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Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade IV- Mathematics

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the pupils should be able to:
a.) identify the difference of solving similar and dissimilar fractions;
b.) find the sum and difference of the given fraction;
c.) perform the right procedure in solving similar and dissimilar fractions.
II. Subject Matter

a.) Topic – Adding similar and dissimilar of Fractions.

b.) References – G-Math Intermediate Algebra pp. 120-125
c.) Materials-visual aids, pictures, activity sheets.
III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary

Good afternoon class! Good afternoon, Teacher!

Can I ask Jenica to lead the prayer? Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed
be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will
be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us
this day our daily bread; and forgive us our
trespasses as we forgive those who
trespass against us; and lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil. Hail
Mary, full of grace.
Ok, take your seats.
Thank you, ma’am! (Sitting Down)

B. Lesson Proper
What was your lesson yesterday class? We tackled about what is fractions ma’am.

Very good! for today’s discussion, we are Yes ma’am!

going to tackle about adding similar and
dissimilar fractions. Are you guys ready?

Ok, let’s start.

C. Motivation

Now, I am going to show you a flashcard Yes, ma’am!

and you will guess if it is similar and
The students will recite if they know the
The teacher will let the student to recite and answer.
pick one if no one will recite.
1. 5/9 + 2/3
2. 5/3 + 2/3
3. 2/3 + 1/5
4. ¾ +¼
5. ½ + 5/7
6. 11/5 + 8/5
7. 5/11 +3/5
8. 3/7 +1/7

Dissimilar ma’am.
Ken, what is the answer in number 1?
Yes, very good! Similar ma’am.

How about number 2 Francis?

Precisely! Dissimilar ma’am.

Number 3 joy?
Right! Similar ma’am.

Number 4 Heinz?
You got it right! I think dissimilar ma’am.

How about number 5 Rochelle?

Very good! Similar ma’am.

How about number 6 Jaquelyn?

Brava! Dissimilar ma’am.

And number 7 Kristine?

Excellent! Similar ma’am.

And last number Angel?

D. Discussion

Now, I will discuss to you how to

solve adding a fraction with similar Yes ma’am!
and dissimilar fractions. Are you guys

Who wants to define similar Similar fractions have the sane

fraction? denominator.
Yes, Rochelle!
Very good!
Dissimilar fractions have the same
What about the dissimilar fraction? denominator.
Yes, Vea!

So now, to add and subtract similar

and dissimilar fraction, simply
simplify by adding or subtracting the
numerator then copy the

For example.

1. 8/x+5 + x-4/x+5

Since the denominator is the

same, just simply copy the
denominator then simplify.

= 5/ 12 + 2/ 12
=5+2/ 12 Yes ma’am! (Answering in unison)

Did you all get it class?

Ok, very good! Now let’s proceed to adding
dissimilar fraction.

Example number 2.
Least Common Denominator ma’am!
2. 2/4 + 2/3=? (Answering in unison)

Now, we have dissimilar denominator. What

we need to do is to get the LCD first, what
does LCD means class?
It is 12 ma’am.
Yes! Precisely!

Now to get the LCD, we need to have the

same number of 4 and 3. What is that
number Emman?
Yes, you’re absolutely right!

Now that we have the LCD, we can now

solve the given.

1. 2/4 + 2/3=?
=2+2/12 It is 4 ma’am.
= 4/12
Now, we have the answer but we can still
make it smaller we just need to divide the
enumerator and denominator with their
common number to make it smaller. And
what number is that, Angel?

Yes ma’am!

= 4/12 / 4/4 Yes ma’am!

= 1/3
Now, is our lesson clear guys?

Did you all understand it?

Ok, very good!

E. Generalization
Are there any questions? Regrading to last problem Ma’am. Do we
always factor out the given?
Yes, Heinz!

No! it’s up to the given if it is

factorable or not. Thank you, Ma’am.

Is it clear now? Yes, Ma’am!

Who wants to summarize the

today’s lesson?
In adding and subtracting similar fraction,
Yes, Jenica! simply add or subtract the numerator then
copy the denominator
Very Good!

F. Application

From this time class, I want you to

solve here in the board.

Number 1.
Yes, Bernadette!

1. ½ + 2/ 4 1. ½ + 2/ 4
= 1+2/4
Number 2. (Raising their hands)
Yes Maricel!

2. 3/2 + 3/3 + 2/4 2. 3/2 + 3/3 + 2/4 LCD: 12

= 3+3+2 / 12
= 8/12 / 4/4
= 2/ 3
Thank you, Bernadette, and
Very Good!

IV. Evaluation
Find the sum.

1. 1/4 and 1/2

2. 2/3 and 1/4
3. 1/6 and 3/4
4. 4/5 and ¾
5. 1/6, 2/9, and 5/18
V. Assignment
Find the sum.
1. Rachel rode her bike for one-fifth of a mile on Monday and two-fifths of a
mile on Tuesday. How many miles did she ride altogether?
2. John walked 1/2 of a mile yesterday and 3/4 of a mile today. How many miles
has John walked?
3. Mary is preparing a final exam. She studies 3/2 hours on Friday, 6/4 hours on
Saturday, and 2/3 hours on Sunday. How many hours she studied over the

Prepared by:
BEED 2-2

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