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I.Write the Spelling of given letters.(A to Z spelling).

1) H -___________ 2) E -___________ 3) M - ___________

4) T - ___________ 5) Z - ___________
II. Write the Opposite. (5)
5) different × __________ 6) stay × __________ 7) ugly ×__________

8) good × __________ 9) happy ×__________

III. Match the correct sentence. (4)
10) Lara has i) busy collecting nuts.
11) Tom is ii) on a banyan tree.
12) A Mynah can iii) three babies.
13) Lara and Tom live iv) sing beautifully.
IV. Underline the action words. (4)
14) Nina is reading.
15) Reema is planting small plants.
16) Ajay is driving his scooter.
17) Sandeep is talking to his father.
V. Add 'ed' (4)
18) name + ed - ________ 19) ask + ed - ________

20) chirp + ed -________ 21) sneak + ed - ________

VI. Write birds name. (4)
22) _____________ 23) _____________

24) _____________ 25) _____________

VII. Answer the following. (4)
26) Who lived in the same banyan tree ?
Ans - ________________________________________.
27) In which season did Lara lay eggs ?
28) Who got ready to pounce on the little bird?
Ans - __________________________________________.

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