1 2 4
(c) 4 3 1 2 (d) 1 2 3 4
Q5.Presence of which of the following conditions in urine are
(NEET 2020)
indicative of diabetes mellitus?

a) Uremia and Renal calculi

b) Ketonuria and Glycosuria
c) Renal calculi and Hyperglycaemia
d) Uremia and Ketonuria
Q6. Select the options including all sexually transmitted diseases. (NEET 2020)

a) Gonorrhoea , Malaria, Genital herpes

b) AIDS, Malaria,Filaria
c) Cancer, AIDS,Syphilis
d) Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Genital herpes
(NEET 2020)
Q7. Select the correct match.

a) Phenylketonuria - Autosomal dominant trait

b) Sickle-cell anaemia - Autosomal recessive trait, chromosome-11
c) Thalassemia - X-linked
d) Haemophilia - Y-linked
Q8.Snow-blindness in Antarctic region is due to
(NEET 2020)
a) Inflammation of cornea due to high dose of UV-B radiation
b) High reflection of light from snow
c) Damage to retina caused by infrared rays
d) Freezing of fluids in the eye by low temperature
Q9. Match the columns and select the correct option
(NEET 2020)


A. Pituatory gland 1. Grave’s disease

B. Thyroid gland 2.Diabetes mellitus
C. Adrenal gland 3.Diabetes insipidus
D. Pancreas 4.Addison’s disease

a) 3 2 1 4
b) 3 1 4 2
c) 2 1 4 3
d) 4 3 1 2
Q10. Which of the following muscular disorders is inherited? (NEET 2019)
a)Muscular dystrophy b) Myasthenia gravis
c) Botulism d) Tetany
Q11. Match the following hormones with respective disease.
(NEET 2019)
A. Insulin (i) Addison’s disease
B. Thyroxin (ii)Diabetes insipidus
C. Corticoids (iii) Acromegaly
D. Growth hormone (iv) Goitre
(v) Diabetes mellitus

Select the correct option

a) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
b) (v) (iv) (i) (iii)
c) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
d) (v) (i) (ii) (iii)
Q12.Identify the correct pair representing the causative
(NEET 2019)
agent of typhoid fever and the confirmatory test for typhoid.
a) Streptococcus pnuemoniae / Widal test
b) Salmonella typhi / Anthrone test
c) Salmonella typhi / Widal test
d) Plasmodium vivax / UTI test
(NEET 2019)
Q13. Which of the following sexually transmitted disease is not curable?
a) Genital warts
b) Genital herpes
c) Chlamydiasis
d) Gonorrhoea
Q14. What is the genetic disorder in which an individual has
an overall masculine development gynaecomastia and is sterile? (NEET 2019)

a) Klinefelter’s syndrome
b) Edward syndrome
c) Down’s syndrome
d) Turner’s syndrome
(NEET 2019)
Q15.Kwashiorkor disease is due to
a) Simultaneous deficiency of protiens and fats
b) Simultaneous deficiency of protein and calories
c) Deficiency of carbohydrates
d) Protein deficiency not accompanied by calorie deficiency
(NEET 2019)
Q16.Which of the following diseases is an autoimmune disorder?
a) Myasthenia gravis b) Arthritis
c) Osteoporosis d)Gout
Q17. Which of the following sexually transmitted diseases (NEET 2019)
do not specifically affect reproductive organs?

a) Genital warts and Hepatitis-B

b) Syphilis and Genital herpes
c) AIDS and Hepatitis-B
d) Chlamydiasis and AIDS
Q18.Mad cow disease in cattle is caused by an organism which has (NEET 2019)
a) Inert crystalline structure
b) Abnormally folded protein
c) Free RNA without protein coat
d) Free DNA without protein coat
(NEET 2019)
Q19. In which genetic condition, each cell in the affected person, has
three sex chromosomes
a) Thalassemia b) Klinefelter’s syndrome
c) Phenylketonuria d) Turner’s syndrome
Q20. Which one of the following options correctly represents the lung
conditions in asthma and emphysema, respectively?
(NEET 2018)
a) Increased respiratory surface ;inflammation of bronchioles
b) Increased number of bronchioles; increased respiratory surface
c) Inflammation of bronchioles; decreased respiratory surface
d) Decreased respiratory surface; inflammation of bronchioles
Q21.Which of the following is an occupational respiratory disorder?
(NEET 2018)
a) Botulism b) Silicosis
c) Anthracis d) Emphysema
Q22. In which disease does mosquito transmitted (NEET 2018)
pathogen cause chronic inflammation of lymphatic vessels?
a)Ringworm disease b) Ascariasis
c) Elephantiasis d) Amoebiasis
Q23.Which of the following is not an autoimmune disease
(NEET 2018)
a)Alzheimer’s disease b) Rheumatoid arthiritis
c) Psoriasis d) Vitiligo
Q24. Match the following sexually transmitted diseases(Column-I) (NEET 2017)
with their causative agent (Column-II) and select correct option
(A) Gonorrhoea (i) HIV
(B) Syphilis (ii) Neisseria
(C)Genital warts (iii) Treponema
(D)AIDS (iv) Human Papilloma

(a) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) (b) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(c) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) (c) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
Q25. A disease caused by an autosomal primary non-disjunction is (NEET 2017)

a) Down’s syndrome
b) Klinefelter’s syndrome
c) Turner’s syndrome
d) Sickle-cell anaemia
Q26.Which of the following sets of diseases is caused by bacteria? (NEET 2016)
a) Cholera and tetanus
b) Typhoid and smallpox
c) Tetanus and mumps
d) Herpes and influenza
Q27.Grave’s disease is caused due to (NEET 2016)
a) hyposecretion of thyroid gland
b) Hypersecretion of thyroid gland
c) Hyposecretion of adrenal gland
d) Hypersecretion of adrenal gland
Q28. Osteoporosis, an age related disease of skeletal system, (NEET 2016)
May occur due to
a) Immune disorder affecting nueromuscular
Junction leading to fatigue
b) High concentration of Ca++ and Na+
c)Decreased level of oestrogen
d)Accumulation of uric acid leading to inflammation of joints
Q29. Which of the following is correct regarding AIDS causative agent HIV?(NEET 2016)
a) HIV is enveloped virus containing one molecule
of single-stranded RNA and one molecule
of reverse transcriptase
b) HIV is enveloped virus that contain two identical molecules
of single-stranded RNA and two molecules
of reverse transcriptase
c) HIV is unenveloped retrovirus
d) HIV does not escape but attacks the acquired immune response
Q30. Asthma may be attributed to (NEET 2016)
a) Allergic reaction to mast cell in the lungs
b) Inflammation of trachea
c) Accumulation of fluid in the lungs
d) Bacterial infection of the lungs
(NEET 2016)
Q31.Name the chronic respiratory disorder caused mainly
by cigarette smoking
a) Asthma
b) Respiratory acidosis
c) Respiratory alkalosis
d) Emphysema
Q32. Which of the following is not a sexually transmitted disease? (NEET 2015)
a) Syphilis
b) Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS)
c) Trichomoniasis
d) Encephalitis
Q33. HIV that causes AIDS, first start destroying (NEET 2015)
a) B-lymphocytes
b) Leucocytes
c) Helper T-lymphocytes
d) Thrombocytes
Q34. Match each disease with its correct type of vaccine. (NEET 2015)

A. Tuberculosis 1. Harmless virus
B. Whooping cough 2. Inactivated toxin
C. Diptheria 3. Killed bacteria
D. Polio 4. Harmless bacteria
a) 2 1 3 4 b) 3 2 4 1
c) 4 3 2 1 d) 1 2 4 3
Q35. Name the pulmonary disease in which alveolar surface area (NEET 2015)
Involved in gas exchange is drastically reduced due
to damage in the alveolar walls

a) Pleurisy b) Emphysema
c) Pneumonia d) Asthama
(NEET 2015)
Q36.Which of the following diseases is caused by protozoan?
b) Influenza
Q37.At which stage of HIV infection does one usually show (NEET 2014,2011)
symptoms of AIDS?
a) Within 15 days of sexual contact
with an infected person
b) When the infected retro virus enters
host cell
c) When HIV damages large number of
helper T-Lymphocytes
d) When the viral DNA is produced by
reverse transcriptase
Q38. Which of the following cannot be detected in a developing (NEET 2013)
foetus by amniocentesis?
a) Klinefelter’s syndrome b) Sex of the foetus
c) Down’s syndrome d) Jaundice
Q39.The incorrect statement with regard to Haemophilia is (NEET 2013)

a) It is a sex-linked disease
b) It is a recessive disease
c) It is a dominant disease
d) A single protein involved in the
clotting of blood is affected
(NEET 2012)
Q40. Widal test is carried out to test
a) Malaria b) diabetes mellitus
c) HIV/AIDS d)typhoid fever
Q41.Common cold differs from pneumonia in, that (NEET 2012)

a) Pneumonia is a communicable disease, whereas

the common cold is a nutritional deficiency disease
b) Pneumonia can be prevented by a live attenuated
bacterial vaccine, whereas the common cold
has no effective vaccine
c)Pneumonia is caused by a virus, while the common
is caused by the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae
d) Pneumonia pathogen infects alveoli, whereas the
common cold affects nose and respiratory
passage but not the lungs
Q42. A patient brought to hospital with a myocardinal infarction
(NEET 2012)
is normally immediately given

a) Penicillin b) streptokinase
c) Cyclosporin –A d) statins
Q43.Anxiety and eating spicy food together in an otherwise (NEET 2012)
normal human, may lead to
a) Indigestion b)jaundice
c) Diarrhoea d) vomiting
Q44.Cirrhosis of liver is caused by the chronic intake of (NEET 2012)
a) Opium b) alcohol
c) Tobacco d) cocaine
Q45. Select the correct statement regarding the specific disorder (NEET 2012)
of muscular or skeletal system
a) Muscular dystrophy- Age related shortening of muscles
b) Osteoporosis – decrease in bone mass and higher chances
of fractures with advancing age
c) Myasthenia gravis- auto immune disorder which inhibits
sliding myosin filaments
d) Gout- inflammation of joints due to extra deposition of calcium
Q46. Represented below is the inheritance pattern of a certain type (NEET 2012)
of traits in humans. Which one of the following conditions could be
an example of this pattern?

a) Phenylketonuria b) Sickle-cell anaemia

c) Haemophilia d) Thalassemia
Q47. The first clinical gene therapy was given for treating (NEET 2012)

a) Diabetes mellitus
b) Chicken pox
c) Rheumatoid arthiritis
d) Adenosine deaminase deficiency
Q48.A certain patient is suspected to be suffering from acquired (NEET 2011)
immuno deficiency syndrome. Which diagnostic technique will
you recommend for its detection?
a) MRI b) Ultra sound
(NEET 2011)
Q49. Which one of the following option gives the correct
matching of a disease with its Causative organism
and mode of infection?
Disease Causative Mode of
organism infection
a) Typhoid Salmonella typhi With inspired air

b) Pneumonia Streptococcus Droplet infection


c)Elephantiasis Wuchereria Infected water

bancrofti and food

d) Malaria Plasmodium Bite of male

vivax Anopheles mosquito
Q50. Common cold is not cured by antibiotics because it is (NEET 2011)
a) Caused by a virus
b) Caused by a Gram positive bacteria
c) Caused by a Gram negative bacteria
d) Not an infectious disease
Q51. Ringworm in humans is caused by (NEET 2010)
a)Bateria b) fungi
c)Nematodes d) viruses
(NEET 2010)
Q52.Widal test is used for the diagnosis of
a) Malaria
b) Pneumonia
c) Tuberculosis
d) Typhoid
Q53. Which one of the following statements is correct
with respect to AIDS?

a) The HIV can be transmitted through eating food together

with an infected person
b) Drug addicts are least susceptible to HIV infection
c) AIDS patient are being fully cured cent percent
with proper care and nutrition
d) The causative HIV retrovirus enters helper T-lymphocytes
thus reducing their numbers

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