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Kevin Ruiz.

learning problems

Learning disabilities are disorders that can affect a person's ability to acquire, understand,
organize, store, or use oral and non-oral information. These disorders affect the learning of
individuals who have an average or above average level of intelligence.

learning disorders

Many children may struggle in school with regard to some subject or skill from time to
time. When children are struggling and still struggling with a specific set of skills, this could
be a sign of a learning disorder. Having a learning disorder means that a child has difficulty
in one or more areas of learning, even though their motivation or overall intelligence is not
Some of the symptoms of learning disorders are the following:

-Difficulty distinguishing between right and left

-Reversing letters, words, or numbers after first or second grade

-Difficulty recognizing patterns, or classifying objects by size or shape

-Difficulty understanding and following directions, or staying organized

-Difficulty remembering what was just said or what was just read

-Lack of coordination when moving

-Difficulty performing tasks with your hands, such as writing, cutting, or drawing

-Difficulty understanding the concept of time

-Some examples of learning disorder are:

-Dyslexia: difficulty with reading.

-Dyscalculia: difficulty with mathematics.

-Dysgraphia: difficulty with writing.

Children with learning disorders may become frustrated that they cannot master a subject
despite their best efforts, and may act out, feel helpless, or withdraw. Learning disorder
can also present with behavioral or emotional disorders, such as attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or anxiety. The combination of problems can make it
particularly difficult for a child to succeed in school. The proper diagnosis of each disorder
is crucial so that the child can receive the correct help for each one.

Treatments for learning disorders

Children with learning disorders often need additional specialized help and instruction.
Having a learning disorder may make the child eligible for special educational services at
school. Typically, schools conduct their own learning disorder screenings to see if the child
needs intervention. An evaluation by a health professional is necessary if there are other
concerns about the child's behavior or emotions. Parents, health care providers, and the
school can work together to find the right professional help and treatment.

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