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Indonesia is well known as a wonderful country with more than a hundred

languages, ethnic, and culture. The various culture in Indonesia (from Sabang to
Merauke) is one of the reason that Indonesian culture will never run out to learn.

But in this era, many Indonesians do not want to learn about Indonesian
culture and prefer to learning about foreign culture to follow the trends. In fact, there
are many Indonesian cultures that are very interesting to learn. One example is
learning about the history of Indonesia. Therefore, let's learning about one of the
histories in Indonesia, which is the culture of Minangkabau; West Sumatra.

Minangkabau is one of the beautiful ethnic in Indonesia from West Sumatra.

Reporting from, Minangkabau is a combination of two words,
namely "Minang" which mean “menang” (win) and "kabau" which mean “Kerbau”
(buffalo). The word “minang” was originally a way of pronouncing the word “manang”
from the local people which mean “kemenangan” (victory). So the word
“Minangkabau” has the meaning of The Winning Buffalo.

The meaning of “Minangkabau” is also related to the dispute between the two
major kingdoms in the area. The Majapahit Kingdom came to control the territory of
the Pagaruyung Kingdom. When both sides were ready to fight, Pagaruyung offered
diplomacy. There are three forms of diplomacy offered and one of them is “Adu
Kerbau” (a buffalo fight). At the battle of the buffalo, the Majapahit Kingdom brought
a big and aggressive buffalo. Meanwhile, the Pagaruyung Kingdom only brought a
calf. However, unexpectedly the calf was able to defeat the big buffalo from the
Based on Retno Widyastuti's book entitled “Persamaan di Dalam Perbedaan
Budaya” (Equality in Cultural Differences), it turns out that the Pagaruyung Kingdom
has a clever idea, they put a knife in each calf's horn. So that when the calf enters
the battle area, they immediately chased the Majapahit’s big buffalo which they
thougt was their mother. Finally, the big buffalo died with a stomach that had been
torn apart and the buffalo fight was won by the Pagaruyung Kingdom. Because the
Minang buffalo won the battle, the word “Manang Kabau” appeared and became the
name of the “Nagari” or village.
In an effort by local residents to commemorate this historic event, they set up
an attic house (Rangkiang) where the roof follows the shape of a buffalo horn.
According to history, the house was built on the border where Majapahit was treated
with respect by the beautiful Pagaruyung’s woman. However, the meaning of
“Winning” (as the meaning of the “Minang”) and “Buffalo” (the meaning of the word
“Kabau”) is not just "winning" in a buffalo fight but furthermore "the victory of human
nature over animals". Because, there are many expressions that compare the word
Minang with Kabau.
The connection between the Minangkabau people and the buffalo can be
seen from the various cultural identities of the Minangkabau people, such as the roof
of their traditional house which is shaped like a buffalo horn. Likewise with
Minangkabau women's traditional clothing called the “Tanduak Kabau” dress.
However, from several sources, it is stated that the name “Minangkabau”
existed long time before the buffalo fight took place, where the previous terms were
“Minangkabwa”, “Minangkamwa”, “Minangatamwan”, and “Phinangkabhu”. The term
“Minangkamwa” or “Minangkamba” means the Minang (river) and Kembar (twin)
which refers to the two “Kampar Rivers”, namely Kampar Kiri (Left Kampar) and
Kampar Kanan (Right Kampar) Rivers. While the term Minangatamwan which refers
to the Kampar River is indeed mentioned in the “Kedukan Bukit” inscription where it
is stated that the founder of the Sriwijaya Kingdom named “Dapunta Hyang” made a
mass migration from the upper Kampar River (Minangatamwan) which is located
around the area of Fifty Cities, West Sumatra.
Based on which was taken in the Ensiklopedia Pelajar dan Umum
(Student and General Encyclopedia) and written by Gamal Komandoko, the Minang
tribe itself comes from two main tribes, the “Koto Piliang” tribe founded by Datuak
Katumanggungan and the “Bodi Chaniago” tribe founded by Datuak Parpatiah nan
Sabatang. The two tribes developed into many tribes over time. Among them are the
tribes of Tanjuang, Chaniago, Koto, Piliang, Guci, Simabur, Sikumbang, Jambak,
This wealth of culture and tradition can be seen at the Sikek Pandai Festival
which has been held on 27-28 August 2022. Reported by Kompasiana, dozens of
tambua (West Sumatra’s traditional drums) musicians show off their skills in
enlivening the procession of a thousand songkets. From adults to children, they wear
neat traditional clothes with dominant colors of red, black, and yellow. And women
wear songket cloth with various motifs and patterns of Pandai Sikek.
There are many cultures (in Indonesia) that we can learn, including the history
that made our country stand strong like this. There are also many ways to preserve
Indonesian culture. Just remember, preserving is not difficult. Starting with love for
our beloved homeland, and then we will be able to preserve and make the world fall
in love with Wonderful Indonesia.
Penulis : Neiza Sukeu Putri
Alamat : Jetis, 002/001, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta.
NO. WA : 0877-8140-0999

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